Why Serious Long Range Shooter Only Use This Die

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oh hey what's up hope you guys are crushing it so welcome to a reloading video very specifically a reloading die that a lot of you have asked me Pete what on Earth is that Contraption and why do you use it so this is the die in question or maybe not this specific one but one of the dies in question this is called an inline CA die and today I'm going to be telling you why you should consider using one before we get into the meat and potatoes of the video we will have to address the big red gun in the room okay this is my J Allen and this is going to be my weapon platform of choice for this weekend's match it's a precision rifle match we shoot the whole Friday we shoot the whole Saturday it's going to be absolutely awesome I'm going to take you guys along with so you can see the results possibly going to run my little GoPro mount on the side like we did in that recent rire I don't know if you guys have seen that one yet the patreon people have seen that one but yeah running the red J Allen from our friends at MDT also super super cool I just ordered an fde one okay so fde and black is going to look absolutely sick cuz let's be honest the red is not for everyone but it certainly makes finding your rifle on the firing line that much easier so thank you very much to our friends at MDT Sporting Goods for supporting the channel and sponsoring today's videos if you guys want to shop badass stuff like this or you need scope rings or scope bases or pick atini rails or whatever you need for your rifle chances are MDT tech.com have you covered so the link to that is down here please tell them Pete sent you their way that will be appreciated now let's get into this curious looking reloading di now when it comes to seating these guys you basically have two options so we've got the sort of conventional option that you are probably familiar with this is our normal die screws into our reloading press I'm going to show you that in a second now the difference with this one in fact let me show it you like this this one has got a micrometer fitted so basically focus focus this has a micrometer fitted so you can make super fine adjustments on this and that's actually the way I would recommend buying a seating die if you're going to buy a conventional die like this or chances are you already own one get the micrometer one it's going to save a lot of time and it's going to help you to make more precise ammo quickly okay which is the name of the game cuz we want to spend less time reloading and more time shooting so we're going to park this guy over here both of these do the same thing the inline die does exactly the same thing now why would you want to consider adding the inline Dy to your process that's a great question let's go over to the press and I'll show you why now as we screw in this die what a lot of people actually do is they will pour the powder in the case Okay as we do then we will put the case in like that and they kind of just you know lob a bullet in there but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this has a lot of potential movement in and that's where the name of the inline die comes from the bullet cannot move once it enters that inline die and here it can so what could happen is theoretically speaking as we lower this Ram to raise the bullet up it can slightly start pushing it in before or it is actually perfectly straight and that can lead to inconsistencies down range and it's also random from bullet to Bullet this one might be angled slightly like that this one might be angled slightly like that when I switched my rifles over to inline seating dies like this one over here it was a game Cher immediately yes it is slower than doing it this way but as I said to you guys just now my goal is to make the precises ammo I can make for my rifle because otherwise we're just dumping rounds downrange and it could be better ammunition which leads to less shooting and more saving cuz hell shooting has become so freaking expensive lately but that is essentially how I'm going to go about seating the bullet on this old school style D now let me show you guys how this inline die works now we did actually SE it just the first little bit there in order to use the inline die to take over your bullet seating you're going to need something like this this is an Arbor press this specific one is from 21st century shooting and it's one I've used very successfully now you get super fancy versions of this let me show you guys what this one is you get ones with like a pressure Force gauge and all sort of stuff I had one of those and you know it kind of didn't do it for me so this standard one is pretty much all I need the other good thing is if you do run these inline dieses and you want to get yourself the amp press the needing made perfect press okay to run some Diagnostics on your process you could do that too cuzz they use the exact same D so essentially what the theory is here instead of checking that bullet and I'll give you guys close-ups of all of this as always as I talk through this but instead of putting your bullet in the case like it is here and entering our D like this we're going to pop the case down like that slot the D over okay and then drop our bullet in from the top and It's oddly satisfying to watch that bullet go in cuz it is exact exactly to the spec I need we're going to pop the little seating stem in the top and raise this or lower this section actually because the last time I was reloading for my 30 Sherman Magnum now essentially on the Wildcat calibers what I have to do because they don't have them on the Shelf always but like six Dasher you can buy from them this one actually says six dash on the side but you can also buy blank dies if you shoot strange and wonderful calibers like I do and actually just run your Ramer through them and then you have a die exactly to your specification which is super super cool so after we've done that we know that bullet is 100% straight based on the tolerances there and I can simply just seat that guy and we have now a perfectly concentric bullet that is going to lead to Greater accuracy and consistency downrange so that's why I switched to the system what you could thetically do if you want to do this a little bit faster is like I've done over here I have my reloading block everything is good to go and um this is brand new bras by the way so it's got a little bit more neck tension than I normally run kind of loading last minute for a match coming up this weekend so yeah it kind of is what it is now theoretically you could say okay I'm going to take actually this is a really bad way to show this to you guys so let me pop this over there you could theoretically and this is what I've done sometimes is literally take them out of my reloading block and hold them like this pop that in and very gently okay just do the reverse now again my bullet is now entered that tight space and should be 100% concentric and I've loaded thousands of rounds like that very easy little press what a lot of guys do with these presses too is you can actually pre-at your bullets and then seat them super long like this where they're not going to come out and then go to the range and actually on the Fly you can adjust seating depths and test stuff like that so it's a really nice tool and it's been something really cool to implement in my reloading process now this die believe it or not is the old school die the new micrometer dieses are something that we only recently got so this actually predates the current dies that you guys are used to so probably a fun little fact if you didn't know that now filming this I also realized the error of my ways I have been running around like an absolute lunatic trying to get stuff done and I never ran these suckers through my expander that is why we had a little bit more neck tension but that's not a problem because using all my leer area 419 funnel kit and everything I could quickly just mandle that sucker put that guy in grab our press over there and um something I've also noticed with this system is if I'm running like my high-end scale like the FX uh 12i uh I'm running the super tricker at the moment is that this upsets my bench way less than sort of a press mounted on your Edge like this when you're trying to do more than one thing on the same bench cuz as you guys know those scales are ridiculously um sensitive so any form of movement 10 straps set the scale I can sometimes get away with seating bullets on the same table as my scale so that's worth something generally what I'll have doing is I'll be throwing powder okay and then seating them as they kind of come off the assembly line and that's sort of my little workflow I'm doing but today's video is not about sort of my process if you want to learn about my process head on over to the first link below this video I've actually got a 50% of sale on all of my online schools so you might want to check that out precision rifle School reloading School low development School we've put thousands of students through those over the last couple years and up until the end of November it's 50% off it's the biggest steal ever so link is going to be down below guys thank you very much for watching and thank you for supporting the channel you guys rock like subscribe comment all of the lovely stuff and I'll see you in the next video bye
Views: 72,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rifle shooting, bolt action, mule deer, hunting, kill shots, hunting kill shots, kill shot compilation, skynic hunting, elk hunting, bog horn sheep, hunting south africa, coues deer, rifle hunting, long range shooting, big mule deer bucks, Hunting, Hunt Channel, Hunt, Wildebeest, The High Road, Hunting Show, Outdoors, Springbuck, springbok, reloading, reloading dies, bullet seating, seating die, inline seating die, in line seating die, how to reload rifle, reloading beginners
Id: BZfj7yh5840
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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