Fishing A BIG Bass FACTORY On The River - Crazy Topwater Day

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[Music] oh that's a good one oh there he is got him we're hooked up good go dude that thing crushed it oh we're on yep there he is oh we're on again oh we're on woo what a day it's going to be crazy what's going on guys welcome back to another video today we're out here and today we are currently on the water and today we're going to be chasing after some giant fish so today's video is actually sponsored by Deep dive and the spot that we are at currently I have not been at since like 8 months ago so I've always struggled at this spot so hopefully Deep dive is going to help us get on some fish today and uh we have a beautiful morning out right now I got out here super early it's supposed to rain this afternoon I'm talking severe thunderstorms so uh the goal here is to get on some fish early and quick catch them get them in the boat and then uh get up out of here before we get lightning and thundered da so that's the plan but I want to go ahead and tell you guys a little bit about deep Dy before we get fishing and then we're going to wet a line try and catch big fish so so let me go ahead and tell you guys about a few of my favorite features so if you guys have never heard of Deep dive it is actually an app that you download onto your phone and it is loaded full of all kinds of fishing information that can help you out when you're on the water one really cool feature that we're going to be using today is the wind map so the wind map is very easy to pull up and it's actually really cool because you can tell where the wind is blowing throughout the day so you actually can go on here onto the map and see the arrows of where the wind is blowing and you also can move the little dial down there and see what time it's going to be blowing and uh actually what bank that it is blowing on and how hard it's blowing onto that bank the good thing about that is a lot of fish like to follow the bait fish and the little micro Plankton little organism things that get pushed away by the wind and if they're pushed up on a bank line and there's some little Bait fish chewing them up there's going to be some bass in the area so this is a really cool feature to help you find a winded bank with some fish on it and also you can go back onto the app and check the past and the future so if you're planning a fishing trip and you want to see where you want to start in the morning you can go onto the Deep dive app onto the wind map you can move the little dial go back check it see what it was blowing yesterday fish that bank in the morning time or if you're planning on going out the next day you can check what the wind's going to be doing and it is a really cool feature that can help you get on some fish as you guys can see the little arrows are blowing all throughout the day on this one bank so we're probably going to prioritize that with uh some top water baits and it's going to be a good time but deep dive is also loaded with a ton of other features if you guys want to check it out they will be linked Down Below in the description we're about to go ahead get a line in the water and try and get on some fish all righty here we are first Spa of the day we are currently at the paper mill which is basically this really cool Factory looking thing and then you have a nice hot water discharge Actually I don't even know if it's hot water but you have a discharge and usually a bunch of fish hang around here I've always heard that this is the best place on the river to fish because a lot of people don't take the fish to eat because it's actually kind of dirtier up here because you have all these factories and water stuff and it's just I think it even says that the boat ramp not to eat the fish so uh a bunch of people put them back they get big here and we're going to start off fishing this Bank line right here by the paper mill because I think it has the most potential for a big bass so you guys know me I'm starting off early morning with a top water bait and that top water bait is the black Buzz bait you just cannot beat a blow up in the morning time and this is what we're going to be tossing around trying to catch a big bass on I think the biggest river bass I've caught recently was like close to 4 lbs so we want to break that today I think a gar actually oh there's bait popping right there hold on hold on I might have picked a good spot to start the day off okay there's fish in the area there's fish in the area basically we want to catch something four plus today that's my goal and my goal is also not to be struck by lightning so we're going to see what we can do I'm feeling good about to chunk this Buzz bait around we're going to hope for the best here like I said I haven't really fished here in a while I feel like I've never really done super great here so I've really been wanting to come back and just try and figure this place out so I'm hoping today is that day and we actually get on a good amount of fish oh boy that uh that discharge man that thing is kicking that thing is pumping out some serious water I just thought that this would be a good place to start with that thing but I feel like this is a spot that you pull up to and just want to catch a fish off of because it's kind of cool just being like right here next to this giant Factory thing but you know sometimes the fish just aren't here and it could be the case I think this is actually a better spot for the winter time so I think that is hot water so who knows though like I said I've never really figured this place out so it's going to take some learning today but you know give me a little while and I think we're going to be locked in here well you know might as well make a few casts over here by the uh the Water inflow with the top water bait I feel like a big fish will be sitting right here but then again you just never know on the river I mean I see Fish on Liv scope they're here I just don't know what exactly they'd eat so I feel like a top water would be a Best Bet right here cuz everything else is just going to get pushed around too much so who knows we'll see what happens I feel like it's worth the shot all righty I wanted to change cuz there's a bunch of good rock around here so it's probably worth making a few cast at all right looks like we're getting some potential coming up here I see Fish on Liv scope good amount of bait hanging around all right I've been seeing fish going crazy out here seeing Shad fully come out of the water there's a nice little creek over here pushing out water which is actually on the Deep dive app it actually shows the water inflow point so it actually shows that there's water pushing out of that Creek that's usually a spot you find a lot of fish so I think I'm going to go over here those the Topo around come back to this side continue to fish the rocks and I think that's a solid little game plan I think the Rocks might be our best bet I think we uh swap sides here go back to cranking those oh I just got bit oh I wasn't even paying attention oh my God okay now I might not leave wow I I was not even looking and I threw into a tree everything's falling apart wow wow wow a [Music] see these fish like to hold up against all this stuff so this is perfect for the buz that there's probably one sitting off of something it's got to be oh there's some Shad there's fish in the area oh there he is oh I just missed him micro spotted bass I mean literally so tiny he grabb the back of it oh what the heck is that thing that's a bird oh there he is got him got him that time get up here buddy there we go first fish of the day that is what I'm talking about right there on the buzz Bay honestly probably the same exact fish if I had to take a guess nothing crazy but he is a small little bass I mean we don't have a whole lot of wind on this Bank line like right now Deep dive says like it it's it's just barely getting pushed on but you guys can see there is a little bit of Ripple going on and that is perfect for throwing the Buzz bait around cuz you get a little bit of wind it mixes with that chop from the blade and these fish just can not resist nice little spot to start the day off thank you buddy and he's off got him on the Buzz bait the game plan's coming together I saw some Shad popping I was like uhoh it's about to go down whenever there's Shad in the area there's fish the Shad might be over here eating some like little tiny Bait fish or whatever's been pushed over here by the wind and stuff because I think this Bank actually was getting pushed on last night so they could be stacked over here eating stuff so I mean that just makes sense for the fish to there there's definitely more we're about to catch them on the Buzz bait come on man there was Shad back there sh about fish oh one oh one oh it was a gar he just ate my paddle tail off that was that was messed up for real like come on now you didn't have to do me like that oh one's after it I think that's a bluegill dude we're hooked up got one got one dude he just slurped it there he is fish number two I love how I was like yeah I've always heard that the the bigger fish stay over here and then we're catching fish this tiny but then again I do just always catch the small fish so that uh that also has a factor in it these bad boys are so mean and aggressive I mean they will literally chase down and eat a massive Buzz bait they just are super aggressive and they are everywhere on the river thank you buddy oh that's a good one stay on stay on God he crushed it absolutely crushed it oh he's not even that big but he crushed that thing get up here yes get in The Boat Baby D I knew there was going to be one on that tree I just knew it look how good it looks all right we're increasing in size here nice little spot man smoke the Buzz bait that's super sick thank you buddy that is fish number I think three so we're starting to put it together figure out a pattern and obviously they're hungry thanks buddy all right well this right here has caught our uh first few fish our only fish of the day the black Buzz bait early morning you cannot beat this bait they love it they eat it up and uh we're going to keep tossing around seems like we're on a pretty decent Bank line right here so you never know we're not we're catching small ones at the moment but you never know when that big one might decide to eat come on oh I got a guardar behind me yep that's a gar a dude I thought it was a bass oh I actually had one a little spot came out of there and ate it what the heck I did not I was not expecting to get bit right there all right right there behind that piece there should be a fish oh we're on yep there he is yep there he is knew it I knew it come on buddy get up here that's a nice fish get up here yes called my shot called my shot yes that was sick just a mouthful of Buzz bait that's what we like right there look at that calling my shot and everything I knew he was going to be back there when you get a nice little little structure area like that it's game over they're there beautiful spotted bass nothing too crazy but man he blew up on it and this is just a mean fish that is one thing about these uh these spotted bass they might look small they're just one of the hardest Little River fish that fights for their size they have a lot of pull for their weight and uh they are a lot of fun to catch they're super aggressive they eat pretty much anything and uh there we go I think that's number four or five we're we're on them they're smashing the Buzz bait this morning thank you so much buddy see that right there would be a spot that the current comes down from pushes up against or the wind both both of them could push up right there in that little pocket in this little corner and there was a fish there see I like the Buzz bait because I know the spook gets thrown a lot and the Frog the Buzz bait I feel like the Buzz bait gets thrown around a pretty good amount but I feel like it's not the first option for a lot of people and especially a black Buzz bait feel like White's mainly a color that you know is super popular but the black one with the gold blade dude this thing has just been messing it up for me this spring which I say spring but it feels like it's summer here so this is H Water season the black one has just been getting her done good god dude that thing crushed it go dude that thing hammered it holy crap W another one another decent oh we just spit it well there we go another one on the Buzz bait dude that fish crushed it I threw it up Shallow and uh by a piece of structure and he destroyed it so the buzz bait's definitely getting bites this morning knew it would it's just my favorite top water bait and uh hopefully it's going to get a big bite here soon but uh add it to the board thanks buddy oh my God that's like a 5B bass if you swam right by the boat dude thing was massive what the heck dude that was a big fish oh we're on got him got him got him get up here look at that beautiful fish man beautiful crushed in the Buzz bait see you later buddy last night I was checking a deep die before I decided to come out and uh it was saying that the wind was pushing on this bank right here so that might be why they're stacked up and there's a good amount of bait fish so super cool to check before you get out here and kind of get a little game plan going of what you're going to throw and where you're going to throw it oh we're on again oh my god dude the buzz bait's too good the Buzz bait is too good get up here I mean this is too much fun thank you buddy look at you see you I'll tell you guys one thing I used to come out here and not be able to catch a single fish now I feel like I'm putting something together on the river and uh I've spent a lot of time out here and I feel like I'm getting better I wish I could find the bigger fish but like I said I think that's just right place right time and uh putting your lure in front of its face and it actually wanting to eat but we're starting off pretty solid today we've already caught maybe five or six fish all on top water we just went back to back so can't beat it I think it is safe to say three three in a row go that's a decent one that's a decent fish oh yeah that's good yep that's the one we want that's the one we want ooh oo wo oo he's mean that's a big one get up here yes dude that's a big spot we were crushing them W look at that thing that is so sick oh my God this is crazy dude beautiful fish I mean the colors on that thing are wild well we started off the morning uh it was kind of slow but now we're having non-stop action over here on the Buzz bait I mean look at this fish man absolutely gorgeous gous beautiful colors put up an amazing fight it's actually a pretty good spotted bass right here these things you've seen me catch the little ones this morning this is uh these are the ones that you want you know a little bit bigger nothing crazy I mean I think they do get a little bit bigger than this uh I've seen them a lot fatter but you know this is a really good spot pushing uh pushing one of my personal best but I mean look at that thing dude he's got a noggin on him big old body nice colors let's get him back [Music] woo what a day it's going to be crazy it's literally what time is it it is 7:32 at the moment so we are crushing on this morning everything is currently going according to plan okay we got a storm rolling in this afternoon so we needed to catch fish early and fast and uh it was supposed to actually be raining this morning but it's not so there's a good chance it might not even rain today I'll probably say that and we'll get stormed on look at this we got a little bit of wind pushed on the Bank oh it's about to get dirty out here if you give the Buzz bait a tad bit of wind it is game over that's actually why I picked this bank it's because I saw a deep dive to there was going to be some wind on it and I know if you get a light Breeze with the Buzz bait it could be game over for these fish like this is the perfect amount of wind pushing this bank right now oh my God look at this thing look at that that catfish just came with the boat and try and splash me okay these fish know I'm here they know that their dad is here every time I get out here they just come to me you know it used to not be like that but then I had to sort my dominance out here and just like catch a few and now all the fish just know like if they don't come to me I'm coming to them alligator's just kind of hanging around oh we're hooked up got him yep in the wind baby you got a nice little Cove right there in the Wind like come on dude that's just a money spot there we go Buzz bait baby see you dude we're crushing we are crushing I mean look at what I just cast it into look at this this is beautiful oh we're hooked up again dude this is just a no doubt area like look at it it's beautiful oh you don't get many days where they just eat top water left and right like this but this spring/ early summer has been nutty there we go another one see you oh we're eating them up speaking of eating them up there's a big old alligator over there watching welcome to the show buddy I know you've been waiting for this entertainment all morning I'm here dude I mean just look at they're literally bending it I just broke it come on well obviously I can bend it a lot harder oops okay cool going to have to lay off the weights you hear that alligator come try something yeah that's what I thought yeah swim the other direction buddy you don't want none of this just grab another buz bait out I don't know who snaap that one but they snapped it all right yeah you might want to take that as like a fishing tip like don't bend your bait as hard as you can or it might snap oh yeah oh yeah we're humming again baby we are humming again all right so we have some overcast weather some nice wind so I feel like this top water bike could possibly stay alive all day long just depending on if they're still eating it which I mean the way they have been I'm I'm assuming they're probably still going to be eating it but we're hooked up yep yep we might have a top order only day the way it's going the way it is going they eating it up just like deep dive said man I was scouting out where the wind would be blowing because wind and a Buzz bait are a perfect mix thank you little buddy see you cool thing is I've actually fished this area before like from this boat ramp and stuff but I've never really explored a lot so this is basically a whole new plane of water that we can cover in search of fish so that's pretty fun that's exciting because there's a lot that we could do today and I feel like we're already starting off really good so we're going to keep tossing the Buzz bait around obviously I'm not putting this thing down so we're see if we can't keep getting some top water bites and hopefully get that big one man I want that big one oh that was sick that's a decent one oh I thought he was way bigger that was crazy get up here there we go spotted bass that's a dark one thank you buddy wh oh he bit my finger he almost got stuck I mean look at the area we're in you have very light wind it's just a nice little Ripple and you have all the structure and it is just perfect for the Buzz bait right here God that fish bent it let me try and bend it back softly so I don't snap it in pieces like the last one oh we're on I was looking at Liv scope one came up and smacked it done changed up our area a little bit the other side was blowing pretty hard it looks like it now just swapped to this side so I'm just kind of following the wind with the Buzz bait I'm looking for that light wind but uh there we go another one see you oh we're hooked up we're on we're on there we go there we go God it's like you almost just fish until you get to a fishy area and then they're stacked up like this whole area looked good but we weren't having any luck until we got over here and now that we've gotten over here we've already had like three or so bites so they're here there we go on the Buzz bait as you guys can see the wind is pushing right here in this little pocket which is perfect for the Buzz bait and I was on the little wind map on Deep dive and boom they put us on them heck yeah see you buddy all righty well we just got off of the river it was honestly a fun time we got on a crazy top water bite this morning it got a little slow it picked back up the weather's going back and forth back and forth I'm trying to get out of here before the thunderstorms come in this afternoon and I feel like we had a solid morning you know after the morning time it was really slow we did have a ton of blowups on the Buzz bait they were eating that thing alive and I think that's what we caught all of our fish on today but I had a good time we even caught some decent fish not the big one I was looking for but the more that I'm out here the better the chance that I'm eventually going to get one so I'm trying to get out here train myself practice and just get better and I feel like the only way to do that is to actually get out here and fish and it doesn't matter if it's hot cold stormy sunny whatever the weather conditions are in today's case it is so humid right now um I'm trying to get up out here it literally feels like summer and we're not even in the summer time yet so that's going to be interesting but huge shout out to deep di for sponsoring today's video helping us out direct this crazy wind that's blowing around right now it was super helpful and it helped us get on some fish so it was a fun time out here had a good time good top water blowups can't beat it caught some fish and uh you know there's nothing better so if you guys enjoy this video make sure leave a like and a comment if you guys are new to the channel make sure to subscribe and I'll see you guys in next [Music] one stay fishing
Channel: Logan Anderson Fishing
Views: 9,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Fish, Bass fishing, Tackle, Outdoors, Topwater, River fishing, Logan Anderson Fishing, Deep dive, Lure, Buzzbait, Frog fishing, Summer, Spring, Googan baits, Bass, Fishing tips, Bass lure
Id: S2OjmaUsj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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