Lake Terror | Epoxy Resin Diorama

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[Music] how's it going everyone welcome back to boy li hobby time this week i'm doing a halloween special and to start things off i jumped into nomad sculpt for the ipad and started designing my monster i looked at various artists renderings of windigos from around the internet and they are all pretty scary a famous child-friendly wendigo is bullwinkle from the rocky and bullwinkle show and that was a joke but like bullwinkle this wendigo is an herbivore so it likes to eat sticks and water plants instead of people but like a real moose it will not hesitate to kill you if provoked or if you mess with his pet squirrel most difficult part of this sculpt was definitely the hands it took me a long while to find something i liked but i did eventually figure it out finished up all the final details then i exported and printed it the other character in this diorama is this little davy crockett looking guy and standing next to each other you can see just how scary it would be to run into this monster in real life i wanted to put a lantern in the little explorer's hand so he could see the monster more clearly so i drilled some holes through his arm and his back and moved on to the base for the foundation i'm using this plank of wood and then for the landscape itself using some layers of xps foam [Music] i hot glued those together and then mid-squeeze i ran out of my glue stick so after a quick reload [Music] i was good to go i then used my handheld hot wire cutter to carve away at the foam to create a little slope down into the lake [Music] and create the little shoreline i then used a torch and some sandpaper to give a little bit more of a natural look to the slope and of course i use the necessary precautions so as not to inhale any of the dust or fumes from the foam i then covered it with a terrain paste made from plaster mod podge and paint and this time i added some fine grit sand help add a little bit more texture i set that aside to dry i started painting the miniatures i started painting one way using a side highlight and some contrast paints and then i quickly lost my way i forgot what i was doing and started painting him a bunch of different ways that were not the way i had started painting him so in the end i had kind of a hodgepodge of weird painting footage i came up with something that i i liked fairly well it has the right amount of spooky in my opinion and i painted the little frontiersman like you would expect a frontiersman to look after the terrain paste had dried i used some scenic glue to stick down some pebbles then i used some watered down scenic glue and isopropyl alcohol to stick on various sizes of sand it's all done in the name of texture i also added some driftwood a little bit more visual interest i tested everything against the moose to make sure it was to scale i left it to dry after about 12 hours that was dried and i primed it i added various washes in kind of a gradient going from light to dark down to the bottom the resin itself does add quite a bit of a realistic water look but adding the gradient just took it to another level i then added some little grass and reeds along the shore i finished up the rest of the ground cover [Music] after all of the scenery was dry i used some acrylic sheets to create a little reservoir for the resin to be poured into i sealed up all of the sides with hot glue then i mixed up the resin following the instructions on the box two parts resin to one part hardener and i'll just let you watch this part [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] after 72 hours the resin was nice and hard so it's time to take the acrylic off i did peel some of the paint away from the foam which is not a huge deal because i'm going to be covering it with a piece of styrene to clean up those edges anyways i shaved off the excess from the top and the sides of the resin then i added some water ripples to create a more realistic surface i sculpted the ripples around his legs where he would be creating some small waves and awake then i drilled some holes for the wires to pass through from the little figure into a battery housing unfortunately i did forget to plan ahead for this so i had to cut away at the base kind of just throw something together it's not the cleanest i do know that but after i had put on the styrene and painted the little housing with a black 3.0 it wasn't too noticeable the last thing to do was to stick all of the trees in place along the shore and also add a few little pieces of grass that got stuck in the moose's antlers they called it good [Music] and that is it for this video thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed it i had a lot of fun with this build i want to give a huge shout out and thank you to all of my patrons for their continued support of this channel really appreciate every one of you have an awesome week everyone i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Boylei Hobby Time
Views: 1,475,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scary, terror, terrifying, monster, monster bash, Halloween, diorama, resin, Resin art, epoxy, epoxy resin, Wild West, miniature, scale model, hobby, sculpt, 3d printing, concept art, WIW, wendigo, Creature, horror, spooky, Phobia, Scared, Moose
Id: B9Jv76l01zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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