How To Align Graphics On T Shirts

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hi folks I've had a request on how I line up graphics on t-shirts so let's do a little quick tutorial on how we do it damn it [Music] right okay then there's many ways to do this as you know you've got specialist tools like this these things here are predominantly for like breast logos this sort of thing so if you're looking at just centering a graphic into the center of a t-shirt or the back center of a t-shirt you don't really need anything like this this is predominately for setting that a logo there basically so we'll get rid of that now for years and years we used a tape measure to find the center of the logo I'll show you what we used to do and then I'll show you what we do now right okay this is an excel t-shirt and this basically goes for any sort of round neck t-shirt that you're dealing with so well it's basically through would be to Center up the t-shirt on a workshop for example like this and as you know that depending on the size of the t-shirt depending where the middle is so you can't just have one size to fit all basically so this is an XL t-shirt and all you basically do there normally would be go between sort of armpit to armpit and just measure across the armpit to armpit and in this one let's just say it's 23 and a half inches so to find half of that you would have to basically half 23 and a half inches which is about 11 and three-quarter inches so really that can get quite complicated because you've got to sort of mark on here he's Evan the 3/4 inches and then you've got to remember where that mark is by perhaps putting a bit tape on it and then land your logo on something before you know you can get into a right mess because you've only found the vert that the vertical and you also want to possibly find the horizontal line so that you image you put on there is straight one other way of doing it is basically to eye up a lot of people doing it so let's say for example we got a pair of spanners here which is going to be part of the design which I'm going to layer on here I'm going to show you a quite a difficult design to line up how to make it simple but if you use the tape measure a way of doing it it can be very very complicated so what I would base that you do there will be to sort of just start it up first of all and put it on there like that this is the difficult way and then you sort of have to measure between as I say the the armpits for example find out in the measurement for excited I'm just going to go for 23 here just to make life a little bit simple here so from 23 inches you want a half that so that comes out eleven and a half inches to the center so then you've got to decide where 11 and a half inches are going to come with relation to the center of your image and then once you've done that you've then got your eye up the sort of the the horizontal line as well so that means that you might be in the center but you could have the image at an angle so using one of these can be very tricky and time-consuming especially if you've got a lot of them to do so we aborted that mission quite a while ago and what we basically do now is to find the center simply and the way we do that is literally I think I'll show you this in our videos is to take this t-shirt to the heat press it don't matter what size it is fold it in half press it and you'll get your center line running straight down so you've got a visual aid there all the way through your line in that process so let's go do that now and all I'm going to do here is pick the t-shirt up I'm gonna fold it in half this is where you've got to be very careful cuz you want to line out correctly and what I'm looking for is to line the collars up the top of the arms and I'm gonna hold it there take it rule it out to the arms and I'm looking and I want the t-shirt to fall in a straight line if you can see that or not both sides of the t-shirt are falling this straight line parallel to each other so I'm just going to take that over to the heat press flip it under and I'm not worried about pressing everything all I want basically it's just the center line and providing that these two lines and line that belong there when you press down you don't got to hold it down for very long I willed it down for about 10 seconds just to get a nice center crease in the image and that I do and this works back or front by the way and when you come back to your t-shirt work top where you're going to line everything up when I put that on there I've now got if you can see that a lovely centre line going straight down the image so I haven't got to worry about measuring I know that the weight of t-shirt falls naturally that line is dead straight so I'm happy with that now now we can start the lining up of our logos or transfer papers or vinyls or whatever you're going to be putting on this t-shirt so that is our basic standard everything comes off of this one measurement now again depending on the size of the t-shirt depends on how high the logo goes or whatever so what we need to do basically for something like an XL or in adults t-shirt let's call it an adult's t-shirt we can normally go that we can put our hand across there the width of an adult hand is normally where the top of the image wants to be or to finish or whatever you've got quite deep image start you image about hands width down like that for example that will change with a Charles image and depending on the size of the image as well but for this one we're going to go down to a probably a hands width down for an ad normal way adult hand so that it basically is that t-shirt prepared now I made this difficult for myself now because I've got a multi-piece a volatile to put on let me just get all the components and I'll show you how I'll align all these up so as you can see there's three separate components and actual fact four separate components I'm doing a YouTube logo and there's a little red block there so what we've got now is our vinyl I've cut all these vinyl well to run white and one is on a yellow background there as you can see now these need to be I need to find this basically what I need to do is to find the center of each individual elements that I'm going to be lining up and the way you would do that for example if this was a transfer paper and you were just dealing with one image all you would do would be fold that in half and get you sent to the line and then you can line your center line up with the line layer t-shirt but because we've got individual elements here what you've got to do in one side of this is sticky don't forget all I want to do I don't want to just fold the paper in half like that because that doesn't give us a center of our image you've got to actually fold it if you fold it back on itself as you can see the sticky side away from each other you can slide that about if I'd done it the other way and add the sticky side together you know the devil's own job pulling that apart so back to back basically and then what I'm looking to do through there is to line up the image vertically until you're in the center of the image now I'm pretty lucky here but I've got a center line to the image all I need to do basically is line up the image in the center and providing that I've got my mylar cut straight which is another reason important reason to keep your mylar straight at the edges and if I just create a fold line in that top and below when I open this up there's my center line going straight through the image now provided I line out with me lying on my t-shirt I know that's exactly straight it's not worry about tipping it like that so that's the first part down so I can put that to one side now and I'm gonna do exactly the same way of the writing again I've got the two ends of the writing there which is basically the two ends of these white stripes here so I'm going to fold it in half backwards and I'm just going to line up as you can see the two parts of the end of the transfers and then just create a crease in the center so that we're not open this up I've got me lined down the center there if you can see that that is the center line and that will go on to the center line of the t-shirt and finally the third component here which is the long name in a different color again fold it backwards on itself line the ends of the letters up as you can see there I can look straight through this mylar and providing I've cut this straight the mylar again just fold it in half and just give yourself a crease down the middle and when I open it up there again is our center line as you can just see there straight down there which I can line up with a t-shirt so now I've done that I'll put that to one side let's bring our t-shirt back over lay it flat on their work top and one thing I would say here is that what we tend to do or what Sharon tends to do she's got a little book a lot of you could probably do it on a notepad document or Word document each individual customer we've got for example if they have multiple orders and they come back for more and more each individual customer we put our little file on the PC I don't own a PC Sharon does it in a little note for quick reference and each customer has their name in their own file and in there we've got the the link to the graphic template which we just click on their file basically if they want to repeat order it opens up the silhouette cameo software with the images we've already done for them and then on their Sharon's also got a little notepad document where she writes down how high from the collar to the top of the actual image for example where the image starts because there's a Cynthia that will differ with different size t-shirts so it's just a quick reference that every person that we do a t-shirt for gets their own file and in there where we locate the file if it's a one-off for a t-shirt which is just a generic t-shirt as I said to you we can use the rule of the thumb where we basically start an image off at the top there for an adults t-shirt but for this one my first image is going to be roughly a palm which Dale I know exactly where this is and the top of that comes there I'm lining my center line up with the center line on the t-shirt and that's basically it I know now that the center line of that malang is lining up perfectly with that line as you can see go right away through and I know then because that's line that we're not folded everything straight that the spanners aren't wonky and I know that they're dead in the center of the t-shirt because they're line on their t-shirt so once I've done that I could now put the next element on as I say my center lines really you know what I'm going to do now is take our next graphic as I say this report they're totally different more I love paper so it lines up slightly differently but because we've got our center line down in it all I'm looking for is lining it up where that center line and I know for a fact that that will be straight and there we go that one's on there now everything's lined up in the center the next thing and the final thing is the white writing underneath and again little center line make sure it's dead on the line in line with the actual center of the t-shirt line when you put it on there like that and you can just leave that on there like that and that's now over there now mylar sometimes sticks sometimes it doesn't to the t-shirt so just a safeguard that that it doesn't move when I go to move it to the press what you can do is just some safeguard on there and just put some heat resistant tape across the whole lot I tend to do this it's just that extra precaution because some time although the mylar is sticky-backed it doesn't always stick and you could be leaving yourself open for errors if you actually move it so I'll just join that together like that again this is heat resistant tape I'm putting on here you've probably all seen that you've probably all used it looking at that if we was trying to line up with the different sheets of my logic see look the mylar is all different there's bits hanging over that in there and there's not so much there these are all slightly out and if you was trying to line this up with just offcuts these was all off cuts the point I'm making here is is that it doesn't matter whether you're using off cuts of whether using one transfer many different papers like I've used they'll have used three different sheets from three different cuts as you can see provided you've got that centre line going down each image as we've got there and the reference point is the centre line we put on the t-shirt and we haven't measured anything we've not used a tape measure or anything here we know that that's correct the only thing that we've used is the rule of the farm which is the hand over there left hand to the top of our image it's quite deep image and as you can see that's going to be the center acts lutely fine now what I've got here is the S seen on YouTube logo here and I as you know the YouTube logo has got a little red block behind it so what I've got to do here it's basically to cut out the word tube and I've got to insert the little red block underneath because it's got to go underneath the white vinyl so I'm going to show you how I'm going to do that now now I've got my little red block here as you can see so now that we've got that safely taped in place and it won't move and all I'm going to do is take my scissors because I need to cut the word tube out because that's what we're going to use now YouTube logo under the wood goes under the red shoe so I'm just gonna go as near as I can to the word you and then just lift up the word tube and basically just ship that out and that's it so that's outside now we're gonna put that on in a minute so what I'm gonna do now is just literally line this up Brian as you can see that's probably gonna be okay here and if we just sit the word tube on top of it as you can probably see that Sarah it's going to look when it's a installed so I'm happy with that position I'm happy everything straight there we go and of course all you can do there if you want to just double double check you can just put your tape measure under your line there like that put your word tube back in there just to make sure if it's gonna look okay when it's finished and as you can see it does so we can take that word back off now because we're gonna be using that in a second and I'm just going to put a little bit of a tape just across that vinyl there just to keep that in place so as you can see they're within and with many layers of vinyl there and we're just using our little pieces of tape there just to ensure this multiple image is going to stay in one place so we take this over to the heat press from the screen now and let's press it so don't forget this is a complicated design we've done here and it's got multiple elements to it so you'd put that over there again we're looking at the same situation by sliding the collar over the back there we don't to be pressing on that I'm getting my sheet my cover sheet there to go with a whole graphic to protect the planter and above and also protect the t-shirt in case there's anything stuck on there I'm gonna be whacking this down I've set the timer and the temperature heat press here to 165 degrees centigrade for 20 seconds this is a hot pill product and as I say we're going to need to press this again after it's when we put a little word to bond so this is that four seconds now this should be lifting up in a second okay take the cover off and we can pull it out and I can actually start pulling this off right away like that the last bit down there and our last bit of the word cube and then when I come over here I'm just gonna line the little word tube up you could it's so small this you can do this by oh it's not a problem whatsoever and I'm happy with it and I've got to push that back under there and this is where you need to cover it up because we don't want any of this residue getting stuck on there so cover that back up again and don't worry about pressing it twice I'm going straight underneath for exactly the same amount of time because you get a lot of people say oh can you press it twice or how long do it need our critical is it oh you can see I'm doing the same actual press temperature here and all its doing is reactivating the glue that was in the garment anyway on the rest of the transfer there we go let's turn that off I'll pull it out the way and I'll take off that little piece of tube writing there's the little mylar sheet let's bring it over here have a look solder it up and as you can probably see there that is all centered that's everything is nice and center of the t-shirt there I'm well pleased without I'm very happy with that and there's no wonkiness going on there whatsoever and we didn't even use a tape measure so there you go that's how I do my t-shirts now me and Sharon both use the same technique there if you use this was a difficult one to do this was a multicolored t-shirt as you can see with multiple elements to it if you using one just one image you won't transfer or whatever or one word in across your t-shirt it's so simple you don't need to take measure and all you need to do basically is to fold the t-shirt in half and then decide where the writing is going to be if I was just going to have one large block of writing across there obviously if you use the hand technique there that could be a bit too high to ever it just up there so that's when you need to sort of decide on where the best place is going to be for depth from the color down and once you've done that then record that information down somewhere whether it be on a Word document in the person's actual folder on your PC for example where you can just pull up the information and a reference you can just say oh yeah that person's t-shirt is 5 centimeter or 10 centimeters from the top and all down the center so at least you know basically if you're using a polo shirt with these things this is the center line of your t-shirt as you can see these have got a center a parent center of the apparel line down there that little circle there lines up with the button on your collar of your t-shirt for example and they know you've got to do that is you sent a line five inches down for example and then you might want to go six along and then you would just put that on the bottom at the center of the image and then line your widest gap see so you can line the image up within that gap area and you'd find your center line by folding the image in half and then put that line there go straight through to that line there's your straight line for the six inches you line them two straight lines up with the folded image of your graphic and then that will be straight we don't really do a lot of em polo shirts anymore we used to do quite a few but we stopped doing them because we like to keep it simple and we want to go where the mine is these are impulse buys people buy these by impulse on ebay for example we've now auction bits or whatever people click on these we get most of ourselves coming through at night and stuff like that when people have had a few drinks or or they go for a birthday party or they want to go for a special specialized gift for a certain niche or whatever anyway thing I hope you enjoyed that one that's how we do it I hope you enjoyed it see you later bye for now you [Music]
Channel: Home Print
Views: 75,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to place an image on a t shirt, align an image on a t shirt, t shirt image, line up a t shirt image, t shirt printing, t shirt tutorial
Id: KyL9bPet3u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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