Making a Classic Colorado Legendary Creature

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[Music] one of the comments I received the most on my original video where I built this train layout was that it wasn't imaginary enough so today I'm throwing a monster on the side of this mountain whose signature move is sliding down a slip and slide of his own saliva chomping up everything with protein helping justify these heavy weapons on the train and I'm also going to be adding some hikers who will unfortunately be caught in the path of this terrifying [Music] monster how's it going everyone welcome back to boyy hobby time the monster I'm making today is called the slide rock Bolter and due to the number of requests and because it's a legend from my home state I was obligated to look it up and do some research and after my research I decided it was definitely worth adding to the wild imaginary West I started the build with a lump of aluminum foil which I shaped roughly into the shape of a whale with a hooked tail that's most of the visual description of these monsters that I was able to find online I cut up some super sculpy and started kneading it by hand but my hands started to cramp up so I ran to the store and I bought what looks like a pasta roller uh but for clay makes nice even sheets of clay few different thicknesses but I think the most important thing is that it saved my hand from doing all the kneading I draped a few layers of clay over the foil skeleton Armature and once the whole thing had been covered in skin I began blending the seams together with a ball stylus which I also picked up while I was at the store buying my pasta roller I intentionally left the clay nice and lumpy and like because in my mind these things should blend into the mountains that they hang from a normal looking whe would be far too out of place and easy to spot even for tourists I used my new stylus to give the interior of the mouth some detail and then I sliced up a little sheet and rolled it and formed the tongue of this Slide Rock Bolter like I mentioned at the beginning of the video the way these monsters Hunt is by speeding down the sides of mountains on a slide of their own saliva they use their hooked tails to latch onto rocks or ridg lines waiting for tourists yes specific specifically tourists to cross their path I will list all of my credible sources for this information below but if you are indeed a tourist visiting Colorado and you find yourself hiking in the Rockies be careful another animal that I used as visual inspiration for this monster is the stone fish which looks exactly how you would imagine it to look if you closed your eyes and visualized a Stone Fish after building up some volume where the eyes are going to be I the ball stylus again to make some sockets after those had been formed I put some eyeballs in place after the eyeballs it was time for some eyelids and after those had been put in place and blended into the surrounding eye area it was time to make some indentations for the teeth while this monster doesn't have the sheer number of pointy pearly whites that the dragon fish from my last project does its mouth is scary and impressive nonetheless I made an assortment of teeth types this time I bake those first before I stuck them in place of all of the teeth that I made for this monster I think my two least favorite are the two front teeth on the top row they have an uncanny almost human tooth likee appearance and the row of teeth on the bottom I pointed outwards to help scoop up tourists after giving this guy some hooked fins I use the rest of the leftover teeth as spines which I embedded in the monster's back this monster has no natural Predators so these spines are not for self-defense but aesthetic and aerodynamics only after a few finishing details and added texture it was time to throw this bad boy in the oven at 275° F for 20 minutes after that this mountain whale was ready for some [Music] paint I broke out my airbrush and began with black sprayed from underneath to establish the shading I Then followed that up with some field drab which is quickly becoming one of my favorite base coat colors it's very versatile and could be a base layer for many different colors next I established some highlights using a light tan and then I began painting the interior of the mouth starting with a base layer of red after that base coat of red I followed it up with a pale pinkish lavender color in order to help the monster blend into the terrain that I'm going to be adding it to I gave it a in of the same sky blue that I used on the mountain followed by the same highlight color of an almost white Sky gray I then moved on to painting the eyes I gave the eyes a base coat of gloss black followed by yellow irises with thin vertical black pupils similar to what you'd see on many other Ambush Predators I gave the eyes an orange gradient and then I painted the pearly whites with contrast skeleton horde I also use that for all of the spines on its back I followed up the skeleton horde with a thin layer of white on the tip of each tooth and spine then I broke out the UV resin to give a glossy look to the eyes I used a brush to carefully apply the UV resin and avoid getting it anywhere but the eyeballs themselves except the entire mouth I was sure to coat the tongue and whole mouth with a believable amount of wetness when saliva is your strongest tactical Advantage you got to have a lot of it I then took this bad boy outside and gave it a protective coat of Varnish in preparation for this next step this is an oil wash that I made from some burnt umber oil paint and some odorless mineral spirits I've seen 52 Miniatures and many other mini painters use oil washes so I decided to give them a try after coating this whole fish in an oil wash I left it to dry with a hair dryer I then used a paper towel dipped in mineral spirits to remove the wash from all of the high points and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out with our giant slippery monster done it was time to pick out and paint some tourists I chose an assortment of people in various stages of fight or flight this gentleman for instance is in Full Tilt trying to get out of the way which is what I would recommend to all of you tourists if you ever find yourself in the same situation I loaded up all the figures on some painting bases as well as some mules and one more running figure and while I paint these let me tell you the story of the destruction of Rico many years ago there was a park ranger who was responsible for a few peaks in the San Juan range in Southern Colorado a very visited place by tourists they were having problems with a slide rock Bolter in the area eating all the visitors and scaring away the rest which reduced the town's income dramatically the park ranger got fed up and decided to put an end to the Bolter by strapping explosives to a mannequin that he dressed as a tourist the plan worked really well and the Bolter did take the bait and exploded but unfortunately it was really close to town when it did so destroyed half of the town of Rico as well the end I can already hear the complaints in the comments section saying why did you ruin the nice landscape with that horrible ugly monster don't worry I installed all of the figures using pins so I can take them out whenever I want to including that big ugly horrible monster I attached a little lead from the mules to one guy who's trying to get them out of the way and then I put the monster in place I added some UV resin coming out of the monster's mouth which might as well be snowmelt runoff and I also added a little hiking trail that these Out of Towners foolishly decided to hike on I sealed that with some isopropyl alcohol and watered down white glue the last thing to do was to make some ripples on the water another comment that I got a lot of in my last video I use some gloss Mod Podge to create those Ripples and after this mountain lake was nice and ripple I called it good [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that is it for this video thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed huge shout out as always to my patrons you guys are the best have an awesome week everyone I'll see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Boylei Hobby Time
Views: 318,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: model railroad, model trains, toy trains, rocky mountains national park, rocky mountains colorado, colorado, monster, folklore, scary stories, slide rock bolter, wild imaginary west, wild west, Diorama, Craft, Hobby time, boylei hobby time, Miniature, Mini Painting, Scale model, Monster diorama, Polymer Clay, polymer clay sculpture, whale, cryptids, monster sightings scary, tourism, visiting colorado for the first time, san juan mountains colorado, trains, Train, saliva, train layout
Id: _vFE2gT8kSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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