FIRST TIME ALUMINUM & BATTERY FACTORY - Satisfactory Update 8 - Relaxing Gameplay Series - Easy

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hello everyone my name is cheffrey and welcome back for episode 37 of the SS sector series here on YouTube in this video it's all about our very first time with aluminum 100 sheets 100 casings and 100 batteries is perfect to get us started in our final tier of the game lots of pipe work and some new materials to play with I ended up having a bunch of fun this time around thank you for all the support and help with the series so far let's get to playing games I can't believe we made it all the way to aluminum we're in the final I guess technically the final stage of the game if you want to consider that like I've said in the in the prior episodes I don't know if we're actually going to get to be able to finish before the 1.0 release actually comes but we're going to try and go as far as we can so welcome back guys once again appreciate you guys being here um first of all thank you guys so much for hting 500 subscribers on the channel that really does mean a lot to me um you guys keep coming back and supporting all the time and watching the videos So yeah thank you guys so much I'm going to I'm probably going to say that quite a bit and uh you know now we're working our way up towards a thousand and I've I've said it before I think it's been a little while since I mentioned it when we do if if and when we do hit a th000 subscribers you guys will see me do my first live stream here on YouTube which you guys will be able to get involved we'll be able to we'll be building and plain a sort of Mario Kart style racetrack that we can all kind of goof out on together um so yeah looking looking forward to if and when that happens but let's jump right into the action of today we are putting together our first little aluminum Factory it's going to Output 100 aluminum sheets which we're going to need for the um Ark five belts and I mean just a whole bunch other stuff now in this final tier this is basically just going to cover all our crafting going have 100 aluminum casings and then we're also going to have 100 batteries which will help let's unlock and power our drones so in order to get that we are going to have to unlock the actual um aeronautical engine it's the one that actually gives you so where is it sorry take a little look see here Aeronautical Engineering which gives you sulfur access to sulfuric acid making batteries you get drones and everything so obviously I don't have these things yet um and you could you could set this Factory up kind of my there were two ways you can kind of go by doing this you can set it all up and power it on with the battery stuff hooked up and then you'll be able to bank away some some aluminum things or since or if you've been following along with the series you can go to your awesome sink pull out these almost 200 coupons and we're going to go on into the awesome shop here and we're going to go ahead and pick up the things we're going to need for unlocking the Milestone here so we're going to need uh two 200 aluminum casing so there's one of those we're going need some aluminum sheets grab one of those actually we're going to grab a couple of these because that way we can just make actually should I I should probably unlock mark five belt uh so I'll get back to that in a second but so we also need um the radio control units these comes in a stack of 50 so these are quite expensive but that's okay we have 198 tickets to use so it's going to cost a total of 10 tickets we have the 300 motors so we're going to grab the radio control units some um actually we'll just grab grab a couple extra of the all Cloud aluminum sheets we'll grab some aluminum casings we'll go buy all take those into where I have fuel in here for some reason all right and now that'll allow us to unlock that uh oh I need to go grab some Motors so let me grab Motors and we will unlock the Aeronautical Engineering though first of all I think I'm also going to need so for this build I have planned it actually uses quite a few um alternate recipes so on you're going to be looking for is sloppy alumina the all clad aluminum casing which turns it to the same recipe as the aluminum sheets and then the pure aluminum Ingot recipe um now I already have the pure aluminum Ingot recipe I just need to get these sloppy aluminum and the all CL casan so I'm going to go ahead and throw row oh never mind I'm going to go ahead and pick I didn't realize one was already done um I think turbo blend fuel is a really good one and I have the I have them to spare yeah let's go let's grab turbo BL I do I'm considering doing turbo fuel at some point um but we may we may just switch to uh to nuclear power all right we got everything we're going to need let's load all these motors in here the aluminum sheets the casings all the motors everything radio control units and here we are we going to go and launch this pod first before I do that I'm just going to take a look at the logistics Mark 5 what do I need to unlock this okay yeah it's easy let's go ahead and unlock this as well like at the same thing as before you could power up this Factory So eventually this build is going to need mark five belts to feed enough box site um so you you can go ahead and build this with just mark four belts and then upgrade it when it's done or if you get the extra points like me you go and buy some extra aluminum sheets so let me go grab I need to grab reinforced iron plates yeah cuz I got lots of uh encase beams on me we grab reinforced iron plates and we'll go from there all right now I can just send this all as one so we get Logistics Mark 5 going out and then Milestone reached improved conveyor get out the way here we go want to be a a launch Bo at the same time cuz the pod's not going to be back for 15 minutes there we go all right so that is Mark five belts unlocked oh that feels so good so I'm going to grab just a couple extra um aluminum sheets how many do I have left got 200 I'm G to grab I'm G to buy another that's probably enough but I'm going grab another stack just in case um and then we will head on over to where I have the platform pre-built ready to go it is up here in the Crater Lake Zone um we did already basically we had a road sticking out to about here I just kind of built a ramp this is a higher elevation than down here so I built a ramp up into here and there's a platform over here ready to go uh it's got numbers marked out if you're looking to follow along hopefully it's easy enough I've got a little picture that I'll put on screen when we get over there for my terrible drawing skills that I tried to plan things out but uh yeah let's go ahead we'll grab some extra aluminum sheets and I'll also go over just all the machines and everything we're going to need before we go all righty so for this build you are going to need um all your your bunch of Mark variety of conveyor belts uh unless you just want to use all Mark 5 then you can more than more than welcome to to do that now we're also going to need five blenders all right sorry there I just have brain fire there uh we got five blenders six assemblers 20 smelters 11 refineries four water extractors and four minor Mark iOS and then two and you don't need these I just kind of like to use them for for emergency and they kind of help give me peace of mind two industrial fluid buffers one for water one for the sulfuric acid so I guess technically I also need to buy a few more things I think it's for I think it's for the blenders that takes the radio control units and the aluminum casings so we're going to grab 250 more aluminum casings and another stack of radio control units this gives me 200 so I'll grab two of those and one of these all right I'm here over at the platform that I built for putting this Factory together on I actually forgot that I that I preet up myself with some supplies over here for the aluminum Factory so it is going to be 100 aluminum sheets 100 casings and 100 batteries per minute um that's no longer necessary cuz I end up buying those things so here we are actually on the map over here right above the Greater Lakes where the copper is coming from down here we'll go over where all my materials are coming in from really quick so you know where to tap them so the copper is coming from down here this is a pure copper node it's getting I mean slightly wasted at the moment but it'll get well we'll add more to it later on probably end up making some copper powder from this one so there is the copper node down there I'm just running it up all the way along here here's where the road connects to the main Highway this comes up through here ran right up in between these rocks I thought that was pretty cool CPP is going to come up through the waterfall system here and we're going to run it up into the subfloor I've got uh my water extractor my four water extractors are already down below I forgot I left those here as well as well as the miners um so this platform is 12 uh wide or along here it is 32 along this way and then 24 along the backs side and 24 along that backside as well let me just kind of get a little get up here for you so if anyone's looking to copy that there you go you can take a little screenshot I mean the rest of it is kind of like just however you want to set it up so the box heite and the copper back here in the red forest and the sulfur node that I'm using for the batteries is all the way over there and we're just going to bring it along that little platform here you could used like vehicles to clean this up a little more but I'm just using all belts but now I'll throw the picture on the screen of my awful drawing abilities so you guys can take a look at how I was planning this out uh there may be a better layout for how these things will come together but I think this uh I think my original idea should work um so let's go ahead and get started with our building let's go ahead and grab the rest of the stuff we need out of the storage bin and then we build the very first thing we have on our to-do list is the Box site coal copper and Ty forgot to add it in but also the the sulfur Miner so we have the actual miners so we the F whoa thing he's clipped through my floor here um first thing we're going to take care of to take it off the to-do list is we're actually going to run the belt lines for all of these miners to the rest of the factory so we're going to bring these two along here sulfur come down there copper can come from down there um the coal is 2 44.448400 7 so that is a mark 5 system bringing it over to the um Factory and then we're also going to need some mark five belts moving the a few of the other things copper is only coming in at 166 units per minute so that is also a Mark III uh system and then the sulfur comes in at a 250 parts per minute so also a bark 3 system okay just skipping ahead because I've connected up all the belts just well from the miners over to the actual Factory now um I'm just going to I'm just skipping head a little bit because I kind of want the focus of this build to be more on the actual Factory itself um for anyone who might be like me this is a part of the game where things can get a little confusing so hopefully that U or hopefully I'll be able to make this um easy enough to follow along for anyone who needs to do so um or give you any tips if you're trying to figure out aluminum for yourself or batteries um but yeah that is we can take the the miners off the to-do list now because those are all done and ready to go um I haven't actually hooked up we don't actually have any power running over here yet um I'll probably run power either I mean we're really not that far from the main Hub um like the main hub's just right here uh so realistically I have two options I can run a power line actually I can run a power line from here over to somewhere but right right here is where our our quartz Factory is so we could run a power line down and just like run it down the mountain or I can just run it across through the red Forest here to over here I mean most that like I've got a good thing of power kind of running across this line of the map right here so really anywhere that I can run my line Too Perfect the sun is coming up I just ended up uh running power to my miners I totally forgot I actually have uh Power running up here or I had power running up here for the coal miner that's just a little bit off in the distance there you can't see it's not rendering in but I just extended that power line all along here and hooked it up to all my minor so I've got all my stuff here ready to go down here on what's going to be the logistics floor we've got 5747 uh boxy per minute 244.50 per minute and then the comper that comes in at 1666.67 per minute so the other things we do have to bring up is the uh water um so my my game plan here because there's quite a bit of water flowing around to all the machines and a different uh bits of liquid so my my game plan is keep all the liquids on the top floor like on the main level here and then can move all the like actual bits and pieces around down below so I don't have to worry about head lift or anything like that like once it's up here it's up here I can use the other one for sulfuric acid so we'll call this like our uh fluid buffer room um so essentially what I'm going to need to do is I did move I'm going to take out or sorry I did take out the the water extractors I'm going to move them more closer to this side cu the water's going to come up into this area and it's going to go into this industrial fluid buffer right here and then when it comes out of here I'm going to need to split off one line of 330 and then another line of 100 so that is 430 water total so we need four water extractors cuz I'm going to down I prefer to downclock rather than overclock so we're going to go four water extractors doing 430 water per minute total of 430 water per minute so I have four doing uh 107.5 cubic meters per minute that is a total of 440 per minute I have them running all along here into one pump here which sends them it up just to about I put the pumps in exactly where the headlift is so that's where the headlift from that pump gets you to so I had to put one more extra pump there and then we'll go upstairs I actually got the pipeline um floor hole to work this time just took some moving some I had to reconnect it a couple times so now we bring it up to these this Upper Floor where it is filling up our industrial water storage so I'm letting all the water stuff get filled up and everything ready to go before we actually connect it into the rest of the factory and hopefully this will help um with our actual water usage in this one because there's quite a bit of water flowing around from from machine to machine so yeah hopefully that's uh hopefully this all makes sense if people are trying to follow along if you're trying to copy exactly I just kind of add it in a a random off of a random spot I start building um some platforms out I gave it a 3X3 hole for the for the water extractors to sit in I think it looks really nice powered it up and she's ready to go okay so that is the water pumps and the storage taken care of let's knock that one off the to-do list for today so now we can actually get into the um layout of all our machines as per uh that lovely Microsoft Paint drawing we did earlier here um so and about right this area right here I have this whole section technically right now dedicated to this but it looks like I can probably fit more in here than I think I can so right in this general area um where the Box site and the coal comes in is where you're going to need six refineries and it's actually three refineries feeding into an another three refineries because you have three refineries doing the sloppy alumina and then we have another three refineries doing from there um with the aluminum aluminous solution it's going to put out um sending into another three refineries mixed with coal make the aluminum scrap so I did actually make a blueprint that I could probably use in this scenario um it's under production three refineries with pipes okay so I need to grab more steel pipes out of my storage but yeah I think I'm just going to use my since they're they're two groups of three I'll just use my blueprint there we go using my blueprints we got three refineries feeding into three I got to hook everything up still but I got the pipes already hooked up for these bad boys so these are going to get fed box site and water and then these are going to get fed aluminous solution and coal so actually I can just feed you or maybe I'll do it from middle to Middle just got wait for the auto saave to finish here let's go middle to middle and then we'll make this a SLO uh the alumina color kind of Blends in with the concrete but that's okay cuz eventually we'll have these floors in Black so there we go so that'll be the aluminous solution so I did already get sloppy I'm still doing research in the MS the only one I'm still waiting for is the all clag casing I did get the Sloop SL Sloopy I did get the sloppy alumina so I can go ahead and put that one in now alternate sloppy Lumina oh right no sorry it's the other way around um this is doing oh scrap my bad these are the sloppy alumina there we go box site and water so we look for a total output of 489 cubic per minute on the aluminous solution um so let's go 49 / 3 it's 163 so each of these needs to Output 163 copy that paste and paste no I'm incorrect on this it's uh 689 there we go so it's actually 229.5 7 per minute on uh all three of the refineries here so let's copy that we'll paste that in and yeah so not only does this flow into here it also flows over to the blenders in the end making the batteries but that those will be over there so so that's okay all right so now I can put in these smelters that will actually make our aluminum ingots so I'm going to go to production we're going to grab all our smelters here this is where I need 13 smelters so we can probably just do that across like in a line across here this should be plenty of space I believe 24 well we don't have 24 spaces across here but so let's start from say like right got PR I got a good amount of space to work with still so we'll go there we go we got 13 uh aluminum Ingot um smelters but I gave it a little three Gap in between the the refineries back here so now I need five refineries doing my sulfuric acid so I'll set those I'll blue but I can blueprint one or a little bit of them let's say this will be like the far left side or far right side I mean let's go in to about there that should give me enough room to put in two more I think I yeah I put these in backwards didn't I here we go we got five refineries I just had to shift things over a little bit but it's three in from here and it's well technically almost three in from the back with minus the pipes so we got those five those will all do sulfuric acid for us and then in front of them is going to be the groups of assemblers for the ca for the actual sheets and casings so those are two one group of four and one group of two but they're getting fed by the the same stuff so technically I could just do it all in like a singular line maybe let's see can I fit six assemblers in a line here probably we got lots o okay hopefully this is uh hopefully this is all clad casing if it's not I'm just going to reset it unless it's a good one fingers crossed Ah that's okay we got something to play with I'm actually going to grab this classic battery I may use this in the future then we'll keep researching going for those all clad casings yeah there we go we got our six assemblers in we got three space well yeah about three spaces off the front of the pipes from these um so these are actually actually not taking the sulfur the sulfuric acid that comes out of here is going to get routed around them to where we're going to put the um the blenders over here um these are all actually going to get fed by these smelters here and the copper that we still have yet to set up over here so the copper is going to come in here and I'm just going to put uh it's six smelters I just going to do like little smelter area right here um but so it looks like I actually have a little bit more room than I thought I did because this whole section was actually just supposed to be for the five refineries but obviously I misjudged how big it was so we are we actually fit the refineries and the assemblers all right here leaving all this room for the blenders now the blenders are pretty big but I should be able to do this so we need five blenders total right so yeah they're they're pretty large but I think I should be able to do it so we'll go how do you how do you feed them okay looks so let's go let's feed them like let's send them all down like this so we'll go how much space do they take up uh like two and a two and a thir is can I like Center it yeah there we go so we'll start from the two Corner dots so we'll go [Music] one 2 3 4 oh I need blenders my bad or Motors I mean five and blenders look really cool I I really want to see what their like working animation looks like I've seen a lot of people that just bury it and they only see this top part but like there's got to be so much action going on this whole machine it's going to be cool so we've got refineries over there for boxy and coal we've got our smelters here for our aluminum ingots we've got our refineries here for our sulfuric acid we've got our assemblers here for our casings and sheets that we're still trying to get the casing recipe we got our blenders here for our batteries and then we need our six copper shelters over here since we got a lot of space to work with maybe do I keep them in a group of six not a lot of room to work with here I could always just do them in like a line there cuz I had so much free room to work with I actually end up like spreading them out by like quite a so they're in the middle of each um foundation so takes up six foundations wide but I mean why not I that's all that's all the machines I had to place we got our I guess have boxy coal refineries smelters doing the ingots refineries doing the acid assemblers is doing the casings and sheets these doing the batteries these are smelting my C these all they need to do is smell copper ingots so that's the layout of the whole Factory now we can actually start hooking everything together and putting in the proper numbers for everything so yeah some of this aluminous solution is going to have to be ran I'll probably run it back behind everything here we it like down in a loop like I was saying I want to keep all the liquids up above here run it down we'll Loop it around back to here so we need 200 going down this way and then the 489 going the other way so was 689 total and we'll start with uh hooking up all our mergers and Splitters and everything we'll start with the easiest part this this copper smelter line over here so I'm going to looks like copper comes in from here so I might as well just pop it up from down below right here bring our Splitters down along the line here oh that's I was like wait a second that smelter is not where it should [Music] be there we go uh so yeah this is just a Mark 3 belt as a sorry my brain stop working there this a Mark II belt as a as a manifold line then you got Mark 1 cyor belts feeding into all your copper smelters let's go ahead and set this to be copper Ingot we'll go um 166.370 [Music] 67 ID 6 we go copy 27.78 per minute copy paste if I find it starts to work weird then I'll just end up uh downclocking like one or two machines to make it run properly there we go we got copper coming up and it'll start feeding into these refineries that will not do anything yet let's just up hook them up to power anyway so they can get backed up we'll back we'll back up as much stuff as we can in this in system never mind I'm not going to worry about I'm going to keep I'm going to keep myself focused in the matter of keeping myself focused I also forgot we need to put mergers on the end of this line so let's get our mergers doesn't really matter where we send it because it's just going back downstairs anyway um but it has to go over to these assemblers over here so either way let's just send it I don't know send it down from like here and then we'll send this one to the left this one to the left and the other ones go to the right to get your mark one be belts coming out of these they put out slightly less than 30 but just barely so we'll calculate it like it is 30 say 30 goes into here Mak 60 so you switch to mark 2 can VAR a Bel between these ones these ones can stay Mark ones and add 100 166 you need Mark three coming out in total so let's put in our conveyor hole our conveyor lift just Mark three wait did I do that [Music] wrong yes I was going to say I think that's phing the wrong [Music] way there we go now Cloud casing there we go we finally got it wasn't too bad let's research another one why not see what else we can get so before I forget it's actually going to be water that comes out of these refineries so I'm going to go ahead and dye or color these blue to help remind myself and it is water that feeds in here so when it comes out of here like when the water comes out from this storage is where it's eventually going to hit a splitter I'm going to bring it I'm going to start bringing it out this way running along along the back here so I need to go grab some more plastic cuz I don't think I have any more in the storage um and then I'll be able to cuz I'm going to need quite a few Mark two pipes running through here I think so so for the water line ESS entally how this is going to work is it's going to come out of here and some of it needs to feed here the rest of it actually needs to go feed over where the sulfuric acid's going to get made so I'm going to put the splitter line or the pipe Junction right here connect those up connect these up wonder if I can make it nice and nice and clean probably not good enough and the other one come out of here what those line up with just behind Okay so let's go I think it's like right there move it if I have to yeah that's wrong yeah I'll just run this line over and then I'll be able to line up with it better we're probably going to need some more sheets those I have so that's okay all right so that is the water line these can all get colored accordingly oops definitely just died a piece of concrete there so it's actually already filling up which is nice this will help us out going down the going into the future this is sulfuric acid there we go sric acid goes there if you really wanted to like go like be really careful with the balancing you could probably put in a uh like liquid storage buffer here fact I'm going to do that just in case this probably highly unnecessary but this is like a just in case moment type thing there we go just in case I don't like I said I don't think this is this one's necessary at all but you know I'd rather I'd rather have the extra I'm just going to pipe or I'm just going to use floor holes to get everything in from down below here so these take 191 box site per minute so that is going to need to be a Mark 3 lift feeding into the machines and then they output just liquid okay and these take in Coal oh Auto sa these take in Coal so we're going to have input holes for the these come on autosave I Believe In You There we go so input holes for these that's where the coal is going to feed [Music] in needs 120 so that's a mark two it's a full Mark 2 left right there perfect then these are outputting water and aluminum 360 aluminum scrap wow that's a lot that's also definitely not how much they actually need to be outputting it's uh 733.702 4 per minute going copy that paste so 244 that brings us down to a Mark 3 lift oh I didn't need to put the holes in first there we go so those are those refineries taken care I mean they don't have their actual inputs and outputs taken care of but those are that's the Upper Floor done okay there I didn't sorry I didn't realize the recording actually stopped but luckily I caught it before I did anything too major uh I think all that we just kind of lost there was I hooked the sulfur or not the the aluminous solution runs from through a pipeline along here into a fluid buffer and then I hooked it up into the blenders for the batteries so that's all hooked up down through the there and then I was where this is where it's I stopped I was like oh it's not recording uh I hooked up the sulfuric acid outputs into a fluid buffer as well and then I hooked those into the the battery mixers the sulfuric acids are clocked all to 100% um I believe the same goes for the actual yeah same goes for the batteries um so I'm actually just kind of color coding everything right now so I don't forget what everything actually is we making all this yellow for sulfuric acid so those are the liquids done for the actual um I don't think I'm going to need a um a pump here I may put one in just in the a but like as long as it's full it should be no problem going that like it's not even a huge headlift so we've got the liquids all hooked up to feed the batteries now um I just have to do the few um or I just got to do the manifold line for all our smelters here the manifolds for our assemblers and then we're going to feed the hard materials or solid materials into the blenders for the batteries and we'll be pretty much close to finishing it off and firing it up I think all right so one thing I did just realize is the water output from the the alumina scrap machines actually gets put back into the line with the rest of it here so I think this is where I'm going to want to put probably a valve to make sure the water when it's coming down this way it doesn't actually flow into here want to make sure all this water is Flowing outwards so we're just going to pop a valve on there and it doesn't it doesn't really matter the flow rate the main thing is that I just want all the water to be flowing out of here into into the rest of here it looks like the same thing is actually going to happen so there's actually a water output from the batteries batteries and water so same thing happens we're going to take all the water that comes out of here and we're going to we're going to inject it back into the line with the rest of it so let's start setting up our output for the blenders here make sure all our water lines are all connected back into each other this is going to be a total of 10 and something water so it can all just be mark1 pipes through here connect all of your machines color these accordingly afterwards you guys have any better ideas for how this could have been laid out let me know feel free to leave a comment down below or you can just tell me how much you love this episode this is your best your favorite episode of all [Music] time actually think I can do this and then we'll just have to put like a walk if you wanted to get to the liquid storage you just have to use a walkway yeah there we go okay so now we can go ahead and put a junction right [Music] here and hook this line right in there and get rid of this um pipeline support that's in the middle there there we go we're going to do the same thing here where I put a valve right on the front here that's just going to make sure all the water is Flowing away from this pipeline not into it let's mark all these for water there we go that is all the water in this entire build dealt with this is why I wanted to keep all the pipes up on the first floor cuz the pipes are kind of mix match together I think this actually looks really good nice and clean everyone's got nice nice clean bends except for for right here I could fix that I think and in fact I will cuz everything else is so perfect I want this to be matching there we go everyone's got 90° there's all our water that's our aluminous solution sent around that's our uh sulfuric acid being sent around so I think now we're basically just down to more of the solid items so for the ingots here because we now have the mark five conveyor belts so this can actually be one just giant um splitter line that's going to get fed probably where is it going to come it's going to come out comes out over here right yeah okay so let's say this one cuz it's right in the middle so this one we're going to to turn and then the rest you want to go what that was not English rest we're going to turn so the input's coming from the left hand side of where I'm facing right now sound like a tape rewinding just now so grabbing our mark five conveyor belts to feed all this the shenanigans here except for for that one to the left I just did that I'm pretty sure doesn't have to be a mark five canar Bel there we go Mark FES all the way down cuz we got 700 something items moving through here so mark one conveyors actually feed all your uh smelters here cuz they're only taking in 60 I need to grab iron plates iron plates acquired back to belting mark one con belt feed all machines here oh wait these need to be slightly adjusted don't they yeah so they only output uh 266.00 67 so 366.50 go and so now these technically don't have to go back downstair these I'm just going to feed they just go right into these assemblers here so I'll just keep this all in the Upper Floor since we got space up here anyway so we're going to grab a merger that'll hopefully work from here somewhere maybe like uh [Music] like right [Music] here and then I'll just send this one to the left this one forwards these ones all to the right hopefully this is easy to see if you guys are building along with me okay Mark one conveyor bels coming out right like that oh yeah rest of the mergers here so these ones I want to turn and send them to the left here all your mark one canar belts getting a little faster but yeah this is where I'm definitely going to be adding um the blueprints in the future because this be this be too much going forward at least these factories are somewhat smaller a lot easier to handle so for this what do we got output of look we'll call it 30 so we got 60 90 so coming out of here is Mark two that's 120 and we're switching to Mark II conveyor belts actually it's just Mark three Kar belts until you hit the the smelter here then we're back to mark one Mark 1 you got 60 you got 90 120 Mark three conveyor belt into that one and so what did I say this was total 366.50 1 two 3 4 five and six Mark 1 feeds the machines with the markv as your uh what do I forget that word manifold line every time one day I'm going to remember so now that we actually got the recipe we can put these in the alternate all clad aluminum casing so these are going to be two and the other four are going to be aluminum sheets so the sheets I want a total of 100 between all four so each of these is actually going to get downclocked to do 25 per minute so Auto saves Clicks in I'm going to take a drink and we'll will paste these across all four machines okay now for the casings we actually going to want to Output 200 split between the two so we're going to want to Output 100 from each machine CU 100 is used for crafting and the other 100 goes sent over into the the batteries here so might as well keep them separated we'll do like that uh these can actually come together we'll put that off the side here and then we'll do mergers sending them all to the [Music] right I think it's just mark one compare belts yeah mark one compare belts cuz 25 each sorry it's Mark two can varable between this machine which means we'll need the mark two canare lift and there we go these ones I also need the mark 2 conveyor lift so we're going to put those in so we're keeping these separated you have Mark 2 conveyor belts coming out of these machines not too often you have more than mark one conveyor belt coming in or out of a machine [Music] so let's go ahead and put some floor holes on one of the inputs for the blenders [Music] here and these are going to be oops mark one conveyor lifs cuz they're only taking 20 per minute all right that is everybody on the the main floor connected and downclocked to everyone or or everyone who needed to be downclocked which is great I can actually take away this um storage buffer turns out it was unnecessary we got our industrial flu buffer for the uh sulfuric acid we get the industrial buffer for the aluminous solution and then we have the industrial buffer we have two industrial buffers for water mainly just safety reasons but again I don't think this one's actually necessary but actually I don't think any of them are really necessary but they just they give me a piece of mind and they're not very expensive don't really take up a lot of space either they do look kind of cool I might move this one like up ahead a little bit just so it's not like squished in back there but uh yeah now we're going to go to the bottom floor and we can connect up all the belts that need to be hooked up and then we can actually do the power for this Factory so coming down here let's start with since this is right here this is going to have to be a manifold line feeding these refineries from down below with all these sulfur here so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to just put a temporary lift here oh don't have industrial beams I'll have to use a different one use Mark 3s for now this is just so I know where to put my Splitters so it actually just all Clips in together so it looks like they're going to go right on the line here perfect so lining up with each of the holes and on this line here we're going to put in our Splitters so just find the green line and Visually we're just going to line it up with these here now these can be mark one lifts I believe yes so we're going to mark one that lifts connected into all these Splitters did I do that right yes I did okay confuse myself for a second there then we're going to go ahead and take this conveyor belt Mark I here going to turn it so it feeds down through here there we go that's the Mark III conveyor belt for the sulfur completed who's next let's go box site this one's pretty easy this is just a manifold line of three how much boxy use huling in for a minute that's a mark three so we're going to go the mark 3s I think this is on the same these are in the middle right yeah so if it's in the middle it goes on the middle line here so for these splitters for the Box site we're going to put our first one right here sending input like that then to the left line those up grab our mark five conveyor belt god it feels good to use those finally turn it to over here I'll move that sign in a minute feed those like that and then what did I say Mark three conar belts coming down those are feeding all our box site and now for the coal the coal goes in behind doesn't it coal goes over here yeah so coal goes should have done this the other way should have done coal in the back so it could have get around the back but that's okay that should be fine so I'll send coal around like this so we going to kind of keep it out of the way for the most part and then I'll just line it up with this hole over here when it comes Town time to going to go boop boop CU that should be uh where the hole is okay so this is the coal so this is going to be Mark two conveyor lifts let's put on our Splitters first so the first splitter right here on the center line input coming from where I'm standing right now we'll turn these ones give it the Mark II conveyor belt and what is it 80 coal per minute so that's going to be a mark two lift starting to actually get into the numbers where we're feeding things feeding things or taking outputs that are higher than 60 what oh I was like huh there we go now I was going to say now that's not clipped in but it is now there we go so that is the coal feeding into those machines we got boxy feeding into here now I need the output of this one which is the uh alumina scrap which all come out at two is that 240 okay so that's going to be a mark three just barely so these are actually going to be murders that I want so I'm going to send them all down facing this way I don't even know that was going to say that's not lined up I just randomly put that down there we go that's in the right spot now two and three Mark three lifts coming down you're going to come into these mergers that's two for so this one going to be Mark three cuz it's just coming from the one so far it's going to be Mark Wait can it be mark four oh just just missed mark four so yeah it's got to go from Mark 3 immediately to mark five and then stays at mark five as it hauls everything over to the batteries [Music] so you can take everything over the batteries you're going to get uh connected here in a second so they these are actually off center by one so for these ones actually want to be instead of on the center line I want to be over by one so like that I think let's find it let's do a tester first I put it them all in and get really sad [Music] okay perfect so let's slide these ones in actually don't remember what the lifts for these need to be I think it's did this need to be a mark 5 compar lift 40 alumin oh wait no sorry it's uh oh wait no this is not this is not what this is sorry my bad this line actually gets this line feeds that giant line I was just making is back where's the input for it is this the input no I don't have one that's why where did I say it was going to be right here this is a mark five conveyor lift I don't why I don't know what my brain was doing there it's like you go take this no goes right here actually I could just do like that I think it'll clip in super clean maybe nice okay so it's it's because I don't think I did that okay that's why I was like I'm all confused now um okay so it is one of these that actually gets fed over here my bad now we're on top of it guys so you come this way on your mark 2 conveyor belt back by two so we got a mark two conveyor coming down the line then we got our nice little mark1 lifts cuz I'm not I finally learned my lesson and figured out where things were supposed to go oops I missed one yeah I missed one oh I need more reinforced iron plates it's almost like I have a storage with them in here oink okay so we got Mark 2 conveyor belt Mark 1 lift not going to lie this this seems a lot easier than I was expecting to be I thought this was going to be way harder than it seems like it is um um but anyway this so this is an output right here I think I'm actually going to move this cuz I don't like where it ended up being it's literally right over top of where I where I dropped that other one over so let's actually just send it out forwards that's not the right spot either there we go that's not right is it nope Mark two uh okay so now we can put the hole on here you mark to lift there we go that's better okay get that that's an output okay I still got to do technically I still got to do the output of these as well so we're going to slap all those in there these are for our batteries obviously these can be a mark one cuz not putting out a whole lot everyone puts out 20 all right so that's an output of something I you like that's an item up that's the casings that's the sheets and whatever I build here for combining these together be the batteries and then I still need to get this Copper from here all the way over to here cuz I haven't actually done the input line for these yet let's put those in now too far might be too far okay back down here for the batteries I'm going to send [Music] them I kind of want a drone port to send the batteries away so I suppose I can always just I'll just drive them from here to uh to I'll build a drone Port somewhere else not on this actual building so let's just send them to the right cuz I'll have the truck station over here so this one is also off center so this one has to go right here think that's right yeah so we're going to bring this all the way down the line make sure these are lined up with the things above us here we go so mark one lifts into those these are just little baby numbers it's going to be so cool to see batteries flying through like these are all things that I've never even touched or even seen in the game before so I've seen other people do them but never me so that's 40 oops has 60 coming out of here be 80 into a hundo so for the copper I'm going to grab a Mark three lift going to bring it down like that I'm going to send it in between the line here so we're going to go like this right down the middle there we go so this will allow me to squeeze it in between the output of the batteries and where the casings are moving along and as well the output from here so I'm going to bring it to right about there seem's about halfway through the middle now that's going to be our copper moving through here so I don't actually have the manifold let's set up the manifold line really quick these one oh these ones are these ones are right on this line so I think that means these actually go here like in this middle part so I'm going to try like that then we're going to bring it along these all the inputs for the [Music] casings they could be mark one lifts going into them so we're going to find out if I lined it up correctly I did perfect I'm missing iron plates again I don't think I have any left I may have to go home all right I'll be right back all right I'm back I grabbed like a thousand iron plates so there should be no more problems no more going home again not until this build is fired up and completed after we finish up hooking up these belts we can jump into our power Montage we got a mark three conveyor belt coming into here just like that and that'll feed down the line as a as our manifold look at that I actually remembered the the word this time so then we've got sheets coming at or sorry wait yeah okay sheet sheets come out of here so we'll have to kind of finagle her in here somewhere so sheets come out of there casings come out of here so for this one I'm just going to I'll leave it up a little bit actually yeah let's just bring uh let's bring the the aluminum sheets along the ceiling why not all right there we go I got my three outputs right here we got our batteries this will be our uh all this will be our casings and this will be our sheets um and I'm just going to throw them all into a sink for now I mean I don't know it's crazy to keep just sinking everything for now but um until I actually get a proper um Truck Line and everything set up over here and we'll have to throw together like a little I want to put together maybe off the side here just a little drone port and I get maybe it should technically be a little further away if I'm being honest but uh yeah the idea was to have a drone Port here so that the batteries could just be flown around to wherever they need to be um which is probably going to it's probably just going to fly from here to like a central Hub that then flies the batteries to where they need to be there we go everyone is getting fed into a sink for now it's probably give me a buttload of points but that's fine um so now we're going to jump into the power Montage we've already brought power over here we just need to hook up all our whatever you want to call it the power frames and uh we'll go from there so let's jump into that throw on a little bit of music throw on a little we'll speed it up a little bit and then we'll be able to finally turn this Factory on I'm quite excited this looks really cool [Music] all right that might have been my fastest power Montage ever everything is now already hooked up uh we got power where did my power originally come from that'll tell me where I need to hook everything up into I think is this line right here so if I can hook this up to right here I think that should power up the entire Factory F figure it out in 3 2 1 boom that's everything turned on on maybe no nope it's just these uh well I mean that those can still be connected in but um okay so where is oh must be this one this temporary connection right here should fire on the whole Factory 3 2 1 hey there we go okay so now item should be flowing in I think not 100% sure how well this is going to go cross our fingers and hope for the best seems like it's working so far these guys take so much water these take almost 200 water per minute by their on their own so this is where I think things get a little complicated in the water line that I've done like manifold line because some of this stuff requires that output of everything to feed the water back in but I think that's where having this um flu buffer will help it is it is full right now so yeah there's there's no water coming out of the batteries just yet because there's no batteries being made there will be soon but hopefully the water like the water from the batteries is like I think the least important in the whole line and that's where the flu buffer I think helps it looks like we're doing okay so far coal has stopped moving why is this idle what's not outputting the water why is the water not out outputting this valve causing me issues it was why what right let's put a pump in here instead then valves are weird man I feel I feel like I get problems with them that other people don't all right I officially have everything balanced out I'm impressed with myself actually um so the one only issue I was having was that the water outputs from these three refineries and the batteries wasn't working properly because I was trying to put too many too much fluid into one mark 2 pipe so what I end up doing was I got the one mark 2 pipe coming from down below and then these three machine like these machines that feed back into the loop actually come together by themselves so that they can fit in the mark 2 pipe and then it all combines into this this splitter here which is which splits it then off into uh what it needs to so I have some going into here then the rest is going to this fluid hopefully it's just probably super confusing but hopefully it makes sense any sort of extras are just kind of B I don't know if this makes any sense but it seems to have helped balance out my water here and then you come down to the um sulfuric acid it says not balanced it's just cuz I haven't have it I haven't had it running long enough in balance and the other problem I ran into was I had placed 14 smelters when I needed 13 so I was actually outputting a few too many and taking in a few too many of the aluminum scrap but now everything is balanced out so hopefully if you guys need to follow along this makes a lot more sense we'll do a quick little recap we have our five refineries here doing our sulfuric acid feeding into the blenders for the batteries we've got these assemblers here all doing the aluminum sheets which is feeding what are these feeding oh yeah these are these are for me these are for my crafting purposes um these ones these are for crafting crafting purposes as well and then the or one of them is and then the other one feeds the rest to the battery blenders here I think this is where I was trying to make it a little bit too to like I thought I was getting a little it's cuz on my reference sheet there's a lot of blue things Crossing back over each other which is the water pipes cuz you got machines feeding back into the loop to recycle the water however I believe like I said I think oh something's wrong I see a yellow what's wrong with you not getting enough copper why not it was not getting enough copper because I did not have a mark 2 lift on it which also need to change up here so that they can actually pull in the 66 I forgot they were 66.67 yeah those were those needed to be Mark two lifts that's okay that wasn't actually really affecting too much of the of our build here there we go okay now we're balanced out so the only other thing we'll have to hook up at some point is the actual Truck Line that'll take these things instead of everything we're just throwing into an awesome sink right now look at that we got our aluminum casings we got batteries we got conveyor belts we have aluminum sheets on the conveyor belt that's funny um but yeah so hopefully I think that's going to bring us that's going to bring us to the end of today's episode the aluminum build um next time I'll probably worry about like I might build the Drone port between episodes I might save for next episode but that kind of sets us up for uh moving forward in the game I'm not 100% sure what Factory or what projects to kind to take on next um there's going to need to be some trains and some large amounts of materials flying around as we slowly start working our work working our way to where the phase 4 um space item Elevator Parts like I said I don't know if we're actually going to get them done before 1.0 releases but if we do I'll be impressed yeah if I if I run into any more issues I'll try and uh throw it into a pin comment down below but thank you guys again so much for watching for being here for getting me past 500 subscribers um hopefully I'll see you guys again in the next one other than that I'll see you guys later
Channel: Cheffrey Plays Games
Views: 1,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4f13Xcr8w1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 19sec (4639 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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