Making Art with the 3Doodler Start // 3D pen review

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[Music] cool hey how's it gone stevan here again with make anything and today we're looking at another 3d pen and this one is the 3doodler start as you can probably guess by the name it's made by the same folks who do the 3doodler create which is one of my favorite 3d printing pens so I'm pretty excited for what the 3doodler start can do this pen is designed for children ages 8 and up so I don't see an age range for the create it just says adult use only keep out of reach of children because it has a hot metal nozzle on the end of it but the 3doodler Start has a different nozzle that supposedly doesn't get so hot it also uses a special eco-friendly and kid-safe plastic that is made specifically for this pen so let's go ahead and open this up and see what it comes with so the first thing we see is this activity and Quick Start Guide so it's got a nice simple clear instructions here that anyone can understand it's also got a whole bunch of different projects that you can make and each page tells you how to make them and that has stencils and everything so that's pretty cool for kids who just want to start making things right away even if they don't know what to make this is the 3doodler start as you can see it's like a little tiny banana but even in my big hands it fits pretty well and if I had little hands I feel like it would work really well as well there's also a little tiny charging cable so another really cool thing about this pen is it's battery-powered and it doesn't even need an external battery pack or anything it's just built right in there and I actually charged this ahead of time because made that mistake in the past it took about an hour to charge this fully alright and here's that eco-friendly plastic that they're hyping up and they give you plenty to get started with and they're really cool colors too I'm a fan also the last thing in the box are these interesting-looking silicone stencils they're basically shapes with grooves in them so that you can draw along those grooves and create all kind of stuff so they got like different text stuff and certain parts for the things that you can create in the manual I definitely want to try these out it's a cool idea alright let's get started so here's a pen and so it's just got this one big button you click to start click to stop and click twice to get the filament to come out the back super simple and so let's just go ahead and flip the switch to turn it on and now you can see that red light that means we're heating up so we're just gonna wait until that turns green let's make some 3d art do you do there start there we go that took no time at all now I'm going to take this red a filament here and press to start feeding there it goes alright so amazingly this barely gets hot so it's just like the advertised I totally would trust giving this to a kid in fact they probably wouldn't recommend it but I can draw straight on to my hand I mean of course it doesn't really stick on there but what more do I need to say this is totally safe as far as temperature all right let's try out one of these stencils like I said I don't like following your rules so I'm gonna find one that lets me kind of play around alright this one's pretty interesting it's just a square a circle and some triangles and if you make a few of those you probably connect them to make cool things so I'm just gonna go ahead and start doodling along the path and filling up this stencil because this pen is made for simplicity it can only print at one speed and while it's not the fastest it's not too slow either I found it fine for just about anything here we go and the plastic stays kind of soft for a few seconds so you can press it down and change the shape a little bit you also want to wait a little bit before taking this out so it doesn't warp there you go Oh out of plastic I guess that's why they give you so much so let's see if I can get the filming out here huh there you go just shake it up [Music] subscribe all these [Music] there we go [Music] all right the last one is going to be tough so with this fad thing it's pretty hard to reach inside of those small corners I think I might have to do this one from the outside all right so there we go I made a little a little box I guess you can use it as a 3doodler holder okay so we tried out a stencil idea and it works really cool I like it but now it's time to do my own thing and I thought since this is such a kid-friendly safe product we should really put it to the test we're gonna see if we can draw all over this balloon without popping it if we can do that I would trust this start with just about any kid as long as they're not going to start doodling into their mouth that sounds weird okay I'm also going to use this brand new pack of all yellow filament so that we can see how long it lasts I'll probably try to use all of this on one balloon if it even sticks and works let's see so far so good oh it doesn't want to come off it's like meld it on to the balloon so I'm just going to start freestyling coming up with whatever whatever [Music] [Music] all right so I'm almost halfway done but the battery at this point started to die the film it's coming out slower and slower so I'm going to plug that back in and get it charged up again and then we'll finish this up alright I'm back and I charge the pen up again and the first time I charged it through my computer and the second time I charged it through the wall and both times it took an hour so it's pretty consistent in that sense time to finish this thing up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] OOP a bit so I used up an entire pack of filament on this one balloon but as you can see it's pretty packed with patterns so that'll give you an idea of how much you can make with one pack I think I'm going to add just a little bit more detail luckily I've got some extra yellow okay now I'm really done but the question is how do I get the balloon ow ah the filament sticks so well to this balloon that I think if I popped it the whole thing would just crumble up so I think I'll try sticking it in the freezer for a couple minutes to make the balloon shrink and see what starts to happen so the balloon actually starts shrinking pretty much immediately when you put it in the freezer and unfortunately I found that when the balloon shrink the plastic was shrinking with it however I found if I press the balloon right next to the filament it would kind of start to become detached from the balloon so I continued taking it in and out of the freezer and I used the back of this poker to just at the balloon all around the filament trying to detach it from the balloon itself and like I said this film it really sticks so I had to be super patient and just break off a little tiny bit at a time and it was all going well until it wasn't before I could completely detach it I popped the balloon and everything else got crushed with it I was about ready to give up but I figured I would try one final rescue mission so I carefully peeled the balloon off and tried to bring the shape back to the sphere and while I couldn't get it to be perfectly round I did get most of the shape back so that was pretty amazing then because it was casting cool shadows I decided to try slipping it over this light I have and the projections it made were pretty amazing so amazing in fact that I decided I would try to connect the print to my light and that was especially easy to do because the 3doodler start is Wireless so I drew this kind of cage around the light to hold everything in place [Music] Wow I did not expect this project to turn out quite as cool as it did I mean I definitely had a close call the balloon popped a little earlier than I would have liked to and basically collapsed in on itself I mean that latex from the balloon really sticks to this plastic so it wasn't super easy but I managed to get it to work and luckily I just happened to have this IKEA light that has a single LED which makes a nice crisp shadow as for the pen itself well I am so pleased with the 3doodler start I mean this thing is really awesome it's Wireless it's low temperature it's got a single button it couldn't be easier to use this is one powerful little pen it's definitely safe for kids and great for kids but it's not just for kids because I mean I'm really pleased with what I made and it was a really nice experience the only things that you might see as downsides are that it has this charging cable coming out the side so it's not really meant to be used while it's plugged in so if you're planning on working non-stop for four hours then maybe you don't want to get it but it's so cool the other thing is it only works with their specific eco-friendly plastic so make sure if you're going to get this pen you got to be able to afford the filament not just the pen and as you saw I went through an entire pack of filament on this one project so if you're planning on doing a lot of stuff you're going to end up getting more filament but honestly I think this is one of the best pens I've reviewed this one and the 3doodler create are both up there at the top for the best 3d pens mostly because they're the only pens I used that actually retract the filament back in when you stop using it and that really helps prevent stringing and stuff well there it is the 3doodler start check it out fellas until next time I'm Devon this is make anything don't forget to stay inspired you
Channel: Make Anything
Views: 941,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3D print, 3d printer, tutorial, tutorials, make anything, 3Doodler, 3D printing pen, 3D pen, 3doodler start, 3doodler create, 3doodler pro, review, 3d printing pens, 3d pens, 3d pen reviews, 3d pringting pen reviews, 3d pen review, 3d printing pen review
Id: zge0qRdC35Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2016
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