Adam Savage Tests This 3D Printing Pen!

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hey guys uh Adam Savage here in my cave and as you know oh there we go hi hi everybody Adam Savage here in my cave and um Regular Watchers of this space know that I have been 3D printing like crazy uh I have been really enjoying what it is adding to my process and I wanted to show you one thing that I love about it and then try out a specific new product but first up I just want to show you this [Music] um it doesn't matter what part this is um but uh this is a this part that I printed is a um it's an add-on to a Hasbro product from a movie franchise uh and this is 100% infill And this is with a very little little bit of support but like I'm I see a few I see ever so slightly few printing lines but almost nothing like almost nothing and let me show you how this comes out of the printer because it's actually Worth showing this is this is the support it needed um and this isn't I'm not using any filament I'm not using any support filament as a barrier I'm just using the same filament for the print as for the support and here here's how beautifully it just pops off okay um come on go oh like I like I have said before if you like picking scabs and who doesn't like picking scabs [Music] I found this on U inventables or printables I think uh or thingaverse will include a link and there you have it that is I have removed all the support material from that that was all that it required to print like that and that was 100% of the support material and again that that's like a production part in pla I know I could probably even do this in like petg or something a little more durable if it's a plastic toy but right now I am only printing in PL leg is I'm just sort of wrapping my head around that material damn look at that now one of the key things though that everyone who is doing 3D printing tells everyone who doesn't do 3D printing is it's not a replicator it's not I'm showing some really I'm showing some parts that happen to be ideal for what a 3D printer does the best um this is also using the bamboo carbon smoothing feature so so it takes the hot end and irons the top surfaces of everything just amazing um but it is a universal rule of 3D printing that all prints will have something wrong with them uh I printed this up from another franchise it's a toy from the 80s that uh got used as a movie prop um and it printed beautifully here but not so beautifully there uh and That's a classic thing that can happen with some 3D prints where they're on support and you end up with these uh little spaghetti artifacts not so magnificent but what I have here is a paa 3D pen this is supposed to take filament and allow you to use a pen like a 3D printer um this is talks about repairing 3D prints with this thing and I've seen people doing it online and and I'm interested in trying it for myself so let us see we're going to we're going to power this up and try this out this been sitting on my desk for like the better part of a month okay pla I selected the filament and the filament's already set to pla so what I've what I've got here well it's gonna right now it's the temperature is going up 67 68 degrees C heading on up to 160 I believe um I've got the same gray that I used for this part and I'm going to see what I can do with it okay I'm trying it out on 168° C uh it's just a sample here and I'm going to feed some in okay it's coming out this is great but I don't know how to stop it oh great push the forward button to move it forward and push the forward button again to stop it that makes sense all right let's get you a close-up on this not that close up all [Music] [Music] right okay hey hey hey stop it all right all right okay no all right so there's after a quick sand let's wake this up again okay cool so now it's climbing its temperature ladder and while that's heating up we wait for it to turn green I can do [Music] this so now I want to try I want to try something kind of close up here here we go so let's just watch it do its filling thing here this isn't I'm not going to achieve anything really important in terms of like repair but I just want to watch you see how that yeah what let's just try going over this and see if I can't get something interesting out of it here it comes yo now as far as like a fill that's pretty amazing I know I know I it's this is got to be one of the harder things to deal with right and the 3D printing but um I feel like I could sand that to something reasonable if this was mission critical I just want to do a little building up look that's not beautiful but there's actually some real possibilities there I mean now that that has set this actually I can actually move this I can actually like adjust this there's actually some room I'm quite impressed I'm digging this I really this is oh right uh holding a reverse button for two seconds to have it eject all the filament there we go um this is just my first pass with a new Tool uh I have certainly had 3D prints that had issues on their face uh uh level artifacts places where the the the the support didn't work and I ended up with a a hole this seems like a fabulous way to fix that you can adjust the temperature so if you want a lot of saturation and a lot of melting of both sides of the equation you could increase the temperature um I might consider well okay my one issue with this frankly is I wish the tip was a little bit longer it's hard to see out at the end of it uh and the ergonomics of these buttons are a little funky uh they the there's not really there's not a super positive feel on the forward button um there's not a super positive and so it took me a couple tries to hit it uh it's sort of natural for your thumb to want to hit it but that was also a little bit funky there's a little bit of there just some getting used to to this but frankly as like something one should have when one has a 3D printer I think this is kind of invaluable um I am sure it'll come up in a project in the future but for right now a pen that outputs I mean you really could just build with this that's kind of cool you could draw in color if you wanted to and turn it over yeah that's really neat um or repair your prints and sand them flat again I'm digging it thank you guys for watching this quick showand tell and I will see you next time thank you so much for supporting us by watching this channel you can support us at an even deeper level by heading over to tested dstore docomo baseball caps we got your normal baseball cap we got your Flex fits and we got Flex fit truckers and we are just starting to play around with lots of new designs so check back regularly thanks
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 326,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, 3d printing, 3d pen, 3d printing pen, 3d printed, 3d printer, 3d print, best 3d printing pen, cheap 3d pen, adam savage, adam savage tested, adam savage 3d printing, adam savage 3d, testing 3d pen, adam savage tested 3d printer, adam savage 3d print farm, tested 3d printing
Id: AcpYF93em1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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