I FIXED Warhammer's Saint Celestine - Epic 40K Diorama Conversion!

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forgive me Lord emperor for I have sinned I I dare not speak it aloud but I must confess with all my heart and my soul I pledge to thee I do not like the saint Celestine model you dare to question the icon of the holy Saint no never never but it just could be a lot better well with your idol hands sister whittle a new Vestige in the image of the saint of the emperor are you saying I should paint a mini yes oh sick all right let's go it's tabletop time and I'm Jen and today I'm going to be doing a project that I've actually done once before I'm going to be giving Saint Celestine a bit of a glow up now Games Workshop have released some really cool models recently these really Dynamic display sort of pieces and St Catherine has one that I think is absolutely boss but Saint Celestine doesn't have an awesome diorama she is just a model on a base I think she deserves more than that I think she deserves something that would be close to a masterpiece and I think I have the image in mind that I want to recreate so join me on this awesome Journey as I take one of my favorite characters and turn them into a really awesome diorama piece [Music] so like most of the projects I end up tackling I always want to do a mock-up in Photoshop it's pretty common practice for me so this was definitely a good place to start the first thing I did was get the reference image that I wanted to use which was this gorgeous piece of Saint Celestine burning these kind of Living Dead sort of beings with a bunch of sisters of battle behind her I have loved this image ever since I knew who Saint Celestine was and I knew that this is the inspiration I wanted to recreate for her base [Music] foreign now it's time to get started with the actual diorama and luckily enough we had a couple of these cake bases still laying around now these look deceptively small but in hindsight these are freaking huge this was going to be a massive diorama and I probably gave myself way too much work but in the end I think it's gonna look pretty sick and I was excited to get started first thing I did was make sure that I had enough cork board to cover this base while starting this project I had consulted with Dave a couple of times and we both agreed that the diorama needed a little bit of verticality Celestine should be high up on a peak and shouldn't just be sort of flying around down the bottom this meant I need to make a couple of layers of cork board in order to create that verticality foreign [Music] was looking it was time to start making the slots where my sisters would sit I just traced around 40 millimeter bases around the cork board and started putting it all together super gluing bits where I needed and just making sort of a weird hot podge of just Corky mess it worked really well in the end because cork board is pretty good for making a rocky terrain so I wasn't too worried about gluing pieces together or looking a bit janky at some points after getting my hands completely covered in super glue and sliding in the base as it was finally done but it was looking like I had used a lot of cork board this just looks like a cookie cutter mess but it was worth it and I could glue these pieces in later on if I needed to fill any holes so I wasn't too upset about it to really ensure that the cork board was going to stick together through the layers of super glue I just put on a layer of mod podge in water to really strengthen the bond between the cork boards on top of this I added a bit of sand for texture and it just gave this 24 hours to dry [Music] foreign it was time to start creating the characters that would be the zombies or the living dead that were at the very bottom of my base and luckily enough we actually had a couple of these Idols of Torment minis laying around these guys were just plain old peasants and some of them were actually missing limbs so they were going to be absolutely perfect for this project so a big thank you to Black Magic craft for sacrificing your minis for my awesome diorama these guys are absolutely perfect after making up a couple of these minis I decided they looked a little bit too human and I was getting this vibe that Celestine was just birding random people so I needed to make them a little bit more evil I decided to cut off parts of their face and see if I could put their skull in front of it kind of giving them a more zombie or Living Dead sort of look this was a pretty rough job just cutting off the faces and the skulls but I thought it looked pretty cool in the end they'd be covered in Flames as well so I wasn't too worried about the end result foreign once I was happy with my little horde of zombies I glued them all in and gave them a nice layer of sand to marry them into the base so I originally got the fall of Katia kit when it was released a couple of years ago so I've already built and painted Saint Celestine in her Gemini before but I knew after my years of experience and learning how to become a better painter that I could do her some justice since lasting after all is one of my favorite sister characters so I definitely wanted to tackle this project again and see what I could come up with we had these undresser wings that I was so stoked on using these are even more gorgeous in person and they were gonna work absolutely perfect for this model so I popped these out and got to work on modifying the backpack where they would sit nicely on her back [Music] after giving my base 24 hours to dry it was time to give it a little bit more love I really wanted to make sure the space is in between the cork board were looking more cohesive they had a couple of gaps that I wanted to fill so I just added a bit of dark Earth terrain to make sure these were sticking together nicely [Music] next up was creating the ball and chain that would sit on Saint celestine's feet now there was one for each foot so I needed to make both anklets chains and balls that would go on them pulling up the green stuff I knew I could make the anklets pretty easily out of it I wrapped the green stuff around a small paintbrush just to make sure it kept its structural stability [Music] I honestly wasn't super happy with how this spiky ball turned out it looked kind of weird and the size was completely wrong luckily enough though I was able to find a plastic spiky ball from another kit so I began the process of casting my little spiky ball in Silicon I actually really enjoyed this casting process this something really fun about it and it's seeing the final results as well I was super stoked with how it came out [Music] [Music] [Music] so why say in Celestine why is she one of my favorite models and one of my favorite characters from the 40K Universe there's just something about the concept of a living angel that can truly never die that really creates an awesome story Saint Celestine was one of the first 40K models that I ever saw when I started getting into the hobby she had her first pewter model released around about 15 years ago and it depicted her standing there very solemnly with two doves and her sword and her golden armor this would be reflected on a lot of the lore and the future models to come her sword is an iconic piece of her armor that I definitely wanted to include in this build in 2016 Games Workshop released a box kit called Gathering storm full of Cadia this is where Saint Celestine would get her first plastic model should also be accompanied by two Gemini sisters this box also included Inquisitor gray facts which I might actually add to my diorama later on I've talked a little bit about Celestine in a couple of other videos especially in the cathedral build she's a character that I think deserves a lot of love from the 40K Universe And while I do like her model I do think it needs a little bit of upgrading which is why I decided to start this project she still holds very strong end of the 40K universe and is highly regarded in the sisters of battle as well at this point in the project I was pretty happy with how my base was looking but I knew it needed a little something more now I wasn't gonna go ahead and start mucking around with wiring but I definitely wanted to include some LEDs so after a bit of research and planning I decided I'd give a shot at trying to get some of these tea lights to work underneath the base first things first was to open these bad boys up and see what was going on underneath [Music] thank you after prying and pulling away the plastic I was able to find the LED and the little base that it sat on however these were kind of a lot more flimsy than I was hoping for it's a really simple connection that makes the light turn on and off and I was a little bit worried about how this would sit in the base but for now I knew that these would work pretty well so I decided to rip a couple of these apart and keep them to the side for the project with the LEDs ready to go it was time to start drilling into the base to make the holes now this probably would have been easier to do at the start but I did not have the hindsight and this is my first time even attempting something like this so I just went for it and tried my best also in hindsight it probably would have been better to use a Dremel but I've had a couple of really bad experiences with dremels and I'm a little bit scared of using power tools so bear with me I'm trying my best and I'm trying to Branch out and give new things a go it probably took around an hour for me to dick out all of the stuff that was under this cork board where the LEDs would be sitting but I think it was worth it in the end next time I will def definitely try using a Dremel because I feel like it was the perfect tool for this job but I just didn't use it this time with everything finally in place it was time to start painting up my diorama I gave it a quick spray of a gray primer and dry brushed on some light gray on top I really wanted the diorama to represent the mood that was showing in the artwork this meant keeping everything dark with tones of red and purple in it it was time to move back onto my models and I just gave them a quick spray of Chaos Black primer foreign [Music] Celestine there were a couple of things I knew I wanted to keep the same and a couple I wanted to change the first thing was her gold armor I definitely wanted to keep this the same and I wanted to try my non-metallic metal technique I knew I'd come pretty far from doing this a couple of years ago so I really wanted to do it on this model and show how much progress I had made the other thing I wanted to ensure was to keep the colors of our mother lady within Saint Celestine in the model The Games Workshop provide they add a couple of different colors and they also change her hair color now I'm not a huge fan of this I wanted to really keep the Reds that our mother lady has and as well keep her signature white hair these are just personal choices that I have that I'm used to with the artwork that I've seen so I really wanted this to reflect clearly in my piece once I was happy with how Celestine was looking I went through with all of the other pieces and just set down the bass tones before moving on foreign [Music] moving on to the two Gemini that she has with her and I painted these pretty much in the same style as well keeping to the our mother lady and non-metallic metal theme foreign [Music] [Music] and of course learning from my previous lessons I couldn't forget to drill out their barrels so I made sure to do this early on early on so with all of my bass Trends set it was time to start creating some highlights and some Shadows within the models I was really excited to use my kind of weird painterly non-metallic metal style I'd shown this off before in the Riven Stone project that we did a couple of months back so I was excited to replicate it here for this particular model and copying the artwork I needed to make sure that my yellows were the correct kind of gold they needed to have this ready undertone with them so that they would fit cohesively into the diorama celestine's always kind of been portrayed with this brassy gold sort of armor despite the fact that her armor is distinctively gold so I really wanted to incorporate this and I was pretty happy with how the results turned out foreign herself didn't have a whole lot of silver on her her Gemini did this included the wings on their backpack their swords and their guns again keeping him with the non-metallic metal theme I just went through and did the exact same process that I had done for a gold finding a mid-tone a highlight and a shadow and going through and placing these where appropriate then just coming back through blending them all in and adding that little pop of shine where needed now on the Games Workshop box they had painted the Gemini's hair in two different colors black and white but having painted sisters for such a long time now I decided I just wanted to keep their hair wide it's uniform and it just looks good and it makes sense to me so I was gonna paint their hair completely white I went with pinky tones this time however just to sort of keep with the theme of the diorama and the models would all match nicely now the little ball and chains that I had made before came out perfect and they're so adorable tiny and cute and I actually just love these I'm really proud with how these came out I gave them a quick non-metallic metal silver paint job just to give the emphasis of well metal and then attached them to Saint celestine's feet this was a bit of a bugger to do they were kind of flimsy and they were so small and hard to put on but after a bit of perseverance I got them on and they look awesome David mentioned how he actually didn't like how the ball and chain moved back and forth on her feet but I actually kind of love this adds a little bit of movement to the piece and I think it's kind of cool it was time to tackle These Wings and I knew I wanted to crack out the airbrush for this we've gotten this awesome one from Nerdy crafter that I really wanted to try and jazza had boosted how easy it was to use so surely it was foolproof even for me looking at the artwork that I was taking inspiration from the wings went more of a blue tone but personal choice got the better of me and I decided to go to more of a purple to White tone as I felt that this fitted with the piece better so using various tones of purple working my way up to a nice bright white I was pretty happy with how this turned out this particular airbrush was pretty to use and I did manage to get all of my airbrushing done with the charge that it had the only downside I had to using this airbrush was a bit of speckling that would happen here and there this was probably due to the fact that it only really had one type of pressure you couldn't go too thin or too thick with it you just had the one sort of consistent stream however for a first timer using an airbrush I was still really happy with this result foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I wanted to make sure that Celestine and her Gemini's bases were all coherent to the diorama they would be sitting in so I used similar materials just to make sure that they was in the same setting as the diorama this included mixture of cork board some dark terrain Earth and some sand once this was all dried and set in place they got a primer of a baton black as well as a gray dry brush [Music] I had used this particular water effects from Woodland scenics before and I knew that it dried clear and created really awesome Peaks so I decided to just completely dive in and add this to my diorama I didn't need huge Flames but I didn't need a little sort of clusters of flames that would be appearing on the diorama I also wanted the fire effects to be on a couple of the bodies I'd also be putting it on Saint Celestine as well now don't get too scared it does look like huge dobs of white frosting to start off with but this stuff is actually really cool it forms into Peaks and you can even move it around as you wish it's really cool stuff I love it and I thought it would be awesome for this project once Celestine was fully assembled it was time to start adding an OSL which is an object Source lighting for those that don't know in this particular model I really wanted her sword and her Halo to be the two things that were glowing and stood out the most people who understand OSL I cannot understand how you do not have major anxiety of painting over stuff in a different color I was so scared that I would have to wipe it all off and start again but I had the confidence to keep going and try my best and you know what I'm pretty stoked with this I think it came out really nicely I had somehow forgotten about the buildings that I wanted to add into this piece I decided I needed to create a little bit more verticality some background pieces because this diorama was looking good but it could look great luckily enough I had these little pieces of terrain that I got from my sister's kill Team box that would work perfectly as a broken down building I also grabbed a bit of random pieces from necromanda and just some plastic card we had laying around [Music] I also wanted to add a little bit of texture and color to their bases luckily enough Gamers grass had a huge collection of burnt plants and grass that would work perfectly for my diorama and the bases [Music] so once all of the grass and foliage was put onto the models my diorama and my models were finally done and here is the final result [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and here it is all done and look at how awesome it turned out I'm actually super proud of this project I've never made a diorama that's purposely for my models but this looks pretty sick I've also painted Celestine before but I think I'm gonna have to uh maybe trade away my old one because I'm pretty keen on this one this whole project has been absolutely amazing and it's all with the support of our patreons so if you would like to join our patreon all of the links are down below in the description every cent helps and allows us to make awesome projects like these ones and with that all said and done I think that I'm ready to finish painting up my sisters and uh kick someone's butt in a game of 40K foreign
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 88,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: W4NfgPjO474
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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