Making Complex Interchanges EASY in Vanilla Cities Skylines!

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foreign counting and last time out we built ourselves a transport Hub and finished off Tyler Town Center lots of people coming back and forwards between the trolley bus and the train which is always very very satisfying to see and of course because this is the only Intercity collection that we currently have this bus station is a really flourishing there's an awful lot of people coming to and from it which is again great great to see but for today I am going to turn my attention all the way back over on the other side of the city to sorting out this horrendous mess of Highway networks we've got this ridiculous slope here go down and then immediately up onto the bridge incredibly sharp bits coming down off the bridge on the other side of the highway very similar over this side as well I mean what is the slowbra highway bridges nonsense and again dipping down here and this horrendous intersection as well no we're getting rid of all of this and we're gonna start again I don't actually just notice there's a cute little prop car underneath there I've not seen that before so we're going to rip out this whole section of Highway this interchange and we're going to redo it and what we're actually going to do is do a five-way interchange for this so I'll flash up on screen now my very rough drawn in Microsoft Paint by hand diagram of this interchange that we're going to be doing but yes it will be five ways we'll have one route going down into the highway into the city obviously these two directions of the highway here but then we're also going to have a collector which flows across this intersection with Connections in all directions with the one exception of being getting uh off this highway here and onto the collector they won't be able to do that so I'll need to connect at this Junction from this highway and come on collect it that way I'm kind of thinking if they're heading out of the city they're going to be on this highway and therefore they're not going to need to go on this collector so that's really the logic behind that so to start off with we are actually going to need to open this tile up here in order to get access to this full wave of Highway and give ourselves enough space to play with let's go ahead and do that now that does leave us with no tiles available although we only need a population of 16 000 to get to the next one so it's not too far off at all and when we start building out on this peninsula and various other areas around here we're certainly easily hit that so I'm not too worried about being restricted by the tiles at the moment like I said earlier in the series though I will be opening up 25 Tiles at some point let me know your thoughts on that do you want us to go to the full nine tiles before we do that or are you happy for me to open 25 earlier and give ourselves a little bit more freedom in where we're building around our city let me know what you think okay so let's firstly pause the game we're going to be on pause for pretty much this entire thing and we're gonna start just completely removing this highway we're going to start entirely from scratch with this things are not the right height not level and it really doesn't look good I honestly don't know what colossal Ultra Paradox were thinking when they kind of looked at some of these slopes and went yeah okay that's okay I'll sign that off because I would not have done if I was there frankly so let's get rid of all of that we'll also trim this highway back just a little bit further get rid of this Junction too so all of these roads can go and we're going to start from here so I'm just going to start by looking at the terrain quickly because this where we're going to put the intersection is actually relatively flat apart from these little Hills here which are a really nice feature I will admit but I am going to go ahead and just flatten those out so let's get a slightly larger brush size we're going to go to level terrain actually we'll turn up the intensity for this and we're just going to remove this little Peak here just so that it doesn't interrupt the flow of our intersection and we can of course put it back if we want to afterwards we're not going to do the slopes on the side we're going to manage with those but I am just going to pull this back a little bit further here so we've got a little bit more room to play with with the intersection and we'll just smooth off this banking a tiny bit there okay so first things we are going to do is connect back up these highways and make it nice and smooth and realistic and not like how they built it correctly so I'm actually just going to trim back this rail and this road for a second actually that's probably all right because I want to follow this tree line around I want to honor the original position for the highway so we will start by just putting in a straight section here like that and then again we'll mirror it on this side and we want to kind of snap in close to it but not too close I'm kind of thinking what is the gap of the main Hive so we want to kind of have a look at the Gap of the main Highway here and it does look it's reasonably far apart actually particularly because we're playing in vanilla we don't want it right up next to it because that may cause US problems so we do just want to go one step away and then we'll draw in our Highway with those Road guidelines on and make sure that's all nice and level so yeah it looks like a pretty similar Gap to what we've got the other side okay so let's start with this bridge now I'm going to be talking a lot about how to make networks nice and vanilla ultimately this this episode so the key thing is let's get the elevation step right down because that's really going to help you and remembering that the optimal distance is 12 as well if you go over that you'll start to get kind of weird things happening so that's really where you want to go to let's make sure all of our snapping is on for this and what we want to do is just take this ultimately really really slowly I want to keep this highway as level as possible going across those bridges so you can see here that's nice and level here it starts to go down if we go a bit further it's even further down but that's at the 12 point mark and I think if we raise it up there actually it does look like it is going up a little bit so actually where we had it back here that looks very flat so this is going to be a trial and error in terms of how to get this right very much so this episode so again we'll put in the other side there for that section because we know that's a good height and then we'll just continue this on piece by piece ultimately until we get a really nice flat Highway red Network in so that's looking pretty good to me there and we'll go ahead and snap into those guidelines and do the other side nice and flat yes good and there's gonna be some pretty tall bridges over these Rivers but I am okay with that because we are going to be introducing berries at some point so I don't see too much of an issue with that now putting in bridges you want to be aware of your big suspending arches here so we've got three in there we could go for four if we wanted to but I think three actually looks pretty nice so having it like that crossing the river and again we'll have a look a little look at the height now that is sloping down very gently but actually it's plenty high up enough over the river for ferries to go through so that's not a problem and it's not so severe that it looks silly and also we're going to be aware that we're going to have to come down a little bit to meet the highways over here so let's just have a little look at that terrain and you can see that slopes down actually almost immediately from this point here so before we do that though of course let's go ahead on the other side and snap in our Bridge there we'll just come down and make sure that their absolutely the same height and of course we're getting a nice suspending arches in exactly the same place as well which really helps to create a bit of realism bit of symmetry there now I'm going to come on straight with this and again we're just going to get down it looks like the land's pretty flat underneath this so we shouldn't have too much of a problem I think that's probably a slight gentle slope down which I am okay with again let's put in the piece on the other side like that and then we're going to want to bend this round and this is where it starts to become a little bit more tricky to get the heights right and it may be a case of putting it in and then getting rid of it you can see that's now sloping up so let's drop this down a little bit like that again that looks pretty flat and we'll do the same thing the other side so now from here we want to be a little bit careful in our Bend so I'm snapping into the road guidelines of this road here that you can see and let's bring that down because that's definitely raising up quite clearly there and I think yeah like that we've actually got a pretty decent slope in there let's again let's snap into those guidelines like that bring that around in a nice curve again we'll just come down and check that it's nice and smooth and then hopefully we'll be able to join this up with a much smoother connection and that's actually looking pretty good it does kind of dip down a little bit here I'm wondering if actually we should trim back this highway just a little bit we'll remove those two sections and then see if we can get this in a bit smoother but now we have a much much more smooth much better looking Highway and I'm noticing actually a slight hump in the middle here so in the pursuit of perfection I am just going to redo that and this should be much more easy now because we've got those two sections in at decent Heights so hopefully just putting this in like that should get rid of that slight hum it looks like actually it's this section here on this side so let's just trial an error again do that and that's better yes we've got rid of that very very slight hump here so that is looking pretty good to me now that's an awful long bridge section I do realize and what we could do instead of that is actually in banquet now that we know the heights that we want for our Highway be much more easy to do that but I actually want it raised because I definitely want networks coming underneath here we're going to build out quite a large town here a kind of second downtown I'm thinking so we want access underneath there so I'm going to leave it as a bridge for now and we may and Bank small sections of it when we come to design this area so yeah that's how you can get a nice smooth bridge over your Rivers just by taking it super super slow in each section at a time so what I'm going to do now is go ahead and do the exact same thing on the other side foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] and obviously it's not that difficult and it didn't take that long it's just going slowly go Section by section make sure it's straight like this bridge does actually swipe down a little bit but the land is so much lower on this side it's not practical to have it straight we'd have a really steep slope within our tile boundary out here so this is the best option and it still looks I kind of a lot better than it did in just the base map so I'm quite pleased with this and yeah absolutely no excuse for bumpy vanilla interchanges it really doesn't take that long just go slow so the next thing I do want to do is start looking at how we're going to connect this highway onto this one but before we do that to make sure we have enough space I'm gonna put in our collector which is going to flow over this road here so we're just gonna use a full Lane Road I think for this I don't think it needs to be six Lane obviously if traffic demands it later on then we will absolutely upgrade it but I'd quite like it to be relatively parallel for a lot of its position to our Highway that we have here so we'll come out a little bit and we'll go down like this and actually we're just gonna clear out the trees before I do that let's just help our game performance always good practice to do that I'm gonna just map this out and this is going to curve round to meet this intersection here on our Ring Road highway so we'll just grab this let's go back into freeform always making sure that we're snapping to angle when we're connecting roads onto an existing one then if you don't like how the angle snaps on a freeform here you could always turn it off after you've snapped in that initial 180 degrees so that's another little trick for you there and we'll just go down like this so we'll come out from this one now actually see if we can find the right guidelines for this road like that we'll create a nice smooth curve there which adds a bit more interest than just going straight up and straight across and then we are actually just going to bring this one straight across in fact so we'll bring it down to around about there and then we're going to start lifting this up so again this is where the increments of 12 comes in if we go above that you'll see it breaks it up and we're going to have a super sharp slope but that gives us the most gentle slope that we can get if we do it at that distance of 12 and that'll give us enough height to come over our Highway here now I do actually want a slip Road flowing underneath there so I'm conscious of where these pillars are going to land so I'm actually going to place that in there and see if we can get it yeah halfway between with the pillar and then a little bit further this side as well which will give us room if we come down to have roads flowing underneath there that's so funny saying the car sunk into the ground that'll obviously be fixed once we press play now from here we can go to an increment of 12 again and we'll just bring this back down to ground height like so now I actually just moved this a couple of blocks over this way because I realized I wanted a little bit more room on this side to play with before it goes into the bridge but it's exactly the same principle there so let's talk about how we can connect this all together and to start off with I am just going to clear out some of the trees in this area so we're gonna go pretty close to these very small houses there but I'm kind of fine with that it's slightly more low income housing over that side so them in being in proximity to the highway I'm not too concerned with and we can of course add sound barriers if we're worried about noise pollution so let's bring this highway just a little bit further up and actually that is the one with the sound barrier there so we'll bring this out to about that distance actually maybe even a touch closer and then we're going to go into Landscaping now we're going to break this highway here because ultimately what I do want is these roads flowing underneath it in a nice trumpet interchange this side this is how we're going to connect this highway onto this one it's a just a very simple trumpet so in order to do that we're going to press down the landscape here now we need to make sure that we're going far enough that we can go under the road here so that is probably plenty far enough actually maybe a little bit too deep what we'll do then is we'll go to the small brush size I'm going to click the bottom of that and just level out a section which is going to flow underneath this highway trying to get it in the middle of these two coming this way so yeah that should be okay and then what we will do here is create our connection rows in here again just to make sure that when we put that Highway over we've got enough room before we start terraforming out everything else I will go back into our three lane Highway and then we're just going to create a bridge across like so and we do want to check that that's nice and flat which it is so we'll bring this one out to the same height little Bridge across and then back there and then of course let's flip this one around and yeah that's going in pretty nicely do we have any Modern Art I think we've managed to actually Escape it there it may change as we start to change these rides but that's good enough for now then we want to come back into Landscaping we want to create some nice gentle slopes for this so we're going to click on the edge of our Highway here which is the height we want it to get to and then we're going to click on the bottom and drag it up towards it which will create a nice gentle slope up from these smaller Highway connection roads here so something like that will do nicely and then the other side I want this to curve round so I'm actually going to click here and then again we're going to go to the bottom of the slope and we're just going to drag this up and around like so and this can take a couple of times so we'll click again and we'll drag and we'll just make sure this is Flowing up and around this corner nice and smoothly now we can just use a little bit of smooth tool as well if we're worried about any sections just to tidy them up but then what we do want to do is see if we can uh get this curve in nice and smooth so we're going to go to curve tool and this section here that's coming down so they'll connect up nice and simply onto this direction here this one is going to come up and round in a trumpet and over and connect onto the highway this side so that's the first one that we're going to put in now with this you can see when the second line at the bottom here comes up that's a unit of five so I'm actually going to go to seven so I'm gonna go two more than that I'll click here then we're going to do the same in this direction so you can see we've got five there we go one two more that's seven and that will give us a nice curve there and then if we come down we can just check the slope of that and that doesn't look too bad to me so I'm okay with that and before we connect it up I do want to add in the connection that we're going to get to this side so I'm going to snap into the right guidelines of the highway here and yeah we're going to bring that across in a little Bridge like that does look a little bit bumpy so let's actually undo that we can come from further back and sometimes be quite helpful with this just spotted I change those to the wrong direction so let's change those back so let's step into the guideline over here we'll come as close as we can up to the edge like this and then if we Bridge across now it's gonna have trouble with that so let's actually just use the tools and raise it up and then we'll need to come down to ground height to make sure that we're getting a nice flat connection here and that is not too bad let's bring it back to round height which is not liking so again it's all about trial and error honestly with this let's brace that connection see if we can connect it up this way and that's not too bad I might try and tidy that up in the detailing time lapse but that will be okay for now and then we're just going to complete this curve so similar principles we want to do the same unit so I'm actually going to go five here I'll go five this way and then it is a slightly tighter curve as we come to the end there but then what we want to do is mirror it with this side so again this is about snapping into those Road guidelines as you go like this we're going to just continue it round you might have to turn snapping off once again you once you've snapped into that 180 degree angle to bring it around nice and smoothly we'll turn angle back on so let's connect it in here and then hopefully we can use very guidelines to connect this up nicely we're on curve tools still we find the guideline there it is now we can bring it round like that which is okay it's not too bad it's nice and compact at least and then we can just blip this road around so it's going in the correct direction like that and let's just come down and check our slopes and it all looks pretty good actually to me I'm quite happy with that and then we just need to do the same thing this side in terms of connecting them back up to the highway so we'll come from this highway and come up like this and this is going to have to curve in just a little bit like so but we do also want the connection out this way as well so let's start to bring that out and we don't want the landscape interrupting this too much we want that one to be flat which of that is all right like that and we'll bring it around to connect up to the highway this side so let's actually just bring out a slip Road here and then we can use curve tool to connect this in so again snapping into those very guidelines to make that nice and neat although that does not look at the interval so let's try that again yeah so something like that is a little bit better now let's have a little talk about this section because this is actually going to blow on quite a bit further here we're actually going to go I think into a bit of a bridge section in order to connect this up this will be a little bit more tricky to do but it should look quite nice and neat once it's finished and the reason why we bring this up so far will become apparent because we need to connect in our collector Road that's going over the top here okay so the next thing is connecting in this direction here so we're going to bring off a very small slip Road this side and we're going to run it straight along the highway for a little bit so I'm just going to connect into the road guidelines there bring that out to there and then we'll connect it into the highway and it gives us a slightly smoother exit ramp there of course we'll need to flip those around too and then this road is going to curve up in this direction and we might just need to terraform this out a little bit further so let's go ahead and do that we'll just smooth out the landscape and push it up against these underpass roads like that let's go back in and grab our highway road and then we can bring it in like that which is not too bad and I think we will change this to a two-lane Highway as well for Lane maths I'll come back to the other side in a second because we're going to actually connect this in slightly further up so we'll go up like that and then this looks a little bit smoother coming in here it's not perfect with vanilla but it's okay so now from this direction they can get onto the highway this way but we also need them to collect up to this collector so what we're going to do from this exit round we're going to use the same exit ramp and we're going to bring out a road I'm mirroring this a little bit but then curving around into an intersection here so we'll go like that and then connect it straight into there and we can come back here and collect this into our slip Road here so yeah that's not too bad and then also from this collector as well so they can get onto the collector now from this side but coming from this direction we also want to facilitate that so we're going to split this off from this point let's turn off snapping for this and see how close we can get to this other Road so we want to mirror a little bit of that curve as we go around again so that things kind of look nice and neat something like that let's turn on snapping again we can bring this out a little bit straighter here and then we can bring this around our trumpet curve there something like that to connect into this road here there we go so they can come off the highway here they can either go up this way to go onto the highway this way or they can come off here back onto the same highway but from this point of view we're then going to collect it up into the collector this side so this is where we do need a bit more terraforming we are going to flatten out more of the land this side let's just make this slightly larger and we'll pull this out here now spank is going to be pretty extreme but we can do some detailing on it to make it sit in a little bit better than it currently does and I'm actually just going to redo this endpoint here because that wasn't flat onto the ground so let's grab our collector Road and we'll just bring that out straight again here so so we want an exit that is coming up here like this and then coming around into a connection here so let's go to the two-way Road for this I'm going to bring that out straight just a tiny bit and then we'll bend it round we want this to kind of sit in the middle here with something like that I'm going back to our one lane roads this way is going to feed into that direction and then from here let's turn off snapping for this that is going to feed into this road if we can get it to okay so I have just moved our collector slightly further left so we had a little bit more room for this Junction to fit in this side but this has gone in quite nicely I think now like that I have just moved out that curve a little bit so it's all looking quite nice I think so if we just have a little Highway check so coming from this direction we can come off here and get onto that highway there we can come off here take this diversion come round and onto this collector here from this direction we can come off and get onto the highway this way and then again come around onto the collector and go either direction this way and then from the highway coming from downtown we can come off and onto the highway this direction we can come round here and onto this highway we can come round and take this slip Road and onto the collector so we've got lots and lots of different options here and then from The Collector as well we can get off onto the highway in this direction but we do need to add in another slip road to get it onto this direction but also I think actually it would be nice to head it back onto the highway heading into downtown too so let's firstly do that and we'll just adjust this intersection here we'll add in a two-way highway road just coming straight out of there like this we'll go back into our slip lanes and then what we are going to do is just bring out a connection this way so we're actually going to make that curve a little bit sharper let's turn off snapping with this so we can get it in a little bit more nicely and then angle back on and we'll connect it into the highway here we'll upgrade that section of course to three lane there so the lane mathematics all makes nice sense there and then let's connect these in and then finally we just want a slip braid heading off in this direction so I'm going to bring out a bridge actually for this which is going to head over the highway this way again the key thing being we want to make sure this is nice and flat as we come down here we can start to come down to ground height right about here that is a little bit steep so I'm wondering actually if we can come down a little bit further a little bit closer that might be beneficial so something along those lines would work nicely so now from The Collector you can get off onto the highway this direction this direction and also back onto the high we're going into downtown but before we go on to detailing I do also want to add some Lane mathematics into our main Highway here so we're going to upgrade this whole middle section to a two-lane Highway which will give us really nice Lane mathematics for the main Highway flowing all the way across the map will really help out with vanilla traffic as well because you get that dedicated turning lane on any exit points and this two-lane Highway does also come with the mass transit DLC if you haven't already got that please do consider using my instant gaming Link in the description below you can get all City skylines DLCs Planet zoo a whole massive host of other games a really great discounted pricing and it also helps to support the channel but now we are going to come on to a little bit of detailing so we're going to be adding in fences and security fences around some of our slip roads around here some nice rocks bringing in the trees and foliage around it but that's pretty much it so it's gonna be a light touch on detailing today but hopefully an interesting Network episode for you creating somewhat of an interesting vanilla intersection here and of course going over how to avoid all of those crazy bumps that you can find yourself with in vanilla Highway Networks I think we've done a pretty good job of making this nice and smooth here [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so we have a massive fighter here to change in and I have to say it's really immensely satisfying saying all the cars moving around there so I'm actually kind of surprised they're using this collector although I guess not because the industry is there a lot of trucks are using this to get onto the highway rather than going on this one which is actually really really good news because it means that this high will be freed up for all the residents and other industry that we're putting out further into the map so hopefully having this extra collector in will really improve traffic particularly if we're funneling all this industrial traffic from over this side down this way to get in and out of the city so in terms of the detailing we have gone through and added little bits of fencing in small places like obviously I felt a crash barrier in the middle would be appropriate under here a little bit of undergrowth around the bottom as well I think made it feel a little bit more natural and then as we go up to the top again fencing around here where they've got a quite sharp drop off down that Cliff I thought it was appropriate there um little bits of fencing here now obviously we can't get the sound barrier on the slip Road the highway slip road so I've used a bit of oil fencing here just to block that off from the residence this other side through the forest I've got quite a lot of tree coverage there so the noise pollution shouldn't be too bad as the highway gets busier and then down the center we used a bit of zoo fencing with a couple of little trees lots of overgrowth as well which really helps to make it feel a bit more natural then we've got a few strategically placed rocks around like this big one here I thought would be a nice entrance way into the city when you're coming down from this highway going past all of these lovely big rocks and round onto the little slip roads here to wherever it is that you're going to yeah it all seems to be working really nicely and I'm just really really pleased with how these flat Highway Bridges have come out as well it just goes to show that this is what they could have done let's start off with but they didn't they signed off some pretty awful stuff let's be honest yeah there we go that is how you can create a pretty smooth and nice good looking five-way interchange in vanilla City skylines but for today that is going to be it so if you have enjoyed the episode likes comments and shares are greatly appreciated and do let me know in the comments your thoughts about 25 tiles should we go all the way to nine and then unlock it or can we unlock it earlier let me know your thoughts on that that's all from me for now so thank you so much for tuning in and I'll catch you again next time bye-bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: FewCandy
Views: 24,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: few candy, city skylines
Id: E_8BExCebWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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