Make an Awesome Accent Wall | Easy DIY Guide

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so today we are doing a video we're going to do one of these accent wall things now everybody on the internet's been doing time lapse videos and showing how wonderful their little designs are and how you can put little sticks of wood on the wall but no one's showing you actually how to do it we're going to take it from this to this when you live in a four season climate you've got to take into account that this is an exterior wall and it moves in the winter time with frost all right you can't just stick things on the wall and be haphazard you got to have a system so you don't have expansion contraction issues letting this paint show up behind the wood later on so we're going to go through every step so that we can transform the space it's easy to do it's a level two project all right piece of cake let's face it everybody in the world who buys a new house and this is my daughter's house full disclosure beautiful and boring they give you a beautiful house and then they leave all the work up to you because they put a non-washable cheap paint on the walls and then they hand you the keys so now we got a brand new house we got to paint the whole darn thing we're going to start with this bedroom and do an accent wall and then we'll work from there so the first step that you're going to want to take advantage of in this scenario is doing the math right part that everybody hates but here's a really simple system for you if you go with the idea that you're going to have a long wall and this wall is just a little over 16 feet okay and what we're doing is i'm gonna just we're gonna make four boxes and then four smaller boxes underneath so here's the deal this red line we're going to call that the baseboard okay and then up here is the ceiling every one of these gaps is going to be six inches all right so i measure out the room i came up with like some crazy 163 inches or something and when i break that down into into five gaps at six inches take it off the total distance and that gives you the this number here it gives you the width of every box so i got 163 i got five gaps minus 30 inches divide that that gives me the number for the the total amount of trim and divided by four gives you the measurement piece of cake same with the height you take your your ceiling height from the baseboard one two three gaps minus 18 inches all right and then you just have to draw a line somewhere here like we did with our laser level and boom this line here is the one we're gonna work with so we're gonna measure from here to the ceiling minus six and then from here to the floor minus twelve that gives me the this bracket and this bracket and that's just a matter of figuring out how many pieces you need and then you can go to the store a lot of times these trims come in 14 feet not 16. so if you cut it in half it's a seven foot piece of material now at at an eight foot ceiling with three six inch gaps every seven foot material will do a whole side all right and as it turns out it's um uh 41 inches or something like that for my width every seven foot piece material gives you two pieces of width so it's really easy to do the math and if your math isn't working out quite quite well then you're gonna have to buy a whole bunch more material or waste it then just make your boxes a little bit bigger maybe go to a seven-inch gap nice and simple okay other considerations we have two wall plugs one over here and one over here so we actually set this up the wall plugs are high enough off the ground that if we go with my six inches the trim will pass underneath this is the trick with the math because you might need to adjust your gaps so that your trims aren't coming down onto the wall plug all right i mean you could you could you could bring your trim down and do a crazy box like that and have your wall plug sitting there but that always just going to screen in a bedroom it's not a big deal if you have to because you're going to have end tables or something to hide it right great time for a basket and a couple of rolled up towels all right here we go now we're going to go with all of the exterior measurements okay and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to pre-paint my trim to the same color that i'm going to do on the wall decoration and here's the secret to the sauce of this whole mess we're going to paint the wall we're going to paint the trim then when it's all dry we're going to cut and install it all okay so in the video we're going to show you all the cutting tricks to make sure that every piece is exactly the same it's not that hard to do you just have to have one simple tool and then we're going to show you how to install it all so that when this wall is moving and curving and expanding and contracting through the four seasons we're not going to get gaps in all the caulking one thing none of the videos that i've seen online show is how they solve the gap problem i've got all the tricks for this video right here okay so you can get a great result and you're not going to be disappointed wake up one morning on a cold day and go ah my wall is covered in white lines because everything shrunk that'd be maddening now before you get started do your math go to the store buy your material bring it home and then don't do anything with it until the next day even mdf needs to be climatized i know a lot of people don't realize that but there's different moisture levels especially in different times of the year the stores are air conditioned or heated and outside don't store it in your garage okay bring the material into the house and especially into the room where you're gonna be working climatize your material before you go and install it and that'll save you from an absolute disaster down the road i've got my cut list i've got my design i got my plan i've already got my material because i'm crazy and i just kind of figured well seven foot material it'll work and i just went and bought what i needed don't do as i do plan in advance and then go shopping and maybe even buy yourself an extra piece you know so you can avoid a trip to the store later i'm going to set up and paint the trims and then i'm going to sand the wall because this is a builder grade sand paint job which means it feels like sandpaper needs to be sanded and then i'm going to paint the wall and then we're going to just set up and get right into the installation well here we are guys this is mostly time management i'm going to paint all my trim now that the walls are done i want it to have a good hour or so to really set up and get nice and hard so that the drying is over okay it won't cure for almost a month but as long as it's dry we can go forward with our installation so i'm going to paint all the trim set it down it's a great time to take a break have lunch and then we'll come back and tie it all together and i'm using c2 studio paint okay it's a high wash ability high durability low vocs um brilliant coverage really good quality stuff now listen i know a lot's going on with the supply out there and there are lots of paint companies that can't get their washable and durable paints on the market fast enough for the supply uh this is available we reached out and they've started shipping this by internet because this is a smaller store all around north america so you can actually buy this stuff we'll put the information in the video description we've got a great discount for you as well all right cheers so now we're just going to show you a simple technique for cutting all the trim exactly the same whenever you're doing miter cuts you don't want to do one piece at a time and measure and mark and cut you won't have a system so what you want to do is buy one of these tables okay it's a saw stand and at the end over here max it's adjustable so that we can raise the height we can adjust the depth of the slide i can even adjust the arm how far it pulls out so i can cut up to something like five feet on the stand to the saw even the saw is adjustable on the bench so you can slide it all the way left or right whatever works for you the point is this having a positive stop means that if you do all the cuts up against this rail everything you cut is exactly the same size guaranteed it takes all the work out of it so i've done all my measurements i've got my cut list i just got to cut these in half real quick and now i'm going to take all of these trims and set them up on the saw those the last cut that i do okay i want to have it exactly 41 inches and i want it to miter this edge so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut every stick the opposite side first all right that way the cuts are done before i put it up against the saw stop okay the moment of truth right the moment of truth here ladies and gentlemen we want to be exactly 41 inches so let's get a cut and then we'll measure and 41 7 16. so i did a measurement i was a little bit long almost half an inch so i'm going to take that off now let's measure again once you have this set up so it's perfect yeah i'm still a quarter too long that's fine remember there's no room for being wrong we measured off the entire wall ooh i'm an eighth long drum roll please boom 41 i loving it no no one's allowed to touch the saw until i say so now all i have to do is just run all of these pieces through the saw with the miter joint at the other end up against the stop and it'll be perfect every time do this with your eyes closed i don't recommend it it is still a it's a saw after all [Applause] the coolest thing is using this technique no matter how intricate and elaborate your design is using a saw stop like this allows you to cut everything perfect you do something that's eight inches long beveled mitered on both sides and put 400 pieces on a wall and it's going to work as long as you use this kind of a measuring and cutting system so feel free to get as elaborate as you would like to spend your weekend [Music] [Applause] so now we're back from lunch guys um like the rule of painting after the first coat you've got a sand if you're a fan of the channel you realize i i've used radius 360 before and i love that tool the folks over at hyde that's kind of upside down yeah hide they sent me this to try it uh good little gizmo i'm not going to say anything bad about it because i kind of like it and it gives me two of these which is good because if you know me you know i leave my tools laying around everywhere and i can never find them so i just got to sand the wall and then we're going to jump right into the rules of doing finished carpentry and how to do the task i'm going to take it step by step in case you've never done it before this way you have a guide that you can follow and rules that you can follow so even if you change your design you can be successful all right cheers so first step in any wall like this whether it's tile or carpentry it's called symmetry all right bing symmetry which means you've got to measure the wall and you've got to find the midpoint you always want to work left and right from a midpoint never start on one side of the room okay because if your calculations are off just a little bit it can look really stupid if you start from the midpoint your calculations are off you can make adjustments as you go at least it's a mirror-like image okay so one of the things we want to do is get our midpoint and then we're going to check our plugs the locations of our design to make sure it's going to be copacetic we already know the bottom trim is going to go underneath the plugs a little concerned about the location of the wall with where they come on the side so i've already done this before i did my cutting but i'm going to go through the steps for you just so that you know how to do all this okay so my wall is 16 feet and four inches all right at the midpoint so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to measure off eight feet two inches throw a piece of tape measure from both sides and draw a line at eight feet two inches and then i'll take the difference in the gap give this up a good tape measure so it has stand out that's what that is it doesn't break on you makes measuring really easy okay here we go eight feet two inches it's around here somewhere okay now i'm going to take the tape measure it again and i'm going to mark my eight foot two inch mark which is 98 inches from the left side is right here all right i'll do the same over here it was right here okay it is difficult to get an exact measurement unless you're working with another person so i just did a measurement on the floor added a little bit for baseboards and it was close but this here is my center mark all right boom done now i made this quick rig for my laser level it's just a piece of plywood screwed to 2x4 and an angle iron because my dewalt laser level is magnetized so i can take this wherever i want to go and i just put a tool bag on there now what i've got to do is determine this center line i'm going to go with my vertical line and i'm going to just make an adjustment here there we go okay perfect so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this tape put it on the wall in around the same height as the plugs now max has got the light just a blasting here today so you may be you can't see it all that great trust me it's there i can see it just fine and i'm just going to put a little pencil mark on it okay that's my center mark now you got to do a little bit of math because i know that my boxes are 41 inches on the corner to corner and i know my center line is actually a space between two boxes and we're using a six inch space so i've got three inches plus a 41 inch box is 44 inches 41 plus 3 is 44 plus another 6 is 50. so i'm 50 inches until the outside of the next box so what i want to do here now is grab another piece of tape and the reason i'm using painters tape is because this paint is actually hard enough that i can draw on it with a pencil without leaving a mark okay here we go let me get that onto my mark here and there's 50. okay there's my 50 mark if you think you're going to have an issue with any kind of an obstruction like this piece of trim that gets installed about here grab your cover plate as well okay confirm that you're going to be all right the other thing you can do is after you're done before you put your cover plates on you can back these screws off and you can square it off in case they're on an angle that looks really cheesy all right so we know we're going to be good here let's do the other plug over there confirm and because we're using symmetry i'm going 50 inches again is it exactly mirror image and so there's my mark there okay and so the same thing is going to hold true i'm going to be good all right once you got that out of the way it's time to set yourself up with a jig for installation and i'm going to talk through the process so that you can understand how you can make your life really easy here this is my jig um we're going with a six inch gap between all of the boxes so this is a one by six which is not six inches okay but it's close and i'll show you later how i'm going to compensate for that but the reason i'm going to use this is i'm going to use this as my center mark it'll go on this line okay i'm going to attach this to the wall with a couple of brad nails and then i'm going to identify all of the studs on here and i'm going to put the marks for where all of the trims line up okay this is how easy this is because we're going three inches to the first outside of the box the box is 41 inches wide plus that three takes me to 44. and then i've got six inches to the next box 41 to 91. now i'm going to just take this little carpenter square here okay i'm going to just draw my line across the whole board because i can install it this way and then i can take it off the wall just a couple brad nails reinstall it on the other side on my laser line i'm going to draw and these numbers all work on the mirror image over there the reason i'm putting a line across is because the top and the bottom box are all the same dimensional width and this just makes it real easy to line it all up while i'm working and doing the assembly help keep everything square and level so there's my prime i'm just going to put the c to the mark here so i know which part of the board goes where all right now we're going to leave this line on for reference to know where the board goes now we've got to set the height now this height is actually going to represent the bottom of the top box okay this is the key my plan calls for 27 inch box on the bottom with a six inch gap to the baseboard and then a six inch gap up here which takes me to 27 plus 12 39 inches right now i'm at 40 and a quarter i'm too high so we're going to adjust our magnet now here's the bottom of my magnet i'm an inch and a quarter too high i want to bring my magnet down to that mark boom perfect now i have all my lines it's that easy okay now we want to find our studs because when we're doing this carpentry we want to tack all of the horizontal pieces of all the boxes into the framework of the wall it's not enough to just attach it to the drywall okay so we're going to start from over here we're going to go a few inches in put our stud finder on the wall hold it and we're just going to go across oh there's one right there how handy we are going to have a little piece of tape handy come on here we go don't need a pencil for this okay next should be every 16 inches give or take and that marks the outside of the stud and we're just rough to mating for now okay okay so i put the tape on roughly where the stud mark was right but you'll notice when you're using a stud finder you go to green and you come across it'll turn red when it finds wood okay which is off the green two on the other side boom so the difference between these two is actually the center of the stud that's what i'm marking because i just want my nail to go in the center of the stud that's all okay um the other thing is i'm going to be nailing just a few inches below the four foot mark which is where there's a line of drywall so there will be screws all along here but not where i'm putting my board so i'm not gonna have an issue where the nail fires back on off the top of a screw head which is good so consider that you don't want to have your horizontals where the drywall screws are that'll drive you nuts now i'm ready to install wow i know it's a lot of setup but i've got a jig i've got all my studs marked i've got center lines i've got everything laser leveled now it's time to fly if you're looking for a great tool for your repertoire for trim carpentry this compressor by dewalt is it's a single tank but it has enough capacity to run two hoses and then i can do hardwood flooring and everything else but it is really nice and quiet one of my favorite features about this is how quiet it is when it turns on i've had a lot of compressors over the years had huskies i've had porter cable the pancakes this is so quiet you'll never go back once you use it check this out most compressors if you turn them on you can't even have a conversation in the room until it's done making this noise all right so the first tool that we're going to be using for installation today is an 18 gauge brad nailer all right nails come in tracks like this this particular machine let's get that out of there just loads from the side locked and go done piece of cake right um now because this board is a five and three eighths and not six i actually cut two pieces of 5 8 off the end of it before i brought it up so these are my spacers because when you're in a woodhouse every movement causes the laser line to bounce around that's called deflection here we go i'm going to put this on my vertical laser line right there with a spacer in two locations here and then when i got everything where i want it within reason i'm going to take this brad nailer when that pencil is and i'm shooting a two inch brad into the stud there we go let's just make sure that we're still straight over here and we're ready to install done now we can start building our boxes this is exciting okay so here's my organization these are all my my horizontals top and bottom both boxes these are the the verticals for the bottom part and these are the verticals for the top part so um in order to install this because of the horizontals we're going to actually attach to the studs you can see there's my my box lines actually get three now which is brilliant right i don't even need adhesive for the bottom so let's just get this laid out i'll throw the my spacer and my spacer this is that easy so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to i just loosen this i'm going to make that flush okay now i've got a square so i can put the square right on that line all right and then just slide the trim over to it boom as soon as i have contact i'm in the right spot that's it that's all and i'm going to go through the meat of this material into the stud probably go sideways be easier okay now by doing this of course i'm going to have a little bit of damage repair but that's it now that i'm on this mark i don't have to touch anything all i got to do is throw in my nails okay there we go next one okay again set that up on the pencil mark okay now by supporting these blocks all right it helps to make sure that this is nice and level so that the corners are going to be nice and square now the bottom is the easiest part because it's already at the right height we can do the bottom as well and it's as easy as just eyeballing from here down so i'm going to bring the trim over to where that pencil line is right here set it against the wall [Music] doesn't get any easier than that all right all right so quick question for you guys uh let me know does using a template make a lot of sense or are you looking at that going oh that looks like it's a waste of time i'm just gonna eyeball it because uh i'll tell you right now most of the videos that i've seen there people just eyeballing it and thank god they're on camera because it's really forgiving but up close not so forgiving all of those husbands and wives out there people making that project at home they love it for the first day or two because they're like look what we did and then the neighbors start coming over going look what you did i'm just gonna do the template on the other side and then i'm gonna show you how to do the verticals and then we'll fly into a time lapse and then we'll talk about how to finish the project off so now we don't need a center line anymore we're finished with that we don't need our stud lines anymore this is exciting let's just clean up the wall now we're going to go to the verticals the thought i just wanted to share here with you was the reason that i'm going through all the trouble to make sure but all the horizontal pieces are nailed into the studs is because when you build a wall the stud package goes like this okay that's aggressive but you get the idea there's comings and goings so by nailing it all tight to the wall i'm doing the best i can to ensure that we're following the wall as much as possible so we don't have big gaps opening up right if this stud here was really deep and these two were pronounced and i just glued it on i'd have a huge gap down the middle then you get into needing to use tons of caulking and you'll be here all day long and then over time it all ends up cracking on you anyway so it's an outside wall four season climate right so by doing this i'm nailing it to the frame this will move with the wall as it moves with expansion and contraction no cocking issues there okay this is why we're doing what we're doing seems elaborate seems a little over the top but it's going to guarantee great results down the road and it makes installation a breeze right now so let me just get at it i've got a few new tricks up my sleeve so i'm going to switch my gun over to my pin niller this is a 23 gauge nailer that's the tiniest little nails ever it actually has an arrow to show which way it should be pointing because there's no head on it that you can see but there is a proper way to install now this is to connect the material to the material the vertical to the horizontal at the thick point off the side that's all it's for the way we're going to attach it to the wall i'm going to be using this new construction adhesive by lapage no more nails it's the clear okay the reason for this is i have a painted wall i'm using painted trim whatever the adhesive is that i use i don't want it to become visible if it squeezes just to the side near the edge so using the clear means i don't have to worry about that also means i need to cut the tip off before i start when you're going to cut something like this ignore the professional advice to cut away from you because if this catches your hand goes all kinds of different directions instead do it like you're peeling a potato put your thumb on the material okay and just slide and the reason for that is catch this if my hand slips off this i'm not squeezing i'm holding it still i can't hurt myself okay because this is my action i'm using my left hand to move the material and i didn't take enough that's just awesome we get to do it twice there we go a little safety tip for you how about that mr not so safe all the time actually uses safety tips i hear a lot from people about how i don't work very safe but the truth is all the experience i've got in the industry the amount of times i've been to the hospital once 18 years ago just to get a little bit of glue because uh they don't let us buy it up here in canada or i wouldn't waste my time going down there at all all right now let's do verticals we need normal horizontal line vertical now for the sake of the camera this is where this rig comes in real handy because you're going to want to have it if i wanted a line here just set it off to the side here's my trim here's my adhesive right down the middle okay and not a lot one thin little bead i'm gonna put the gun on the plywood just in case the material leaks i'm gonna take my glue and i'm going to add it to the inside corner of this material here okay not a lot all right the reason i'm using this is when because i'm using adhesive i need to install this on my line okay all right you behave you're supposed to grab better than that we want to get that material right where we want it and we're going to throw in a pin nail this is the safety and then you're ready to fire now that's it we'll do the bottom as well just one pin nail in the middle if ever there's a time for time lapses right now this is methodical but we're just going to go good all of our vertical's done following that same procedure and then we can put all the rest of the horizontals in cheers now because this adhesive sets up pretty darn quick i'm going to just show you a little trick here we're going to take our horizontal for the bottom i'm just going to put a little mark on it where my nail goes because we're painting another coat in a minute anyway all right before that adhesive sets up get down here and just put pressure on both of the outside corners everything's in the right location while it's drying 10 minutes for that no nails adhesive to set up it's going to really cramp my style so i was just thinking to myself i better read that construction because that's a brand new product anyway there we go now i'm going to get my ladder i'll do the top as i go i'm going to do one box at a time two more steps for us here i'm just using the little pin nails looking to make sure i've got consistent gaps on all the verticals okay they don't move as much as the horizontals when you frame the material itself can come a little bit warped so double check make sure you're happy with the way everything's sitting on the wall give it a little push while the adhesive is still drying put the nail on an angle hold it in place until the adhesive finishes job now i'm going to switch guns back to the 18 gauge nailer and i'm going to finish nailing through the material into the studs on the framework on the horizontals top and bottom on the ladder you can measure this off if you want to right there all right now one quick step grab a pail and some water and a sponge and just go wipe all the glue joints make sure that you're not leaving residue okay say hello to my little friend a little bucket of dry decks okay goes on paint dries white takes about 15 minutes in most conditions if it's a tiny hole uh we have two holes we have the holes in the wall because of the template and then we've got the the holes in the material from the 18 gauge nailer the tiny holes that are in this trim from the 23 gauge nails you don't have to worry about putting them just painting we'll close that all up so we're going to use is the back of your 501 tool we're just going to look at drywall damage here make a bit of a dent you can fill a dent you can't patch a bump turn it around grab some of the decks all right and just nice and flush if you dent too hard you're going to need a second coat so be careful i'm going to take what's left here and i'm just going to use it like a little putty stick to fill the nail holes on the horizontals anytime you use a 18 gauge nailer you got to fill those holes okay that's why i love having the 23 gauge now if you don't have both of those tools you can use the 18 for everything it just means you're going to have more holes to fill as well if you wait until it completely dries you've got to use a sanding sponge or you just take a wet sponge and do it now and shape shape that putty so that when it sets up and turns white you're finished okay remember the goal was to fill a hole and i don't want to sand the trim because it's only got one coat of paint i run the risk of sanding it right back to where it needs the second coat so this it's a great way to fill a hole and still leave the material on the wall ah yeah it's work all right um we're going to let this dry for a little bit give it another 10 or 15 minutes while the adhesive sets up then we're going to come back should have enough time for the dry decks to finish drying we're going to show you all the finished paint technique wow what do you think let me know in the comments if you like this kind of look all right paint time nice and simple we're just going to go where all the touch-ups are make sure that we don't see anything white and then i'm going to cut the bottom and the top there's a possibility that i might need a third brush line okay so we just want to eliminate that risk of being disappointed with the final pink coat so boom boom boom we'll just get all that done make sure that everywhere i look from every angle i don't see any white anything that wasn't painted and then we will cut and roll the rest of this yeah i was just thinking you know there's a bit of advice here i should give you when you're painting traditionally with a wall i fill my brush up and then i clean it off and i got lots of paint in the brush and i paint with it but in this environment okay i want it less is more it's so easy to create a drip when you're working with detail right so you want it to be wet but you don't want it to be full of paint it's kind of contrary to what i usually teach all right you almost want to have to work to get that paint so when i go across the detail like that it doesn't just all gum up and turn into bubbles all right let me give you a demonstration this is how i normally paint right so i go into the corner if you start painting like this you're gonna have nothing but trouble there's just way too much paint it'll end up dripping all over the place and you won't be able to manage it so fill your brush and then clean it and then you can do your touch-ups make sure that there's no white on the side of the trim because we pre-painted this right but we can cheat a little bit and make sure that the colors are really nice it's almost like painting three times but you want to just be specific to where you're laying the paint out now here's another example i'm going to have to babysit that corner for the next few minutes it'll just keep on dripping okay so nice and dry any of these little pin holes the 23 gauge pin holes you might want to just dab your brush in there so that you get the paint into the hole and that's about all you're going to need all right don't forget when people look at this wall what they're really going to be staring at is the woodwork and so it's got to be flawless so even if you end up giving it a whole extra coat of paint it's not going to cause you any grief all right so we're just kind of like almost like a bob ross technique here just beat the devil out of it right do that for the whole wall guys all right and then i'll show you how to cut up against the ceiling in just a few minutes so our second coat now remember the first coat i intentionally left a little bit of a gap because flat paint was on the wall all right now that we have um i think this is an eggshell we're ready to go able to to paint a little bit easier without leaving all these nasty streaks right now we're going to just push our brush into the corner the secret here is to set your bristle right into that crack okay and then just pull it along painting from inside the brush if they can get this to work it's a brand new brush so it doesn't always work is nice okay and then when i'm done cutting the rest of the ceiling i'm going to pull out my mini roller and i'm going to add texture to it so it has the same surface texture as every other panel and so the same thing it's just like a sealing edge when you're doing an inside corner all right just set your bristles in the corner and it would help if they did nice and side corners on the drywall work so the plan is simple we're going to do the cutting we're going to mini roller all of this with a four inch roller it's a six inch space okay get the texture and then we'll do all of the trims and then we'll do inside the boxes okay so now we got our cut in done we're gonna take the brush we're gonna cut all of our trim one more time give that a third coat and we're also gonna cut about an inch above and below on each side of the wall then it's time to pull out the rollers and again less is more okay this is not time to get sloppy with the paint mini roller microfiber four inch piece of cake right i'm just going to toss a little bit of this leftover from the can in there i'll leave myself just enough in the bottom of this can that i can brush in it so it won't dry out all right let's start across the top first we've got to add texture to all these flat surfaces again less is more when you're adding texture we don't need to do a whole third coat but we want to have enough that we don't have like a flat shiny spot and then a textured wall underneath right here we go nice and careful try to get as close to the ceiling as you can without making a mark flip it over to go down near the trim get rid of all those brush lines there we go we're going to go all the way across the top and the bottom and then we'll do the horizontal and then we'll do all the verticals ah it's a long takes a long time to paint a wall this way i'll tell you but it's going to look so good time to paint i'm using an 18 mil microfiber carries a lot of paint so it'll do two boxes all right so just make sure put a good v on first get the excess paint in one space and then here we go okay and it's okay to touch the trim beautiful part about going with one color right look at that no brush lines now they'll all disappear boy i am loving the way this paint is covering if you're not familiar with the c2 paint line that i'm using here today go and check out the information in the video down below okay we got a relationship with them because they're selling online they'll ship direct to your house all over the united states check it out because we've got a great discount for you it makes a luxury paint like this very affordable wow today's shout out goes out to karen shout out to karen big project now karen has been listening to the channel and she did what i was told to do to go make extra money on her home she ripped off all the old clapboard and put on brand new siding first time ever doing that work did an awesome job that should empower a lot of people to realize that these tasks are totally check doable us out on social media instagram facebook submit your pictures share with the world what you're up to okay encourage the community this is awesome proud of you cheers let's get back to the video quick tip um now that we're done you're going to see that when you're working a small area you're going to have a lot of these little lines it's kind of like vacuuming a carpet when it's brand new right while it's still wet just set your roller and just drag it down get rid of all those extra lines so that everything is completely vertical so it doesn't end up screaming at you in different lights okay that is a pro tip right there oh bill and ted it's excellent adventure excellent all right well she's all painted now we just gotta let it dry so we can put our electrical plates back on get the furniture back in place you're going to have to wait two seconds check out this after shot ah you know anytime i get a chance to go working at my kids house to help improve their quality of life i'm all over it now this is starting to take place they just got to pick a color for the other three walls so then their bathroom will be finished the walk-in closet will be finished the bedroom and the scape this will be very serene it's nice listen if you like this kind of stuff and you like learning how to do things properly not so they just don't look good for five minutes so that they stand the test of time give this video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the channel we got lots of projects coming your way all right and if you haven't thought about this yet think about joining our membership program we can be here to help you navigate your renovation problems at your house you can send us pictures on our public forum we're here to help guys this is really what this channel is all about we just want to help you be successful so that you can increase the value of home increase the quality of life and learn a few tricks along the way and if you're new to the diy world consider watching this video right here it explains our brand new rating system for all of our videos on the difficulty scale and how many tools you're going to need out of 10 and this one is actually only a two believe it or not that's right we're gonna help navigate everything you're gonna do in the future check that video out it'll empower you to do more diy cheers
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 378,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, jeff thorman, diy accent wall, board and batten, diy wainscoting, modern accent wall ideas, interior design ideas, start to finish, accent wall bedroom, diy accent wall ideas bedroom, how do i build an accent wall, bedroom design ideas, wood accent wall, home improvement, Make an Awesome Accent Wall | Easy DIY Guide, how to paint an accent wall, how to make an accent wall, diy wainscotting, diy crown molding, how to add crown molding, how to add an accent wall
Id: Vi43ZkPRxPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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