I made a Diorama that changes from DAY to NIGHT!

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foreign I built this kit two years ago and I've been waiting for the right diorama to put it in but I'm finally ready let's start with a cardboard box I want to do a coastal Cliffside that can change from day to night with trees and fireflies it needs to be tall enough for full-sized trees it's a bit cramped just a bit we're gonna need a bigger box oh wood I have some rigid insulation foam here that I'll be carving into a rocky Cliff side I'm cutting some parallel score marks that I can press into to make cracks and crevices it's already looking rock-like let's make a hollow frame out of cardboard and hot glue only the space for lights later now for the terrain I'm mixing some gravel sand and Spanish moss with our main ingredient plaster and some acrylic so I won't need to paint it later I used some cardboard to elevate the back of the diorama [Music] now we can finish building the cliff I'm building this side with leftover scraps and using smaller pieces to create a jagged edge and cover the seams [Music] let's break up that straight line with some blocks and fill in the gaps with sculptor mold now I'll mix up a coat of gesso [Music] we have our cliffs in place now we need to find some tree material [Music] we need Driftwood for two things miniature trees and miniature Driftwood the Driftwood we need for driftwood should be shaped like these big logs but miniature oh that was miniature [Music] well that's a good candidate [Music] what is going on here oh what's that I think we found our tree's trunk oh look at that this is like an entire tree and I almost missed it what is blowing those bubbles look at these raccoon tracks pretty big bird these need to be cleaned thank you [Music] and baked okay let's see what we can do here this and that maybe like that this one looks like a T-Rex arm or light thronex hmm this would be a nice Driftwood log put our guy right there [Music] yes definitely using this and maybe one more limb like that okay now we need a conifer no these two that works [Music] [Music] I'm breaking out the sculpted mold again this time to make some tree mush [Music] sculpted molds like a mixture of paper and plaster foreign that oatmeal in there I think this will add a nice bark texture too [Music] we've got some trunks now for some branches I'm using floral wire and aluminum Armature wire [Music] and I'm gluing those in place with baking soda and super glue which creates a strong bond oh forget it forget it that's not bad more floral wire for the next tree [Music] and real branches to fill out the wire ones some gel type super glue to hold these in place foreign [Music] next I'm going to use some modeling paste to blend everything together modeling paste is used by painters to create a thick three-dimensional texture I'm going to use it to coat the wires and cover any seams [Music] not too bad now we can paint it I'm using acrylic and a little water some white dry brushing [Music] you probably know that combining yellow and blue will make green but did you know yellow and black also makes green at least the green we need I'm switching to dark brown in the shaded areas [Music] for the next tree I'm going to use green black and magenta and orange foreign [Music] bark now they need Moss I'm using some Woodland scenics turf this is a sponge-like material [Music] I'm wetting it down with some alcohol and gluing it in place with some watered-down Mod Podge this squirter is not working next up we're going to need some leaves I traced over some beach leaves and grew those into branches I'm using real life plants to select the paper color I decided I should let my laser do most of the work later on in the video I'll show you how to make paper leaves without slave laser labor [Music] I made two designs to mix together it even got the leaf ridges acrylic paint can work great as watercolors I decided to have the leaves change in color because it's pretty and I can get away with a sparser look [Music] because now I need to paint the branches on both sides [Music] now a little folding to make these less flat do that a couple times couple hundred times let's apply these leaves [Music] foreign [Music] perfect let's go check on our other tree for this tree's foliage I'm going straight to Nature or Etsy to get meticulously preserved asparagus fern now I could have done this myself with glycerin but I didn't want to buy a whole plant this is when I ordered super glue accelerator but it didn't come I happen to find these flat Roots growing on the sidewalk they look an awful lot like dead branches trees finished [Music] this is how I planned to place the trees but after adding the beach leaves they no longer fit next to each other so the Conifer had to slide back now the lithronax has even less room for this to work I'm gonna have to open up like that I didn't want to paint that wall anyways but I do need to paint this cliff right now it's a cold gray so I'll need some Warm Neutral tones golden yellows [Music] Sandy beiges muddy Brown and dark pale green foreign you can see the dry brushing still visible here but now it's tinted the same color as the surrounding area the colors are looking very natural now let's add some dark washes [Music] this will bring out all those cracks and crevices painting complete now let's fill this space we've got a few pieces of Driftwood to choose from [Music] when I was at the river I noticed sticks sticking out of the sand better include that I haven't found the right composition yet let's try a few other variations this Wood's a little too dark it probably needed more time to drift we'll just have to paint it now for some freshly baked river sand I'm going to use Mod Podge where I want the sand [Music] kind of bury the back of that log [Music] this is a very matte finish a glossy finish would make the sand look too dark I used some modeling paste to build up this area where the tree used to go and I was going to put sand over it but it looks like natural clay so I'm going to keep it visible now I'm going to fill this dry puddle with UV resin [Music] the advantage of UV resin over epoxy is that instead of mixing it and having cure times I can cure it whenever I want with UV light the surface hardens first and a full cure takes about four minutes I made this in two layers to make it easier for the light to penetrate looking at UV light is bad for your eyes but I found out my laser goggles make it completely invisible using this resin I reached out to Let's resin to see if they wanted to sponsor the video and they agreed to do a giveaway two starter kits that come with a folding UV light reply to the pinned comment below to be entered or click the Amazon link and get 10 off with code kayakosaurus now let's add some life to the scene starting with the cliffs I've expanded my turf color palette with yellow grass in the flat Rocky areas Earth and the more shaded areas burnt grass where rainwater might collect and light green up top where soil would be my spray bottle is officially dead so I'm switching to a paintbrush which actually isn't that bad [Music] now that the train is set we can plant our tree with some gray plaster to cement them in place I'm adding some brown to prepare for the ground cover we can make that out of dried leaves I'm using real life Dead Leaves that I found on the ground [Music] Leaf punches are also a serviceable alternative to a laser cutter I use this punch to make a magnolia tree let's set those aside and use the scraps as our first ground cover ingredient with sand Turf Spanish moss and Dollar Tree Moss [Music] a healthy helping of this will make the ground just as messy as it is outside I need a new spray bottle this twine is made from natural sisal fibers that I harvested myself foreign anyways let's trim these to size [Music] One Duncan clear acrylic or Mod Podge or whatever and small knock leaves and I'll glue those together to make a fuller bush this is the look I'm going for [Music] our second plant is going to be a fern [Music] this is my first time using paper ferns it's hard to beat this level of detail but they do take some time to make I'm going to bend them along the center of the front and then use a unique type of round pliers to curve the sides foreign for a fuller fern I stuck these in place with more hot glue [Music] remember these leaves from earlier it's time to place them [Music] thank you [Music] it's looking pretty good but there's this blank wallet here I'm going to make a quick Tree Line facade it's not going to be very visible just enough so it's not a blank space the super glue accelerator finally showed up [Music] I thought I was finished with the trees but then I realized this green is just not the right green so I took it outside to airbrush much better now the landscape's complete but the background's empty we need ambient lighting I cut a hole in the right spot on the first drive now I need to fill it with something that will let light pass through UV resin [Music] I need this to work both as a daytime sky and a nighttime sky so I went with dark clouds this is my first painting with an airbrush but I figure clouds should be pretty forgiving I happen to have a scrap of 12 volt LED strip which is just what I need okay let's see if it works yes I bought another lighting kit that I used in a previous diorama foreign so I could combine it with the leftover light and dimmer switch I also purchased splitter and pigtail cables now I need to tint half of these lights blue I tried transparent paint and Sharpie ink but I wasn't happy with either of those results I needed something clear then I ordered some navy blue vinyl I think we found it now I need a way to transition from day to night I went on tinkercad to design some sun and moon themed knobs print those out now I can use these on the dimmer switches I designed some barrels for the knobs to neatly plug into paint those with glossy black and gunmetal gray [Music] carve out a cutout and that's the drawer but how can we add a fossilized Firefly effect let's start with fairy lights and fiber optic cable which when momentarily lit up should look like a firefly I cut strands into groups of several lengths but the problem with these lights is there's no easy way to attach them especially in groups we need to find a new light to try here's some blinking LED lights that might work [Music] these are pre-wired and are rated for 12 volts now I can use heat shrink to make a tidy tube [Music] that I can slide the fibers right into [Music] I think this is gonna work let's swing around back and send in the fireflies [Music] thank you [Music] I'm adding in some extra branches to cover up the cable on the other end I need to evenly divide each of these bundles into four new groups one for each LED this way the blinking will be evenly distributed across the diorama to make sure a group of fireflies don't all flash at the same time so far I've gotten away without doing any soldering but I can't completely avoid it [Music] I'm putting the iron on one side of the wires and the solder on the other side [Music] this is what heat shrinks actually made for now we can attach the LEDs to the fibers all of that mess gets hidden away in here and the moon gets wired into the same circuit [Music] that with the ceiling completes the lighting effects now there's only one thing left our dinosaur life thronex also known as not a T-Rex but might as well be you can find the sculptor slash model maker on Instagram this is a Borneo angle head lizard I'll be copying its colors starting with a Vallejo skin tone called dwarf skin and then a yellow black and brown mixture for the lake and the arm for the back I mixed in light Livery green those are the base colors and because I'm not that confident with an airbrush I'm going to switch to a paintbrush for the line work [Music] foreign [Music] let's add some stripes and spots thank you back to the airbrush for the light spots inside the lines now I'm going to make this look way better with some Terracotta Red mixed with clear for a transparent effect this way I can add color over the pattern while keeping it visible the tail and throat will get the same red fade whereas the arms and legs get creative's transparent yellow now for the eyes which are all black with a ring around the pupil [Music] now we need to hold the mountain to the base the resin got so high it became rubbery [Music] thank you [Music] one last unnecessary Final Touch for the full effect [Music] [Music] thank you big thank you to my patrons for supporting the channel while I made this video see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Kayakasaurus
Views: 717,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ymIPsXxdsPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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