Make Your Own Case Lube

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[Music] you hey guys Gavin you hear from ultimate realtor calm in this video we're going to make our own case loop that's right it's just alcohol lanolin in a spray bottle that's it now this is a trick I learned from the 6-5 guys and I like spray Lube even for bottleneck rifle cartridges because it goes on really quick it takes a long time to roll cases or to spread something like imperial case sizing wax onto the case sometimes that's necessary but even with 308 Winchester and difficult sizing applications like that I found this type of Lube to work really well and it's really simple and you can make it yourself so let's do it and let's test it out so here's how simple it is all we need is a ten to one ratio ten part to 99% isopropyl alcohol it's important to get 99% because if you get 70% or something like that you've got a lot of water in there that you don't need it's not going to dry as quickly this alcohol is going to flash off super quick extra lubrication comes from the liquid lanolin don't worry in my full write-up just see the video description I have links to all of the products so that you can make this Lube yourself this is literally I just stole the bill of materials from the 6-5 guys and what I did here is this is a 16 ounce spray bottle and I've got 16 ounces of isopropyl alcohol I need to ten to one ratio so I got a under fill here and what I did is I just put a four inch line and a point four inch line for ten to one so I've got a small funnel here I'm just going to open up my alcohol pierce the foil it's always a little bit of a bear okay we're just going to pour this in until we get up to our alcohol line we can reuse this each time we make up a batch here alright so there's our alcohol line and then we're going to fill it with the lanolin I need a little bit of a help here to pierce the boiler okay so we now pour it until we're up to the lanolin line and six five guys said you can go a little under the ten to one mark so I'm going to call that good right there okay we still have enough looks like for another batch that's nice we will let that drip out for a moment okay and I'm going to call that good funnel our sprayer together here give it a sort of a gentle shaking motion here and we're just going to keep doing that until we have a mixture okay so we're pretty well mix it up there let's test it out so I've got some test cases here I'm just going to give them a squirt make sure we get in the case now good squirt it on one side a little bit get the other side of the cases and we will wait about five minutes and start sizing now it is time to size wow this is smooth as butter the mech marksman is smooth as butter the RAM is just super smooth but this Lube really really works well seems to work better than the Dylan DCL that I've been using for years so I'm glad to make the switch think six five guys added fees for the formula and the tip on this I think it's going to make my life a lot easier I'm going to make the sizing a lot easier that's for sure so if you want an inexpensive Lube you can make at home this is a great way to go and like I said in the video description I'm going to have all the info that you need to buy this stuff online and make it yourself if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and if you don't want to miss any of the action on ultimate freeloader com please subscribe to my channel until next time happy shooting and happy reloading [Music]
Channel: Ultimate Reloader
Views: 183,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Reloader, Reloading Blog, Case Lube, Rifle Reloading, Reloading Press, Reloading Videos, 5.56 NATO, .223 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, .308 Winchester, 7.62x29mm, Ruger Precision Rifle, 9mm Parabellum, 45 ACP
Id: VgsimvLoddo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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