Making a Motorised Go Cart with NO WELDER and simple tools #1 - Chassis/Engine

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now not everyone is as fortunate as me in having such a well-equipped workshop we got bad SARS we got leaves we got many machines got welders but these are all considered exotic machines but twelve years ago I never any sings Iver but I still wanted to make cool stuff just like Adi now it just wasn't quite sure how to go about it and where to start so this project is for you people that are in exact same position as I was now we're going to make a go-kart because everyone wants to make go-karts and it's a really fun and the product to get to but I'm not going to use any of this flash stuff no forget it bandsaw welder not going to get used I'm just going to use real simple stuff which you've probably got in your garden shed already yep let's get cracking but gonna need some stuff to make this go-kart now got a pit bike engine I like these they're nice and small quite powerful and we've got some go cut bits and bobs here of course then if used to boil this brand though it will cost you about six hundred pounds how much which for some people is massively over budget but if you look secondhand you can get some of this for quite cheap get a secondhand Pip Boy and of course you get a nearly half of it all taken care of all the engine chain sprocket and things like that and then obviously go-kart base there's loads of on eBay just go and have a look now if you want to buy these exact bits I've got this all from a shop called pit bike parts they know exactly what I've had for this video some of it's not on their website so just give them a call and then they will be able to you know tell you what I've had them if you want it you can buy obviously know what's the tools going for its when for project well you need to drill an angle grinder that's a must file to tie to the edges up collection of spanners that go up to nineteen milk set around the keys drill bits obviously but then just like normal things like hammers screwdrivers SRV you know anyone's got a tool kids can have all that sort of rubbish there the two things you're probably gonna have to get hold of specially is a 20 mil metal drill bit and a 25 mil bi-metal hole saw for trilling the air the holes out for the axles and okay so that's that bit covered now the other bits which you potentially don't need we would be a lot better is a set square and a set clamps they're just going to make your life hell of a lot easier right now that materials gonna make this spring an off basically some to each box section various different types of flat flat bar and a bit of 12/12/12 25min underlined well right that's all the stuff we're gonna need rights get started [Music] [Music] it's got the rear axle set up now basically what we've done is we've clamped three bits of box section together we're just using plates which go on the top it would be better if you stuck a plate underneath as well but I'm looking at this through the eyes of a cheapskate who haven't got a lot of metal now a couple little tips when you cut the Box section rather than just trying to slice it all in one go as accuracy is going to help you like this it's good to mark every edge and then cut them individually and flip your mouth so you don't wander off and kind of the same when you drill in holes as well sometimes it's best to mark the top bits of the box section and that the other sides are the two holes definitely marry up because like you know humans have a tender of not holding the drill at perfect 90-degree angles and straight down so you can end up with the bottom hole not lying at the top one especially if you can use two plates that is going to cause your problems now that got a rear axle the sprocket position is fixed like so we can't do anything about that the disc brake which kind of floats around on a bit of a keyway sits in just there that's going to work out nicely next thing we need to do is the front axle now the rear axle just sticks straight out but that's not the case on the front because the the little stubby steering axles are kind of sat on an angle and if you can see that on the camera very well now if we was to put it on a straight bit the front wheel would end up being all wonky like that which would look a little bit rubbish so we've got to kind of Bend our frame up which straightens the wheel back out but it doesn't matter I've got a plan [Applause] love you till the music have to lose [Music] No I so that's the main part of the chassis done now this little bit across the frontier we basically cut some big chunks out the two-for-two box section angled one of the sides of the cuts so we could Bend it up and then obviously that meets the angles at the front wheel sitter and then we put these little plates across here to kind of bridge the gap and give it a bit of extra strength and as you can see no flex in it or anything like that it's pretty good now also I chopped out these little slots here and as well as that allowing the actual wheel to turn because the thing would foul it it also acts as like a steering stop so you can't work across everything ever and get it all in a big bit of mess now these bits stick out eggs I'm probably going to stick a bar across the front is if I hit anything wheels don't take it in all the steering system but I think the next job is to a mount engine now mostly I want go karts kind of use those like lawnmower derived engines and they sit kind of just above the axle which is great because there's plenty of space around there chain drive comes straight off them strands that sort of got a little auto click to them everything's good but they're not that powerful they sound like lawn mowers and they've got no gears so as you know I like using these pit bike engines but there's a reason for that they're pretty cheap they've got a reasonable amount of power and they also come in a few configurations now this one is a semi-auto one which basically means it's got four gears but there's no clutch the clutch is activated on the gear leaver so as you push the gear lever it kind of depresses the clutch and then whacks the gear in online and kind of the latter stage of that now then as far as mounting it it's a little bit different to the lawnmower ones because it can't sit exactly above the axle but there is a solution so what we're going to do we're going to stick some bars this little Marron points on drill is for mounting points I'm going to stick a bar across there and then another bar down here which can come off these fixing points at the side here and then we're going to sit it as far back as possible so it is nearly going to be above the axle but only the sprocket most of the engine will kind of sit bit further forward but you know I think it's a better option so we're going to sit that kind of up there just got the little bar things here now because these are quite powerful I've got a fair amount of talked about to strengthen the bar the little plate on the side so it gives it an angle because I've kind of built there before as a little test to see if it could work and on full revs this actually bent because the engine wanted to pull itself down towards the sprocket much and that's going to sit in there like that and then we'll get another bit which was sitting in the front and then this is going to sit right here do you know mr. Bubb the sprocket that's close to it's possible that one will go there and then the chain will obviously go straight down and then the great thing about it is if you want to tension the chain we haven't going to make any can complex slidy system all you do is just lift these bars up so basically just put washers and Packers and stuff underneath it and then that will tie in the trainer so better get on with that because up here is a wonderful solution and we still haven't used the welder nuf not even thought about it [Music] [Music] rights videos about 10 minutes so I'd say that's enough for part one we've got a nice solid engine we've got a nice solid frame jobs to do obviously finish it off steering brakes accelerator fuel electrics all that malarkey but about a word with mum and she said we're doing alright see ya next part look good see I'd say [Music] yeah
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 8,601,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colin, furze, how to, make, build, go cart, without, welding, simple, tools, drill, angle grinder, motorised, endine, gears, brilliant, easy, step by step, guide
Id: vuRV-uXGy1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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