Make An Impossible Refinish Project Easy with All-In-One BEYOND PAINT.

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welcome to woodworking with wes today we're not in the shop in fact we're in my garage and there's a reason we'll talk about that in just a second in our uh recent videos that we've done about surrousing kitchen cabinets and bringing your old kitchen cabinets with a new finish we had a lot of comments and we do appreciate those comments but we also had a comment what do i do if i don't have a nice golden oak cabinet what if my cabinets were a less expensive prefab cabinet what do i do then what if they're birch what if they're pine well in our efforts we were introduced to a project a product excuse me called beyond paint that requires no stripping no sanding no priming and it's specifically for this kind of stuff where you need to just paint cabinets but you don't want to go to all the must and fuss because it's a lower line cabinet you just want to get it painted so let's go ahead and give that a test today we're going to follow the directions we purchased this online from walmart and we're going to give this a test today we're going to follow the instructions all the way through and see how it comes out on our little garage sale cabinet according to the directions that we have read on the back of our paint we need to take our hardware off and we need to clean the dust and dirt don't need to sand or do anything like that but we do need to clean it we'll use just a glass cleaner and then some water to clean up that a little bit we'll get it all cleaned off and then we'll paint but let's just watch as we go through start by taking the hardware off and getting ready for our paint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] following the instructions we cleaned it with a cleaner we used just glass cleaner to get all the grease and oils up you can see how dirty my paper towel is getting all of the grease and oil off then we just took a paper towel that just had water and went through and just cleaned up any of the residue left over from the cleaner we're now clean and ready to paint so let's get started with that part now we'll be painting according to instructions with just a roller and a nylon brush ready ready okay looks like we gotta open our can our paint here with a utility knife to bust through the seal it said you don't have to mix it we ordered a real dark navy blue color that's what it is thick wow that's just like paste almost that's what it says it's supposed to be like you're not supposed to have to mix it so let's pour a little of this out in our roller pan get started first thing we're going to do is start with our brush and paint our little profile boy it's thick it sure goes on thick that's now it's set according to the directions to paint one coat allow it to dry two hours and then paint a second coat it dries bonds in 24 hours but for a full bond they say a week so okay we got our little route this is a birch door by the way just so you know what we're working with here it was pretty dirty you can tell by the way we cleaned it off but it cleaned up pretty nice got a pretty decent surface on it let's use our roller here it said that because of the of the thickness of the paint that it will give kind of a textured paint but as it dries that will smooth out a little and so we'll see if that happens too but there's our first coat on our door let's come back in two hours and see how it does we're also going to paint the cabinet itself the cabinet is a face frame style it has a finished panel on this end and so we're going to paint the face frame and the finish panel the same way we painted the door we're going to use our brush to go on the inside of the face frame and do that we're not filling any of the holes or doing any sanding or anything like that because we want it to be a true test based upon the dish directions on the can that said it will bond without any painting and without any sanding and without any primer so we're going to give it a test just like it says so if we go through and paint the inside of our face frame like that and then take our roller and roll the face frame that's what our face frame would look like just like that again that sure is covering good for one coat we see a little bit of wood sticking through but not too bad i'm going to take the paintbrush we have a a seam on the side here i'm going to tip this up so you can see it a little better we have a seam between the face frame and the end panel let me turn that toward the camera just a little bit so you can see a little better we're going to go ahead and get that seam with our paintbrush but then we're going to come back with our roller get the whole end panel like that [Applause] i'll go ahead and finish the paint on this and we'll come back in two hours for our second cup while we're waiting for our paint to dry let's talk a little bit more about this uh all-in-one beyond paint product on the back side it tells all of the different kinds of surfaces wood tile ceramic countertops all of those things that this paint will adhere to it's really quite unique in the fact that it'll bond to almost anything one of the other things that we forgot to mention was you can't go and have this mixed to a custom color like you would at a regular paint store this comes in a list of colors and you order the color you want we ordered of course this nice blue color but it has a limited number of colors because you have to pick from the colors that they have but they do have a nice wide variety of colors so keep that in mind when you get ready to do it that you have to look at the colors that are available the other thing that i wanted to talk about was we talked about using this in the garage i wanted to do that because because of the low smell it doesn't have a very strong odor you can do this in your house in your garage don't need to worry about having a fancy paint shop or or anything like that to this to do that you can do this at home very unique product because you can use right in your own house painting right where your cabinets are in place very easy product to use we're dry enough now been two hours let's go ahead and put on our second coat see how it looks we're going to do the same thing that we did before we're going to take our door and by the way this is dried nice to the touch and it has smoothed out nice still has a little bit of a texture to it but it really has covered nice i'm very impressed with this product but let's give it the second coat like it says we should do we'll start off again with our well the other thing i got paint all over my hands went in washed up soap and water cleans right up so you can see the difference between the first and second coats there as we put it on we really got a very good coverage with the first coat but the instructions said do two so that's what we're doing and there we are with our second coat applied it looks really good and it's totally covered no wood showing through none of the original color showing through it's covered really well so this is going to be very nice we're going to go ahead and complete the rest of the cabinet we're going to paint the back side of our doors reinstall our hardware and show you this cabinet when it's all done we'll see you then welcome back it's now been 24 hours since we painted our blue paint i went back and i painted the inside of the doors i installed reinstalled the hinges and put some new handles on so it gives a nice look i also painted the underneath side of the cabinet and of course our finished end panel this paint covers great now the face of our cabinet and the end panel i talked about it was birch but the inside of the cabinet is just plywood fur plywood and so the underneath side here was just for a plywood and it covered that even very nice and it gave it a nice texture it feels good it covers good it's nice and smooth looks pretty cool if i were doing this for myself if this was my house and i had these cabinets in and i wanted to paint it like that there's a couple of things i would have done just as a suggestion i would have painted the inside of my cabinets white before i painted everything else give it a fresh look on the inside i also would have gone through and filled any little holes and cleaned that all up i didn't do any of that because i wanted to have it just as close to the original cabinet as i could possibly get so that we would get a real true test on whether our paint covered like it said it was going to so i think we turned out really nice i'm a fan i would use it again beyond paint one coat step well two coats but no primer no sanding no stripping it's great this is a wonderful little addition to our repertoire of how to refinish or redo the cabinets in your existing home and we'll try something new next time on woodworking with wes [Music] you
Channel: Woodworking With Wes
Views: 234,451
Rating: 4.9103217 out of 5
Keywords: furniture flip, furniture flip diy, cabinet refinishing, cabinet refinishing products, cabinet refinishing paint, cabinet makeover, home impovement, home decor, painting furniture, painting kitchen cabinets, painting bathroom cabinets, painting for beginners, refinishing furniture, refinishing cabinets, refinish dresser, refinishing dining table and chairs, beyond paint, best paint for furniture, diy painting, easy paint, furniture makeover, beyond paint reviews
Id: qkcuOknMxqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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