Starting In Harmony With Nature ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody I'm G Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and we are at the house we bought last time uh this is a mess and a cluster and oh my goodness it's everywhere all right we're going to just move this to like over here cuz I can almost guarantee I'm going need need this a bunch of times open up you uh sell sell sell we're going to kind of alleviate this front a little bit of all this stuff chaos right all of you this log all these bushes kind I make a little bit of money on all the bushes it's funny okay um The Vines I mean last time we earned a lot of money on the vines so I guess we could try to I'm not going to do just going to remove them just going to remove them it's fine oh that's a really big window I don't remember seeing windows that big right go get rid of all the rest of the bushes right here want to put some stuff down right of all of [Music] you big Branch okay oh there's so much here there's so much here this is all up top yeah I'm going to definitely want to clear that out okay get rid of all that whoa slanty beds here cool all right I like it it's been a while since we've done like an actual just like full job of a house flip I'm excited boom boom all of you oh this is exactly like I was hoping it would be I mean this is cool all right I dig that little pathway here I'm going to get flowers and stuff up here rid of these bushes there's a tree up here I want that tree to stay that's amazing amazing okay can't even get inside there's just so much garbage everywhere why I want to go through and sell everything first uh I think this is one of my favorite parts of the game to be honest though I've seen several people say the same thing the cleaning up of the messes and stuff is some of the most like ENT is it's the most satisfying stuff right I don't think this house is very big either I don't see anything here uh we come downstairs see is this just like open that part is okay not this thought that was the front entrance and I'm like this doesn't make S there's just a hole here all right so much garbage laying around I love how open this is okay well my original plan was like if there's a I mean this is the kitchen right this would be the kitchen oo okay and get rid of all of [Music] you just start tossing all this stuff all right get rid of all of you think that's most of the garbage over here there's one bag already full I knew it would be like pretty quick that we' be filling this thing up there is so much trash laying around give me all this got one more bag okay we all good npe we got a bunch on the side of the house too there some up here there is oh oh I had even gone up here yet I mean this is fine I like this over top of the balcony and stuff that's bring some light down this however a different story I don't like this so much a bit overgrown all right get rid of all of you go need to seal this hole all right get rid of that and all this stuff okay I got rid of all of it and I look around I'm like oh there's just a big hole here too there's two big holes in the roof let's just start by patching those that right there These are nice and easy to patch I like this stuff it's just like all right one second boom and you're already done right there you go I look forward to the day that they we can just buy like sunroofs not sunroofs I I don't know windows for up here okay I guess that's what this is right there we go oh wait am I covering the whole roof I'm confused I just uh I don't know how I feel about that I'm always afraid it's not going to register that I'm like it feels better to just clean this off I am going to cover the whole roof and tiles though because apparently there is an entirely different texture here that's good let's just clean all you off okay man these big ones these big stains take a while to come off but look at that look how nice it already looks just from removing that chunk I totally okay with this right and I'm kind of I'm kind of fig trying to figure out like looking at all of it like the the idea for what we're going to do exactly like for the actual part of the H main part of the house like do I I don't want to keep it Stone I want to turn it into something I'm kind of thinking we're going to go with maybe something bright I don't know I don't have like like the last one the Spongebob theme thing which was um yeah that was the last house we actually did the flip of I I had that one in my head for a while CU I accidentally it's just something like that I got off like choosing the stuff in the first place and saw the yellow basically looking like the pineapple oh I was like wait there's no more of this basically looking like the pineapple I was like oh my gosh I see exactly what I could do with this this is like SpongeBob I I never really watched you know growing up cuz by the time that it was out I was already too old for it but I watched a bunch of it with my kids and and I just like I saw that and it popped up and I was like ooh this is this is perfect I know exactly what to do here there's still a mess over there right well uh thought I got it all all right there's still a bunch I mean does it matter if I clean this one off I feel like it shouldn't but just just cuz it's there okay uh more of this let's finish up this part actually like this a lot more too I don't know what kind of what kind this is but I like this Stone a lot more than the other stone that was already down I like I like the texture it has I just go right here right it's just Stone just concrete stone why does it look better than the other Stone maybe because the other Stone's like weathered actually you know what I could do let's see concrete stone well why does it look different oh because one's the okay I see cuz there there is two different kinds like this almost looks more weathered but I like I I think it looks nicer right all that okay there we go I'm okay with keeping this I like the different sections right there right I'm pretty happy with the root see a m and I just want to clean all right goe and get all of you at least clean through the garbage so that's kind of funny okay uh what do we got we got some over here I think there was some behind the garbage can but I can't honestly tell because I stuck the the garbage can there and then there was more not on the side a bunch is this that was it there's a bunch of this and then I instantly picked it up I toss it over there for now I'll pick it up later I don't feel like running down there right now at this moment okay anything else up here yeah right there all right all the rest is inside oh I apparently missed something to sell just pick up garbage from outside oh maybe it's the other room oh no don't go up there I mean I guess it doesn't matter I need to get up there anyways but he take care of all this this whole room is so nasty right and sweet don't see any more in here I don't see any more in here or in here downstairs there's a crap done right give me all this bag all right I'll pick it up in a second I'm already still picking up more garbage so oh wait that's it isn't it oh no we got this room I was excited I thought we were done a here tosy here Tossy here okay I feel like that's all the garbage unless there's some on the outside that I missed oh wait there is some on the outside that I missed what am I talking about I heard the sound so I knew there was something right all of you out of here there we go all right there right there all the ivy I think I got bushes up here to still sell but I'm going to need to get up there can't really clear it I mean maybe I got it all but I kind of doubt it all right let's get this clean start cleaning off all this stuff like the walls seem to be fine on the side but ground not so much right take care of all this there's so much and I I I apparently did miss some Ivy it's up here I'll get in there in a second boom boom boom and boom okay okay okay I love this see this is what I mean by like I love just cleaning this off and just seeing the difference just make sure I didn't miss anything down here real fast I know we haven't really been inside but before I go inside here we go oh there's lots over here I didn't even clean this bit okay this I I I don't like this I just go R here we go I'll keep this little section and like put Plants here what's going on with this parts so I'll just clear this out and we'll just put Plants here go nope I want to sell you and you [Music] um this just start cleaning off out here wait is that a hole there seal that up real quick there we go nice and good luck all right uh the you right here I mean the entire inside of this room is just nasty so I know there's a lot here there's so much here oh and there's some outside I can oh is that the wait that's actually clean the windows off with the thing I can just use this oh that makes me happy those are really big windows and I was not looking forward to that part wait is this also no this is the stairway so this is right I do those windows too oh my gosh one of the modded houses I did see was like a green house I did think about checking out that one it looks like it was all made with Windows and I was intrigued by the types of Windows because I feel like I don't remember seeing these types like this big a window that I could buy if it's like the Skylight then Skylight that's what I was looking for uh if it's like the skylights then it's just something that we can't get right all this but a lot of stuff we can't get in the story mode I mean obviously seems like it's in the sandbox mode because people are using them which I that that's a thing that just I don't I don't understand the decision on that one why why would you just put maybe because it was like some of them have weird effects or something I don't know I don't know all right like most of this is good and I got to clean this thing or sell this thing and I going to spray everything here so I can get at least Le covered without pushing the R button continuously there we go okay walls are good oh we got this window okay that one's fine I think that dirt's coming from the other side and did see there there was a bunch on the ceiling over here yeah all right rest of everything down here gosh look how nice it looks in here just removing all that nasty right we got to sell this part boom get rid of that and there's just a little last bit in here actually I think there's some over here wasn't there yeah it's up there like I I saw something light up but it was more of this that caught my attention cuz it was right here okay so clear up all this go we got the roof hey is that everything in here it's sell those either okay like everything down here is finally clean except we out there come here so nasty all right get rid of all of you this nasty stuff one thing to sell in here mostly done with this the this part on to actually the cleaning and everything else right everything in here I see these and it's like my my initial thought my initial thought on stuff to do I'm like oh I would love to do like I just every single thing thing in this house black and white every single thing wallpapers like I just make everything black and white oh what the heck this one actually had to clean okay I guess this cuz this is a door there's nothing else here it's all cleared okay weird I was just standing there for a second anything else out here and obviously that room in that room how do I get this there we go all right oh I got a o oh I finally got a thing finally flashlight shines brighter radius Sprint even yes this one only have one more one more point to get I've been sidetracked by that I think it's in here I'll just come in here and clean this up right all good on there I didn't even see that there was still vines in here okay and we're all good on that okay it is I didn't know if that was dirt or if that was just Shadows okay and so and so oh was wait is there is there planks here but no that's just random stuff there uh I just realized that there's yep stuff right there okay stuff on the other side of the wall I'm assuming oh didn't even see that part this is why the scan thing is amazing hey I don't see anything else here it looks like just this room is so gross and clear out all the rest of you we go it's super spray painted in here right oh good I don't have to clean that window I like just being able to do that like cleaning the windows off isn't that bad but it's also like oh my good right a little bit there there we go we're all good here and I think it's just this wall I think we're all done with the house cleaning besides maybe outside in one spot yep I don't see anything here we're all good out here nothing on this nothing at all have stuff up there wait what did I that on the outside or on the inside now I'm really confused don't like I don't need to clean this but at the same time I I see it and I just bothers me nope nope nope go up okay we'll just fall down on here I need to sell the stuff up here and I need to clean it this on the outside oh it is on the outside little bit right there okay I think we're done I think we're all done with that all right can I sell go to store uh surface finishes other and I wish there was a dirt there was a dirt I could put up here I feel like it' be cool I mean I could put the cobblestones you can't really see this I guess you can from like right there like see like the dirt here I would love to just add something like that on this but I I don't think you can if you can I don't know how um yeah you know what I'm actually kind of cool with that I put this all along the outside of this and do the big one go I mean I'll do the whole thing in Cobblestone right here okay then me just cover all that up this whole side I can't tell if I'm actually getting yeah there we go I got it all okay Cobblestone thing here and then we'll just do Cobblestone all the way across this is what I'm kind of thinking I don't necessarily mean to go up I guess but I was just thinking kind of like a trim it's fine I can cover up with something else nice little Cobblestone trim around that part wrap it around the entire thing I guess be fine uh you I want to do this still all the way around kind of okay that was like way too sporadic as far as the outside of the house itself don't know no not wallpapers see wallpapers I was thinking like we could we could do completely black and white everything and I could just do do wallpapers type of things like we do this no I don't know if I want Stripes I I'll do stripes for one room we can do zebra stripes go here Che the size to like maximum rotate you like so no no matter what you're in a weird rotation okay before I do this though I was I was thinking kind of want this just to be a giant open room I want this to just be one giant open room like this is clearly a kitchen that's what I was thinking uh this would be the bathroom kind of just be like a lounge bookshelf area a bedroom just have all of it be down here have the dining room right here have the big living room right here this be the kitchen but we don't need this a massive open area move all of you this is like perfect I just remove the walls in just a couple oh I missed like one layer right bam and Bam no no matter what it's still going to be two more all right all right just one gigantic room I like it and we can still separate the walls and stuff H I'm trying to think about what type of walls I want for in here then I mean this I I think is my gosh so intense I love it I say like I say every time you know I love chaos I love making it try to like look you know at least to me good I mean not not everybody has the same taste I have like no actual like fashion scense so there's that I H straight up admit it I don't care all right all right and do I want the entire thing like this is the question like that's that's what I'm I'm I'm wondering I mean I could do I want the entire house like that that that's pretty intense that's pretty intense it flows really well I will say from one wall to the other not so much on that one that one that one seems a little weirder like that one that one seems like it literally just flows over to the next one h I mean I could just do a completely white wall here zebra wall that up yeah I think that's what we'll do go ahead and copy this I'm going to need more than what I have right now going to add that there uh this wall like I said we're going to make a white wall paint actually I'm probably going to need more than one of those I'm going to need at least two if not three because I'm going to want this up here cuz I don't like I don't like not having a ceiling having a color on it I don't know what's happening every time I place one of these it like freaks out in there front entrance uh actually you know what what if we make it black I think that would be fine do that wall black do this wall white I actually didn't need this that's fine all right and then in here go to panel no tiles do black and white floors size maximum put those over here on the floor go back give me some marble where is there it is oh my God it keeps over scrolling I'm like where's the marble I'm looking for it's right here and put that on our backdrop and then for the center part we'll put the black marble we'll have the contrasting colors there I'm thinking here the wallpapers again want the small one I almost I kind of want the small ones yeah we'll do the small ones we'll just do one wall right here the rest of it all white rest of everything in here is going to be all white yes that should work okay I'm picturing it in my head on how how this is going to look all right and then panels we need flooring I don't want to go full black because that's just really dark like we could do the ebony wood but I right here yeah but I want the cut pattern no well I could go M Mosaic you know what I actually yeah no EI that or that one do that flooring give me the size oh big panels yeah that actually work for the floor pretty well how dark is this though I assume yeah there's no lights in here right now right it's always weird to do that on the walls I don't know what to make of it very dark all right this is going to be intense that was weird why are they being why is it placing like that I don't know I again I don't know what to think of that oh wait the door the door yeah that's fine I'm going to be moving this though I think it'd be better over here this is where the kitchen is I don't really want this where the kitchen is okay with it being here though going to be like the edge of the kitchen have it go to like right there go okay and then it's just going to be black wood all around here oh this is going to be mind bending I love it okay I will put zebra on that side we'll do zebra there zebra here black wall here up to that point and then white wall all the way around to this wall everything else in here White besides that obviously the ceilings I'm going paint white let's come up here I still haven't thought about the outside yet I I may not do that one today we may save that one for later okay and then the bathroom oh you know what I'm going to swap this out okay so we did that up to there we do this change that to White what color is this okay it is it just for some reason it looks almost tan pet pattern um I kind of like the Mosaic make it big enough there put that for here and in the bedroom so we'll like contrast that in itself right and then with that being white right here back wallpaper and there we go exactly okay I didn't know if it was going to be up and down or if it was sideways I want sideways so that's going to this I'm going to put on the outside in this room around the walls and then for the bedroom this work what can I rotate this at all oh that looks crazy I mean it's rotating clearly but not exactly how I expected STS no uh straight of disorienting he what about this for the sides I didn't I didn't need didn't mean to buy two I didn't need to buy two that's not what I meant to do and then I'm going to do this one we're going to change the size though and make it huge we put that here and here what does this look like composed to each other and all right all right this is meant to break the brain and it's going to do it and I'm going to be happy with it all right and then the bathroom go give me tiles we go this almost feels just too perfect oh I can't change the size of it all right then fine that I'll put that in here then for the walls uh I can why did this one be so bad see I like this but at the same time I don't I mean that okay that'll be fine no I didn't mean to cancel it by two because I think I'm going to need two all right I'm fine with that and yeah like I said out here I think I may wait till next time don't know I don't know on that but I'll see in a second I'm going to put all this stuff together real quick and we'll see exactly what we got okay so I got everything inside done it's dark super dark in fact uh I kind of want to get some lights real quick I was looking outside and I have a uh you you may have seen some of what I did but I really need to get some lights first I can't see anything uh let's get some light switches we'll put one right here and I'll put one right here for outside here for outside I guess one right here for the kitchen okay oh let's put up a couple of these and there like right in the middle the dining room okay I mean these are pretty bright so I'm thinking it'll be enough oh wait and then one for right I I think that may be too I don't know these are these are just the same aren't they yeah go ahead do let see how bright this is turn my flashlight off Connect up to you turn you on okay that's not bad this here here oh wait no no no no no just that one I don't know how to okay whatever I'll connect it up to a different one boom but I want to do this one right here here okay there we go all the lights on and I mean it's it's pretty good I think that's enough lighting we can add lamps and stuff and it'll be fine okay then same thing up here we need a light switch right about here second light switch next to that one up in the middle one up in here in the bathroom also we got to get light switches it's weird that there's no light switches like normally most places we go there's always a light switch not this time okay there we go and connect you you up to here turn that on uh yeah okay give me this real quick give me duplicate put this up here there we go I like yeah and you can you can see how this is G this is this is gone crazy it's which is exactly what I wanted I think I think it came together pretty well I'm pretty happy with how it all looks there we go I was going to wait till we got the lights on but now you can see got this lines it's just kind of like I don't know it messes with the eyes I did on all the windows I did black paint kind of give it a trim all right and this works pretty well I'm pretty happy with all the light in here I did white uh ceilings on everything come out here and I was kind of thinking we could do I want outside lights for these lighting right there so go ahead and give me this right above the door door then these here there and there right let's connect these up and see how they look this is what this one's for you you you there's an axe right there missed that I didn't see that till just now that was shiny no don't duplicate that sell that there we go all right I'm pretty happy with the light on that I mean I could probably do one more of these this duplicate right about here yeah I I like that okay that's lighting for here this isn't a real window and then for the house itself I haven't painted a house and I was like you know what with these windows and everything I kind of think I'm going to paint the whole house white and any sort of these trims and stuff will paint black and we'll paint this part black what am I looking at here what is this turn on there's a light here interesting okay didn't know that existed I'm honestly confused on what I'm seeing yeah that disappears every once in a while yeah right there it's it's gone I saw that I'm like why is there just a big old empty space but it's it I don't know I don't know what to make of that oh wait there's lights out here already no I'm going to make my own it's fine hey give me this that's that's exactly what I was going to do I was coming down here to put some light out here cuz trying to work in the dark doesn't really well work so want to put some lights out here right right there right here and then I'll put one right here and one right here put it there and put it right here maybe one in the middle but before I do that I didn't even think about this I need something else out here oh wait this is turning on this light okay then I need one more uh you which I want to I want you all right you move over a little bit there we go you move over a bit there we go don't know which one's better I feel like the one you want you come in would be the one here and this one is the outside lights for whenever you want to go outside and have the lights on this that connect up all of these I guess I'll turn this on too cuz why not there's no other light right here okay let's see how this looks oop I think it looks pretty good out here I like that a lot the only other thing I was thinking is maybe putting some duplicate plant's in the way I didn't even see this give me that and so right about here and just add some like yeah like the like the the light reflection off of it all right yeah I'm I'm pretty happy with that I think that's what I'm going to do and this out here uh I mean I have this to get the upstairs as well um I don't know think is there anything else I want to do out here could put a light up here it's still pretty dark what if we just duplicate this can I put these on top yeah I can there right there a little little bit more lighting going on okay I'm actually happy that it went to night time so I I could see what I was doing so I need to fix this up though need to go over to here over to there fix that this to here to is happening that being weird oh I can't because I see what's happening all right come on killing me there we go there's the other piece there I can't place it all right boom fix that I'm not doing anything with that then I wanted to fix from over here there oh I can only do one row oh really I kind of wish you could just fill in all at one time and just have it go in there I think that'd be such a nice feature right right there I just come over to here and then bring it over even though it has that one and then just not have it placed there but that's more of a quality of life thing I think all right so I'm happy with this go to surfaces tiles the granite tiles I mean strip Stone okay let's go with this and yeah that pattern do I want any I don't know I was thinking it would be kind of nice to like set it up like this all the way around the entire outside and we can kind of do the garden part right here I do feel like this needs to come over a little bit more I'm not going to put it here though that's the that's the one thing that I don't really [Music] want and so I mean yeah that's fine doesn't look it doesn't it just looks a little thinking maybe turning it but I don't I don't think I want to I think I actually like how how it is okay then we kind of just carve through [Music] here yeah looks nice let just do the same thing on this side right here the only downside of this is having to do like the individual piece I don't want it to go I don't I don't want to waste too much I could just do it all at once I guess no no no no no no no no that give me this extend this over by like three nah it's still too skinny five should I just do okay that's right right okay so let me get the other type of tile go back isn't there a white marble like this gra gray no not really I mean I guess that's fine is this the opposite direction no okay I want to do ration we go rotation all right then we can kind of place it like this that's what I was thinking all right it's a little bit more than over there but that still works it's okay like a little pathway in between okay that works there we go make it all big we'll just bring this all up here the rest of the way down you know I'm yeah no this is like the entry way right so from here mean this this does it's I don't know this is this bothers me because it's not even but it's fine the fence is there and I can't do anything about the fence you can still put it all here I don't know why it's weirdly separated like that all right that's fine we can do the black marble all the way around that and then come up to the door all right this needs to move now we are done with the garbage for now so let's put that there uh the only I think that's all I have left is just what's in here here and here all right this is fine just it's just little small pieces and we're all good could turn it and have it go over there but again I like it being the contrast of the marble the opposite or the the black marble the opposite way okay so that's all we had of that for now but that's fine keep going around here with this part of me actually does want to change it out for that one most because it's no but it's still it's going the opposite way so no no no no we're fine okay I'm really liking this ah I just wish I could do more than one at a time just want to get the front I'll do the rest of the stuff later I think I don't know I don't know I'm going to I'm going to at least do the painting and stuff off off record that one's too much I just mostly just want to get this done cuz I want to see what it all looks like before we go to the like the deck I'm definitely going to be sticking with this marble though gray and the black marble really nice I would I I almost wish it was a solid white marble but it's fine okay oh look I'm carrying something and I'm so fast now it's so nice that perk is amazing and carrying carrying these things in the past You' be like slow oh wait so this oh I can run with it now that was the one in particular that always drove me nuts you you and you cuz you're in the way okay so like look at that yeah nope it's still not done on over here right finish up this part okay we're all good there and I just don't have these like edges done and then yeah we have the entire front basically taken care of well the side parts and stuff to do but that's fine okay like that a lot all shiny looks nice the top part too all right yeah see with these outlines I think I look nice that uh I think for this I'm going to just do it do the black marble here outline that I won't put any black marble against the side we'll do gray here so just uh we put it like this here and give me that I let's put this one going this way basically coming down here and wrapping up to this kind of what I'm thinking for this part too all right then we'll come up here so this me this do that part and I just change this do the gray all right that works copy paste still got to get the that was like it doesn't change sometimes every once in a while it just get stuck on there and it's like nah no I don't feel like changing over why are you like this that going to yeah okay that matches I like that I'm not going to I think I'm going to stop this here I don't know maybe not maybe we stop it right here at this part yeah I think I'll be fine I'm going just do gray here wrap it around goes over this way I know you know what I think the gray is going to stay there this you just going to do that leave it on the outline and then it carries over to this and we can put this gray marble all over all this stuff like so NOP not on the sides that's actually going to be the black marble again okay and then we'll do the same thing up here all right perfect perfect and then we just put the black marble up here and we're allt we're all extra good we got it all right I like it give me you copy I wish I could put it along the side right there as far as the Wall Part um not honestly [Music] sure I think I'm just going to do white with this part being black that bar righted there some of the stuff I have to paint some of it is just like a it's it's the slanty right there we go that works okay and then we can just do white paint which I should actually have right here I can just do all this stuff solid white think the house is going to be do white right here because I want the reflection back I can't paint underneath can I no cuz there's no way of getting any lower all right it's fine okay okay I mean the basic structure of the house is there yeah all the different paint and all the different colors and stuff I have set up I like that I like it a lot now that it's daytime we can come in here have a better look at everything I I didn't actually put up this tile yet because I realized that we don't have any I don't know where the cabinets are at far as the cabinets go kind of thinking in this variety base give me wood solid black against the White and then the fronts will all be solid white do glossy paint all right and then the handles silver no black all right and then I forgot about the top um I don't know black granite I guess wouldn't be bad but now at least no this one goes right here crap oh crap this is why I didn't sell anything this exactly why I didn't sell anything that's fine easy Pi there we go okay I like that and then I painted this white uh I was thinking about however doing this need to adjust this kind of wood in here don't I don't think black is necessarily good cuz the floors you want to see where you're stepping and the gray marble doesn't seem bad light enough you can see it but it's also still kind of it's darker than just the white then yeah we have our floors up here and our crazy just all kinds of crazy wallpapers and everything here I love it I really do like this is this is I'm I'm intrigued to see what people think of this place I've had some people say I should do 100% just black and white and I'm like you know what I think that's what I want to do oh and then up here I I there was I forgot about this as well uh give me this real quick so if I wrap this around this now that it's getting sunny out it does good all this stuff mean I guess I can see over here it kind of it almost just looks like a shadow which is kind of what I want was like a shadow box kind of feel it's kind of what it does just make these things pop out of the ground a little bit more though it's perfect right you can't you can't really see it because it's just the way the lighting is I think it looks good I can't really tell until the sun fully comes up but I think it I think it looks like it's going to be good right and then only yeah downstairs I kind of did this little Shadow thing here so I put these up I painted like the insides black left the sides of them white I I think that's what I'm going to do up here too with these cuz the house is all white but I think for this part and that like in insides I'm going to make just black lines right there I'll do the same thing over here and then up the top think I'm going to do the same thing as down there I'm going to leave the Cobblestone because I think it looks nice and I mean I could po if I could put dirt I would just straight up put dirt in there and make it like this but I I don't think I can I mean wait wait what if I try this oh you can't okay never mind all right what if you Tred to what if you wanted to destroy this can you destroy this even no you were just even if you don't want the garden up here you have a garden up here that's good to know I actually did not even think about that to just know oh there's like a little lip here what go run the whole thing it does maybe I'll I'll fill this whole part in with cobblestone as well okay with that yeah I was originally thinking having it there but I didn't like it I just decided it'd be better to paint it so that's what I went with was just painting it I didn't realize though that I had painted this section right here so I think I'm going to turn that back around but all in all yeah I'm pretty happy with this place uh I I think I'm might have to leave it here for now I don't remember exactly how long this is cuz I had to do it in three different chunks yeah hit the like button leave comments let me know your thoughts on this place uh you know suggestions on what what I don't know what what do you think on the contrasting colors I think here I should probably paint this black too I did it with everything else I don't know why I didn't do on that one but yep I'm going to leave it here so thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next one where we will finish this up byebye for [Music] now
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 9,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, House Flipper, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild, 2024, February
Id: T4yCf2bldPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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