Homemade Sausage Seasoning

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[Music] hi this is Sookie Robin and I am making up some sausage seasoning this it'll be enough seasoning to season two pounds of ground meat I usually do pork sometimes I do rabbit but it works with chicken or turkey or ground beef as well [Applause] all right so first we need two teaspoons of sage [Applause] [Applause] it's okay if they're heaping say just kind of fluffy when teaspoon of fennel seeds these are fennel seeds that I grew last year one teaspoon of thyme and I have used up all of the time that I grew so unfortunately I have to use starlight now that there's anything wrong with store-bought but my own freshly grown stuff tastes a lot better okay one teaspoon of salt [Applause] one teaspoon of pepper a half teaspoon of oregano powder powder part is important the leaves if you're using leaves you need to use one and a half teaspoons the powder is much finer and I think it gives it over all a better texture when you're done okay I need a teaspoon or a half a teaspoon sorry of coriander quarter teaspoon of garlic powder and this is homemade garlic powder and we need an eighth of a teaspoon of red pepper flakes and you can leave out the red pepper flakes you don't like them but it was such a small amount it's not like it makes it hot it just gives it a tiny kick I'm just stirring all of that around till it's evenly dispersed break up any clumps especially with homemade garlic it can clump alright and then we just add this to two pounds of ground meat and you form it into either patties or stuff it into casings and that's all there is to that [Music]
Channel: Lucky Robin's Homestead
Views: 41,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sausage seasoning, seasoning, homemade seasoning, homemaking, recipe, cooking, seasoning blend
Id: AxiDS0UXgjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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