Make Camera Follow Path in Blender Easy

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so here I am in blender I'm using version 3.3.1 and let me show you how to create this cool camera effect and we're going to start off with a simple Circle and then afterwards I'm going to show you how you can decrease and increase the speed and also I'm going to show you how you can have it to where it goes faster on some parts of your path and then slower on other parts so the first thing you're going to make a simple bezier curve okay so I'll do shift a and then go over to the curve option and then go for Circle and you can also do bezier but just depending if you have like a different path you want to follow and right now click on the measure curve s to scale and then just scale it up somewhat around whatever object you're trying to make your camera and don't worry you can always edit this and scale it bigger move it up and down whenever you have this link so don't worry about where you have it currently and for right now let me go ahead and just move this uh bezier curve up a little bit so I'm going to press gz and bring it up like right back here and now what I want to do is I need to select Mr camera over here so go over here if you can't find it and then press n on your keyboard and reset the location and the rotation all to zero now this is very important because if you've tried this before and you have your camera just ending up in the middle of space this is the reason that you have to do this so now your camera is just hiding under the cube you have right now and we need to do is we have the camera selected currently go to the object constraint properties now under constraints and go here to follow path and now we have this constraint added except we have to set the target so now we set the targets to the path that you want this to follow so we have the advantage occur aka the circle and now you can see it automatically placed itself on here and now we need to have the camera facing the actual object that we want so we have to go back to add object constraint and this time click track two and now go for Target here make sure you have the track to know right there and select your object which would be for this example the Q so now if I were to press spacebar my keyboard we'll see that nothing happens so I'll just shift left again and also we press zero we can see that this is our current view of our camera so the simple way to have this work is literally just click here on this on the actual follow path constraints animate the path and now when I hit spacebar you can see that we have this super simple Circle animation and then if I press zero VNC is currently looking like this and now I told you that you can actually go ahead and let me press here out again or get out of camera we can click on this circle essentially the basic curve we can scale it up and that way now we have more of a thing like this or we can press s to scale in and it doesn't have to distort anything and then also do G move it up and down and change it up like that's and you can go ahead and get Advanced with that but there is some things I need to tell you first that you might run into some issues depending on your animation or your camera and then also I'll show you how you can increase and speed up this and slow it down as well so first off with the bezier Curve you notice there's like these little tiny like essentially points and it's not a fully smooth Circle so first off make sure you have the bezier circle or whatever path you have selected go to this little green curve icon and right now the resolution so if I were to change this to like two you can see now it's very very pointed with many sides and the setting I found is if I set this to 32 it makes pretty smooth Circle and again you can play around with these numbers depending on the effect because if you were to go for example like four press zero and let's get this in a little bit see you see it better now zoom in you can see it has like this little bit bumpy-ish uh effect to it but if I go to 32 and you might not really see what the actual 12 default but right now it seems fairly smooth to me so there that's something you want to keep in mind because you might notice that let's go back out and then what I want to do is show you how to increase and decrease the speed so here we're still on this curve logo path animation and Frames essentially and just basically literally the speed so watch this we set this to like 25 and I hit space it's flying super speed and if I were to set this to like 250 now you can see it's super super slow so that's the very Basics on how you can set the speed up and down and now what if you want to make it to where let's say this part goes 50 speed and then this part go like super fast so let's do shift left Arrow reset back to the first frame AKA right here on the animation let's change this frame back to 100 and then now let me show you how this works so first things first you want to click back onto the camera go back to the object constraint properties and now we have to select the fixed position so I'll select it here and then I want to set the offset to currently right now I want to keep this at zero so I'll select the keyframe right here and then let's say currently this animation is only 250 frames so if you aren't familiar with that basically if you go to the output properties the entire length of this spins up to 250 if you want this to be a longer camera rotation you can make this 500 a thousand Etc basically how long you want your animation to be and frame rate 24 frames per second divided by your total frames that's basically how long your animation will last so shorter frames shorter the animation longer longer it is simple in case you're not familiar now for example 250 ends up to here so what I want to say is let's say I want at least the first basically like about three seconds or up to 68 frame I want it to be semi-fast so here I can go move it to 60. you can mainly type it here as well type 60 like this and then go back to your other constraints and then now I can set this offset let's put this to like 0.5 and basically the offset it goes from zero to one and whatever decimal you put determines so 0.5 would be the halfway mark and then this Frame this little diamond is the keyframe right here and if that were to change in the future you could technically right click that and then insert a keyframe so if I go to like 80 for example just really quick show you right click it says insert but easier I'm sure blender will be the same in the next few years but that's basically how you hit the keyframe so right off the bat we have if I just show you in the first 60 frames it goes up to the halfway mark and then if I wanted to go even crazy fast for like the next uh second I can go here and put it at like 0.75 so the keyframe and then basically I can go to like all the way to you know 230 for example press one that resets it and keyframe there so if there's shift left Arrow hit the frame and now we can see it looks like this super speed and then super super slow so now if you see this in the actual camera view this is what it currently looks like and it's almost like it's stopping right here so I'm gonna go like here and then bring this one over to like right see that's the level 40. and you can always play around with this and change the frames too but this is essentially that setup and then if you want to scale it in let's go back to zero click back on your circle or whatever path you have that's how you scale it in there it's getting like this G move it down you can even move it down like that and you notice how it looks completely different depending on the angle gz move the square up or to Circle up like this and that's basically how you set that up and how to make it where you can follow a path and definitely like And subscribe you want to see more tutorials like this AC more complex camera movements aside from that I'll see in the next one
Channel: Poly Flo
Views: 86,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make camera follow path blender, camera follow path blender, camera follow effect, camera follow object blender, follow path camera blender, motion path camera, camera follow path blender 3.0, blender 3.3, camera follow blender, blender, blender camera path, camera blender, follow curve blender, camera follow curve blender, camera blender animation, blender camera animation tutorial, blender camera animation path, blender camera angle, blender camera animation addon, animate
Id: 0N8ucYi_eOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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