Making Bannock

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we're about to make a ban and then that's our own I remember my mom frying bread all the time so that was our our favorite fried bread and uh I will show you how to mix it and fry it so um I started off with three three cups of a flour and you put uh baking powder in there right uh three to four tablespoons and then a little bit of salt those I like salt and then mix it all together and then add water to it we just put the flour on the board so that it uh doesn't get really sticky before you put it into the um front T okay you mix it in here and make like a Patty you either make it big or small if you want but you know my daughter-in-law makes her real big or my mom used to make it whole to fit the frying pan yeah cuz we're such a big family if you work it too much uh it gets really hard I got it on high now tell the lard melts and then I can lower it after and then fry the bread you can tell to turn them over when they get brown around the edges our are people um like making banic because there was there was never like a store close by just to go um pick up some bread and then if you're maybe not even here or on the beach or camping or something this is something that would that we would do to to make bread and it's traditional so with our people yes it is and the kids loved it cuz my mom used to make it all the time and there's another one too like um we called it upan in our language we used to my mom used to make it down the beach whenever we we did traveling right with no bacon pot or anything just flour and just just turn it around in the frying pan in the open fire and people were saying her bread was really good when it was done on the beach right and this fried bread well people favorite I think you can make sandwiches with it or um you know put whatever you want inside you can dip this in uh fruit too like blackberries okay one more batch do you need any more I don't think so no just up my favorite frying [Music] pan
Channel: ReelYouth
Views: 33,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ReelYouth, Reel Youth, Cortes Island, BC, British Columbia, Intergenerationality (Film Subject), Cortes Island Museum and Archives Society, Literacy Outreach Cortes Island, Cortes Island Seniors Society, film, program, Klahoose First Nation, Squirrel Cove, indigenous, Toba Inlet
Id: 2dNJVqbp4yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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