Make Room | Josh Carter

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i'm about to go into the word of god anybody ready for some word today anybody ready to hear the voice of the lord through the word of the lord and i'm excited to preach today i know that some of you are looking for pastor rayleigh uh you got me today amen my name is pastor josh i'm the associate pastor right here at calvary christian center and i do believe that god has something to say prophetically to you how many believe that in the days in which we live we need ears to hear not just ears that will listen to what god is saying there is a difference between listening to the word and hearing the word you can't apply what you didn't hear you can't live out what you don't hear and i believe god has something to say so if you have your bibles i just want you to open up to the book of second king second kings chapter four uh it's going to be a good day in god's house i sense the presence of the lord i believe i'm in a house with some people who love god's word and don't mind talking back to the preacher a little bit uh listen when we when we ask you to say amen when you say amen please understand that's not a churchy thing we're doing that that is giving permission for whatever was said through god's word to sit down in your life can i be real deep for just a second because whatever you converse about you create a seat for and you could be having all the wrong conversations about all the wrong things but the truth is if you have an amen in your mouth and that means whatever god said through his word with your amen can come sit down in your life before an alter call well that's not my message but if you believe it somebody say amen i believe i have a prophetic word i need people that will tune in listening to if you're watching us online grab your notebooks grab your bibles it's going to be good today 2nd kings chapter 4. we're going to read a couple verses today starting in verse 8 and god's going to speak to us if you're ready say amen now it happened one day i like that right there that elisha went to schunham where there was a notable woman a great woman and she persuaded him to eat some food and so it was that as often as he passed by he would turn in there to eat some food and she said to her husband look now i know i perceive that this is a holy man of god who passes by us regularly please let us make a small upper room on the wall and let us put a bed for him there and a table and a chair and a lampstand so it will be that whenever he comes whenever he comes to us he can turn in there and it happened one day that he came there and he turned into the upper room and laid down there then he said to hazel his servant call this tuna my woman and when he had called her she stood before him and he said say now to her look you have been concerned for us with all this care what can i do for you do you want me to speak on behalf to the king or to the commander of the army and she answered i dwell amongst my own people so he said what then is to be done for her and gahaza the servant answered and said actually she has no son and her husband is old and he said call her oh i like it when he had called her she stood in the doorway and he said i love it about this time next year you shall embrace a son and she said no my lord no man of god do not lie to your maidservant watch this but the woman conceived and bore a son when the appointed time had come of which elisha had told her god sent this preacher with a prophetic word from his heart to yours god said that he is about to answer you in a profound and prolific way however before he does there is one prerequisite god said it's coming but you got to make [Music] room i'm gonna say the title just so he can get down in your spirit god is about to answer you he's about to answer us he's about to answer the cries of those of us that are living in the united states of america however god has one prerequisite for his people to see what we want to see we must make room i feel it already slip up your hands father i thank you for what i sense and for what i feel i know it's not about feeling but i'm thankful you can be felt speak now god let us hear what your spirit so desperately is trying to say to your people god let us tune our ear to heaven and we thank you already for the word that you have for us in jesus mighty name somebody say amen you may be seated and on your way down just look at somebody say make room make room make room make room make room make room make room make room oh i feel that in my spirit make room make room make room make room make room make room it is profound to come into this text this text is a profound text in scripture second kings 4 is a notable text that has been preached in many ways for a long time however second kings four is profound the text i bring you befriended it only is profound and powerful because of the text that precedes it you cannot find the power of second kings 4 8 until you back up to the preceding text because there are two texts that bring about this miracle and both concern two different women the miracle that i bring before you is predicated upon the text that precedes it so without me preaching second kings four 4 1-7 second kings 4 8-17 cannot be properly understood because this text is not about one woman it's about two because it shows us in this text that god will come to a great woman in second kings 4 8 but preceding her is not a great woman it is a woman that is in duress because how many know if you serve god long enough there will be days you are on the mountaintop and then there are days you are in the valley there are days you are full of joy and there are days you are full of anxiety there are days that you walk with boldness and days that you cower in fear and the profundity of this text speaks to the fact that god knows how to minister to both come on talk to me in this room i said god knows how to minister to both god knows how to speak to you when you're up and knows how to talk to you when you're down he knows how to touch you when you're high and minister to you why you're low and if you live faith long enough there will be some moments you come in this room and you praise god for the blessing he gave you and there will be some might sometimes you come in this room with hands lifted saying god i haven't seen it yet but yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil because i know by the time you get done doing what you're supposed to do in my life i will see your promise prevail because there are some of us in this room that can testify that he was just as powerful in the valley as he was on the mountaintop and sometimes the power is greater in the valley to prove that you weren't supposed to do it in your own strength anyway you weren't supposed to do it in your power alone but you were supposed to do it with the help of god himself and by preaching to anybody in this room i'm thankful for a god that can minister to me no matter where i am he knows where i am and can minister this text is powerful because of the text that precedes it because the text that precedes the second kings 4 1-7 is the text of a woman who is in strange strange duress have you ever been in strange duress have you ever been in stressful situations have some things ever hit your life in such a way that you had no answer for it ah has some stuff ever come to you that you didn't see coming and before you knew it it hit you so hard and hit you so fast that you looked around and realized that if you don't do something quick you're about to lose everything you have and i'm not just talking about material stuff i'm talking about stuff like peace talking about stuff like joy i'm talking about stuff like anointing favor commitment and devotion you can get to a place where life can hit you so hard that it knocks out of you everything god put in you she is under strange duress this this woman in second kings 4-1 she is under strange to rest but yet in the middle of her duress she is visited by a man of god let me stop right here and preach this for just a moment because one encounter with a man of god can change everything in your life i wish i had some people that would preach back at me for just a moment i said one encounter with a real man of god with a real anointing and before you shout about the man of god please know it is not the man of god it is the god and the man that makes the difference that's why you got to watch who you listen to and what podcasts you go watching who you're taking notes from because it's not about is he a man of god it's about can i sense the god in the man enough to know that this isn't a gift this is an anointing that's about to break the yoke off my life oh i feel like preaching because that's the difference we've reduced the anointing down to something that made us feel good but baby the real anointing is not something that makes you feel good it's something that makes you feel god [Music] we got a lot of gifts in the body but these days i'm not looking for gifted people i'm not looking for inspirational people in crisis i don't need to be inspired i need to be transformed i don't need to be inspired i need to be empowered we've reduced the anointing as to who gave us goosebumps and who performed the best but the real anointing the real anointing when it shows up doesn't tickle your ears it breaks the yolk off of your life once and for all it scatters demons seven ways y'all ain't saying nothing the real anointing will dry up a cancer cell the real anointing will set the captive free the real anointing will make a difference and i wonder if there's anybody who says god i'm ready for the real deal i want a real encounter i feel like preaching this morning one encounter with god can change everything in your life one real encounter she is in strange duress and because of her duress he visits her he visits her the god and the man and the man of god but it's strange that when he comes to encounter this first woman when he comes to encounter he brings nothing to the house except a highlighter can i go deep he accept a highlighter he doesn't bring what she thinks she needs he doesn't bring what she thinks she wants he doesn't bring what she thinks is the answer for the problem she is she's in he brings a highlighter to tell her that what god is about to use you already possess because can i do this can i do this because when a real prophet shows up when a real man of god shows up they don't come to bless you with anything they come to reveal what you have and have not used oh come on somebody they come to show you what's already down on the inside of you that you've not used yet because how many know that there are some things i feel like preaching that you have on the inside of you that the enemy is scared to death that if you ever discover who you really are and what you really got you'll run every devil and every demon about in your family out of this city if you believe it somebody give god some praise right now i said the answer is not coming to you it is coming from within you because the bible says that the seed the seed for every fruit that god would bear the seed is on the inside of you and god knows just the right time to open up the heavens help me do it holy ghost and open up the heavens he knows just the right moment to send the rain and when he sends the rain it doesn't matter what they said it doesn't matter what they did it doesn't matter where you've come from or what people did to you when god sends the rain to the sea down on the inside of you there is only one option in that season no matter the craziness of the season it's whatever's in you it's about to rise oh i feel like preaching for just a moment and i came to prophesy to somebody that you're just about to rise i know we're in a pandemic i know we're in a crisis but what if i told you this has all been a setup for the people of god to rise i declare by the end of 2020 your gift's gonna go to another level your ministry's gonna go to another your life is gonna go to another your family's gonna go to another level why because of the seed that's on the inside of you this woman is standing waiting on something to come to her yet the man of god comes with nothing other than a highlight a flashlight to show her what she already has in the house real men of god don't come to bless you they don't come with blessing they come with revelation we have taught you that in the american church you come to church to get blessed nothing could be further from the truth and nothing will hinder your growth more if all you came in this room was to get a blessing and go home you missed it because god's intention was not to put something in your hands that your heart couldn't hold what good is it to put it in your hands if you don't have the integrity the revelation to keep what he gave i'm preaching better than y'all letting on that's why when the man of god comes he brings nothing to the house except a revelation and one revelation oh hallelujah are you hearing me in this one revelation of a small and ordinary thing in the hands of a big god changes everything because when god gets ready to do big things he doesn't just look for big things fact when god gets ready to do big things god will find some small things oh y'all ain't standing up there and ordinary things and he'll take ordinary things and small things and at the right time turn them into big things well how do you know that pastor josh because god always uses things like a handful of meal a jawbone of a donkey come on somebody five loaves and two fish six jars of water when god finds something you already have and you put that thing in god's hands it doesn't matter what it was before it touched god it doesn't matter how little it was before it touched god but when it touches god i feel like i'm talking to somebody it's about to turn into everything god needed it to be [Applause] that's why in this room you can't despise your own anointing and despise where you are in life because you some might say pastor josh i don't have it like they have it i don't care whether you have it like they have it because if you have any at all oh i feel like preaching if you have any anointing any gift any grace on your life any is enough for god to do something great if you believe it somebody ought to give god some praise and if you won't praise him i know somebody online that's watching me right now why don't you just stand up in your living room or wherever you are and give god some praise because i came to tell you little as much when god is in it [Music] one revelation takes this woman from strange duress to absolute abundance oh do you see what god can do when you give up oh you missed it i said did you see what god can do when you give up give up what give up your ways when you surrender how you think it should be done god can do big stuff but ladies and gentlemen this is not my text this morning i had to bring the first woman in the picture i almost called this message the other woman but i thought that wouldn't work too well and you can laugh it's true it won't work too well because my wife's gonna be here in second service i didn't want to say that because the first woman in our text is nothing more than not a comparison but she is in direct contrast to the woman i bring before you in second kings 4 8. the reason why i have to preach both women is because god is not trying to create a comparison he is trying to create a contrast because god is a master artist oh yes he is god is a master artist now i know i'm six foot five i i know i'm this big dude i'm a former baseball player and all this stuff and let me just tell you i love i love sports i love sports i'm glad they're back i'm glad come all the men that would be a good place for you to say amen right there don't matter if your wife come on we in church god sees it he knows look i love the kjv i love the nkjv i love the esv and i love the espn come on somebody i i love sports but but i realized a long time ago that i can't lead people beyond my learning that i can't take people where i've never been that it's just as important as god gives me the coat it's my job to add the colors to the coat because that's how joseph can i just do this that's that's how joseph can be effective in any season that he's in in any environment that he goes is because he has colors on his coat is that too deep that's why you got to let god expand you through your learning sometimes god can't use you because you don't know enough to stand in the place he brings you and when you choose to learn it gives god the ability to expand you and take you into multiple environments and if he can take your multiple environments he can increase your influence and if he increases your influence he can increase your impact is that too heavy in other words if god is a master artist he understands this he understands that if i don't bring these two women together to butt these two texts together you will never see the power of contrast contrast for any artist in the room is a powerful thing because if you have a lot of contrast you will eventually get a great deal of clarity it is in the contrast that you find clarity am i helping anybody it's in the contrast that you find clarity that's why when some of you got saved you wondered what the world was going on because everything in your life started moving and shifting and shaking the more you gave to god the more he started putting things where they ought to have been all along and you said god what is going on god my life's going crazy and god said your life ain't going crazy it's finally coming into order oh hallelujah because i'm gonna put it where it needs to be so that you can finally see who you really are and who you really were the entire time you do know in theology the greatest level of this thing called contrast is called sanctification oh i didn't get many amens there because long before god ever releases anointing he looks for separation anointing is designation for sanctification and separation from and before god ever pours the oil he is looking for a level of separation that will not let him pour precious anointing on chaos is this too heavy this morning he's not going to pour the oil on mixture you do realize that is the whole construct of genesis 1. it's god creating the kind of contrast so that everything he designed it to be can flourish in the way it's supposed to flourish he had to remove things and separate things in order to create contrast so he could release the anointing and some of us have not seen fresh oil because every time god looks at our life he still sees too much mixture i'll preach back here today some of the oil doesn't flow because every time god looks at your life he sees that you still have too much of that and not enough this you got too much of the world and not enough in god you all ain't saying nothing you got too much over here and carnality and not enough spirituality and so god hits the pause button so that you can be sanctified but i believe i'm in a room this morning with some people who love sanctification as much as they love anointing who say god if you got to separate me separate me separate me for your purpose separate me for your plan create the contrast that allows the anointing to flow the second woman i bring before you is in direct contrast with the woman that comes in second kings four one through seven because watch this the first woman is without means and she's in strange duress but when we come into our text the woman i bring before you she's a woman of means she's got it all together she's got what she needs and every time she turns around she is favored and blessed she's got everything somebody could ever want to she's living good she's living her best life how do you know that because the bible says she lives in shudim shunam if you define it shunam means uneven she is not just a woman of great means she is a woman living with an advantage and my first question to you this morning is are you taking advantage of your advantage as a believer oh this might be too deep for some of us but you do know as a believer you have an advantage oh you're way too quiet on me i said you do know as a believer there are some things you can do that nobody else can do there are some things you can perform that nobody else can perform there is a name that you can call on that nobody else can call on because you have the advantage well what's the advantage j-e-s-u-s jesus he's the advantage because he is the name that is above oh don't miss him he's the name that's above uneven you do know if you have jesus you've got the advantage that no matter what's in your life and what's come to harm you and what's come to hold you you can call on jesus and in a crisis still have victory oh i wish i had about 20 people that would take about 20 seconds and open up your mouth and to every devil and to every demon and to every issue of your life use your advantage and just say jesus jesus jesus you do know what happens when you use the name jesus that every knee has to bow and every tongue has to confess above earth in earth and under earth that he is lord you've got an advantage you've got an advantage let me preach this like i feel i said you've got an advantage you've got the kind of advantage that will let your body get healed when doctors reports say it shouldn't be here you've got the kind of advantage that can reverse a marriage that's gone crazy you got the kind of advantage that shifts your life you've got the advantage look at three people say i got an advantage i got i got an advantage i got i got an advantage i got an advantage i don't care who knows it anymore i got an advantage i'm gonna start using my advantage to do what i'm called to do i got an advantage am i helping anybody this morning she lives and shouldn't she has an advantage uneven can i go deeper so much so that the bible calls this woman a great woman when i read that pastor christian it shocked me because to say a great woman in this kind of hebrew culture is like saying hot ice because come on y'all it's not 20 20. in bible times women didn't hold this kind of position they were not known or really named but he the bible was just careful to let us know that this woman is a great woman she is great despite her circumstances oh hallelujah she is great despite society great despite the issues and i came to tell somebody you are great not because of what you're going through and not because of what you're in and not because of who your daddy is on the earth but because of who your daddy is in heaven you are not great because of your circumstances you are great because of your identity in god can i go deeper you're not great because of your condition you are great because of the position you hold in god [Applause] because if you think that all that you are is attached to who brought you into the earth you missed it if you think that your greatness is attached to who your daddy is and your grandmama is please know that that was not your origin can i be real deep your origin didn't start when you took your first breath because long before you were ever a person in the earth you were a purpose in god and i'm great not because i came from my mama i'm great because god breathed me into time and because i'm hearing that y'all ain't saying nothing because i'm here in the earth right now tells me that god had a perfect time and a perfect plan and when he looked at what the earth needed and what the world had to have he looked inside himself pulled the purpose that was me out and blew me into time and as long as i'm here i can't lose as long as i'm here i can't be stopped why because of whose i am that's why that's why that's why the enemy is fighting fighting fighting a whole generation over identity i know this isn't popular preaching but i'ma help you because the enemy won't take your identity he can't but what he works is confusion to a level by which you surrender your identity whole generation doesn't know if they're a boy or a girl don't know who to date what kind of relationship to be in being fed lie after life i'm gonna preach it whether you like it or not because it's truth i'm gonna preach it i'm gonna preach it i'm gonna preach it i'm gonna preach it till every devil in hell gets mad at me i'm gonna preach it till every demonic force backs up because the truth is about to set somebody free i came to preach this thing like it's supposed to be preached there is a generation dying and going to hell because they don't know who they are but i praise the mamas and daddies on legacy sunday get it in their spirit that asks for me and my house we gonna serve the lord till the day we die somebody shout if you know it's true [Applause] i believe that building over there will be will be a powerhouse beacon of hope in this community i pray that five-year-olds she shut up the poco shot i pray that five-year-olds get baptized in the holy ghost i pray that seven-year-olds prophesy i pray that god opens up the windows of heaven and pours his spirit out on eight and nine-year-olds and ten-year-olds know they're called to the ministry and eleven-year-olds walk in power for the glory of god look at somebody said get your fight back get your fight back don't you dare cower to fear to these demonic spirits trying to attack a generation the devil is a liar if god be for us who can be against us she is a great woman because of who's behind her and your greatness is determined by the god that is behind you i got to hurry she is a great woman she has great means and yet even in all of her greatness she still looks around her house and sees that something is missing because if you took real inventory everybody could look somewhere in their life and realize something is still missing if you've got any appetite in god you will recognize that there are still some things that are unfulfilled in your life and when you realize that you haven't gotten there yet it will create a thirst oh come on somebody i said it will create a thirst and a hunger for god that will drive you to needing god more than you ever have before she said i've taken inventory and there's something still missing i need god to do something and right in the middle of her recognizing her need in an amazing on the heels of recognition comes awareness is that too deep right when she recognized what god wanted to bless her with that she didn't have that she needed god for she turned around and all of a sudden she saw a man of god that she said is passing by regularly let me stop right there and preach because i'm thankful that even when i miss him he still passes by ah that may not be for everybody but there's some people like myself who have missed it every once in a while we didn't recognize how soon god wanted to do it in the time frame he wanted to do it in and aren't you thankful that when you didn't recognize him and you didn't see him he didn't give up and walk away but he kept passing by he kept passing by out of grace come on somebody he kept passing by out of mercy he kept passing by saying i'll just keep passing by until you recognize it's me but when you recognize it's me i'm going to stop passing by i'm going to start turning in that's why you can't take a worship set off that's why you can't take a church service off that's why you can't take a small group off why because you never know the day that you'll see it for what it really is and the moment you do here comes god with everything he is in your situation ah she recognizes her need and when she does she said here he comes and watch this she turned it on can i finish this and be done she turned it on she said here comes watch this the power of persuasion oh oh the power of persuasion and i know what some of you theologians are saying all you scripture people are you trying to say god can be persuaded and i'm here to say yes i know he's sovereign i know he's great i know he's omnipotent and omnipresent but he can be persuaded well how do you know that pastor josh because there is a syrophoenician woman in the bible who comes up the coast finds jesus and says heal my daughter and the first thing out of jesus mouth is no or it's in your bible he said no this ain't for you in fact he says healing is the children's bread i came for the lost sheep of israel i came for my own everything that's in me is for them and when she heard him say that oh hallelujah she dropped down on her knees and started worshiping him and praising him and giving him glory and the moment he saw praise her praise became persuasion oh that he could do something he didn't intend on doing oh and that's why every lyric every song you swing sing can be an act of persuasion to get god to move i'll never understand why people could come to church and not praise god i'll never get why you would show up in his house and not give him glory do you not know that this is the place where you can say god i'm ready for it now god i know i know i don't deserve it i don't know i don't deserve for you to come through like that but here's my worship here's my praise that says you can and you're able god i'm persuading you why don't you take 10 seconds and just give him some worship right here persuade her so i don't know what you need him to do huh i don't know what you need him to say i don't know what you need to speak but somebody persuaded we see oh there's so much in this text she persuades him watch this she just doesn't persuade him to come in she persuades him to come eat because she understands that every moment of god is a feeding and an eating moment every moment in his presence is a feeding and eating it just depends on who's doing which one you do know that right now in this point of the service god is feeding and you are eating [Music] but that little 35 minutes we had where everybody was singing songs and jumping up and down you do know that was you feeding and him eating and the question i want to bring in the room is who got the better meal oh come on somebody because if you owe hallelujah i wonder who got the better meal i wonder if god ate better than you did this morning but i feel like there's some people who say god i still got a little bit of worship so if you're still hungry here's some praise here's some thanksgiving here's some hallelujah here's some glory to god take ten more seconds and feed him what you didn't finish feeding him [Music] she understood that i could never outfeed him oh is this too heavy i could never out feed him so what that is the principle is this then is that to the level you feed is the higher level you eat because if you could don't miss this if you could out feed them you'd be god so god has to feed you has to feed you higher than you fed him so that he can retain the status of god in your life so when you see radical worship at calvary don't laugh at us when you see somebody jumping and dancing don't laugh don't do you see them laying don't laugh they just trying to get fed better than they they're just trying to eat good on a sunday come on somebody they're just trying to eat right on a sunday that's how the god's house should be that should be the culture of this house that every time we show up we feed god so good that when he turns around and feeds us it ain't nothing but revival it's nothing but glory it's nothing but power it's nothing but miracles signs and wonders if you believe it somebody shout like you know it's the truth [Applause] [Music] i'm done right here and the bible says they are feeding and eating watch this communion because god calls the feeding and the eating communion when's the last time you really took communion communion is so much greater than a little piece of bread and a little cup of juice sometimes we need to check that juice i think some of that stuff's expired come on somebody one time i didn't have juice i had jelly come on somebody the feeding and the eating communion and for season it works for a season on this level it works but how many know that if you're not careful even the greatest of romances can go stale there is a season in which if you don't mind the relationship with god things you once treasured will go bad things you once valued will go bad songs you used to sing that cause tears to come out of your eyes will now become just the third song in a worship set you're not careful if you keep doing the same things in the same way with god that you've always done it don't be shocked when your relationship with god goes stale and this is no time for you and god to get stale hear me body of christ this is no time for you to get stare with god and she said she said if i don't take this thing to another level i'll never see what god promised and so she said how do i do it i've got to make room i've got to make room and so she said i got to be quick let us let us let us let me stop right there exegetical preaching let us let us meaning that sometimes if you want to do great things for god you can't do it alone the great things you do in god are the things that you do not do by yourself it's the things you do with somebody that's why small groups matter that's why coming to this place and connecting with people and finding real relationships matter because if you're going to a big you need somebody come let us make ex exegetical preaching let us make let us make you you do realize that when god got ready to make you because of how big you were he couldn't just do it he didn't say let me make man he said come let us make man in our image a tower of babel let us make a tower big things come when when we cooperate with one another big things come let us watch us let us make meaning that some of the things that god is about to do and about to build will require your help let us make there are some things god will not do hear me by the holy ghost there are some things god will not do because it's your responsibility come let us make watch this room i'm done let us make room let us create a space by which god can manifest something he's never manifested before because when god gets ready to do something big he will never ask you to make something he'll ask you to make room help me do this lord he will ask you to make room nothing can manifest without the space how do you know that pastor josh look at creation i can't put the birds in until sky's there i can't put the fish in until water's there i can't put the beast in until the grass is there i can't put the breath in man until there's space because i'm going to respond to space i respond to room can i go real deep and be done look at mary she has jesus she's about to manifest jesus but the bible says she could not manifest jesus because there was no room in the end everything god wants to manifest is contingent upon the space you make and i came to tell you stand your feet everybody i came to tell you that god is aching to manifest some things in your life but he is looking for people that will make room hear me prophetically by the spirit he's looking for a church that will make room make room for a move of the move of the spirit make room for a move of god and make room make room make room and let me tell you when you start making room making room looks messy because demolition often precedes construction and sometimes you can go through all the messy stuff only to find that even when you when you clean the mess and you make the room then making room just doesn't feel messy it feels empty do you know the pain of having to survive the empty days in your life when god keeps telling you it's coming and you make the room and you keep looking for what god promised only every time you open up the door for the room you made nothing is there eight years i walk through god saying the baby's coming the kid is coming the kid is coming the child's coming i made room and everything bedroom in the natural made room in the spirit and you know how hard it is to open up the door oh i wish i was talking to real people i know i've gone a little long but i feel the anointing of the holy ghost for just a second because there are people in this room who have real hurts and real pain because you've done everything right and you haven't seen god come through she said i want it to be here but it's not and when you don't see it for a long time some of us resign to life without it he said what does she need and she said i'm good because you can get to your you get to a place in your life where you're just okay without having the promises of god but how many know you can't get god and not get his promises for the promises of god are yes and amen she said don't play with me i'm okay without it and he looked at hazel and said what's really up with her gaze i said let me tell you what's really going on she would never tell you this but i will she wants a son when i saw that i saw gehey's eye as a picture of the holy spirit in your life for when we know not what to pray maybe i'm just preaching to myself this morning but when we know not what to pray thank god for the holy spirit that prays the perfect will of god when we don't have the strength to say it again the words to say it the precious holy ghost will pray through us the will of god and he says bring her here watch this i'm done bring her here she came to the same place she had always come the threshold which that's what faith does it brings you to a door does not walk you in it she brought him to the door and when she brought got to the door he said come on in and she had a choice to make will i cross the threshold or stay out here will i say will i move from unseen to seen invisible to visible or not and that's a decision you have to make today and she stepped in and the moment she stepped in he said now that you're in the room he said hazel what time is it what day is it on the calendar september 20th 2020. this time next year you shall conceive and bear a son hear me by the holy ghost this is my final point i don't bear i barely rarely do this but god told me to tell you that by this time next year by 2021 september 20th god said the promises of your all the promises of god for your life are going to start manifesting and start showing up in an unprecedented way but god said as i close this message before he sends the promise will you make room will you make room if you're ready to make room lift up your hands come on worship team come on worship team if you're ready to make room uh lift up your hands uh open up your mouth and begin to say god god here i am i'm making room i'm making space i'm stretching myself i'm opening myself up lift up your hands uh open up your mouth yes i am [Music] for [Music] somebody say it [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna give you 30 seconds because we're going to do something special right here at the end look i'm sorry for going a little long but how many got some out of this today i gave you the cliff notes version this text is so loaded but god told me that you were going to come in this room today right in the middle of rosh hashanah the turning of a new year see on god's calendar a new year has just begun come on how many know that's a good thing but god said not only am i turning the calendar i'm turning the page on the craziness and the chaos in your life and if you'll make room here comes the promise here it is i don't know what god is trying to get in your hands i don't know what you're believing god for but for the next 30 seconds flip up your hands and i dare you i know that you haven't wanted to talk about it i know it's been hard to talk about i know it's been hard to even pray about worship about but for the next 30 seconds i want you to dig deep down in your soul and spirit reach out and grab that promise there's people on this stage reach down and grab that promise up out of your spirit that thing that you said it won't happen that thing you said it can't be i hear god saying reach and grab it again god said it's time to make room for the promise are you ready you got 30 seconds uh come on make room open up your mouth open up your mouth all across this room make room make room make room make room make room make room make rooms [Music] come on talk to god about us you got 20 seconds to tell him what he asking for what do you need him to do what did he promise you a long time ago what did he say about your future what did he say about your destiny what are the things did he say your son's coming home did he say your body's gonna be healed did he say your marriage is gonna be restored did he say did he say you'd own the business did he say you start the thing this is your moment church make room make room 10 more seconds [Music] keep going keep saying it [Music] do you really believe in it [Music] i believe [Music] i'm making room i'm making room watch this pastor courtney check this this was a boomerang blessing she thought she was making room for him but what she didn't understand is she was making room for her promise the same room she cried in is the same room she heard the cries of her child in and i declare within one year you are going to see and hear the cries of a withheld promise as you birth it in the ninth month of 2021. i want the ushers to get ready i want you to be seated [Music] how many said that that was your word just wave at me if that's your word make room [Music] i mentioned this before i'm gonna be very brief rosh hashanah is happening this this weekend rosh hashanah is the jewish new year 5781 it's also the sixth dimension agriculturally for the jewish people which means it's it's the moment of blossoming isn't it amazing that in the middle of chaos and the craziness even at calvary we're still blossoming how do you know that new buildings are popping up new campuses are popping up do you know that you're sitting in a church that is blooming and blossoming in this season 5781 there's a space in the gap between the 5 7 and the 8 1 which is the space by which breath comes back and relief comes back in amazing the coronavirus has in its in its properties the ability to take breath but in 5781 god said i'm gonna give a reprieve back here at calvary we rarely take offerings and the offerings that we take are not for the pastors it's not for the people it's really it's an opportunity for you to get into what god is already doing if you study rosh hashanah there is a moment that they were to bring a sacrifice and offering and many of you have contacted us even this week and in past saying pastor josh we would have loved an opportunity pastor raleigh would have loved an opportunity to give on rosh hashanah such an incredible moment it may not be 2021 in the u.s but it's already 57 81 on god's calendar so i'm going to give you an opportunity today to sow into a moment to give an offering on this rosh hashanah they eat apples and honey why because they believe that this year is going to be full of sweetness how many below how many believe that even though 20 20 is not done it will still be an end of a year full of sweetness and joy so this is what we're going to give you an opportunity to do today many of you love to do it you do it every year and i encourage every single person's room to sow something into this moment don't let this movement moment of making room pass you by because sometimes as we give give and it shall be given i want you to grab an offering we're going to give you a moment to give if you want to text to give this key word today is special give towards rosh hashanah get so into the moment the new year and i believe as you sow god's going to say i see the seed and i'm making room for the harvest i know that me and natasha are texting to give today we're texting a substantial amount because there's things that we want to make room for in our lives we believe that at the turn of this new year god's going to turn it for us help me believe that today you're watching me online the same applies to you the numbers are popping up we want you to give how many believe that you're about to see what god said can you do it can you do i want the ushers to prepare i'm going to pray over your rosh hashanah offering pastor john's going to sing i'm going to bless you and we're going to release you are you ready father in the name of jesus in this moment we thank you god that as we make room you are making room for us god thank you that you're the kind of god that as we bless you you bless us we don't do it for the blessing but you're faithful and you're good so father we thank you that as we sow into this moment god lord you are working things out for our good in jesus name somebody say amen amen come on pastor john may his [Music] your faith come on and once you give will you stand to your [Music] and your feet come on if you receive this blessings generations from your family and your children and their children and their children be upon you and the thousands of generations for your family we're just about to release you come online join in [Music] is is for you [Music] [Music] so in the name of jesus i declare you are blessed i declare you are favored and i declare as you make room prophetically in the spirit the blessings the favor and the promises of god are about to fill your life in an unprecedented way in jesus mighty name if you believe it somebody shout amen god bless you calvary we love you we will see you next week happy rosh hashanah every
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 1,946
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ugtfI03nlv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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