Making Flipper Zero Ultra with RogueMaster Firmware

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[Music] foreign world and welcome to hacks in this video we're going to be looking at more custom flipper zero firmware in the form of the Rogue Master firmware I just want to say thank you for all the views on my other videos I've been quite blown back by just how many views I've been getting it's phenomenal if you don't know what the Rogue Master firmware is it's slightly Unleashed firmware it's custom it's full of community applications and it just adds a bunch of new functionality to The Flipper zero in order to get started installing the firmware all you need to do is head to your favorite browser go to Google and type in flipper zero Rogue Master firmware spell that wrong but never mind it should be the top link the Rogue Master is the developer and the firmware and head to the GitHub page now as you can see there it's regularly updated the latest update being 12 hours ago and we've got a bunch of files and folders here but what we need to look for is we need to look for the releases page it's usually at the top on GitHub on the right hand side you can see there's seven releases just click on that and then scroll down until you find the download links for the individual files and you'll see there we've got a zip a source code and a turbo all you need to do is just download the zip and that will download to your downloads directory once the files finished downloading heads to the directory where you saved it whether it's in downloads or whatnot and then you should see you have your file there all you need to do is right click and click extract all and extract it to wherever you want to extract it and you'll see there we've got all the files inside the next thing you need to do is you need to connect your flipper 0 to your computer via the USBC cable wait for it tipping and then Open up The Flipper application you want to make sure that your flipper is up to date so you can click on the install on the latest update and you'll probably want to back up before you do an fnr spy clicking backup okay so the next thing you want to do is you want to go into the file manager on the flipper and you want to head to the update directory so you can see there you've got apps bad USB dolphin but you want to go into update then you want to go into the file that you downloaded jump up a directory and grab the whole file and then just drag it in to the update directory and then you'll see you'll get a progress bar and once that's done we'll be ready foreign [Music] has been uploaded head back to the home and click on your flipper and you may want to pick it up at this point because it's probably going to be easier but if you just press down and left you'll see that you have a far browser with all your different files available now if you could go into the update directory you can see that that's the directory that we've uploaded if we click into that directory and we click on update and we do run in application and then we use the right arrow to click install once the flipper 0 reconnects to your computer you should be greeted with a lovely picture of Goku in Ultra Instinct mode saying that the Rogue Master firmware update was a success then all you have to do is press ok then there's a link to their Discord code feel free to go ahead and join that I'm sure it's a buzzing Community you'll see we have a bunch of new custom animations and here's a little trick for you if you press and hold down the center button for a couple of seconds it will pause and you'll get different animations we've got Nyan Cat there sometimes it lags out sometimes it's a bit hard to make heads or tails of it I believe that's Kirby I believe that's Doctor Who that looks like a nice pattern almost like a solar system not sure what that is those that Beyblades looks like we got a Defcon logo there and not sure what that is this one is one of my favorites if I'm being honest I think it's from reboot but I'm not entirely sure it looks like hexadecimal if you don't know what reboot is it was one of the first animated series and we're talking like before Pixar animated series and it was about computer programs essentially uh it was just awesome it's hard to explain but they lived in a city called Mainframe there was a guardian and he needed to mend and defend it was fantastic yes I should be on YouTube If you fancy giving it a go if it's your type of thing there are a lot more others but let's get into it let's look at what editions these firmware's have made if you can see at the top there as well looks like it's an entirely different sort of battery icon and SD card there's like a sort of cyberpunk graphic going in between them but if we fire at the main menu you can see we've got a clock it seems to be set by the computer that updated it again and we can go down to sub gigahertz see if we got any new options there we've got read read raw saved add manually frequency analyzer I believe we had this before test sub gigahertz remote Touch Tunes brute and map Universal in the RFID see got some extra actions there I'm not sure if this is part of the default firmware or whether this is something else because most of the additional stuff seems to be in the actual folders themselves but you can see we've got our NFC options there extra actions possibly um May Fire classic Keys unlock and tag ultralight and manually debug infrared you can see we've got some universal remotes there so we've got TVs like that I should bring up the remote we got audio seems like the same from the Unleashed firmware fans air conditioning yeah not much change there gpio we've got some cool goodies in there got your standard I button we can save manually got your bad USB it gives you a warning to say that we're connected with the flipper thing open so if we unplugged it we'd be able to see that but normally what happens is you get a list of all the different payloads that you've got very good UTF again connected with the flipper open but that's just your two-factor authentication and I'll have a quick look in settings Bluetooth we can turn it on or off part with your phone rcd and notifications at the brightness the backlight time again this is all fairly standard stuff that comes that comes with the standard flipper zero anyway but you can see the profile looks a bit different it's got a dragon ball in the left hand corner and some vines coming away from it okay let's look in the applications starting with games you can see they've got 2048 uh not sure how to really play this but hey got arcanoids again which I'm evidently atrocious of yep I'm sorry uh we got my favorite Doom [Music] again this runs buttery smooth like I'm really surprised that the developer managed to get it working so well so cool just gonna kill this imp quickly oh it's going down 76 half and he's dead then we can pick up something there cool got a dice game where you can just roll and you can select the D20 D100 sex uh pet nipple oh okay that's cool okay see that you can only press left um it would be nice if you could press right as well okay that's pretty cool it's got like an eight ball on there some other D dice so if you're doing like Dungeons and Dragons or something like that you need to roll a dice you could use a flipper that's pretty cool I like that uh Flappy Bird played this with the Unleashed firmware again I'm absolutely awful at this game but hey you know better to have it and need it than need it and not have it not that I think you would ever need Flappy Bird in any situation but if you're on the train or if you're waiting for a meeting why not just play a bit of Flappy Bird you got the Game of Life um I'm not sure how this works I think isn't this where it just mimics like subdivision or something like that and you can sort of put bits everywhere and it like generates a pattern based on how you do your cell division or something to that effect [Music] no idea what this is [Music] you zoom into it looks like fractuals right so when you zoom into each bit it's like a fractal got Minesweeper press play game over I hit a mine let's try again okay so we know isn't mine now can we how do we put a flag on it do we just I'm not gonna try and press anything uh two there so four oh that's dangerous yeah I never really was good at mine sweeper Monty Hill um right switch reveal yeah no idea I know that's based on that new number number game though isn't it they talk about it in the film 21 where I think it's 21 where they talk about how your odds increase it's quite weird you got your snake yum uh Tampa P1 Tamma P1 no ROM okay not sure what's going on there uh if you get stuck in menus just hold the back button and press left and it should bring you back out Tetris tic-tac-toe video poker that's cool I love the uh ASCII art for the flipper place but cool zombies again ah they got me got chess uh it looks like that might have just crashed my flipper so no to the developer there looks like that just crashed let's increase that you can see that okay fair enough oh you've got a different art there okay let's go back and check out the rest of the games applications games there's a lot more games than there were on the Unleashed software okay I think I died there but yeah I remember playing something like this for the Atari or the amstrad yeah and I think that's it that's it for the games we can see there's a lot more than there were than there was sorry on the Unleashed firmware uh so if we go back into applications we can go down to miscellaneous now you can see we got a calculator that's pretty cool although it is horizontal you'd have to flip your flipper uh DTMF dolphin I got no idea what this is okay it looks like some sort of blue box device oh there is a blue box there okay that's cool oh can you do ring tones off it then and get like three calls like phone freaking got a nice Jiggler multi-converter decimal to hex and then you change the value to different values you got a paint application which is pretty cool makes them ASCII art there or some pixel art I still haven't looked into what that does um UPC a generator it's just a barcode generator USB mouse okay so I looked like that were at that time but I wasn't sure what to do Caesar Cipher see if you don't know what a Caesar Cipher is it's like a substitution Cipher you you switch one character further down the line and then that allows you to encrypt data and things like that got an authenticator use arrow keys to set pin let's go okay those are some applications in the miscellaneous let's go into tools you've got a Bluetooth remote and you can select it for various different things like keyboards media and mouse you've got dolphin backup to back up your files dolphin restore Pico Pass reader I'm not sure what that is RFID fuzzer we've seen this before so we can just start fuzzing with the various different types of rfids you can see they've got em4100 hid procs and it's just like an increased value probably take forever to actually fuzz anything but you never know signal generator don't really want to start playing with that not sure entirely what it is Spectrum analyzer foreign TZ brute forcer you can brute force your different sub gigahertz and it'll go through the different frequencies so gigahertz playlist example Tesla okay so I think that is the module or the application that will allow you to open the charge port on Tesla it's not like you should be doing that unless unless it's your Tesla or somebody you know USB keyboard okay that disconnects The Flipper again let's come back out there obviously because it's emulating USB so that was interesting uh go back into applications got some gpio options here you got Wi-Fi Marauder the author Wi-Fi Dior first so these won't work unless you have a Wi-Fi module installed you can buy that on the website though but the offer will dealt uh clients from a wireless access point a mouse Jacker sniffer scanner all things that require GPI opens in music no this is good if we go into we did have a music player I believe and then yeah so we got various different things so we can play Doom [Music] go back into the music player we've got loads of different ones we've got Evangeline [Music] James Bond [Music] Tetris take on me Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Music] Mario Brothers everything you could ever want and you can obviously get your own for these and do it yeah but that's pretty much it um music main yeah so this added a lot of functionality giving you a lot more stuff to play with and if you get like a breakout board like gpio then that will add a lot more functionality to it but anyway I hope you liked this video I hope it was informative and helped you get your Rogue Master firmware installed of course make a backup and be prepared you know to end up buying a new one if something goes horribly wrong but yeah I will test out some more features and make some more videos later kind regards
Channel: HaXeZ
Views: 77,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flipper Zero, Custom Firmware, RogueMaster, Rogue Master, Firmware, Hacking, Cybersecurity, Information Security, Infosec, Hardware, Gadget, cybersecurity, learn, programming, coding, malware, analysis, dark web, how to learn cybersecurity, beginners hacking, hacker, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, cyber security, pentester, infosec how to, offensive security, how to start hacking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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