Make T-Shirts With Crazy Overprint Effects!

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[Music] so lately I've spent a lot of time learning and researching about all kinds of other forms of screen printing out there but one thing really caught my eye this is something very reminiscent of old-school punk rock art working I've been a metalhead my entire life so I've spent a little bit of time around the punk scene and I've seen a fair amount of this stuff crossed my path but it's where you take multiple pieces of artwork and just start smashing them together and overlaying them one after another well the way that I saw this adapted into more recent forms of poster printing was the top layer going on top of the base was transparent or semi-transparent so you were getting like a tonal effect showing through that spot where they were overlapping and it was really really cool-looking and I thought to myself well I don't think I've seen this done on clothing before so we're gonna make that happen today well at least I think we are because I've never done this before so hopefully this works I mean yes I have seen stuff out there like this before I think we all have but 9 times out of 10 it's done with four color process inks usually the cyan and the magenta overlap to create that 3d glasses effect hell I even did a video over a year ago using the yellow cyan and magenta overlap to create kind of a deconstructed glitch effect type of deal so it's definitely out there what I haven't seen done is getting away from the four color process inks because it doesn't just have to stop with these create two completely separate pieces of artwork slap them together have them look cool together when they're overlapped for starters and then of course having that third tone come through where they're overlapping and I think that's probably the best way that I can explain it it just took me 12 takes to spit that out so to do this clearly I needed a piece of artwork me and Dan sat down trying to figure out what was gonna be the best way to go about this and what was gonna look cool my initial thought was let's make something kind of punk rock inspired but that seemed like way too obvious of a choice to make and we started thinking 90s you know grids and geometry that kind of stuff didn't really like that idea somehow landed on steampunk which is something I don't even really care for but there was some cool imagery in there then way out of left field dan suggested Japanese cuz he's really wanted to draw something kind of Japanese inspired which got my brain turning and just as he was saying Japanese I somehow drifted from steampunk to cyberpunk and all of a sudden hit me cyberpunk samurai well as soon as that came out of my both of us were like yes so he got to work created this super killer piece of artwork which is actually six pieces of artwork if you look at it because there's a bunch of pieces slapped on top of each other so this was not an easy thing to do and yeah now it's my job to figure out how we're gonna make this work so let's get started color is always my favorite part we're gonna stick with exactly what was shown on the screen we're gonna use this lava teal as a base I'm also gonna put a little bit of soft base into this stuff cuz we're printing all my shirts and I'm gonna use this electric pink out of my epic Rio mixing system which is going to give us a little bit of an advantage these inks can be used right out of the bucket by themselves but I don't like to do that especially with the brighter colors like this they're very transparent when they go over top for anything including a base and just does not look very good but in this case that's exactly what we want so I'm going to add a little bit of soft base to this stuff as well but I'm also going to reduce the crap out of it to crank up the amount of transparency I have no idea what the magic number is gonna be just yet I'm winging it right now so whatever I end up on for a mixture I'll just show on screen during the Edit [Music] so let's get this stuff on a screen and start figuring things out but since we're mentioning figuring things out today's video is sponsored by Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of cool classes made by creators much like myself help us all explore new skills and learn a thing or two I've mentioned before that I've been a Skillshare member for a few years now long before they would ever consider sponsoring one of these videos and I absolutely loved it ask anybody I know I spend a ridiculous amount of time on there I'm on there a few days a week just learning everything I possibly can to help me make better artwork help me make better videos for you guys help me run these businesses better just things that make me an all around better creator seriously you guys want to learn how to make cool artwork like this Skillshare is the place to do it and it's gonna cost you less than ten bucks a month strengthening up my skills and my speed in Adobe Illustrator is probably my main focus right now so I'm currently taking the advanced illustrator class by Daniel Scott this is an eight hour very in-depth class for the advanced user and I gotta say there is a lot going on in there that I had no idea even existed so I am learning a ton about illustrator right now I think I'm about half to three-quarters the way through this thing and man my illustrator game has already stepped up from like here to here in just that amount of time and if you happen to be a beginner user or someone who wants to learn illustrator and haven't even tried yet he also has a beginner course that is very good it's something that I use to get off the ground and get rolling with it and you'll be designing some stuff within a couple hours and since they're sponsoring today's video Skillshare is giving the first 1000 of you guys two months of premium for free when you click the link in the description below and join up I know a ton of subscribers around here I've done it already because I've gotten a lot of messages from the ones who have who are super stoked on the stuff that they've learned so far so if you haven't checked it out yet make sure you click the link down in the description below I cannot say enough good things about it alright let's print some stuff oh man well we're close but we're not quite there still not not bad for a first try for starters this color combo is insane I'm so pumped we went with this but the pink layer that's going over top of the teal it's it's too transparent we're definitely getting a darker tone everywhere that the pink does overlap with the teal but I want that to be significantly darker because right now you can still see quite a bit of the teal through the pink and we don't want that we want it to look like it's a different color so I actually had another batch of pink standing by with a completely different mixture in it we're gonna replace out the pink on this screen with that one and let's see how that goes it's a little bit better but it's still not fantastic I've got a few things that I can try though the first option would be to run the ink straight out of the bucket but I don't think that's gonna cure what's going on here the reason that this isn't turning out the way that I want it to is because the base layer has a little bit of fibrillation going on in it and that's causing the overprint to kind of look a little bit uneven when you look closely it still looks pretty good but it doesn't look as good as it can and you know good enough and half-assing things just not how we do it around here so I think what I'm gonna do is actually try to thin out my base layer we're printing on white right now anyways so thinning it out a little bits really not gonna make a difference in the opacity of this ink but it should thin it out enough to where it lays flatter more in the fabric than on top of it and it'll probably get rid of a little bit of that graininess that's going on there so I don't know I'm no expert on this but I'm gonna try it out [Music] we're getting closer that definitely made a pretty significant difference but it's still not good enough if you ask me but you know what I got one more thing I can try it I really don't want to clean the screen out if this doesn't work but if I print wet-on-wet it might mix together a little bit better it might stop from having that kind of contrast the effect with the over print layer going over top of the shirt fibers so let's hail-mary this thing let's try that and see if it works oh yes oh that's what I'm talking about right there that's what I wanted well I sure as can't kick like a samurai [Music] all right so this is insane I'm so frigging pumped right now you have no idea printing this thing wet-on-wet was exactly what it needed it got the exact look that I was going for plus the whole quality and feel of the print just went up to level 12 so yeah I probably should just done that right out of the gate but I've never done this before so now I know better but I'm actually glad that I had to do that bit of messing around and try those different mixtures because that got the whole look and consistency feel of the two different inks on the shirt to match up a hell of a lot better so yeah let's move into full production on these bad boys you guys have seen the chest print obviously we got to do the sleeves also the sleeves are for totally different pieces of artwork that way each sleeve is vastly different from the other one and just gives you a little bit extra something special this print already you're gonna have to be looking at this thing for a long long time to get everything that's going on in it but that was the whole point of this oh I can't wait to film an epic b-roll sequence of the shirt when it's done let's do this [Music] I don't care what anybody says that right there has to be one of the coolest shirts that I have ever made I'm so pumped on this you have no idea the artwork as a whole all six pieces are just phenomenal there's so many cool little details going on in that stuff that you got a look at this for a little while to figure out everything that's going on then there's the print which came out way better than I could have expected a lot of those little small details in there I I was a little bit worried about I'm not gonna lie but they translate it over to a shirt no problem it looks amazing plus that color combo and the way the ink laid down is just oh it's so good the last thing is I am stoked as hell to print something that's not on a black shirt for once I print black shirts here day in and day out it's non-stop that's what customers want most of the time plus with my brand and with rogue stuff most the time I opted for black shirts because clearly I wear black head-to-toe all the time so it was pretty cool to step outside of that and just create something different for a change actually even though I do wear black as much as I do and I'm a little bit of a scumbag so why it's kind of hard for me but I'm pretty sure that's gonna be my new favorite shirt for a while at least until I create a new one but yeah I'm super stoked that this overprint idea worked out as well as it did I can't say I've ever seen it done like this before and now that I know this works this opens up a whole bunch of new doors creatively for me seriously my brain is just just spitting out I do this right now there's a million different color combinations and ways that you can combine pieces of art and using two different styles of art together just do it my brain cannot stop shit's gonna get real around here real quick with this new method and if you do try this print method which I recommend you do because it's super fun just you got to put some time into it it's gonna take some trial and error figuring out the right ink mixture because what I came to as a mixture in this video is not gonna work if I pick two different colors of inks so it's gonna take some trial and error and figuring out the right balance between transparency and opacity how much ink versus how much reducer whatever just have fun with it take your time and you know get weird and if you do try this make sure to tag me on Instagram right here so I can see what you did I also left the link for our print group down in the description so you guys can come join up post your photos in there show everybody what you did maybe ask for advice whatever you need to do there's a ton of people in there ready to help you out you know just print cool stuff together as for those bad boys they are available for sale on our website right now the link for that is also in the description so if you guys want one of these things make sure you jump at them quick we printed a limited amount and it's gonna probably be awhile before I can make any more again because we're pretty swamped in here so if you want one jump on it I also made them a little bit more limited because I pulled two out for myself I need a backup because I'm gross and I'm gonna spill something on that first one for sure make sure you slap that like button subscribe if you haven't already maybe share this thing around if you enjoyed it helped a few more people come to the fold around here thank you guys for watching we'll see you again in the next one those three takes to lower a screen down I know it takes to make these videos doing things over and over and over again at an Aussie aiding him event income I foot this whole time walking around here there's teal and pink footprints all over the damn shop I hate when that happens it's the worst yes these things are everywhere it's gonna be fun to clean up for the next one dude don't even think about it he's been looking at the tip of that sword like he's gonna attack it that is a no-bullshit atari Hanzo sword buddy you're gonna cut your little paw nubs off i'm not kidding that is able to jet Japanese make good time you even look at that thing the wrong way it will cut you I've found that out many times what are you doing you're gonna come in here and ruin my shot aren't ya I can see you plot and jump to the table right now move the out of the way so you can make it up here though I'm knocking stuff over oh and there's wheels right on time quiet on the set all right great well let's start talking I wonder how many takes it takes other people to shoot videos I swear like I gotta do the same sentence over and over again 12 14 17 18 times until I spit it out the right way that I want to cuz as soon as the camera comes on my mouth just doesn't do what it's supposed to do the words they want to come out but they're just like yeah I probably shouldn't put that in there [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 41,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, lee stewart, make shirts, crazy print effects, screen printing, screen printing tutorial, how to screen print shirts, t-shirt printing, how to print shirts, how to print t-shirts at home, overprinting, overprint illustrator, how to design a t-shirt, screen printing at home, make t-shirts at home, how to print shirts using heat press, ryonet, rogue lab screen printing, rogue lab lee stuart, silk screen printing tutorial, make custom shirts at home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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