How I build a Mega Factory - Satisfactory Update 8

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hi guys welcome to today's video I'm going to be talking you through how to build a mega Factory just like this [Music] one okay well maybe not exactly like this one but I want to go over the main things I think are important when building a mega Factory the best way I thought of doing that was to to show you around my most recent build my nuclear power plant first thing I want to say about this is I used zero mods right now I'm obviously using the advanced game settings just so I can fly around more easily and show you the build B only thing I did use I used satisfactory calculator just to nudge it over a little bit cuz when I started didn't realize I was going to hit this cliff on the side here and I just didn't really want to rebuild this whole thing so first things first with building a mega Factory is decide obviously what your mega Factory is this one is a nuclear power plant and I also have this main Mega Factory which will hopefully build every item in the game I could possibly need when building other factories but back to this build so the first thing you need to decide is where to build your factory I chose in the swamps here uh I'm going to be honest because of the design I chose now this build was inspired by a photo I found on Pinterest of this shaped building that was sitting on a waterfall so with this build I chose this waterfall because uh it's near all the resources I needed there was plenty of copper sulfur my quartz Factory is just over there and I needed some silica as well as there being a uranium node right underneath this waterfall that's what led to my decision of putting it here basically what I wanted it to look like and the resources on hand which is normally how you would choose where to put your mega Factory obviously space is another consideration making sure you have another space this is super tall so it was all right although as you'll see I still needed more space I'm not going to go too much over the buses we going to get more into the generalized theory behind How I build a mega Factory and why I build them the way I do but it's nice and clean nice and simple just some nice lighting and stuff on the bus goes into this base structure here I was going for a very industrial look to the base and some of the inside with all the buses leading cleanly up into the underneath I wanted to keep the main train line coming in very minimalist because I wanted it to show a contrast between the trains going in and how big the actual base was and obviously the main feature of of this build is this massive I guess you call it a pill shape this Dome took a very long time to do I'll link to a video by an amazing Builder called poak who teaches you how to do this technique but doing it on this size does take a hell of a long time I think it took me at least a week of building but it looks pretty cool it's not too difficult a technique it just takes a while and then I've just added on with bands and color so if we go inside down this bottom layer I have all of my my iron being smelted in refineries uh I wanted to kind of keep the waterfall in the background as a bit of a feature I've tried to light it up a bit and keep that Central bus heading up I've also added some grates where the waterfalls come through so at least it looks a little bit realistic that the water could actually get through here so carrying on up we have the train station this doesn't actually bring anything into the build it's like a backup you'll see at the top there's a drone that will eventually take the nuclear waste out but have not yet built my battery Factory I'm in the process and subscribe if you want to see that video when I finish building the factory but for now when the storage I have upstairs overflows it will overflow into this train that keeps coming around and take it off to my storage facility now when you're building something of this size obviously blueprints can really help speed up the process but in the majority of this lower area I didn't really use many apart from the this these uh lighting struts here or lighting strs supports whatever you want to call them they're in two segments there's these segments here obviously they're the same blueprint then you have this Central column blueprint there okay so carrying on we have uh copper Ingot production going along here and then cerium production along the top and the same mirror on this side and then up here we have all my copper sheets being produced now I could have squeezed a lot more into this space but I really wanted to keep it open uh get that nice that whole view of the nice curve without uh interrupting it too much then everything gets fed upstairs in this bus area towards the back end here we are now at the rear of the factory where all the pipes lead up to the nuclear reactors which you'll see later I'm not going to lie this place is not running 100% efficiently right now just because I'm having trouble with these pipes kind of left it alone for a bit because I think it might be the pipe bug which means full 600 pipes always seem to have an issue and never want to be fully full but I tried to keep it nice and clean it's a little bit more busy than the front but I think it looks quite nice so moving up to the next level of production now I had hoped to fit all of the production stupidly I had hoped to fit it all in that Dome there yeah I ran out of space rather quickly so that's another point is always planned for expansion basically stuff's going to take up way more room than you think it is so originally all three towers were going to have nuclear power plants in them but I had to use the front one for production as I run out of space just having a look on the outside here again I tried to keep it quite industrial and supported yeah I tried to keep that theme going you see these pillars are blueprints uh nothing really around them is so all this is done by hand anything that's blueprint is those at the side but again that helps when youever you have to do something repetitive always helps to have a blueprint so moving inside to this first production area on this level we have some assemblers building uh reinforced IR plates we have cerium being made and uh quick wire I like to try and keep a lot of the belts on show highlight them I've tried to keep the platform Styles the same uh as the buses so you've got a nice theme running through and you've got some nice little Bridges going over to this area as well so I didn't quite squeeze everything in obviously uh I ran out a bit of room and the production floor is there just because of how I've laid it out I think I've done a bit nicer job here where they're encased in little glass cases so back inside we have a lot of iron ingots here being used to create uh wire decid that's an important thing as well deciding on your recipes so what recipes you're going to use I decided the wire recipe here because I had an absolute ton of iron fre to go and I think if we move up to the top here you can see there's a little bit of iron plates and one steel rods and then moving into this final thing we have a ton of assemblers making a lot more quick wire try to keep it nice and clean in here keeping the same theme trying to light the main areas with the orange light and uh these little highlights on the platforms with white light I think it makes a nice contrast again showing off all the belts I makes the factory look a lot more Al okay so moving on I thought this room was a good opportunity just to show you why space is important in a build I'm showing you the logistics for this room yeah it's pretty tight in here nothing clips though promise but it's very very say nothing clips that wire GP a little bit but yeah yeah little tight oh we got a bit c in there as well uh yeah incredibly tight so even in a big build like this try and leave yourself lots of room when I get around to making my video on my mega Factory when that's finished and subscribe if you want to see that um I've left a lot more room for Logistics and that but here not very much but it's mainly because um I was trying to mirror an image so I was trying to build to my inspiration image so I had to fit everything inside the space I had and so here we are at the uh kind of top level of production these are the bases of the two towers nuclear power plants in them this is fuel rods uh and pellets over here there are a lot of Manufacturers and now this is where I really took advantage of blueprints if I can just show you here here each one of these manufacturer setups is a blueprint which obviously made setting all this up super quick so if you can take advantage of blueprints and you have to do repetitive stuff like this it's very good to use them cuz this section of the build went way quicker than the below that's moving into the next per production here again just trying to keep the theme looking nice looking on brand um again I'm not going into numbers if you have any questions about what recipes I'm using or the amounts I'm doing things in feel free to drop in the down in the comments and I will answer them the best I can and into some of the final stages of production well not the final stages of production that's over there but some of the final bits you'll see in this video uh we've got beacons over here again the I know these are going to be removed in 1.0 but this save is not going to carry on into 1.0 so it's not going to affect that and then crystal oscillators over here and then up here the roof we have lots more Crystal osel again I use the same blueprints for these manufacturers I did I showed you before and it just goes all the way to the top of the tower okay and on to what is really the end goal really of this I guess you can C you what was that is the nuclear power plants themselves I've encased them all in these nice little frames names to hide everything going on and just see the fronts here again these surrounds are all blueprints so I just did the same thing for everyone I think there about 30ish 32 somewhere between 28 and 30 sorry I'm really fuz fuzzy on the numbers I'm not great with numbers of these so obviously I just created this around used blueprints to make it nice and easy all the nuclear waste is going up the edge there the what they called power cells that's the word I was like are going up here when you eventually see one yeah I thought they look quite nice if you want me to show you more detail about These Blueprints please let me know in the comments and so that is just mirrored onto one two three four floors and this last floor has only six generator six 1 2 3 4 five six yeah six generators and then to fill up this final Gap I just put some powered storage in this is a two- layer blueprint let just show you that so you got one two with the roof on I really got into using blueprints on this build it saved a hell of a lot of time as you can see as we've gone up the layers I've made more and more use of them and it did speed up production a lot so onto the final layer this is what I was goinging this is my Nuclear this is the storage overflow storage I have for the waste it's getting a bit full now but there's two sides to it there's that side each side runs up and then there's this side which is getting incredibly full uh eventually though it will overflow into this here and shoot off down to that train line that I showed you earlier and shoot off to my storage which is just a temporary little build but eventually once my battery factories finished this drone will shoot it over to a nuclear uh waste processing facility which I will build when I have that unlocked the main benefit of having the storage for the nuclear waste up here is uh that it is very very high up as you can see so that means it doesn't really affect I can be down at the bottom of this Factory and have no problems with a radiating part of the map so that's a bit of a bonus for this being so tall the next thing to look at is basically just a quick look around the outside of these towers now obviously these are blueprints which I can see show you the sections there's one corner blueprint and then there's the wall blueprint and these outside decorations of blueprints as well as I've said before uh using the blueprints here really help speed up the top end of this build uh using them for the walls and the decoration meant I can cram a lot more in so that's it if you've enjoyed this video please let me know by uh dropping a like uh if you have any suggestions or anything you you want you've got questions on or anything you want to see more of let me know down in the comments and if you want to see my next video which I plan to be a World Tour of this save um so far and talking about where to get inspiration for different builds then subscribe cuz hopefully that will be coming soon thank you very much see you in the next one
Channel: From Scratch Gaming
Views: 2,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory tips, satisfactory update, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory blueprints, megafactories, nuclear, factory, tour, build guide, blueprint, new player guide
Id: axE67buS3lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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