Make Money Selling AI Images From MidJourney

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hey Matt wolf here do you want to know how to generate income selling AI generated art well you can actually do that using Adobe stock so in the last so 30 days or so I generated just shy of 50 off of about 54 images that I generated with AI now you might be wondering can you sell AI generated images on stock photo websites well Adobe actually does allow it so if I actually look over at adobe's terms of service over here they actually have a section on generative art and if I scroll down here I will save you some time and show you what they say about the do's and don'ts it says to check your submissions carefully to make sure the anatomy of your content is intended and relevant do use generative AI tools to create work that fills content needs within a collection do select only images which provide unique value to the collection they don't want you to use prompts that capitalize on other people's work or depict subjects or locations in ways that may mislead buyers they don't want you to submit multiple variations that came from the exact same prompt now other than those rules you are allowed to submit generative art on Adobe stock and so I've been doing that and I started on well roughly around December 5th this is the week of December 5th so I'm not sure exactly which day I started on I'm recording this today on January 8th and you can see in that period of time I've generated about 47.78 off of 54 images so there are a few things that you need to do in order to be able to do this right images have to be upscaled you can't just pull them right out of mid-journey and then upload them to Adobe stock the file sizes will be too small so they do need to be upscaled that's one thing also you're going to want to upload stuff that's actually relevant that will get purchased there's a little trick that if you want to figure out what's going to get purchased that I use and this is how I do it so you're going to want to create a contributor account on Adobe stock so to do that go to once you get here scroll all the way down to the bottom and there's a little link that says sell images click on this cell images link click join now and create an account be able to sell stock images it's totally free anybody can do it just create an account and you'll be ready to go to sell stock images right already have an account so I'm not going to go ahead and create another one you've already seen inside of my account so here's what I do to find images to generate now they actually have a section inside of the Adobe stock area called insights if you click on the insights up at the top I'll actually show you the recent top sellers for various date ranges so right now as I'm recording this January 2nd to January 8th is the you know previous week and it's showing me the best sellers and you can see stuff like people sitting in front of a computer people are looking at a laptop people high-fiving you know workplace type photos we could see digital type photos with this data digitalization type stuff and fingers typing on keyboards and things like that smiley faces people holding stuff in their hands more sort of like workplace photos here some stuff that looks like it represents you know clean energy some stuff that represents the start of 2023 we've got some background style images here you've got you know smoke and fire and things that can be used as backgrounds some images to represent the New Year some you know plant images with growth representing green energy so you can start to find themes of what's actually getting used right now on Adobe stock and what people are having success with so this is all of the stuff under the photos section then you can click on illustrations get some more ideas in here you've got some interior design illustrations some t-shirt art some various colorful stuff this stuff looks like it might even be generative art itself you've got some trees some interior shots with you know bricks and cool lighting a lot more backgrounds here the backgrounds are really easy to do you know look at this you can even see that they put abstract and background as some of the keywords that they're using so you can get a lot of ideas by clicking through and looking at what some of the top sellers are and then you can do similar stuff just go and prompt some of it in mid-journey let's go back to the photos I saw some cool stuff down here that I thought I might want to try myself so if I scroll down here you've got some of this stuff where it's like a brain and a book and a light bulb and a hand some of this kind of stuff would be really cool with generative art so what I like to do is I can click into some of these let's click on this one with the hand uh holding the brain and the cogs and this you can see here is the description education as a window to new discoveries and scientific inventions art collage scroll down here you can see here's the keywords some similar keywords that were used to create this image collage art education learn research all of this kind of stuff all of this is good data good Intel that you can use for your prompting so let's go open mid-journey here this is my mid-journey bot inside of Discord and let's go ahead and prompt imagine a hand holding a brain with books behind it light bulb cogs collage and then let's go aspect ratio three two to get this sort of wider image and let's see what it generates for us all right so we got some interesting images here we got a hand holding a light bulb that kind of looks like a brain with some books inside of it uh we've got a funky hand we don't want anything with these like disfigured hands here's another one that's like a hand but if you look at it it's got one two three four five six fingers uh so the best out of these ones is probably this one it looks like a normal hand maybe there's some extra fingers there but kind of hard to say but a hand holding a light bulb with a brain in it that one's kind of cool let's go ahead and upscale that one there while we're waiting for that I'm going to start prompting another one this time I'm not gonna use a hand because we all know that AI art at this point isn't great at hand so I'm going to eliminate the hand portion of it let's do a colorful collage with books cogs a brain light bulb just add some extra keywords and see what it gives us intelligent learning education let's go aspect ratio three two and let's go ahead and try that prompt it'll give us a sort of similar style but without the goofy hand thing going on okay so these all look really really cool I like these a lot I like this top left one and since these two are very dissimilar to each other we could probably actually use multiple of these I'm not going to use this one just because it's got this you know funky text I do really like the colors I'm kind of bummed that put the text in here I could pull this into Photoshop or something and fix it but for the sake of this demonstration not really worth the time but I do like this one here with an open book a colorful brain you've got some cogs a light bulb this represents like education equals intelligence and then I also really like this one it looks like a you know the silhouette of a child's head books and cogs and light bulbs and all sorts of stuff so I can upscale both of these they're not super similar to each other so I think you know we can get away with using both of these as stock images so I'm going to upscale number one and I'm going to upscale number four now our image here you can tell we got some funky fingers going on now that it's been scaled up a little bit so let's go ahead and do the beta upscale redo let's have it take another shot at it all right so let's take a peek you can see the fingers actually look a little bit better this time let's go ahead and use this one I think the hands are probably good enough that they're not too much of an issue yeah I say let's go ahead and use this one so I'm going to open it in the browser save image as and then I actually have a folder on my desktop that I call stock photos that when these are ready I save them there all right let's see what else it generated so now it upscaled these other two that we had it upscale for us this looks good to me so I'm gonna go ahead and open this in the browser save this image here let me go ahead and open this last one in the browser as well and save my image to my stock photos and let's try to find one more idea and then I'll show you what the next phase is let's take a peek in the illustration section this time and let's generate just some really cool looking backgrounds a lot of these can be used as you know desktop backgrounds or something of that nature and let's just generate a couple cool background images so I'm going to jump back into mid-journey let's go imagine a colorful abstract art paint splatter esque top background I'm just going to type in desktop background and see if it actually generates something that looks like a desktop background and then once again let's go aspect ratio three two to get the wider aspect ratio and let's go ahead and generate that and see what it comes up with for us and let's go ahead and create one more here a colorful abstract background let me get some inspiration over here so here's some more backgrounds take a peek at this one here vibrant depiction of the contrast between Fire and Ice wallpaper cold blue Frozen ice melting over hot red fire so this is like a high five fire in ice contrast so here's the desktop backgrounds with the color splatter that it gave me this top left one I think is pretty awesome let's go ahead and upskill that one let's finish this prompt here a colorful abstract background representing contrast between Fire and Ice Blues Reds oranges and then let's just go aspect ratio three two once more this will be the last one that we pull for our desktop background and I'll show you the next step after this okay so these came out pretty cool I'm actually torn between a couple of them I really like all three of these not a huge fan of this bottom right one I don't really like this solid line down the middle but these three all look really cool I think I'm leaning towards this top right one as being my favorite so let's go ahead and upscale number two here all right so let me go ahead and download our paint splatter here save image s save that one to our stock photos of our Fire and Ice image here save this to our stock photos cool now I've got five different images here let's kind of take a peek at him again we've got this background image the color paint splatter we've got our Fire and Ice image we've got our you know child with books and cogs and the Brain we've got a book opening with a brain and colorful stuff coming out of it and then we've got our hand holding a light bulb with books and all that good stuff inside of it now one thing that they don't like on the stock photo sites is when you have these little borders on the edge if you look real close there's kind of this little border here we're gonna need to remove those so I'm going to go ahead and just quickly crop it in this photos app here so if I come up here you know use whatever you would normally use to crop an image I need to make sure it stays the same aspect ratio I'm going to select three two for the aspect ratio and I'm going to just kind of crop in ever so slightly on the edges here just so it gets rid of any borders that are hanging out on the edge and there now you can see that it's got real clean edges let me move on to the next one I'm gonna do this real quick on this one set my aspect ratio to 3 2 to maintain it and and so slightly just to make sure that there's no borders around the edges now we got clean lines on this one this one's already got clean lines don't need to do it this one's got a little Edge might as well just do it to be safe ever so slightly now we got clean lines on the edge of this one and then finally this one's got some lines on it that I need to make sure I remove as well select my aspect ratio bring it in bring it in a little bit and save it now you can see my edges are nice and clean there's no Borders or anything like that so now I've got these five images but if I look at the images if I check out the properties on it look at the details you can see it's 15 21 by 10 14. these image Dimensions 15 21 by 1014 that's not large enough for Adobe to accept these images so I have to upscale them personally I use this program called topaz photo from gigapixel it's an AI upscaler and the reason I like this app it is a Premium app you do have to pay for it but I can literally drag all of these over drop all five of them in and upscale them all at in one shot right so I can just click save five images here and what it's going to do is it's gonna upscale all of these images I'm gonna go to the top quality here just click save and you'll see it's just gonna one at a time upscale them and this is what I really like you can see it's upscaling them to 4235 by 2823 so it's really really bringing the size up on these images and it uses AI to make sure that the quality is maintained on them now if I close this window this will actually like show me the before and after so you can see that the resolution on this this is really zoomed in on the original this is really zoomed in on the new one you can see that it actually maintained a lot of the detail in here where the original one was starting to look pixelated these ones have nice clean edges but I could look at any of my images you can see this is zoomed in of the original and it's real pixelated on this new one when I zoom in it's real clean edges and this one just does it in bulk which I really like but again this is a premium product you do have to purchase it it if you want to find that product specifically you can come over to Future tools here come up to image Improvement that one was the AI gigapixel upscaler so if I click over to this one and take a peek just so you know what this costs it costs a hundred bucks one time ever and you can do that bulk uploading now if you don't want to spend the money there are free Alternatives if I jump back over here to Future tools make sure I have image Improvement selected let me just type upscale and you can see there's seven different upscale Tools in here that you can choose from and if I want to I can do let me check free and freemium right the freemium ones you can actually use for free so you have ai image upscaler clip drop let's enhance cut out Pro and Nero image upscaler the free one that I tend to use the most is just this AI image upscaler I can click in here visit this page and then I use this one all the time as well so let me open up my stock photos up here and you can see I've got the originals and the upscaled ones here let me change my view so you can see which one ones are which you could see the upscaled ones it added this little up to the end of them so we've got this one here and this is the unobscaled one let's go ahead and take this image and let's drop it into this free upscale I can literally just take it drag it and drop it now this tool works really really well but you have to do every single image one at a time which is why I use the other one because I can just drag and drop and bulk throw a bunch of them in so you can see over on the right side as I drag over the various parts of it the difference between the original and the upscaled version and then what I like to do is I like to turn on this enhanced quality because I think it actually makes a pretty big difference now let's take another peek let's zoom in here you can see the original on the left the new version on the right and you can just see how much cleaner those lines are look around the edges is that's where it gets real apparent it's the lines just get a lot cleaner when you enhance it so this is the new one I could download this image and here is an upscaled version that is good enough for me to upload to Adobe stock I'm all right so now I've got my images created I've got them upscaled and now they're ready for Adobe stock let's jump back over to Adobe stock jump into our account click on upload files and then I'm gonna go ahead and sort these by date because the upscaled ones will all be towards the top here these are the five that I've upscaled so I'm just going to take all five of these drag them and drop them into Adobe stock and now they're all in Adobe stock but we haven't submitted them yet we actually have to give them all titles and give them keywords and tags what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back over to this insights Tab and we've got some of these brain knowledge ones and let's see some of the keywords that they were using so let's click on this hand holding the brain I don't want to use the same title but I do want to kind of get some inspiration from the keywords that they were using down here so let's jump back over under file type this is an illustration and not a photo category is let's leave it as technology keywords in English under recognizable people or property we can click no because there's nothing recognizable about these these are all our images now our title we can get creative put a few keywords that we wanted to show up for in here let's put knowledge in the palm of your hand and then I'll add some extra keywords illustration education collage and now we're going to come down to keywords it's going to suggest some keywords so let's go ahead and go bulb energy electricity idea light bulb electric bright concept Innovation invention light bulb technology creativity inspiration ideas illuminated let's go education books cogs understanding intelligence science go stem and add a bunch of keywords and now this file is ready to submit so let's go ahead and click submit one file click submit again and that one is now submitted for approval and it usually takes three or four days before they approve it and if they don't approve it it will tell you why right so I've got some in here that I made that aren't approved and it's trying to tell me that I need to do a property release like this is a real person but it's not a real person it's AI art so I just haven't resubmitted them I haven't bothered yet but they will tell you what you need to do in order to get them approved let's go back over to new I've got these ones let's go ahead and update one of these background images we'll change the file type to illustration category graphic resources recognizable property no let's go the contrast between Fire and Ice desktop background and then I kind of want to add yin yang because it's kind of got that yin yang thing going on illustration all right and then we'll come down add some keywords fire flame abstract red hot burn heat burning orange black smoke Light Dark Water danger yellow yep all these pretty much work Inferno wood energy glow yin yang ice blend swirl and then that's probably good so now I've got this one I'll go ahead and submit the one file and then I'm just gonna go through and do it for the rest of them and that is pretty much the whole process you just wait for them to get accepted and if I come back here you can see that's pretty much what I've done I've been keeping an eye on the insights section to see what types of stuff is selling and generating images based on what is hot and what is selling right now and when I generated some of these you can see I was generating some during winter I made a lot of business images of business people shaking hands because business photos do real well in stock photo sites a lot of these haven't had downloads but I was making more images like the ones that did work this heart up here got two downloads people seem to like that one so I you know made some more variations of similar ones I've done some health images some snowy landscape images right around Christmas and you know most of them are probably never gonna sell never gonna get downloaded but if you do enough of them and you you put some volume behind it over time you'll get some that really do well and again if I just do lifetime here you can see the lifetime of this whole account is only a few weeks done almost fifty dollars and 23 downloads one other quick tip before I wrap this one up there is a site called that I've started messing with a little bit and what this site does is it will actually upload your files to multiple stock photo sites at once you can come into wire stock and you can see that I've uploaded all of those same pretty much same images into wire stock that I uploaded into Adobe stock and if I show you my dashboard here you can see that you know these haven't sold because I just really I just started doing this recently but you can see that it added these images to wire stock direct Shutterstock pond5 Getty eyestock dreams time deposit photos alamy Adobe and one two three RF so upload the photos just once to this site here and when you upload a photo let's let's go ahead and grab one of these stock photos that I just made here like this Fire and Ice One let's go ahead and upload this what's really cool about this is when you upload it they actually do all of the titles and tagging and all that kind of stuff for you so they review it and they update it for you so let's go ahead and select this one see it's got this easy submission if I turn this off I can title it and give it categories and descriptions if I turn this on they will just go ahead and do all of that for me I don't need to add a release I don't need to do anything with it so just turn on easy submission select what sites you want to upload it to right now it's uh I don't know what these logos are since I've already uploaded it to Adobe I don't want to upload it there again but I have it set to Shutterstock alamy deposit photos Getty pond5 dreams time and these various channels so it will submit to those places I can just click submit and it's going to go and submit them all those places for me and it's going to come up with the titles and descriptions and tags and all of that kind of stuff really cool haven't played with it a whole lot yet I did upload all these images I've uploaded well now 57 images it's made you know five dollars so far off of 25 downloads so it doesn't seem to be doing as well for me as just uploading them straight to Adobe stock but again I haven't actually been doing it for as long so I'll link you up to wire stock I do have like an affiliate code that if you use it I think it gives me some like extra credits or something like that but if you want to try that out you can try this out as well and it kind of bulk uploads them and does all a whole bunch of the stuff for you it saves you a lot of time but the process up into the point where you actually upload them is going to be the same you're going to go and look in the insights see what images work well once you find the images go prompt them in mid Journey once you've prompted him in mid-journey make sure you crop out any sort of borders that are on it then upscale them using either the gigapixel AI tool or this website once they're all nice and upscaled go and upload them to whichever stock photo platform that you prefer hopefully you found that helpful if you like really cool AI tools I had really cool Tech like this make sure you check out I organize and categorize all of the coolest AI tools and now I have a brand new newsletter so if you scroll down to the bottom of any of these pages and you grab free access to the AI income database a you'll get access to the AI income database which is all sorts of ways to make money using AI but you also be added to our Weekly Newsletter where every week I share five really cool new tools that came out plus a new way to make money with AI so pretty cool stuff just go to click around see all the various Cool Tools as of this recording there's over 330 of them make sure you get on the newsletter and I'll send you every Friday a really cool newsletter with all sorts of AI tools and ways to make money with AI thanks so much for watching check out see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 299,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, AI Money Ideas, Adobe Stock, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Digital Marketing, FutureTools, Futurism, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Make Money AI Art, Make Money Generative Art, Make Money Online, Make Money with AI, MidJourney, Sell AI Art, Sell Adobe Art, Sell Generative Art, Stock Photos, Upscale Images, matt wolfe
Id: uKwGYcxve00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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