Make Money Blogging in 2024 | How I Built a $140k/Month Blog (Step by Step)

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in today's video we're going to cover exactly how to make real money with a blog and how i made over a million dollars in less than two years with a new blog that i just started in 2019. so how did i do it well i took the latest strategies that i learned in the startup world and applied them to my personal brand in short the process worked in 2019 i made 200 000 in 2020 my blog made 800k and in 2021 my blog is going to make 1.4 million dollars and all of this is without spending any money on advertising so how did i do it how did i create one of the fastest growing blogs on the internet well first of all i ditched the cookie cutter advice so in this video i'm going to share with you the latest tactics on how to make real money with a blog you know not just facebook or pinterest or adsense or these low value ideas but actually the latest and greatest you know blog monetization techniques so that you can make money with your blog in the 2020s and beyond but before we get started i want to invite you to watch my free master class on how to start a profitable blogging business even if you're brand new or have tried and failed before so this blogging masterclass gives you exactly how i took from a blank wordpress install into a seven figure online business it has my content my link building my blog monetization strategies from start to finish so make sure to watch that free master class before the video and let's get into the topic for today so before we get started into the actual blog monetization strategies we have to think why a blog why would you use a blog to make money online well a blog has a lot of benefits but when we think about a blog a blog is a mediator of purchase decisions that's what it is a blog lives between a google search and a purchase a blog is the mediator that says here's the product reviews here's the information to make your purchase decision here's exactly what you need to know i'm a third party source of information i'm a blog here is the information now to make money with the blog how does that actually work you know there's all kinds of different things there's affiliate marketing there's ads there's online courses there's digital products sponsorships cpc deals all of these different ways to monetize the blog so how do we start how do we frame this how do we even think about this in the first place well first we have to realize that to make money with a blog a purchase typically has to be made somewhere for example i could write an article on how to tie my shoes you loop it you loop it back maybe there's even a little video on the blog post but how would that make money no one's going to be buying shoelaces or shoes from that they're just looking for information that's why you see a lot of food recipe blogs you know best chicken soup recipe it takes them five years to get to the actual recipe because they're making money with ads so they're putting ads in every spot because if you're searching for a recipe you're not going to necessarily buy that blogger's book right away you're just kind of looking for the recipe and to leave that's how information searching works so a lot of the time somebody might find your blog click an affiliate link make a purchase and never come back and that's totally okay because a blog is a mediator of these purchases and a blog is one of the best ways to make money online because you can outsource it you don't have to be on video like every youtube channel or podcast or instagram post you can make progress while you sleep you can out you can hire people to help you and you know blogging is not going anywhere making money with blogs is you know people are making more money now than they ever have before google search is only getting more and more higher so right now is a great time to make money with a blog but we first have to kind of frame and understand how it actually works so how does blog monetization actually works well first we have to acquire traffic to our blog we can't just you know make money magically so first we have to acquire traffic so we have to think about what we're going to write we have to create a content strategy of some kind and we have to choose a niche that we want to write in so that's the first step so instead of thinking about all these different monetization strategies let's first talk about acquiring traffic and how do we acquire that traffic and what we actually write about first of all your blog monetization strategy should begin with affiliate marketing as the monetization path there's a couple of reasons for this one it dictates your content strategy and you know kind of controls the articles that you actually start writing there's a reason that we're not starting with an online course for example because we don't have an audience yet who are we going to sell it to this whole thing is a numbers game and growing your blog so first is growing traffic which is content so when we think about content the good news is to make money blogging there's really only one to two types of articles that you ever need to write so let's look at some examples i just googled a few things in different niches that i'll show you so one is best touchless kitchen faucet here's a mediator of purchase decisions i'm searching for the best product what do i find i found this very low authority niche site called and there they have an article on the 10 best touchless kitchen faucets compared now this is an affiliate article because as we see uh there's a product listing and then these are all affiliate links so we go to this one we see it's an amazon affiliate link we go to this one it's another amazon affiliate link and this one is being monetized via affiliate marketing so it's acquiring traffic from google to a product search post and providing the best information let's look at another example let's say you're an outdoor person and you want to buy a new barbecue well smokers are a big thing and you know grills things like that so i search best electric smoker it's another product driven search what do i find lots of different blogs barbecue report is one barbecue report is a you know pretty you know smaller website and they are ranking for the best electric smokers and they have an article here same concept with affiliate links they even have a little prime symbol to show you that it's on amazon prime and it goes to an amazon affiliate link so rather than you know having something random like how to tie your shoes or chicken soup recipe with ads as a monetization source you can make more money with affiliate marketing because you make more money with these commissions than you could on ads and yes you see a lot of this content around grilling and around smoking on the site it's all product reviews let's look at one more quick example from my site i googled podcast hosting which is if you have a podcast and you want to get it to itunes you need to store the files somewhere which is podcast hosting so this is one that i rank number two for currently if you go to my article same exact concept 15 best podcast hosting sites and here are my affiliate links i put one here i added one into the call to action and when you click on that you go to the company and if you decide to purchase the reader decides to purchase i would make a commission on that sale so that is you know the benefit of affiliate marketing is that you can start your content strategy by searching for these different best of list post keywords you write these articles as some of your first pieces of content and they can make a lot more money than other sources of revenue you know ad revenue is typically twenty to thirty dollar uh revenue per thousand impressions let's say if you're in an ad network simply you can just make a lot more money with affiliate marketing because you're ranking for valuable terms and products that people are searching for and you can make more money with those commissions easy way to find them use a tool like ahrefs put in the word best and then put in your niche best golf and then you can use like the matching terms tool here to find other examples of articles their difficulty score and the volume best golf shoes clubs bags irons clubs for beginners grips all kinds of different product ideas maybe it's you're looking at um you're in the home niche you want to see best home security systems best home gym you're looking at different products and their difficulties so you can look for all of these different things when you think about the biggest blogs that make the most money it's things like nerd wallet where you search for best credit cards and they're just ranking number one for this article and every time that somebody you know selects a credit card through nerdwallet they're getting a commission on that so affiliate revenue is a good driver it's dictated by one the search volume how many times people are searching for that product and two the value of the product so things that are searched for a lot and are high priced or make high commissions are going to be the most competitive things like web hosting vpns crypto stuff credit cards um things like that those you know are the most competitive so but you know to make money blogging the first step is driving traffic to these affiliate-based keyword articles so that's kind of you know the keyword strategy that you start with and you know the ways that you can monetize your blog effectively so that's the first one affiliate revenue now that requires content articles that requires you know writing content joining affiliate programs publishing things and all of that so that's affiliate marketing in a nutshell so let's talk about the different revenue streams when it comes to blogging because there's a lot of them so we've introduced affiliate marketing that's the bread and butter of blog monetization that's how the big sites make the most of their money so i make over 80 000 a month with affiliate marketing i'm in over 300 affiliate programs so i've joined a ton of them i've seen all kinds of different commissions and companies and conversion rates and all kinds of different things but that is the driver of affiliate marketing so if you want to join a program let's say you want to join web hosting or something like that you search best web hosting and we look for articles um on this topic we can see you know the number one result is monetized with affiliate marketing they have links here so we say all right they have dream house they have godaddy greeny siteground um okay that's good let's look at another one they're talking about these different products bluehost hostgator so then i would just google bluehost affiliate program if you want to join it you just basically write the article on web hosting now i don't recommend this niche because it's super competitive but you can join it you'd say the web hosting affiliate program and then use join affiliate affiliate programs individually based on the company that you want to promote so each company has their own affiliate program they might be in an affiliate network like impact or cj or share a sale where you log in and can find the company and apply there or they have their own dashboard bluehost has their own dashboard so you would click sign up you would join the affiliate team you put in your information you don't really need a company yet you can just put your name or something your paypal email address you can get paid and then you click sign up and that's really it and then they'll manually reprove you then you can grab your link paste it in when you mention the brand so that's affiliate marketing in a nutshell which can help control and dictate your initial content strategy but let's talk about all the ways to make money with a blog so number one's affiliate my blog makes over 80 000 a month with affiliate i'm in over 300 programs and it's really the main driver of blog monetization the big you know blogs with hundreds of employees to the small niche sites typically focus on affiliate marketing as the first form of blog monetization the second one is online courses so online courses are great because you're selling your own digital product you're providing and sharing your information with the world and you know selling that product directly to your audience now there's a reason we start with affiliate and not online courses because online courses do require some type of audience in order to sell a course you can't really sell a course to an email list of zero but you don't need an email list of ten thousand or twenty thousand or fifty thousand you can start with a small list but you still need people to actually purchase your course and this is an entirely different strategy so as you see blog monetization requires completely different strategies affiliate marketing is content and seo basically you're trying to rank on google for you know product specific search terms so that requires the disciplines of seo how to format and structure blog posts i have a lot of content on my youtube channel about that how to use ai tools to write i have content about that how to do link building i have videos on that as well but that's its own unique strategy affiliate marketing is that online courses is also its own unique strategy so that includes building up your email list and then selling them a product that's typically how it works so when i first started my blog i was it took me a long time to build up an email list and i was really good at affiliate marketing but i didn't know much about selling online courses so i ended up hiring an expert to help me and guide me through this process so now i think you know i'm a pretty good expert at selling online courses what i learned is it's a completely different discipline and something you have to learn separately from affiliate marketing so online courses you start i'll kind of give you an example just from my site and walk you through the process for how i did it we have a lot of different things here well one is if i go to any of my you know articles and i try to leave the site that's where my exit intent pop-up comes and this is the best way to build your email list you can put a form on your website sure to get people to opt into an email list but exit intent or even entrance pop-ups these pop-ups acquire the most you know sign ups it's simple because you're showing them the you know the form right where they are right in front of their face they don't need to find it somewhere so this has uh how to start a profitable blogging master class all of the masterclass information that you can access and get here and then that goes into the course sequence now you can see it here i recommend that you go through this process as well just to check it out and view it it is exactly what you want to see within a blogging course and i have my blogging content here as well so all of this stuff that is around blogging and how to start a blog is all very specific to selling the online course so when you when you think about affiliate marketing revenue you think about the best of list posts well you can write a lot of how-to posts as well for course sales how to start a blog how to make money blogging this very youtube video on make money blogging these types of pieces of content that you put out in the world can help sell a course or it can help build your audience and build your email list which i hope this video does so it's an entirely different strategy now what you want to do is also provide a lead magnet to your email list so you need to give them something to you know if they're gonna give you their email address you should either give them a free pdf a checklist a free you know course something for free to get them to opt in very rarely can you just get them to opt in for free so you want to provide that and then you build your email list and after you build your list then you want to you know start surveying them to understand what they actually want that's the key you're providing information to your audience on what they actually desire so you want to warm them up with lead magnets free content send them stuff over time you can even you know find your best subscribers by providing more exclusive content by having them join say a vip list where it's not just the main email list but it's the vip group and sending them content and information and then after a while you know sell and price your online course based on the survey results based on what you expect you know your readers want based on the size of your email list and the price point that you think they'll go after and then it's a matter of okay i'm gonna launch my course i'm going to send out these emails send them in like a week sequence there's a whole strategy behind that but there's again there's a reason that we don't do this first it's because it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of effort to shoot an online course and it doesn't make sense when you don't have an audience yet so for me i shot my online course when i was about two years into my blog started with affiliate revenue first and then went into online courses after two years let's talk about another form of blog monetization which is ad revenue so what i consider you know ad revenue is almost like the last resort of blog monetization like we discussed uh if you're a recipe blog you're mainly going to make money via ads because people aren't going to search or buy anything necessarily from that article or there's certain high-volume articles like my article on business ideas that's very high volume search term but people you know when you think about the search intent behind business ideas it's not as directly product focused as podcast hosting or product based so however blogs need to make money via these articles too they're a way to acquire a lot of traffic like ideas type posts or how-to posts and you can add ads to your blog so what i did here is i have ads you can see there's one on the bottom there's one on the side here there's some throughout the content but these ads you know they make money passively for the blog and these are good for high traffic articles that you can't really monetize via affiliate marketing that well you'll notice that i do have affiliate links in this article as well so you can always overlap different strategies however you know search intent driven purchases are best for affiliate best of list posts and then the more broader searches around ideas you know kitchen ideas living room ideas business ideas or how to how to start a business how to start a blog a lot of these things get a lot of search volume but people aren't necessarily ready to buy via affiliate link yet these are great to build your email list these are great for ad revenue all of these tactics kind of go together and overlap a little bit but you'll see that there's ads on this article here's a peloton ad and i have ads on a lot of my articles that aren't the most you know affiliate driven ones so what i recommend there is you know i make twelve thousand dollars a month with ads uh typically each month based on my traffic if you can get your traffic to twenty five thousand visitors a month that's a good starting point then you can start joining ad networks like zoick ad thrive or mediavine instead of adsense i remember when i first started my blog i joined adsense and i was making like two to three dollars a day i simply tried to join too early i wasn't getting much traffic yet so again ads make you money when you are getting a lot of traffic it doesn't make sense to try you know adding ads to your site when you have just a few hundred visitors a month you're just not going to make the money when we think about real blog monetization we want to catch the 100 bills not the one dollar bills so that's there's a complete you know different strategies behind that so we've covered affiliate marketing we've covered online courses we've covered ads let's talk about another one so the one that i'm just learning about is cpc or cost per click or what i like to call sponsored placements so this is a strategy that big media sites use like pcmag or tech radar or these other big sites that review a lot of content so when we look at like and we look at some other software let's go to just like vpn so if we search vpn the best vpns then they have these companies in these sections now if you're a big enough site a company like nordvpn will pay for every single click that pc mag gives them so this is a little bit different than affiliate marketing where with affiliate somebody has to purchase the product with cpc or cost per click this is a sales driven approach where a sales team member at pcmag says nordvpn we'll add you in that best spot but we're gonna charge on a cost per click basis so it's more you know safe revenue for pc mag and you can monetize all these little gaps that you have on your blog because even if you have say 100 articles on your website and you have 10 companies or 10 products in each of those that could be a thousand products it's hard to get affiliate links on every single one but a good way to monetize and fill in the gaps is to sell placements in articles like this and fill in all those gaps so this is a more advanced strategy this is something you almost need a sales team member on when you have a larger media company blog like i do where you start to say okay this article is getting traffic but it's not making much money yet can we sell a spot in it to a brand so that's another strategy that goes down a little bit further on down the line so when we think about that strategy that's like a sales driven approach selling spots and articles you could be selling email newsletter spots you can be selling directly sell banner ads this is the final form of blog monetization when you're actually a media company a company like forbes you have a media kit you sell banner ads you sell email placements you sell spots and articles you sell that directly to the companies rather than doing it through ads or affiliate it's really based on the level of you know search intent behind searches that people are doing you know broad searches ideas that can be ad revenue that can build your email list product searches for you know things that are popular in affiliate marketing that can be your affiliate revenue other products that might not be able to be monetized direct sales you know information in your niche on how to do things course sales build your email list all these things work together but we have to think about it from a from the standpoint of a blog monetization timeline your blog monetization timeline dictates what monetization strategies to focus on at certain points in your blogging career like i said we don't do ads first we don't do courses first so this is the step-by-step framework that i would use if you're just starting out as a new blogger and you want to monetize your blog as quickly as possible so number one start with affiliate marketing affiliate marketing articles around best product posts in your niche controls and dictates your initial content strategy and helps you earn more early on for every click second work on building up your email list with exit intent pop-ups exit intent pop-ups are the best way to acquire new subscribers to your email list maybe give them a lead magnet in the niche for something that they want to acquire them and start building up that list without directly selling to them yet next i'd say once you hit 25 000 to 50 000 visitors a month look at joining an ad network you can join an ad network like add thrive or mediavine there's certain traffic requirements for those but that's when you can start making some decent money over a thousand dollars a month when you join an ad network number four now it's time to invest and build an online course you've started to build up your email list you've surveyed them you have a decent sized list you're getting traffic you're building up a little bit of expertise in your niche now's the perfect time to build and sell that online course so that's typically about a year or two into your blogging career now finally after you've started with affiliate marketing you have ads and affiliate and a course then you can get into direct sales hire a sales team member build cost per click and sponsored article deals into your website you know sell newsletter placements sell directly to companies and build your income that way now blog monetization is not something super easy because there's different revenue streams and different disciplines for each one of them but by mastering some of them first and doing it in the right order you begin to understand how blog monetization works so you can make more money with your blog in the 2020s and beyond because this is you know the blog monetization timeline we all work full-time jobs we all want to try to build side hustles while we work full-time so we need to do what's most effective to make money blogging in the quickest time frame possible we need ways to create content we need ways to make it quicker we need to make more progress we need to focus on the right things at the right time so if you're interested in learning more about the exact step-by-step process in order to create content create a blog you know build affiliate revenue do link building get a lot of traffic to your website make sure to watch my master class below it's 100 free you just can watch it it's about 90 minutes there's a lot of aha moments i'll go over exactly you know how i do uh all the processes that i do at to build the blog into what it is today so i hope you join uh the master class and you know let me know what you think are you struggling to make money with your blog are there any monetization strategies that you're finding success in please leave a comment below the video and let me know what you think see ya
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 255,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money blogging, how to make money blogging for beginners, make money blogging, make money blogging for beginners, make money blogging 2023, how to make money blogging 2023, blog monetization, how to monetize a blog, monetize a blog, make money blogging affiliate marketing, make money blogging fast, how to make money blogging on wordpress, make money with a blog, how to start a blog and make money, adam enfroy, adam enfroy how to make money blogging, blogging
Id: C2-mKfoxH60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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