Making a Montanoceratops Diorama

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welcome in today's video we're building a diarama for this guy as well as some other creatures this model was sculpted by Benji who sent it to Michael in Canada who turned it into a model kit and sent it to me and I didn't want it so I put it in a closet just kidding now let's get started I found a beautiful glass clo to use in this project now we need to work out the composition you can't just jump right into it we've got a lot of vertical space let's make some high ground for the Montano catops don't try it next to that there could be a fallen log kind of like a ramp now if it's a hollow log I could put a critter in here this might go here and we'll need some trees to reach the top of the glass this guy goes right here stepping onto the log and this end can have a bunch of roots this is an interesting composition we've got the exposed tree roots giant log coming across and a swamp all fitting inside the Clos first I need to raise this Rim past the base that'll work time to build those big roots with original sculpy this is an affordable and easy to form clay it's perfect for this but terrible for details or strength the tree I'm making is called a bald Cyprus they've got these knees that grw up from the roots to the surface ours will be in [Music] water I'm using a ball tool to replace the fingerprints with bark [Music] texture the roots are coming together and ready to bake [Music] we won't be needing that support anymore but I should fill that empty space how about more [Music] Roots the under roots are ready to be merged merge success very Rooty it's looking okay but it needs some smaller Roots branching off all over the place put them [Music] everywhere right now these are just wires but I'm going to blend them in with modeling paste this is a goopy medium made for acrylic [Music] painting much more natural let's add a quick base coat before moving on to the next step Next Step I'm combining modeling paste and sculpto mold with some natural Spanish moss for the finest of root [Music] goop dericious these just get draped on here shove them in the cracks if you have to with this final slathering the roots are complete next up the log I got it from a paper towel roll I'm stuffing the tube with foil scraps to give it some rigidity from rigidity to give it some rigidity with some aluminum wire Roots super sculpy is back unfortunately this paper tube is too squishy to sculpt on so I'm going to roll up a stronger core [Music] perfect this end is done and ready to be baked I covered the core in packaging tape to prepare it for what's next I'm using sculpto mold once again it's kind of my favorite which is a mixture of plaster and paper [Music] fibers if I smush this on here it should create a hollow [Music] shell now I have to wait for this to [Music] dry it's not fully dry but who cares [Music] I think this is going to work not bad now to hollow out this [Music] side I hled some wires inside to reinforce the structure the there's a natural crack here right where I want the hole to be so I'm just going to follow it I'm mixing up a second batch of sculp Deon this time it's chocolate flavored [Music] every inch must be covered I don't want any tin foil showing or aluminum while that dries we need to make this look like this starting with aluminum [Music] wire oh that's got to hurt spiky let's pose those so they look less like nails now I'm mixing the goofiness of modeling paste with the texture of sculpter [Music] mold this should dirty up those [Music] wires add a little bark chip here the next step should be familiar this time I'm mixing Spanish moss with sand and Mod Podge hand paint I'm trying to get an organic look capturing all the fine soiled covered [Music] Roots here's how it looks from this side and I went ahead and made a stand in Disguise it should be completely camouflaged with the other tree and that's the log for now next up I'm replenishing my stick Supply because it's time to Our Roots into a tree these get baked I found a bald cypress that matches Our Roots perfectly it's even Dome [Music] shaped I have a neat piece of Driftwood here it needs to fit from this side and from this side the base of the trunk might look better in this orientation it's got to look like this somehow let's see if it even [Music] fits that does not look natural this Branch needs to be modified [Music] nice now it's looking like the reference now we can fill it out with other pieces I'm using the split piece to make it look like the tree broke off at one point which matches the reference now it looks like a jumbled mess but I'm going to blend it into one trunk I colored the sculpto mold again which will make painting a lot [Music] easier now I'm mixing up a stickier batch to cling to the Armature wire I don't remember what I put in here probably mod podge and modeling paste and now we can finally bring our pieces [Music] together time to base these I'm using a small amount of [Music] plaster I'm leaving a board for the glass this will also be important to create the edge of the water I can create a wall along here to retain the resin water down paint will flow into the texture speaking of we got to paint those trees I'm going from light to dark with some washes black with brown and Honey brown [Music] I'm also adding in some yellow ochre down here the wood would be darker from all the water some more yellow right where it transitions from wet to dry [Music] I also noticed some lyen on the bald Cyprus I bet I could replicate that with this wiy paintbrush a quick way to make patches of little [Music] spots the bark is coming together let's add some texture to the terrain I'm mixing my colors into black sand and modeling paste [Music] this is some pmus I stole from my plants as well as gravel and some more sand those rocks need a [Music] wash it's coming together for our next step we'll need to go outside just what I was looking for a leaf big leaf makes small leaf I have some dry leaves from previous diaramas I'm gluing those in place with some watered down mod [Music] podge and that's the terrain this is D delodon drawn roughly to scale I'll be using an otter to stand in for all the soft furry [Music] Parts he's starting out as a Blobby snake let's add some Limbs and digits [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'm going to blend these blocky forms into [Music] fur time to [Music] paint and Let's test him out he's looking pretty cute but the fur texture doesn't look very realistic let's see if we can bring it up to the next level with yarn I'm using this to create Little flocking Fibers that I can glue on do you think this will work [Music] it's looking pretty mangy but we're not done yet I'm going to brush his fur with some [Music] water I have some pastels here I'm going to use these to create some color powder this way I can color the fur without globbing it up with [Music] paint and there's our finished D delodon now back to our scene because it's time for Moss Woodland scenix Turf is how we're going to do it I'm making a wet climate so there's going to be a ton of [Music] moss with Mod Podge again to glue it in place that's looking Lush now let's move up to the tree foliage I'm airbrushing some preserved asparagus fern to get the color closer to Bald Cypress foliage nothing like a plant to imitate a plant now I'm adding a bright green highlight [Music] I also painted a few of the Dead needles Brown the next foliage is underwater before we can pour resin we need some aquatic plants for the fish to hide in this is green Spanish moss I'm dunking into water down gloss paint and battering it in knock leaves nice these will work [Music] let's add in some real moss for a different aquatic species this would make good nesting [Music] material the swamp floor is looking alive but it needs a fish this is an alligator gar they come both fossilized and living we're doing scales the easy way by cross-hatching with a wire [Music] brush time to paint I like to keep a reference candy to match the right colors [Music] with our fish securely hidden it's resin [Music] time I'm going to use a cardboard retaining wall with a glossy packaging tape [Music] liner tightly fitting around the plaster Edge and hot glued in place [Music] can you guess who's sponsoring this video Let's resin this particular resin is deep por epoxy mixing up a large amount of epoxy can create heat which causes it to cure too fast that's why I chose this deep por resin this is two parts a to One Part [Music] B this is the color I'm going for the Color Picker says it's yellow I'm separating a portion of the bide to work with that way if I had too much dye it'll still get diluted I've got yellow black and a tiny bed of green now I can dip this toothpick into those dyes it doesn't take much I think we got it pour that back with the rest of bide and we're ready to mix the resin there's no rush with deep por epoxy so I'm taking my time to mix thoroughly and scrape the sides now we're ready to [Music] pour I'm expecting some of the resin to soak into the cardboard so I'm pouring the water level slightly higher than I needed there's a few surface bubbles I can pop with heat they fear the flame 2 Days Later the resin is fully cured some resin did get into the cardboard but it should be fine let's crack it [Music] open that's a su successful pour we need a pop of color let's add some lily pads I'm mixing green paint into some thick acrylic gloss this will make it thicker and slightly translucent those are dry [Music] now now for the flowers I'm using regular computer paper because it's nice and thin layer those with some paper glue and a touch of [Music] color the last step is to fold the petals around this ball and there's a flower they look a lot better after folding I'm adding a couple gloss Ripples and more gloss on this cut Edge but I wasn't satisfied there was too much of a lip and it didn't look good so I'm grinding it all down everything was going well until I accidentally sanded the surface of the water I was a little distracted [Music] here it is with 400 grip I polished up the edge which surprisingly worked but I couldn't get the top scratches out so I masked it off and sand it all the way through to 8,000 grit it looks pretty good but not perfect then I finished up any rough spots with gloss varnish I'm using this airbrush gloss because it's very [Music] thin there were a couple leaks but they're pretty easy to clean up with the water complete it's time to go plant shopping you can't have too much life ew a treat these palm trees make for easy ferns I'm painting them so they don't look plastic but I can't seem to get the color right let's take a a look at the real thing this is a pretty warm green so I'll start with yellow and black now I'll add some actual greens the Hue seems close but it's too dark and saturated let's bring in some light [Music] gray this is very close but is it a match [Music] I think we've got it I'll apply this color after placing the [Music] ferns I'm going to add a highlight color to mimic the Light Pass through the foliage make sure not to rinse your brush off in your drink next up let's make a flock of birds this is alexornis or what's left of them North American birds are not very well preserved if you want a good fossil you'll have to look at Chinese birds and for a living reference I'm just going to make sparrows the those get baked now I'm making the wings out of card [Music] stock very simple we're going to do most of the details with painting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the flock is finished and ready need a roost [Music] [Music] now it's time to paint the Montano catops I came up with a few color schemes but they weren't working in the scene so I did a little artistic thievery and copied someone else's they're very talented and definitely worth the follow now let's get painting these colors are more muted than they look so like the green FS I'm adding some light gray to get the right tone [Music] I'm giving him a lipstick look this is underpainting that'll get mostly covered [Music] up muting with gray again [Music] [Music] I'm mixing this black and yellow together with balancing clear this should create a transparent green tint I'm using this to add some subtle variation [Music] now I'm going around and adding a second tone to each [Music] color with the airbrushing nearly complete it's time for brush painting I'm starting with metallic Blues to match the eyes of this corar can't forget the inside of his nostrils now I'm doing a light wash to bring out the [Music] scales I'm starting pretty thick and blending it out with [Music] water and with that the the painting is finished but there's a problem this foot is too flat that doesn't look very natural I've got some freshly boiled water here the heat should soften the resin it needs a little touchup with super glue and paint for the final touch I'm adding a drop of UV resin to the concave [Music] eye I love how quickly this resin cures I did this for about a minute to make sure it was fully cured you probably thought we were done I did but then I remembered the frogs I folded a clay snake into an S shape for the legs the sides need a little more mass these will be our final creatures and two eyes on the top of his [Music] head time to [Music] [Music] bake steady f Focus you can do it it's okay it's okay just get that lower Iris frog complete I found this mold putty on Amazon all you do is heat it up and you can reuse it over and over again and with UV resin I can create a frog Army our colony is complete frog Ulus frog tickus frog celus frogus and frog alas all the pieces are finished just got to place these guys in their habitat and it's time for the reveal [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Kayakasaurus
Views: 112,763
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Id: 0uMLA_IoSUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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