Makeup Relay Race ft. Amp World!

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oh andrew oh i feel like this lighting is like the filter that they give you at a photo booth oh yeah how it always makes you look like good hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel as you guys can see today i'm joined with some very special guests and world hi i'm brent hi i'm pearson who's named youtube i'm ben i'm andrew and i'm lexie yeah april is here today because we are filming a very very special episode together of makeup relay race you guys i love doing this series it is so much i love that you guys are literally like a built-in production company everyone instantly went it's like a sound board on the show like it can i get applause too yeah there we go so basically for you guys and for you guys who might not know what the makeup relay race is it's a very fun series that i do here on my channel with groups of friends and basically it is a challenge for all of you guys to work together to try to do my full face of makeup like a relay race so basically we have a bucket here that are numbered one through five for the five members that are here with us today and you guys are going to pick out of the bucket and that is going to decide which order you guys are going to go in each amp world member is going to have five minutes with me to do whatever they can on my face and then while you guys are doing my makeup i also have some fun questions prepared for each of you as well just wait for your return all right you guys well should we go ahead and pick our order let's go okay let's do it okay you guys so we're about to go ahead and pick our numbers for our makeup relay race but before we do okay if you have not already make sure you guys go ahead and scroll down below and give this video a big thumbs up down below your love and support really means quite a lot it helps out the channel if you guys are excited for the amp world makeup relay race also if you've not already make sure you click that subscribe button with the bell icon next door to it more than 50 of you guys who actually watch these videos are not subscribed so hit that button it's completely free and it's a lot of fun if you don't like the video you'll have bad luck for the rest of 2022. that was getting very tough who goes first i mean everyone could just reach their hand in and then we'll open up at the same time oh i'm terrified so raise your hand in open it up and but don't say it out loud yet okay who is going first me okay [Applause] i'm not mad at that i think that could be actually good okay okay who's going second that'd be me oh great i probably have much more knowledge than you oh no i'm just kidding who's going third me okay okay who's going forward i am okay pearson and that means rivera i will do the finishing touches we selected our order and as scary as this might be for our you know non-makeup experienced friends here you guys do have to absolutely try your best and work together at least promise me that yeah all right you guys well i'm going to keep lexi here with me and the rest of you guys are going to head out of the studio oh wait what yeah oh no you can't be here oh wow hello hello james literally look at your hair right now on this monitor oh my gosh it's gonna be like commercial are you ready for step one of the makeup relay rings i hope so i better be ready three two one go okay first things first we have to start with primer of course we do okay you know what you're talking about i don't know what i'm doing yes you do put it on let's go let's go okay okay so lexi for those people who obviously don't know you are brent's younger sister yes one thing that i like love because i've been following brent's career for a million years yeah i've been following brent for so long that like i started seeing you pop up on social media i was like oh my god who is this gorgeous gorgeous girl and now i'm obsessed brent has obviously been posting on social media forever since he was a little kid and i just recently found out that you were first in his videos when you were like nine years old yeah so you have literally like grown up in the social media world in the spotlight what was that like for you um it was definitely i don't know i'm like so used to it because like you said i've been doing it like forever yeah like i just remember in high school i was like never really interested like in doing social media or like anything like that yeah like watching brent though definitely made me want to like start like after like i started getting more serious after high school okay got it yeah so what were you doing before social media gymnastics right yeah i did gymnastics okay i did gymnastics for like 12 years and then i did like dance oh wow yeah so that's why we're going to tick tock dance actually i'm gonna do a little bit more concealer oh did brett like convince you to start doing social media with him or was it just like uh so it was really interesting because like i always did like instagram you know like i was always posting on instagram but like i never took it seriously or anything like that yeah and then my senior year of high school i remember there was like or actually it wasn't my senior year it was like his senior year i was like a sophomore yeah he would always say like oh my god like why haven't you started a youtube channel yeah like are you dumb like he was like are you done like i haven't started a youtube channel yet and i was like okay like if he thinks that it's not like weird then like yeah i was very much like i cared about what people thought yeah like i love that you guys even had that relationship though because me and my brother went through the same thing and we had a great time doing it together but he decided it wasn't the path for him which is totally completely fine he's now super successful on his own which i'm so proud of him for but like it was kind of the same vibe so it's awesome that you guys have been able to keep that together as a family yeah for sure one final question that i have because i think we're about to run out of time you have such good style i lexie i have literally i mean i've said this to you so many times i love stepping up on your stories i was like oh my god you look so hot oh my god oh my god where does that sense of style come from do you have a stylist do you do it yourself um i do it i do it myself but i think that i'm so like like i love like shopping and i love style and that like really is because of my mom like when i was younger my mom would like put bows on me like dress me up how much time do i have i don't even know what to do 30 seconds what else can i do what else can i do um powder maybe i'm getting it all over your off-white track power three okay no we're good we're good we're good okay okay i think it's it's good it's a base well thank you lexi for your participation in the relay race okay i'll bring you back in for the final lock okay thank you hello oh my god hi ben oh gosh somebody's gonna be sitting today yes because he's too tall to fit in the frame so what am i doing i'm not gonna tell you that's that's you're not gonna tell me it's literally the whole point of that what did lexi do i don't know you tell me you can see my face i can't did she do anything that should be a compliment if anything natural beauty that should be a compliment so naturally beautiful thank you so much um ben aslar you have five minutes three two one go okay all right uh foundation we need more of that oh okay that's not a mean thing that was me that wasn't me being mean you put the foundation on this you do put yes so ben out of the entire group i've actually known you the longest correct yep uh i was looking through instagram dms a couple of days ago because i wanted to find out i want to find out how we first met and i got to the very top you mentioned me in your story twice and then i replied to you saying nice to meet you yep where did we meet it was at a uh kids choice awards pre-party and you were there and i was there and i was like i got a boomerang with you and then i posted it and i mentioned you which probably why i said mention you it was 2017. yeah wow that's crazy five years ago now i know that's literally insane we've been good friends ever since yes sir so one fun thing about you you grew up in hawaii didn't you yep i literally loved that first of all what made you come to l.a uh well my brother was in college well he was about to go to college we lived in hawaii so out-of-state tuition is very expensive we came to california to live here for that he can get cheaper college so social media was like part of your plan it was like very like not my plan though because i i didn't really do it like for real for real i just messed around and i was gonna give it a shot i was so young my parents still supported me i had nothing to do so i was like might as well try it yeah um [Music] i'm freaking out it's uh oh it's mascara yeah we need some of that all right oh my god give me some blinks blink blink oh my god ben blink so you also used to skateboard a lot yep and you were even like sponsored by a few what are you doing i'm putting mascara on you like tickling my eyelashes yeah i did use a skateboard okay yeah i did it competitively and i you did yeah i don't even know that i remember you used to skateboard i didn't know you actually competed and took it seriously i wasn't pro but i did one pro contest okay but i wasn't pro did you win i got like 45th out of 80. is this you also i read somewhere that you speak fluent french i do francais do you really feel bronze solar figural de james uh i just grew up learning it i learned it as i learned english what did one of your parents french yeah my dad's full french i'm half french wait that's so cool how much time 10 seconds oh 10 seconds oh no oh this one's better [Β __Β ] her up [Music] two one yay i did a pretty good job well i hope whoever's next um fixes you up all right let's bring in racer number three oh my gosh okay i honestly i do not want to mess up your face i mean so far oh my god wait i think it's already messed up three two one go uh okay um okay so wait what do i use to like brush us okay cool oh god okay so andrew we have obviously filmed a oh jesus we've already filmed a makeup video together for your channel where i did your makeup which was i will honestly say it gorgeous results yeah honestly you looked really pretty that was first of all such a fun experience when i actually got to know you because we have known each other for a long time we never really hung out before that but do you feel like you have an advantage in this race now that you you know play this makeup a little bit yeah wait oh my god i just you look like you have a black guy now oh crap oh my god speaking of when we did already together i remember you know you did some wikipedia searching about me trying to really pull a fast one about my last name your iphone now what david yeah that's my first video yeah you could call me andrew though no andrew is just my middle name but i don't know i just oh okay at least it's your middle name yeah yeah it's my middle name at least what you thought i just like randomly picked andrew literally you're a compulsive liar you guys the first time that me and andrew ever hung out he literally called me on the way over here like screaming and was like we just got in a car accident like i'm so sorry we're gonna be late like we just crashed our car i'm sitting here on the phone like oh my god like are you okay like you need to call the police do i need to come pick you up like are you like what's going on and then literally you literally stop crying goes open your gate please literally like you're lunatic you're a menace so one thing that i really loved about doing our makeup video together is that you genuinely like you loved it so you're definitely somebody who's willing to express themselves explore their you know gender identity clothes and stuff like that like where does that confidence come from you know i look up to a lot of people like bad bunny or like i love about bunny yeah right all these models and stuff and it's cool like when they do like different things you at least claim to speak fluent spanish huh i i did that's my first language is it yeah stupid language exactly i honestly thought that that was gonna be a lie that you were gonna not have any idea what to what to say are you serious yeah what i also thought ben didn't speak french i don't know and nobody really you have to keep going oh god [Music] all right hey honestly it's not too bad let's hope pearson can fix you up yeah i tried my best did you yeah please help him hey pearson why don't you just come on in no why was this andrew um it was a culmination of everybody so wait but who puts eyeshadow underneath i mean you can but like it looks like you have two black eyes pearson wasn't see it you're going to have five minutes on the clock three two one go okay so pearson you are the person that i have met most recently out of everybody in amp world you are my most recent friend of the group but i feel like we get along so well i love your vibe how did you even get to know everybody there oh my god dude this is so difficult is everyone like struggling with multitasking yes it is oh my god i can't i can't do that well basically i was going to school for a little bit and i grew up acting and i just like really liked being in front of the camera yeah and i also you're right you're right i can't do this right now i need to calm down yeah so i was like submitting myself for a bunch of like craigslist ads of like gigs and then through the craigslist ads i met someone who is the host like through like this grind i met someone who was the host of this youtube channel called awesomenesstv um and that's where it was kind of like um it was like an episode kind of like the bachelor so i met brent and lexi and it was like a the bachelor where they had to choose who they like wanted who wanted to go who lexi wanted me to wait who lexi what i'm stressing out okay which one is a brush stick brush stick what a blush stick what's it called a brush did anybody use bronzer yet oh yeah yeah look at my face but they used it wrong yeah they did so did you take dance classes when you were little too no not i was like you're a really good dancer thank you i think honestly just having like rhythm helped a lot like can you teach me 30 seconds oh my god shut up you also you just bought a new house yes we just moved in we have a pool now congratulations it's not such a huge like life staff i was so excited we have a dog so like he has more space to like run around you and your brother right me my brother and lex okay how many houses did you look at before you were waiting i'm gonna need you to shut up okay okay no it's not five minutes is not enough times well when you talk the whole time i know see why would you even talk to yourself you're delivering uh you're setting us up for failure no no no it's okay but you know what you look you're just gonna all right you guys let's go ahead and bring in our last and final runner of this race mr brent rivera hello himself how's it going i don't know you tell me not good it looks like you got punched in the face two times yeah did someone already say that uh-huh okay everybody has so far yeah yeah oh my gosh i will save this entire look do you think don't you worry i love your confidence yeah your time starts in three two one all right brent so i have a lot of questions prepared for you i think you're one of the most fascinating people on social media to this day okay and i feel like you do not get the credit that you deserve because i don't even know if a lot of people know this or even if they don't even know what it is at this point but you were famous on tumblr yeah in like 2012 before any of these youtubers were even around yes i was following you when you were mr brent98 mr brett98 and you weren't famous because you posted like the guy thirst trap picture yeah i remember calling you as a kid be like this guy is like so cute like you were like the first internet crush it was you know yeah it was i had some competition too the one thing that's really cool about that is that you know obviously that was like 10 years ago now yeah you've been able to survive through all the social media eras what is like your secret to success and staying relevant on social media um not being afraid to change yeah um i think kind of like always understanding that like change is good you know and sometimes you know you like a lot like for tick tock oh my god when tic toc first came out a lot of people were saying like oh like that's cringy like that's that's stupid yeah but like it's the people that hop on it first that um really succeed at it yeah you know so like that's kind of like the secret i think we kind of joined around the same time yeah and now we're two of the biggest followed people on the app which is wild yeah yeah it's a little bit crazy to think about yeah tick tock is fun it's it's a lot of fun you you do dances and stuff too right well you try you try to dance yeah i do post it whether or not they're good as you know a separate thing yeah one thing that i want to know from you is what sorry sorry sorry ask the question okay what made you want to start amp world i started working with ben yeah five years ago now which is like literally insane um but yeah i mean we have now nine ten different creators it's so cool yeah and it's it's i feel like the like social media squads are very much like like pop groups like it's very very hard to get a good group of people yeah that genuinely all wants to work together with the same like end goal because i mean and that's not even like like a job or shade or anything obviously you know everybody has their own career in their own life but a lot of times those groups just don't work out and people go their separate directions so it's been really incredible that you guys have all been able to stick together and keep it going so strong yeah it's it's all about teamwork you know remembering you know that we are better off as a team yeah you know and us together is stronger than us you know individual yeah one thing that you mentioned about huntington beach you're one of the only like youtubers that doesn't live up here in our lives yeah yeah i know you grew up there uh-huh but what made you stay there so much there's so much dang traffic that i i know why don't we why don't we talk about the traffic you guys yeah yeah last week i was gonna be in his video yes james drove over two hours it was three hours thank you very much three hours and i wrote it a three hour awarded bronze house cost me almost four hundred dollars to get there and done the video turned out great to be fair it was it was a very it was very video it was not about uber ryan yeah no so that's what keeps you in huntington the traffic yes all right well brent do you want to go ahead and head into the other room grab the rest of amp world yes close your eyes y'all okay eyes are closed all right amp world you have officially completed your relay race are you guys ready to go ahead and take a look at the final result yes okay in three two one open your eyes oh my god [Applause] i think the look is good other than the like under eyes because that makes it like just look like a blob yeah but if it was just the above like we could work with that okay andrew literally tried to set my face in the hairstyle i literally like almost jumped out of my chair i was killed i mean i would argue that the eyeliner makes the eye look less awful yeah yeah yeah i think that was like the ample touch yeah i don't think i want the airport touch anymore all right you guys well on that note that is this makeup relay race all complete we have hit the finish line thank god i really really hope you guys enjoyed watching this video today and thank you guys all so much for joining me here on the channel thank you for having us if you guys enjoyed the video at home please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below your love and support really means a lot and also leave us a comment down below who do you think did the best on the makeup look and who do you think did the worst as well please make sure that you guys also go support and subscribe to all these lovely people around me you're such a fast talker i know my god all right you guys thank you so much for watching this video today i love you and i will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: James Charles
Views: 3,641,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, lips, beauty hacks, makeup 2020, prom makeup, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, tiktok, Amp world, Brent rivera, Lexi rivera, Andrew Davila, Ben azelart, Amp, Makeup relay race, Vlog squad, Makeup challenge, Relay race
Id: jjW-0I4m2z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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