Make a Realistic VHS Camera in UE5

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in today's video we will create this very realistic widgets effect this will also work in Unreal Engine 4 but I will do it in Android 5. so let's start so what we'll do first is to create this 4.3 aspect ratio to get that VH VHS camera because all of the VHS back in the days were 4.3 aspect ratio so how to do that well we're going to the first person blueprint BP first version character or whatever you named it then we go to view post click on the camera and click on the constrain aspect ratio and set it to 4.3 now if we compile and save and test out you can see that we have a 4.3 aspect ratio and that is one step closer to the waitress effect now going to the BP first character again and we can click on the camera and change the field of view because the field of view right now is very much for a VHS camera so I will set the field of view to around 65 to 80 or 65 to 70. 60 to 70 should work and now you can see that the camera is much more zoomed in like a real VHS camera as you can see now we want to add the blur so if we play right now it is the VHS camera is very sharp it's like 4K and it's a VHS camera it's old it's needed it needs to be a kind of lower resolution so we need to add that blur to get the realistic look so we want to create a new user widget so right click user interface widget blueprint user widgets and call it blur VHS now go into the blue wages just like that then we want to add a blur so search right here for blur background blur so just drag that right in here and you see this little arrow right here well you can drag that to see the whole screen so if someone has a 4K screen they will also see the blur effects so drag that right out to 4K now compile and save now we want to click on the background blur and change the blur strength to about 1.5 five should be good so now you said it is blurry right here in the box and right here it is not blurry so compile and save and close it out so now how do we add this blur effect to the camera when we play the game well click on this air construct up here then click on open level blueprint so the open level blueprint so this the codes we do in here will only affect this level so right click and get the event begin play so the gameplay is when we click on the play button and we play it will play this event where you play now drag out the execution pin and create widget so what it will do is that it will create the widget we just made so search for blur VHS right there then we want to add it to the viewport so we can actually see it so add to viewport just like that compile and save and test it out now you can see it already looks very realistic like a VHS can glue and we haven't even done that much yet so this is a very good start so now if we look around like this because the camera is very jaggy it doesn't feel like we are holding a VHS camera and when we walk it doesn't feel smooth but if you like the camera and when we look around and when we walk you just need to change this so we can just skip these words but if you want a most their most realistic look for a VHS effect you need to follow these steps so what we want to do is to go into the VP first character again we want to go to the viewport click on the first picture camera I'm going to add a spring arm to spring arm and then we want to drag the spring arm onto the first watch camera so we unparent it and then drag the first camera onto the spring arm so the spring arm will apparent the first pressure camera so now we want to untick do Collision test right here so click on the spring arm and untick this value and change the target arm length to zero compilative so what we'll do now is that you can see that the pivot on the spring arm is right here so when we look down in the game the camera will go down like this and clip through the wall and we don't want that so just change the location of the spring arm to 60 because the height of the camera is 60 and then drag the camera down to 60 as well so now exit the exact pivot is on the both so when we look down now it doesn't clip through the wall next click on the spring arm and click use Pawn control notation then go to the first project camera and untick the US consolidation right here so this will make that the spring arm will control the first bridge camera or like the spring and we will control the looking around and all that stuff then we want to scroll down on the spring arm so click on the spring arm and scroll down to lag and we want to enable camera lag and enable camera rotation back to the camera like speed is when we walk forward it's a smoothly Works forward so it isn't that like draggy when we walk forward so so change the camera light speed to about five I think it's nice to have a fight for the VHS effect but you can change this value as you want and the camera rotation like speed is when we look around so it is much more smooth when we look around so change the camera to like speed to about let's say 10. it can be on 10. default value compile and save and test out now you need to see where we look around it it is more smooth and it will work it is also more smooth [Music] so now I'm going to add the dirty camera lens so if we look at the bright object you can see that the camera on the VHS lens will be dirty so like it's a really VHS camera because the lens on the camera won't always be this clean the last video I did was a tutorial on this so if you want a more in-depth explanation on it you can check that video out but we can do it very quick and easy right here so what you want to do is to go to create a new folder called images but I already have one then I'm going to create a new folder in the images called the dirt lens then add a lens search texture and you can do that by just searching on your browser search for dirty camera lens texture [Music] and right here so this one will work so it needs to be black in the background and the particles need to be white so choose whichever you want I'm using this one right here so then just download the image and and then input the image to Android 5. so now add a post process volume so how do we do that well click on this icon right here and search for post process volume right here I I already have one so I won't need to do that so then click on the posters volume and search for Unbound and tick the infinite extent Unbound so this will affect the whole level not not the Box only the box now click on this x right here now I'm going to scroll down on the post process until we see a dirt mask then you want to check this box on all of the three and you want to add the texture we just imported to the material right here then change the dirt mask intensity to about 8 you can increase it or decrease it and the dirt mask activities whichever color you want it to be so I wanted it to be a very white bright so now you can see that we see the dirty lens effect but we only want it to appear when we look at a bright object so go up to bloom and click this intensity box and the threshold now drag the threshold up and now when we look at a bright object the dirt lens will appear [Music] so if we play you can see that the dirt lens works as it should so what we'll do now is to create the sharpen so as you can see now the image is very soft and the old VHS camera the image was very blurry and very more very sharp so let's do that right now so how to do that well create a new material call it sharpen M for material then we then go into the material and I'm going to set the material domain to post process now what you'll do is to go down into the description and click on the link so the link will take you right here so what you want to do is to just highlight all of the code and Ctrl C so copy it and then we want to minimize and go to the material again and Ctrl V so now you can see the code is already done for us so just plug the ad into the emissive color and apply and Save now we can close out of this and we want to right click on the material and create a material instance now go into the instance and tick this box right here and change the value to about 9. I think that 9 is great for me so save and close out but you can change the values in here how much you want so now click on the post post volume in your level and then search for material then click on this Arrow right here click on the plus and choose the asset reference and then go to search for the sharpen instance we just made so sharpen M instance so now you can see that the sharpen affects the whole level so if we play now you can see that it looks much better it looks more sharp like a VHS camera [Music] but you can play around with the values in here what you want to do next is to add the fin grain so it looks more grainy the image so click on the X right here to clear the search bar and search for film green and click on this box right here film green intensity and change the value to 1. then go down to the film grain textual size and what this will do is that it will change the size of the film grain and I want it to be like that so now we have the film ring so if we play you can see that we have the freedom green right here just like that so now we added the film grain but you can change around all of these values right here to get the perfect filming for your game what you want to do next is to add the chromatic aberration so you want to search for in the post process volume or search for the chromatic aberration and tick these two boxes and we want to change the values so as you can see this is too much chromatic abrasion but I think right there looks good and the start offset can be zero so now if we play so now you can see that we have the chromatic aberration so now we have a very realistic VHS camera but we have one thing left to do and that is the lens Distortion of the camera so let's do that right now I already have a video on how to make the lenses version and that video I will put the image right here so go into the video and create the length situation I made in that video now after you watch the video and created the same material as I did in the body cam video you want to go into the post process instance and you will change the values right here and these are the values I use for the VHS camera so you can copy these values if you want to or make your own then I want to add the Distortion to the post process volume so I'm going to the post process volume and search for material then add a array element and choose the asset reference and then take your distortion so search for the Distortion right there that you have and now once we added the lens solution we can test it out and boom it looks very good but I think that the lens solution is maybe a bit too much so let's change that very quickly so go into your lenses version and change the values as you want [Music] now these are the values I ended up with so copy them if you want to now save and now we have a complete VHS camera so if you like this video please leave a like or if you have any problems just leave a comment in the comment section below and don't forget to join the Discord the link is in the description of this video so yeah that is how to create a very realistic VHS camera yeah that's all bye
Channel: Eremental Studios
Views: 33,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qm4oi8YbShU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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