Vintage Machines for sale by Lance Baltzley

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[Music] hello keith rocker here at venice guys uh today i'm down with my buddy blanc in florida sunny florida yeah and lance uh actually talked to me a couple weeks ago and wanted to know if i'd help him out uh trying to find a home for some new machines so you got a bunch of stuff that's looking for a new home huh i do you know and we decided to go a different way with the shop sorry my phone's ringing um we decided to to uh i was gonna build a second shop out here and i decided against that not not that i don't love rebuilding old machines but but i got a lot of other stuff that needs to get done so i am ready to offload some of the older equipment i've got a cnc bed mill in there and i'm looking at some other equipment that's a little more modern so any of you guys that like the older stuff i got some deals for you okay yeah well before we get into it i'm gonna go ahead and get this out we'll do it again at the end yeah if somebody sees something they're interested in how they get a hold of you so the easiest thing to do and hopefully keith can put this up on the video is go to 26 so 2 6 acre acremaker i'll put a link down in the in the video description and go there because if any of you have my other personal email addresses um please don't send it there because it'll it'll create such a delay i'll respond to you right away if you'll just use the 26 acre maker email because um i can keep all the equipment stuff in there okay so good deal thanks guys all right so let's uh go around and take a tour of what you're looking to get rid of and if you're interested don't contact me please not bother keith because he's got too much to do but um but seriously guys i a lot of this stuff i acquired either in bulk and so i'm going to be super reasonable so if you want to own something and i don't you know somebody that wants to just buy something to scrap it i can do that and i'd rather not but if you're interested in a piece of equipment not only will it sell to you but i'll help you with it as well because i will know something about it and i'll know um you know what you can do with it and how you can bring it up to whatever standard you want for that particular piece of equipment so next question i know people are going to ask is where's the stuff at and what about getting it loaded out so it's at my farm and if we make a deal and we both are an agreement i will load it for you no charge i have an 8 000 pound forklift here that will load anything that i'm going to sell and i'll help you even to the best of my ability i will not be responsible for your rigging but i will definitely give you my opinion and help you rig it out as well and location it's i'll give it to you i'll give it to you um whenever we strike a dlc yeah so it's actually the high springs newberry area florida west of gainesville so you know for your planning and travel okay so good yeah and i'll also coordinate if you get if you have somebody that you want to haul it we also have guys that haul for us routinely and so fred or jason or somebody we can also potentially help you out with that and get you in touch with those folks and i can make it super easy because i've worked with them for years so it's keith absolutely and they're both both great so yep let's go look at some machines okay so anybody that's watched any of keith well i don't know if keith's showing this adam has shown it on yeah adam's had it i don't think i've shown it um but that's uh 16-inch tool room gne it's a universal universal it comes got the tilting table yeah so got the original vice original vice handle i mean it's all original it's if you've watched i guess adam did a number of videos videos here showing this machine in action that's right and this was the one that i hand scraped for oil retention and it's good to go it's plug and play and i'll tell you guys the only ghost in the closet with this is the motor is vibrating and we know that it's because it's got a little end play and it probably just needs bearings but it can function just like this adam and i used it i've used it a dozen 20 30 50 times and it's performed great every time in fact i did a couple of years straight edges okay on that machine okay good deal now that's a sheldon 12 inch and that is on single phase 220 what i call double phase 220. um super easy it runs this this does not run this does not run hydraulically that's a mechanical one i believe this was the exact model that adam had in his shop originally it's got a little bit of surface rust on the table and that's only because before i moved it out here the the inside shop [Music] the inside shop drew moisture and it does every year we have the change of seasons but it's in perfect working condition it works great this doesn't really have any tooling to go with it so but that's not hard to come by for a shape or that size that's a great home shop somebody put that in the garage yeah and it's a single phase guys just 220 volts you know no big deal so that's that'd be a good one so this is a newer version and i know this looks really rough and it is a project it will be sold very very cheap it has chrome waves it is not it is not froze up um but this is the norton jani which is exactly the same shaper as the first one that keith showed you down there 16 inch um it is a i'm going to call it a project even though the motor runs we know it works just fine it does have a seal leak in the housing here behind the main drive shaft um but it comes with the original vise it does not have the vice handle but but that's not you know most people can't find them anyway and uh but all it it's all parts correct all the parts are with it and so but this one is a project and this this one um you know like does it does it mechanically work is it yes cosmetically as a project but mechanically mechanically other than a seal as far as i know and again we haven't been able to when i fired it up the clutch worked the motor worked it just was leaking you got the hydraulic fluid out of there yeah so and this is uh probably a 60s maybe even early 70s in this machine yeah i'm going to say late 60s but i don't know for sure because i didn't didn't look for the serial number on that one but that came out of a barn and it pretty much looks exactly like it did when i pulled it out of the barn it's exactly it was in an old barn um in the panhandle good deal so uh just a little giant um i believe that's a it's a 50. um and that's for sale so any of you blacksmiths out there that are interested i know that it runs and it's mechanically just fine but obviously it's going to need a good cleanup um and so i'm i'm told by my by the guys that know stuff um this is the one piece i think it's called a sow block is that correct yeah yeah this is the one piece it doesn't have the removable saddle boxes i i know that i i guess maybe newer versions of that had it but um yeah and but it looks like the sound block would not be a pain part of the anvil would be a thing to get out of there oh no no no a lot of these things are stuck no no that one whoever put that in um put a nice big wedge in it so i that'll come out and this this green you know this machine is covered in a nice coating of grease and so i don't think there'll be any issues with it there's to my knowledge nothing's broken on this and it runs just fine um but i have not i saw it fired up in a video but i haven't fired it up myself so but anyway it's um the the motor is free and everything's free on it so so it's not um it's ready to go um so this is an interesting arbor press the truth about this is i bought it for somebody else they said they wanted it and then they decided they didn't so it's a it's a greener i guess is how you say it yeah and i don't remember the number on this one but it's it's got the twin beam set up right now yeah i don't remember the number it's probably on the other side too maybe no maybe not yeah oh here it is right here number 15. number 15. okay so this somebody was pounding on this and currently i don't know if it's because i mean this handle moves but i haven't tried to free it up it came delivered like this yeah and so you know i unfortunately see this a lot on arbor presses where people want to give it a little extra they want to turn a 10 ton into a 20 ton with a sledgehammer and without being a 15 this is probably a 15 ton would be my guess you guys got some work but that's that's i mean even if you even if you had to make that that a new piece there i mean this is just a ride oh my god it'd be easy to do on a horizontal mill with a with a cutter and there you got several gear ratios in here to get different leverages so but the uh yeah it's just a matter of somebody pulling the gear assembly apart and then i i am 99.9 certain this isn't froze in there at all but even if it was you get it out oh yeah it's definitely a project that that's a nice nice press look down here you got the wheels where you can roll it around and and this hand this hand piece here it's it's right now it's screwed in i believe it's made to go there so that you can pick it up and roll it around it's a really cool arbor press i just happen to have a really nice one that does everything i need inside and i don't need it so it needs to find you know that's that one's cool i mean i'm almost tempted myself but i'm like you i got one that works and well you and i have we have the same same one yeah it's all the floor space i can donate for a price that's a nice one though but um you can show a 30 second clip of that but that's yeah so we got a thompson this is exactly like my thompson same model anyway but uh this one's sold guys sorry i mean if anybody's interested i'm pretty sure it's going to go but if you're interested feel free to put your name in the hat but uh i have a feeling and i've been told to hold it for i think 30 days or so or i can't remember how long i won't say his name but yeah um but he wants it and it's this this grinder does work i i ran it in the shop that i bought out and um it's a nice little grinder i just happen to have a surplus of surface grinders so yeah i think that's accurate i'm not sure [Laughter] all right let's walk all right so this is i have two of these actually um and again this was a bulk sale for a bulk purchase for me this is a monarch 16 cw i have its cousin that has the relieving attachment on it and it's a 16 y that's what it is i just remembered i have the 16 c wide of this as well um this machine was running in my shop in fact i actually did one small project on it and i just ran out of floor space um actually this this machine could be put in somebody's shop and and you could start using it immediately yeah it looks like it's got modern electronics on it it does and the cover cover for that box boxes in the shop um but it's got a steady rest and um yeah there's one for one for each one of them i i have the 16 cy heat is in storage um and i can arrange for that the 16 cy is actually in panama beach area destin florida yeah for you guys um now this machine actually got the paper attachment yeah i cleaned this machine up um before i brought it in and then the 16 cy has not been cleaned up um it runs i think from cool factor the 16 cy would be cooler to have because of the relieving attachment on it yeah but um from a put it in your shop and use it immediately this is the one the other one is going to require some cleanup and then maybe even a little bit of just adjustment headstock work um it runs but um you know they're old machines right so but again this stuff i am going to sell at yard sale prices this is not uh this needs to just find a home so let me show this this if somebody will take it i will basically oh a little cylindrical grinder yep this is a brown and sharp cylindrical grinder and uh i saw things flying but they're not bees i went back enough i have to watch out for the fire ants because i'm really allergic to them so it's a great place for me to live in florida but um but this cylindrical grinder it has wear um on the tail stock but um and the in the the guy that i got this from you know he's closed his machine shop down i actually he had shims under the sales the tail stock of this and um right after i bought it i turned a couple of parts on it and um it's it's amazing like sub tents if you know what you're doing good so if somebody wants this i'll sell it probably right around uh at or just above scrap metal price because i i don't want it to be scrapped somebody or use it this is a brown shark yes this is a old gorton um drill grinder drill grinder d bit grinder yeah i have the full set of collets that go with it if you can sneak in there and see um that's that's for sale that's a make an offer again that came out of them that came out of a barn um and i also have you can't you can't see it keith but um if somebody wants it there's a d bit grinder it's it's a chinese takeaway yeah ebit grinder but it's an older one it's actually those are they're made pretty well you can go up online right now i think you buy them for what 800 bucks or yeah something like that 600 some bucks i don't know what they are you can look them up because ebay is full of them but that's that's probably 80s or 90s vintage of that same grinder and actually they're cast a lot better i think it's a better quality that's for sale this um tool grinder little tool and cutter grinder yep it's got a ton of attachments with it it runs works it's all all good to go um so that's for sale so i don't think keith wants to show this on his channel i i am like seriously trying to figure out okay how am i going to put this in my shop yeah oh wow yeah so knt the 4h and number four and um it's a not not a universal um it's the plane model plain horizontal mill here's the serial number yep um it is in i would say good to very good condition i ran it it runs it works it's got the smallest amount of galling on the surface here of the top of the knee um but it it's in really good i mean overall it's in it's in excellent condition i mean a lot of times you can look at these screws and they'll just be like razor blades now and this one's not that way at all i can't say i don't want to sound like a salesman but and i can't say for certain exactly that i am the second owner but let me say this that the gentleman that owned this was was quite aged and passed and then his machine shop was bought by someone else who had it for quite a few years and um it was had very little to no use in the last 10 years and then um and then i acquired a big chunk of shaw and it came with that so um it looks like this was repaired keith um look if you can see it on that side looks like they may have braised that but i don't know how that was originally cast or built yeah the the handle but i ain't no big deal i mean that's just someone may hit it with a forklift or something like that at some point one time a long time ago and whoever repaired it really yeah but that's not anything that's gonna affect the uh yeah and i have it covered right now you shouldn't see a little couple spots of surface rust but i have it covered right now with um one of crc's wax coatings yeah and so some of these handles that i have touched have you know they're starting to get a little surface rust but we'll clean them up great yeah no but it's in really good condition and um i have with the high speed head is that what you call it yeah you have the universal high speed same same head that's on on my knt but of course it's a size larger to fit on this 48 right this is one size larger than my 3 8 and it's a got a it's got a lot of square footage on that that table that's that's really nice that's a big table and um and then i have two overarm supports yep you got the a and b style support yeah and you got some other arbors and rubbers and cutters and stuff that will go with it um you got the drive gear for the uh yep for the for the universal head which is the gear that you're looking for well no i've got one now yeah but uh yeah but it's the magic gear that i was looking for actually it probably wouldn't have fit mine but it was what i was looking for but yeah that's actually i mean i can just tell looking at it this is a you know most of these big horizontal meals like this they spent a hard life doing production jobs and while i'm sure this one probably did some production jobs it spent most of its life sitting in a shop yeah which is good yeah any if you look at anything the splines any yeah this thing it's a low mileage yeah uh you know like you use car salesman but really yeah it is it wasn't it was the one thing i told you that i paid for in that shop really because i knew it was in good condition yeah so that's nice if i don't decide to buy it from you first right keith does have first dibs but if there's anybody who is really interested in it just give me a hauler and i'm probably not guys i'm so tempted but yeah i would love to have this machine but i just i can't justify it that's an old old i think it's a 48 inch planer it'll be it'll be belt drive or you're going to have to uh yeah ezra but um you're gonna it's um it's got all the parts there i have original photos not only of the machine before it was disassembled but also i think i have some marketing you know materials or uh photos from an article that was written about this particular planer but um but it's all it's complete it would obviously need you to figure out a motor situation if you don't have uh line shaft set up um and there are some pulleys there that you can see that someone was going to convert it to a v-belt yeah just a standard v-belt and a motor that's an old machine that's very old i mean that's that's probably mid mid to late 1800s probably shortly after civil war era i'm just guessing by looking at yeah the design of it i thought you know 1880s probably i'm going to guess 1860s to 1880s i mean somewhere in that ballpark i don't think it's 1890 so i think it's going to pre-date that so it it has some surface rust on it but there's absolutely no pitting on this machine at all and um you can see the surface rust and actually the v waves are they're not like if somebody just oiled this thing up and then reassembled it you could run it you could run it and and i don't have the head for this but this is one of the things yeah it was a little insertable i've got some holders that the whole i got not that style but that same type deal i have a set like this up there one larger yeah it's not it's not this small right anyway so it is complete all the shafts are there all the pulleys are there and um so that's a make me an offer somebody who wants to do a rest or cool restoration project yeah um you won't see i don't think i've ever seen another one like that one i don't think i have either yeah that's cool okay camera down in there there's a whole slew of open-end old williams and um other you know brands or wrenches and then some planer jacks planer jacks are in there yep cool i have three of these they're all running every single one of them is running i brought this one home from the storage unit and um so again that was we were able to buy a bunch of them at an auction right pretty much any reasonable offer all except for those i've got like i said i've got three of them right um and then over here keith is some blacksmithing stuff a bunch of knee knee vices close buttons those vices yeah swage blocks under there's the gorton rotary table that may or may not go that man anvil that i bought from adam and i paid him too much money for it so i may or may not go but if somebody wants and gives me a reasonable offer all i'll sell it and then i have a bunch of shaper planner vises on this palette here yeah that's a a right anvil right over there peter right looks like maybe 200 pounds maybe 250. um i what is this one it runs works just fine that's cool again i don't know you know what the age is and then i have a couple of other anvils here and um is that peter right yeah i think that's the right hand holders there's a couple in here there's three there's two more anvils right here as well so if andrew sees it he'll know just by looking at it what it is but uh these are there's i have three cone anvils left that haven't sold yet um i don't remember i think this one's like 50 inches or something 54 inches i think that was four feet this one's already spoken for so i actually won't sell that one this larger one does have a crack at the very bottom of it and then uh i believe that one's like 24 inches that looks like about 24. yeah so anyway that's all make me an offer stuff so this is a kole uh essentially tool and cutter grinder but it is the one that has the uh it does the radius cutting oh yeah and so again works perfectly fine i actually made the alignment tool any of you guys that have used it there's an alignment tool so you can actually center up your grinding wheel whenever you want to set a zero for a job and this is actually exactly like what the factory made um but yeah this this this needs to go i've probably used it three times in two years and um you know anything i need to do on here i'll either send out or i'll do it on another machine so okay all right so last items um this is a big sibling i don't know the size of this but um it runs runs and works if you buy it um but this is not original as keith will know somebody put this on there as an item that's an idler yeah yeah but the reason they did that is because they didn't have the right the the the pulley turned and so it was trying to walk off that pulley and so um i've run the whole thing it runs it's all free and works as uh as advertised there's a um oh gosh my brain's not working but there's a automatic kickoff here so when you um set this on automatic the down feed to drill down there's a kick out lever that i actually had was missing and i had one cut by cnc okay and so that'll go with it the only thing that someone will have to do is drill the hole through it to mount it it's not not a big deal um but it's good to go and then this is a vertical head for a number three cincinnati horizontal mill um that's a big one and that was bought that came with my number two i got two heads one was a one was for a three and one was for my two and obviously i'm keeping the number two yeah for myself so that one yeah that's yeah you have a cincinnati number three and you need to it's a heavy duty here i will make you oh my gosh yes i will make you a deal of sentry on that i i want it to be used again i don't i don't want any of this stuff to get scrapped if we can avoid it okay so so that's it that's it that's enough yeah so again you know i mean if anybody is serious about one of these pieces of equipment get with me i'm going to make you a great deal i mean obviously be kind and understanding don't be sending me an offer for a shaper for ten dollars or something silly like that guys but um i don't want to scrap them i'd like them to each find a home where somebody will do something with them sure you know and so um if you have any questions 26 acre maker at and that's 26 acre maker at and any of you guys that have seen my website for the precision ground bench stones i did reopen that website it's been down for a couple months because i've just been too busy working on some other non-machining related business stuff uh that website's back up again so um if if you want to look at that you can so okay yeah thank you i appreciate it keith i really do you take the time to do this for me yeah well i was in the area coming home and he had asked if we could do this i said well i'll just swing by and we'll we'll just video it rather than trying to do pictures yeah i'm glad i did so much better got a lot of good stuff here guys and uh yeah if you're interested get up with lance yep i hope you guys enjoyed the video either way all right guys that'll be it as always we'll talk to you later thanks see ya [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 52,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Lathe, Milling Machine, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Woodworking, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, machines for sale, lance baltzley, 26 acre maker
Id: 3iWy29qr_ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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