Making Computers in the Mega Factory with the Manufacturer [Satisfactory 22]

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all right it is time to play and boy have I got a lot to show you today first off I think in the last video that I had collected all the materials for building this hyper tube I just built it along the top floor of the mega Factory and in doing so it allows me just to get forward and back really quick now I'd still do a lot of running around so because I still do a lot of running around I have a cart and so I can put the factory cart in my hand and put it out there let it unfold and I can zip around oh there's a workbench in it I didn't realize there was a workbench in it anyway I can zip around and it's really cute and I I took it up and started jumping around well it is faster than walking you need to want to travel a ways before you before you really get into it because it does take a little while to reconstruct it deconstruct it so forth put it away and I don't want to just leave it somewhere I want to have it in my bags all the time so uh what I do is when it's comes time I'll I'll get out of it and I will then just deconstruct it put it back in my bags since we were here last all of this construction has gone on what I wanted to do is take a lot of the stuff that was going on on the other side the other end that would got that got to the point of being so badly crunched up that I wanted to create some space around it so what I did here is I created a very not optimized Farm to create one thing and that was to create a motor what's not optimized about it is that I can create Staters a whole lot faster than I can create the rotors to go along with the Staters to to make the motor and so you saw just in the background there for a second the rotor coming in when you look at the uh assembler you see that it's waiting for its second rotor there where it's got a plenty of Staters already stored ready to go waiting so I will put another rotor line on it eventually and kind of move things around and I I'll just keep optimizing that but in order to to do this one motor you had to have metal tubes you had to have wire you had to have screws you had to have rods and you of course had to have you know the raw material the ingots and there's more metal rods that go into the one making screws and then you have to have iron components too to make the copper wire so I had to have some stuff there and that kind of brings me to this huge conveyor system I have over here what I wanted to do is I wanted to bring the product to this side of the factory but I didn't necessarily want to have it take up a lot of space so I stacked it I went ahead and took the same thing that I had built on the blueprinter and just stacked them together and then I put another line in the bottom and that other line in the bottom allowed me then to stack four high the Splitters so that every so often I have this splitter here at the end I have the next splitter up here and wherever it's convenient to get the particular product that is on the those conveyors I can then split it out and have it move forward now what I have right on here now is coal and and copper and iron ore so those those three that were brought into the factory at this the other end were all available there now I've got several things more that I want to do and take care of but that'll that'll just take some time I've got a lot of emptying of the storage units that I had and so I've got storage units emptying out here and at this point I've just got a manufacturing unit obviously feeding into there that I need to to disconnect yeah all of these units are manufacturing still and I need to I need to go ahead and turn them off cuz I've got plenty of cement believe me I have plenty of cement so what I want to do is go ahead and turn all of these off and basically I'm turning them off so that I can reposition them on my board now this one was making concrete also it's already disconnected so I'm going to then deconstruct it here okay and I've got the ore coming in here I'll take care of that later I it looks like I have all of the concrete has already come out or exited the Constructor there so I'm going to go ahead and get rid of that Constructor there this one's still working hasn't been told to stop yet so I'll tell it to stop and then I'll check it and it doesn't have any Concrete in it um so I'll go ahead and deconstruct that and the conveyor is empty I'll deconstruct that and so what I'm what I'm doing in stretching all of this out along the factory is trying to get to the point where the factory is is accessible it's easy to make modifications and at the end of the lines I have some of each of the products so that if I'm building something and I'm missing a product I can quickly go to a particular storage container and pick up that product and move on I can also quickly tap into a particular storage container if I've just got too much product in there and then run a line from the storage container just to a sink so that I can get rid of extra product that's hanging out there so I am full up so I really don't want to deconstruct that one until I get rid of this stuff so let's check this one it is empty I am going to deconstruct that if it doesn't have enough room in my bags it's just going to give me another trunk uh so I'm not too concerned about deconstructing these now this one gave me a trunk over here you see didn't have room for one of the items and and this one has stuff in it so we want to we'll want to empty that one the second one over is this one and it is full and the third one over this one is full and this one is full so these four all have stuff in it and uh this goes to one snc so I'm going to take and reroute this one okay that one will go okay the sink okay so that'll empty those in time and give me some points to spend elsewhere and get other product uh not necessarily the way I want to do that but it's so easy and quick to make the cement I'm not not at all worried about losing all the stock that I [Music] created you can see in the upper right hand corner that I have the logistics for and the things that I need to do you know the heavy frame 100 computers encased girs and rubber to make the next Milestone the next thing I want to do is to go ahead and create a line that creates those computers now the compu computers are interesting in the respect that on the last upgrade I had a new item for production that has four inputs it's a manufacturer okay crafts three or four parts into another part well you'll see that in order to create a computer I need four components I'm going to go create a manufacturer and then I'm going to build the line to feed each one of those four items so that we can start building computers so that we can meet that next Milestone and I think this is going to be cool because I'm a computer geek anyway I like to build computers let's see how satisfactory builds computers so way cool let's go to the other side of my factory and now it' be a good time the problem with that little cart is it can't jump over it can't jump over these stupid lines that I have running through the middle of my factory so I can't use it so so let's put this in the hand here and let's drop it out front here and let's get in it can't drive in a straight line can we never that's no fun okay all right let's and good I want the Audi over there and the inie over there okay and so this big next one is a huge monster I I imagine so let's go look and see what okay fine and okay I need heavy frames and I need what what is the middle there I'm missing plastic okay so let's see what it takes to make a heavy modular frame and I can go see that in my workbench over here what does it make take to make a heavy modular frame okay um I have everything except the screws for that woohoo I can handle that how many of them do I need I need 10 all right I have 10 of them there we go nice green line saying it's in line with the other things that's cool and I got four inputs over there so way cool let's stand back and look at that new new uh Beast oh that's cool looking okay that is really neat all right we are going to have it make computers and so I need circuit boards plastic I've got brought up already so I'm going to have to bring that over to our main main conveyor system and I've got screws frankly it needs 13 30 screws per minute that's a lot of screw in input so circuit board is going to need 25 per men and cable it's going to need to have 22.5 per min oh wonderful don't you love that um plastic needs 45 and screws need 130 okay well let us go see the most difficult one is the one I've never built before of course the the most difficult one is the circuit board so let's go look at the circuit board the circuit board needs plastic and copper sheet so I need an assembler for that because it's a two-part I think I want to put it right there yep that worked good kind of lines up with those to there to there okay we've got the circuit board now I need to bring copper sheet and plastic which means on this next row I want to put a Constructor and I want to put the Constructor right there okay now I need to go ahead and get this started coming to the other end of the factory so I can uh funnel them in to make the circuit ports how am I going to Route this I mean I could just go straight through here and I think I will okay okay all right so it looks like now I've been able to get the plastic to the edge of the platform over on the left it's on the fifth fifth one up there so it's going to take me a little a little bit to get there and what I want to do is I want to go through there so I'm going to put a little hook bit of a hook and I want to raise it yeah let's raise it as high as it'll go so attach to there come on down straight there all right plastic is moving all right good good good good and so now that'll fill up until it's got its buffer fall and so now we need to get copper ingots to this so in order to get copper ingots we need to have a smelter just like those and boom we want to go here to there producing ingots which are producing rolls of copper which as soon as it has two we'll start producing circuit board and start filling up the buffer for circuit boards all right so the next item we need the is cable we'll need a Constructor right here for cable okay and that puts it right on the front edge of that in order to make cable it needs wire and wire is made from copper ingots so let's put a Constructor here okay we're going to configure this one to make wire and we already have copper ingots being made here so I want to shut this one down for a moment this is why I this is why I create room in the middle of them for just for this purpose cuz now I need a splitter because there's no reason why I have to have two smelters uh the one smelter can can keep them both busy enough I put a splitter here and have it go incoming there and that's kind of right in the middle and boom to boom and boom to boom and boom to Boom okay there comes a coup of wire and the wire then goes into cable and so now we've got it starting to store cable now we need plastic again okay no don't go too far okay so we see plastic coming in there now now we need screws and I am going to let the screws be brought from the truck stop all right we have a computer production plant all neatly supplied with all the product it needs although that plastic isn't going to last long I'm going to have to uh go down and get machines running down there before I uh get much further so that means I need to create some fuel burning power plants down at the the base of the mountain where I extract the oil so with this done uh my power consumption is probably in in deep doodo let's go check that out uh yeah if my consumption Max consumption line was hit I would I'd be breaking circuit breakers thank goodness it's down here because I've got a lot of machines that are idle right now slowly correcting that problem but obviously I can't have can't have a bunch of I'm sitting idle so I am going to call this video it it's been cool building that computer plant boy it it took a lot of effort there's a lot of inputs but it's all working and I did it in one one video so that's pretty cool please if you like the video hit the like button and please subscribe to the channel uh help us to grow and maybe we can uh do some more fun and interesting things that we haven't approached yet look forward to seeing you later thanks
Channel: Gaming with Doc
Views: 842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory graphics, satisfactory, satisfactory beginners guide, satisfactory tips, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 9, satisfactory game, factory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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