The Conquest of Concepts | Pastor Josh Hart

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do we love his word let's grab our bibles grab your notepads we're going to dive into what god has to say to us tonight now i understand that this is a preaching house and i am a pentecostal boy so i know from storefront church that you only got to have two people to have church uh so so for me i understand and i've learned even more this year how to have church all by myself but i believe i got a few hollaback people in the room with me and all through this comment section so let's do some work um we have come through a season uh all through this year really that has weighed heavy on cities and weighed heavy on our nation's heart and it has had many on the edge of figuring out uh why and what is going on and where do we go from here uh for many 2020 has brought much clarity of the health of our nation and even the health of our church and for some of us it has either changed or reinforced how we see life in america um we have seen and our apostle has declared several times that there has not been a feeling of despair in our nation like this since 9 11 and in 9 11 we understand that that was when a handful of terrorists took down the world trade center and 3 000 people dead and in 2001 it took us on a journey of rebooting our idea of the war that we were fighting um america has always been engaged in wars we had wars with korea and japan and russia world war one world war ii and america has been used to fighting but we've been used to fighting governments but in 2001 we started fighting something that we had never fought before and we didn't know what to think they said it was the planes that took down the world trade center uh but but in all honesty it was not planes that brought down the world trade center uh they started showing us pictures of terrorists and said it was these men that took the buildings down but it was not those men what brought down the world trade centers was an idea it was a thought and it was a thought that terrorized and destroyed thousands of lives and we found ourselves as a nation being brought to the revelation that war is not an action war is conflicting ideas and i paralleled the 9 11 crisis to our current climate even of inequality in our nation because as people brace and even talk and whisper about the ideas of even a civil war i submit to you that we have already been at war we have been at war in this nation for over 400 years and while a common request is especially in this so-called post-racial era for black people to just move on racism ended in the 60s but every african-american individual that i speak with knows that just because they aren't being hosed down anymore don't mean they aren't still being abused and it is possible to be abused by simply an idea and it's why a long-term strategy in a time like this is so tedious is because we are finding out that this cannot just be fought with guns because a thought cannot be shot how do you kill an idea you can't shake you can't uh sanction an idea the the constitution in theory would work for all if it wasn't written and held in power by people with preconceived ideas to have liberty and justice for all written by slave owners shows you that what was on paper does not have as much power as the idea of the writer so after 9 11 we built the idea of what terrorists look like so we started watching for terrorists and we started looking at for terrorists because we thought we had an idea of what terrorists look like and then terrorists started changing colors and now we realize that it was not a man in a turban that we were fighting it was an idea that we were at war with and i want to suggest to you tonight that as it is in the natural so is it in the spiritual god does not require of us yet what he required of the apostles what he required of the early church we are not yet asked to lay our lives down in the way that they were where they were crucified and where they were beheaded and yet we are under attack the attack is not physical uh just as we are currently fighting the idea in our nation that is what we are facing in ourselves as believers you cannot see it it doesn't look as dynamic it's not as as powerful of an image as being stabbed or crucified but it as j it is just as lethal of a death people are dropping like flies all around us due to invisible attack they are dropping preachers are dropping institutions are dropping singers are dropping people are caving marriages have been crumbling this year and what are we fighting we are in ideological warfare we are in the war of ideas radicalization occurs by the infiltration of an idea and so the war continues in our mind fighting for simple things like peace and every time you think you can claim the territory of peace a terroristic thought comes here and tries to steal your peace take your joy and your contentment and your boldness and your confidence and your strategy and your future it is all under attack right now and i mean right now while you're listening to me you are in a war there is no need for you to set your house alarm for this fight your alarm will not detect this infiltration this is not going to climb through your window and it is not going to bust down your door and your nine millimeter is not going to stop this one we are fighting ideas so for a few minutes i want to run real quick over to second corinthians chapter 10. second corinthians chapter 10 and i'm gonna read verse 1 through 5 and i don't generally do titles personally i just like to kind of pre it's the pentecostal thing we just preach wherever the lord takes us you know but if i was going to give this one a title i would call it the conquest of concepts the conquest of concepts and this is important to understand as you're turning to second corinthians 10 that just like our nation every individual listening to me tonight is engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a thought no one is safe from a thought and paul says over in second corinthians 10 starting at verse one now i paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ who in presence and base among you but being absent and bold towards you but i beseech you that i may not be bold when i am present with that confidence wherewith i think to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh now i know that in america a lot of our pastors have used this scripture right here to get folk to stop debating each other but this is not what paul was trying to accomplish right here paul was not saying be passive paul was taking his highlighter to what the war is he says i know that you see me embody and even if i am physically fighting another body it is not the person that i am engaged in war with why verse four for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of stronghold somebody listening today something has got a stronghold on you but i declare to you that in the next 34 minutes and 42 seconds the stronghold will come down and you need weapons for that strong thing to the pulling down of strong hurts verse five casting down imaginations now wait a minute we was just talking about warfare casting down imaginations to cast it down i cashed down this towel to cast an imagination is to throw a thought how casting suggests something physical casting suggests something that i can grab and throw cast as in a fishing line to throw it out but he said no i'm going to ask you to cast something that you cannot see you are in a fight with an imagination how do you fight with a thought how do you wrestle with an imagination yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow it's not even the death that i'm facing it is the shadow it is the looming threat of the death it is the threat of the thing that is casting the shadow over my life and when a real thing is cast into the light it creates a shadow could it be possible that you have been up till two in the morning fighting with ghosts verse five says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god exalts itself exalts itself interesting phrasing there because that is the exact same word that was used by satan i will exalt myself above the most high exalt itself against this says this text says exalt itself against what you know about god your hand clapping self your foot stomping self your tongue talking church going itself it has the audacity to still show up in your bedroom with a thought that says maybe there is no god how could god be real and all of this happened you've seen him heal you you've seen him restore you you've seen him bless you you've seen him set you free and deliver you but it'll still come with the audacity to suggest to you that god is not real it exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ now i'm preaching already because much like we in our nation are fighting we are in an ideological battle right so i want to highlight for a moment right now the importance of your belief system in the year of our lord 2020 because kingdoms are really comprised by belief systems democracy is not a government it is an idea it has no address it has no bank account it is an idea and what establishes the kingdom of god is an idea john 1 says in the beginning was the word the logos the word was with god the word was god all things were made by him without him was nothing made in him was life the light of men light shone in darkness darkness comprehended it not and it builds all the way to verse 14 and says the word became flesh in other words he says the abstract was made concrete the invisible was made visible and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory jesus then was not here to give a sermon jesus is a sermon the physical representation of an invisible abstract god and we went through a phrase even a phase in our churches of naming it and claiming it because we were learned and we we learned and taught and we understood the power of words we were told that you could have whatever it is that you say and you just got to say that thing and we walked around cars and houses that we couldn't pay for and we claimed them in the name of the lord and didn't understand that i should have claimed the money for the payment while i was claiming the car but but what we understand is the word logos there is more than just word logos by definition goes all the way back to a thought it goes all the way back to a concept so if you are confessing things with your mouth that you are not really believing in your heart your words don't have any power not because they aren't powerful but because they are not being germinated from a place of sincere belief so you can say things about yourself that negate the birth of what you say because they don't have the soil of right belief systems to flourish in i'm talking the belief system then is the thing that validates the decree so you are saying i'm whole but you're thinking i'm sick you're singing i'm free praise the lord i'm free but you have a belief system that fertilizes bound and you are where you are doing what you're doing in the space you are in not because of who you say you are but because of who you believe you are jesus came all the way to the earth not just to save you but to challenge what we believe god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever shall believe whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life so you don't have to kill any more lambs no more goats or peace offerings drink offers no not over here in jesus church everybody else's church got blood and smoke everywhere but when jesus came along he said we don't need no more blood we don't need no more smoke we don't need no more screaming animals he said all i need you to do is believe and you shall receive what is he doing he is attacking a belief system that has stopped you from walking into freedom believe what do you believe what do you believe what do you believe have you even yet to separate god from church lord because if you haven't quarantined i made you a reprobate by now have you yet to separate god from the church experience it's i believe it's a spiritual goal of quarantine uh or is god still a place i can't wait to get back to visit on sunday a building that i come to and a seat that i sit in what do you believe about god is it a doctrine is it a baptism is it communion is it all ladies wearing white on first sunday what do you believe about god because what you believe about god has everything to do with your relationship with him it has everything to do with even if you really will worship him some of you are still uncomfortable worshiping god because contrary to your sunday activity you don't even really believe he's there and it's hard to feel like a sane adult feeling like you're talking to an imaginary friend so you feel uncomfortable what do you believe about god do you believe that god is really for you or do you believe that maybe he forgot you over the past 12 months some people believe god's gonna get you yes he if you don't pray over your food god's gonna get you if you don't repent before you fall asleep you better hope you don't crack the sky god's gonna get you if you don't cross every tea and down every eye god's gonna get you he don't like you no way he's just waiting on you to do something wrong so he can take you out and we're laughing and we're assuming that that is not an idea but it is a belief system that has people power he don't want you why don't he want to how can we come boldly before a throne of somebody we don't even feel like welcomes us lord i feel this right now now when you start dealing with a belief system i got to hurry when you start dealing with the belief system systems are hard to fight systems are hard to fight belief systems cause good people to be bitter belief systems cause you to be bitter even even at and angry at people angry at people who molested you because it created a belief system if you that i am worthless and so the person has moved on the person is gone lives in a whole nother city maybe even dead by now and you are still trapped in a system of how you see yourself that you keep recreating that other people don't know you trapped in because what is left on you was not the seed of that man it was the belief system everything else can wash away everything else can heal but the belief system my god a belief system that starts with a second grade teacher telling you that you are stupid and you are dumb and you are never going to be good enough why don't you do your work it's a belief system you just like your daddy it's a belief system you can't do that and you can't do it because they told you you can't do it it's a belief service so it's not even just what do i believe about god but it's also what do i believe about me what do i believe oh my god what do i believe about me this is why church don't work for a lot of people this is why our services don't do nothing for a lot of your friends because church will always tell you what to believe about god but not enough churches challenge what you believe about you and so you believe that god can do anything but you just don't believe you can and paul said i can lord i wish i had a church i can do all things through christ who strengthens me you got a good through christ you just don't have a real good eye can if you a through christ but don't have an eye can a it's like a car with no gas what good is it through christ if you don't have a belief system that says i can't would you just point your pony phone finger at somebody right now and holler adam i can't do it i can do it so belief systems lord belief systems are are important because if you don't change if you don't change the belief system you can't help the person and so we we continue to try to adjust behavior with not dealing with how they feel about themselves i i was listening to to bishop jake's talk about even hud the issue of hud housing and he said that they thought if they would provide low-income housing we would solve the poverty problem and he said i'm gonna try to get the quote right he said his problem was they took a lot of people that didn't have anything and didn't just offer them affordable housing they offered them affordable housing all in one space together it was 21st century redlining and it's what i have been talking about in louisville a thing called social redlining and bishop said i'll give you his quote he said when poor people can't see anything but poor people and how poor people talk and how poor people do what you did for good naturally becomes a ghetto and so they found out later that mixed income housing would produce some better results because even if i'm poor if i can live next to a doctor and stay around the corner from a lawyer if i can see anybody that was able to break out of what i feel locked in it will adjust my bar of belief system so belief systems then are also reinforced by association in order to break a belief system you have got to be willing to put into some uncomfortable circles and to all of you that are only comfortable with people who are into what you're into you have got a soul ghetto you need diversity not just in color you need diversity in portfolio in the community of your world you need to irrigate your mind with sound reasoning or you have created a belief system that is never going to escape you know all them single girls that you are running around trying to get marriage advice from there is a culture that they are giving you and all of their advice how can she tell you how to be a wife and she done already lost seven husbands baby you don't want to talk to me i'm talking about a belief system that is reinforced by association and so a belief system is something catch this that you say over and over inside of yourself without ever moving your lips because when you talk to me you talk good and when you say you're doing well it sounds right how you doing i'm blessed and highly favored but it is not what you are saying to me that is killing you it is what you are saying to yourself talk to me somebody i feel like preaching i feel like we might be ready to cast down some imaginations in about four minutes shake yourself right where you are right now go ahead and go ahead and get them shoulders loose i know it's wednesday night and you've worked all day but we are about to break loose of a mentality that has been holding you because the devil is alive i'm gonna run again i'm gonna press again i'm gonna shine again i'm gonna praise again i'm gonna produce again i'm gonna create again i'm gonna sing again i'm after something lord jesus i am after something that 2020 tried to steal my chase but i'm still after something what do you believe about god i'm almost there what do you believe about yourself and what do you believe about your life well it just is what it is pastor josh that's just how it is because how you see it is is how it is to you and if you never get around people that will challenge how you see your god how you see yourself and how you see your life you will be stuck with your rich self stuck with your broke self stuck with your pretty self stuck with your ugly self but you will still be stuck you are stuck whenever you are in a season where there was nobody to challenge your belief system it has been said eye for an eye but i say to you look at jesus challenging belief systems he challenged what they thought he broke rules you eat corn on the sabbath he troubled their national belief systems he broke rules right in the face y'all like it he said i am the lord of the sabbath he said i'm the boss over your rules i'm the lord of your regulations i do what i want to do and i do it when god tells me to do it i bring one up and i take another doubt i am god and beside me there is none lord with somebody right now that feels something stirring in your belly just take about seven seconds right now and fill this room with the sound of a praise that has expectation come on i feel something about the shake right now somebody come up here and help me on this day lord are we gonna go after something here so watch me now two opposing ideas create the war that you are in on the inside two different ideas are fighting over your future right now fighting for your life whether you are 18 or 78 there are two ideas that are fighting and it's why we feel unstable how many of you have ever wondered how can i be so spiritual and yet so carnal i wish i had somebody at the same time i know you don't want to talk to me because you brought sister wilson to evening service with you but sexy sally's on that couch listening to me too so i'm going to talk to her the one in your belly that you've been hiding in church services because both of y'all sitting in the seat they are both in elder wilson elder wilson comes to church and says sexist sally put your best attitude off don't say nothing cause we got to go to church but sexy sally's in the elder will say talking about did you see him why are you in church i know and the elder was saying shut up we got to praise shut up we got to worship come on where are my real people at talk to me right now so two opposing ideas are fighting for control of the same man though i am in the flesh i do not war after the flesh god and satan talking in heaven and god says have you considered my servant job faithful and upright and satan says man you know why i ain't messing with him but you got a heads around him i can't even get to him so satan says to god look at satan talking to god about job and job ain't even been invited to the meeting i wonder if there has been any conversations in heaven about what you are walking into after this and god said devil i know you're lying because he says if you move the hedge i'll make him curse you to your face but he says you can touch anything or never but don't touch his soul so satan starts afflicting everything around job his cattle had his land his sons and his daughters father god his reputation and his finances his marriage and his job all for one reason he was wanting job to turn around and curse god the whole objective is this season is to get you to curse the thing that consecrated you and job lost everything but he maintained his integrity he kept his thoughts towards god pure he said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away but blessed be the name of the lord i know that my redeemer lives listen to his thought life and he shall stand in the last day and he speaks good about a god who he feels like abandoned him what you should see is job is not in the fight job is the territory of the fight and there's a fight over you right now your past and your future are arguing about your walk your past says i own that boy i own that woman and i'm never going to give him away and whenever your past wants to control you it'll always send up a memory and so your future combats a memory by giving you a dream so your dreams and your history are fighting for what you're going to think about and if you tell me which one you think about the most i can tell you where you are in your life right now if your mind is always on where you've been you can never move to where you're going if it's on where you're going you can't be held by where you've been but the two are fighting for what your next step is your history and your dream are in combat over your next move it's why without a vision you are destined to perish if you don't have something in front of you to fight for you always start to relapse so now it said we're not fighting the flesh we are on war with something else what is it that we are fighting paul you are fighting with an idea and i dear god in that wedding dress with you an idea put on that veil and when he said i do he said i do to the ideas that you didn't move on from he said i do to the residue of leftover ideas what i'm trying to get you to see is your past and its pain of grasping at control of your mind and your future is saying come on over here and we are stuck in the fight of two ideas even jesus said father if it be thy will if it'd be your idea let this cup pass from me but none my will not my idea but yours be done hebrews says stay with me right here he says jesus despised even the shame of the cross he hated the whole process how did he endure the shame of the cross he said but for the joy that was set before him he endured the shame of the cross because he said if i got to go through this to move over into that it'll all be worth it in here to when you lose all that you lose your fight with this the joy that was set before when you look back on your goddess pain but when you look forward there should be some joy i'm not saying that you won't have to crucify some things but you'll be able to crucify him for the joy that is set before you now listen to how jesus talks he said if you destroy the temple in three days i'll raise it back up again his mind through the whole process was on what's coming next i will drink no more wine until i drink anew with you in the kingdom of god so his mind while he was going down was always about him getting up it's the night before the crucifixion and he's talking about i'm gonna drink with you later you're not worried about the cross no because i got joy and destroying that i have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away they said if you don't handle thoughts right you are locked in a cage and let me tell you why people are leaving your church because they came to church looking for answers and they found a dance and they found a shout and they found a song and they had an experience that was real in their spirit but because the war was in their mind if we don't challenge that mind they ain't not going to be around for long so romans chapter 12 verse one says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present yourself a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god which is your reasonable service watch right here and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind he said if you renew your mind you can go on with your life there's a new woman in you that your kids ain't met there's a new husband in youth that's a wife ain't never seen before somewhere down inside there's a new man and a new woman screaming let me out i'm with somebody right now we'll just use your mouth for your spirit and scream let me out come on do it again let me out let me out i got captivity down somewhere chain behind a bad thought chamber had a bad idea but in your core there was something hollering let me out there was a woman with the issue of blood sick for 12 long years people knew she was sick and now she was more than sick now she was broke too but she spent all her money trying to get healed from history lord i don't have time trying to get doctors to treat her pre-existing condition spend all her substance on the worthless positions look at how much money you have timed right now how much time you would have saved right now if you would have spent so much effort on people who didn't end up caring about you this woman hollered somebody led me out she was in the corner bleeding bleeding physically bleeding financially bleeding emotionally and one day she heard that jesus was about to pass by you only got one minute to catch this that's why when you're in a good church when you got a good pastor you don't want nobody to strengthen you you don't want nobody messing with you you don't want nobody nothing you talking about dinner because this is a moment when jesus is passing by i feel like having church would you holler at three people real quick and say he's passing by he's passing by he's passing by now some people say that jesus healed the woman come on go over here but he didn't even see her jesus didn't even notice her but she got healed without being recognized in fact jesus turned around and said who touched me and then somebody said it was the hymn of the garbage that healed her but that couldn't be true either because then everybody in jerusalem would have been crawling through that hill she touched his heel but it wasn't to him that healed she touched him but it wasn't his sight that healed what healed her was her belief system she said in herself i know it looks bad i know i've been sick i know i've been broke but he inspired me but touch the him of his garbage would you honor somebody right now and say change the way you think you're going to conquer next with a new concept i prophesy over you you're gonna conquer next with a new concept somewhere down in that broken woman that bleeding fever woman down in that bitter point there was something healthy saying let me out so let me tell you what she did peter didn't preach a circle moncton laid no hands john didn't peter tambourines and matthew didn't touch an organ she had church all by herself down in herself and it said she said within herself lips and even move but she said within herself now there was another thought that came at the same time i said you already tried all these other things and she didn't change it this time by finding a man because it's not what a boy says about you that makes a difference it's what you say about yourself it's not what your wife needs to say it's what you say about yourself and so i called this tonight the conquering of concepts because wherever you are it's a thought that brought you here and a thought will make the difference in where you end up you are where you are because of how you thought and if a thought brought you here a thought will bring you out as a man think it's in his heart would you stand up with me in here cause if i go any further we're gonna lose it longer than six minutes when i feel the holy ghost pushing me down if you hear god speaking to you take ten seconds right now and give him a praise break that says i'm gonna touch him i'm gonna touch him i'm gonna touch it when i say 10 seconds of a praise break right now come on i'm going to touch just one touch just one touch [Music] so believe affects behavior i don't deserve to be loved we'll always get you left because belief affects behavior people who don't believe they are supposed to be blessed will never be able to sustain blessing they'll have all the degrees that they need and can't hold on to the money of the blessing but i'm on assignment tonight to deliver a message for somebody who's been stuck in a system that hasn't wanted to let you out the lord said he's gonna bring you out but he's gonna bring you out by an idea it's going to be a conquest of a concept don't touch nobody but if you're in here just stretch your hands to everybody around you right now they wondering why they've been so tired it's not just your exercise regimen you tired because you've been fighting there's been a war going on in your life it's been ideological warfare it's been trying to destroy your future trying to destroy your outcomes trying to destroy your peace but the devil is alive and the anointing in this room right now is about to break every yoke and deliver you from every concept sent to hold you down today is the day to change your mind today is the day to conquer for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty true god to the pulling down you got some stuff that you need to pull down some strongholds that you need to pull down you got some moods some attitudes some dispositions some word curses we ought to pull it down tonight to cast down every imagination time to stop fighting with joe casper father i pray right now that the anointing of the holy ghost would take over this livestream that he would liberate and set the captive free from this moment forth that they would never be the same again that the yoke of all minds would begin to be washed away that the bondage of whole belief will begin to be washed away [Music] [Music] revelation of the real you i want to lay hands on you so bad but since you ain't here would you just stand up where you are and spin right in your seat just spin around and say i'm gonna change the way i see my god the most fitting here i will change the way i see myself spend one more time i'm gonna change the way i see my future if you believe that god is not done with you yet take the next 60 seconds and break loose and give him a prophetic praise a praise that says i'm not where i was [Music] that god is still a miracle worker you got the rest of your life to be free to be changed to be whole to change your i i know it's time to go i know it's time to go home i know it's time to go to bed but one more time for every devil that's ever held you back just spin around one more time come on let me explain for those of you who don't know what this is this is a decision to have a breakthrough this is a mental model to have a breakthrough i made up my mind the woman didn't have a prophecy the woman didn't have a word to conceptualize if i made one you are not done yet [Music] this is the word of the lord over you tonight [Music] this is the mind of god for you of tonight that you would be transformed by the renewing of your mind we look at saul when he comes into the meeting with samuel and it says that when he turned away with intent to obey god made him another man what god is doing in your life right now he's just asking you i don't want you to conjure up the miracle i don't want you to have to strive for the miracle i just want you to make up your mind that i can be a miracle worker that i can heal and i can deliver and if you turn with intent to believe god will give you a conquest by a concept i don't care how long you've been bleeding i don't care how long you've been locked in that mindset i don't care how long you've been stuck in the stronghold of bad ideas she said to herself and what she said to herself was she attached her faith to it manifested because it was the will of god it is the will of god that you be made whole it is the will of god that his plan be accomplished and if he has kept you safe like we sang about all through this year he would not waste his time keeping you if he didn't have something to launch you into it is the season for the mind change change your mind we are transformed by the renewing of our minds father i thank you for every individual that is listening to me right now i speak life over them in a season of death i thank you that the season and the culture around us will not infiltrate our belief system about you we won't adjust our perspective of you based on what's happening around us but father we thank you that the difference maker lives in me the waymaker lives in me and i decree and declare that every person that adjusts their mind off of the pain of the past and on to the vision yet ahead you will use this pain and this trauma to provoke a fresh seeking pursuit and give them clarity and answers i thank you that every hit every affliction has just been working for us a far greater weight of glory some of us have been enduring this thing for years but father if you can just stir our faith one more time if you can just give us something to believe in one more time i thank you that the supernatural can cramp okay 12 years of infirmity can change in a moment on the back of a changed mind so we commit to take the highlighter to our soul this week we take the highlighter of the fire of god to our soul this week we say do whatever you want to do whatever surgery whatever circumcision whatever consecration whatever dedication whatever separation highlighted in our soul so we can adjust our mind away from the pain of holding on to old ideas and onto the future you're offering us i thank you that there is still more i'm alive because there's more i survived because there's more i've endured because there's more i thank you for the harvest of our endurance in jesus name amen can you just take about 30 seconds i'm going to ask them to lift this up and i want you to just lift your hands and worship him for about 30 seconds right now and tell him thank you for not abandoning you in the 12 years of complaining and the 12 years of wasting resource the 12 years of wasting energy but thank him for still being somebody that would recognize you in the moment of breakthrough father i thank you that you did not leave me in my unbelief but you brought me into a moment where i could provoke my faith again so let faith rise in us let hope rise in us let belief rise in us let trust rise at us yes you are still a healer yes you are still a deliverer yes you are still a provider yes you are still a door opener i don't care i don't care what 2020 said you are still god you are still true you are still sure you are still the same you are the same god yesterday today and forever so we ask you for the breakthrough there are those of you right now that have been living in years of isolation you had friends but you didn't have a circle and god is trying to offer you a new opportunity right now to have a circle that can give you language for your future pastor david is one of the greatest men that i know and this is one of the greatest people that i know this room is filled with people right now that would love to edify you and encourage you and he's a pastor that has your future in mind if you would like to connect to this house right now all i want you to do is shoot an email to info at info at let them know that you are ready to find family so you can discover your purpose and change the world lift your hands right where you are may the lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine upon you may he establish you and may he give you peace and may the mindset of you come into a new revelation that there is more ahead of you to press for more ahead of you to fight for this is not all there is there is something yet ahead and i thank god that he's going to push you into it if you believe that this could be one more praise right now just give him one more hallelujah right now and let him know that i will press for one more touch all nature's west i love you i can't wait to be around you i can't wait to see you pastor david ambassador be right back here next week have an amazing week god bless you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 3,750
Rating: 4.9567566 out of 5
Id: EBTu99H3kEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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