Reviewing a Macro and Chatting!

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okay we should be getting going here in a few seconds already got some people in chat that's fantastic I honestly was not expecting people to be hopping in chat so soon welcome to the stream uh hopefully you can see me it may take a second for it to catch up to you okay yeah uh if you didn't hear me before welcome to the stream I did not expect two people to already be in chat welcome Chad and I'm so sorry I do not know how to pronounce that name Jus would is it just like hus is the J more is is the J mostly silent James oh you know I read that now and it makes a lot more sense okay James okay uh I'm not great with pronunciation of names but welcome I'm glad to see you here I think this is your first time chatting right welcome welcome uh today we are doing a macro review from somebody on my Discord uh I have a channel on there that if you send me a macro I I will review it either on stream or in a video if I get enough I'll do it on stream but or if I good enough I'll do it in a video but if I just get like one or two I'll probably just do them on stream and then we'll just be chatting the rest of the time talking about Da Vinci answering any questions but I think I'll start with the macro review wi sleveless gets in here how's it going man yeah yeah uh I got both of yours I I got your drfx you put in the in the chat the new one from what was it that this morning or yesterday yeah this morning this morning for me I have no idea what time it was for you I guess uh and I just I've only just took a peek atem a little bit and they're looking pretty fire I I have a few comments already about the design but design aside I think we're looking pretty good I'll just give a little bit of time for some more people to hop in uh who want to come on in like I know that uh hopefully they don't s I don't think they suck obviously there's things that like hey let's like watch out for but I think I think I think they're okay we're going to like open them up take take a look at the actual inside of the macro take a look at the UI all all kinds of stuff like that oh I don't have my music going let's go and get that going I pulled up music and everything for this stream and I forgot to turn it on uh let me turn it down let me know if that is loud enough for you I can totally turn it up if it's [Music] not hopefully we're doing pretty good uh and if you want to join the Discord that is down in the description of this video it's the last link it should be the last link in all my videos unless I switch things around it was actually the top link for today's video so if you wanted to check that out as well you can I'm just going to give a little bit more time for for people to hop in here will come and go as they please okay I think we'll give it another minute here and then we'll hop into the uh review then we'll just start chatting [Music] [Music] welcome back Chad uh I think we're going to give it actually we're just about done with our minute here so I think we're going to go and start hopping into looking at this mcro this is from sleveless uh the sent in a macro on the Discord which you can also do uh down in the last link of the Des of the description there is a link to the Discord if you're not already in it and you can send me your Macros in the macro reviews Channel and I'll do if I have enough of them I'll do a whole video but otherwise I'll just put it on stream because it's FAS and easy enough to just review it on stream so let's go ahead and hop over to here let's go and put me back up there we go so I just put it over the video from today uh just because I wanted to be able to see uh what it looks like on a video and uh right off the bat there's something weird happening with one your effects which we can take a look at that here in a minute things like this are bound to happen so don't worry uh making macros tends to be like his music a little loud uh making macros tends to be a little bit of trial and error in like lots of testing how is that is is a is that too quiet now did did you hear what I was saying before uh or was the music a little bit too loud better okay might down a tiny bit just so it's not overwhelming me but yeah you didn't hear okay uh so I did notice as I was scrubbing through this there was a slight problem uh I went over just today's video just to see things like how it looks on something cuz that's gen generally how this is going to work like this is how you're going to be using your macro anyway this is a title in ler third there's a small weird uh glitch in one of your effects it could be a glow effect I'm not sure we we will figure that out when we dig into it here in a minute but macros are lots of um trial and error so don't worry about it too much generally you're going to be probably working on like complicated macros can take over a month but simple like simple titles can take maybe a week or so to like fully do like testing and stuff to make sure it works okay make sure everything looks good um I also don't know your intended um frame rate um I'm also assuming that you're using anim utility or something like it to get your animations but I don't know for sure and I won't comment on your spelling of words because that is just that that that happens a lot with uh people who didn't grow up speaking English which uh either that or you just made a simple mistake but I've seen like ex session make that mistake a lot with especially with like words that with have with the have an e on the end um so looking into this first um obviously should be 30 uh no just key frame stretcher you're American it just can't spell okay no that's fair yeah U but I have seen like accession make mistakes like this a lot and and I know that he doesn't speak English natively but so it's like it's not it's not a big deal it happens a lot and people generally don't care if there's like a misspelling they might comment about it but it's not going to ruin the the product for them uh looking at this uh immediately uh we can see a couple of things and I want to first comment on the double text I know what's going on here cuz it's really easy to make this mistake uh you you used my macro Creator I'm pretty sure uh the one that I'm in development in and it shows drop- down labels just like this and it's really easy to select them by accident you actually do it a couple of times like here in transform as well and here for the background it's really easy to do um and and I'll show you how to avoid doing that uh here in a minute and it's also pretty easy to like get rid of in the code as well if you want me to show you that as well uh besides that I do also want to take a look at these controls for example right on and see the rate and offset these are all animated controls and generally you don't want to give the user the animated controls because it's really easy to uh like go to it and adjust it and then double click it and then all your key frames are immediately gone one reset of a control all the animation's gone so it may be uh more ideal to not give them access to that control at all and then let them go into Fusion to change it if they really want to change it or get a an animation engine like anim utility or something like that similar um and just use that instead then for see rate uh you you have a perturb on here I know because I went into fusion and looked at the node you of the perturb modifier just give them these controls uh which you can do by just uh if you're using my tool it should show the modifiers is that list as well just go to whatever whichever one you whichever modifier you want which it would be perturb and just select the controls you want uh some like small things like that that I just want to point out to you besides that not too bad of stuff I do want to really want to figure out what's going on here my best guess is glow cuz glow has a lot of problems when you don't select like a single like a single option those are really weird um I won't necessarily comment on the design alone but I do feel like it's not meant to be put over a video like this um because only due to the fact that you have like it it's transparent for so [Music] long now I don't know how long you expect this title to last on someone's timeline uh or if it should have an out animation because it doesn't seem to maybe it just was too short yeah it does have an out animation it was just too short okay uh you can it's fine to have uh you think it's the brightness and the fast noise it could be but having it glitch onto the background like that like you can see the background through it is a little bit unusual now that I'm scaming through it I can't find an example here we go could be brightness on it uh I'll have to look at the nodes here in a second like you can have uh a title or effect that will last longer than the default length but I think having it the default length uh like allowing it to work for the default length of a of the clips cuz like uh when if you put it onto a timeline it's always going to be this default length unless the user has changed it but making it work for that length I feel like is the most user from the option because if they drag your title onto their timeline and it doesn't work for them immediately most users most users will just be like ah well guess doesn't work got to got to just not use it then oh well doesn't have an out animation but everything want one but all they have to do is extend it out some and it's just not there because of key frame stretcher nonsense which happens a lot don't worry it's not it's not a new thing this is why I don't like this is why I don't like key frame stretchers because if uh it's very easy to to not work it's very easy for it to not work uh this isn't really a animation like review or audit or whatever you want to call it so like I won't really comment necessarily on the animations themselves or the design itself but I just feel like for readability maybe changing it out a little bit uh I do understand what you mean by ink but I just feel like the movement is a little bit too fast for the fast noise and having it I don't know it just feels a little bit too too fast like in general uh cuz it's really distracting from the title which is also still like somewhat transparent through the entire title like the actual words also they don't line up for whatever reason I was noticing that before they just don't line up with the holes I don't know why I I guess we're going to find that out here in a minute but I do like the shine effect that's a really good effect I'm guessing you use like a uh brightness and contrast and Mas that something like that it's a really common way to do it but also that has more opacity so maybe you use the opacity to do a glow like that I don't know we're going to find out um but yeah I say for readability work a little bit on readability for your designs like both of them have the same sort of design I I don't hate the fast noise and like the transparency but at the very least make the title like full full opacity and maybe slow down the fast noise and maybe have the default uh gradient options a little bit contrast is fine like maybe the detail also could be taken down a bit CU we don't really need all that detail in there um honestly maybe bringing up contrast a little more and I don't know if we need as much black as we have this is all just me personally thinking of design choices but it's up to you yeah we still have a weird glitch like that [Music] H contrast doesn't seem yeah it does make it become a little more solid but it also adds separation which is what I was looking for yeah but this is all subjective like don't or um objective subjective is like factual truth this is all objective it's all my opinion you can obviously design it however you want doesn't really matter uh in reference size I would say you don't really need that or really maybe not even like these last options from Filter method down for transform people generally won't bother with those I'd say edges is the last one you're going to need uh but everything else is totally fine to have um and all these settings are just fine yep okay and then I do want to point out the elephant in the room the the Creator tab uh it is totally fine to have like a separate tab or even putting it in settings which is also called um common this is the common tab Al you couldn't tell because it says settings uh but this is technically called the common tab if you put the icon on the common tab then it'll just hide it in here um it looks like you just did like a scale down of your regular logo to the roughly 300 pixel width um and it looks like it may be not centered but that's there could be something else going on there I I just don't know about but um yeah trying to shrink your logo almost was going to always do this there's not really a great way to do it unless you completely redesign your logo in like a 300 by like 150 High little area what you can do with a program like a Sprite yeah it's okay like obviously you're you're like learning and this is this is totally fine if you're just like trying to figure things out um you don't know why it's off center though that's interesting I might take the base 64 and like reopen that take a look at it but um um yeah generally if you like do like a Sprite or there's like other programs out there for free a sprite's a paid program on uh steam but it it allows you to do pixel art which you could do like 300 by 150 pixel art to do that or just in like canva or photoshop or or illustrator do just like a really small logo that's basically just text in maybe a small little graphic but generally yeah yeah it's hard to get a good looking logo in there text usually works better like making your text with like a maybe a small little icon is probably the best practice if you want to add a logo in there um or just starting out small because if you try to shrink it you're you're always going to get that but now let's dig into the to the nodes uh real quick though a lot of the same comments are on this as well um I'm just a little bit confused about this one because in here you have all those settings in the same thing and maybe what you were trying to do is make it like a nested uh drop down like this is just for these options right here like this right here and you can do that you just have to make sure that this is set up to accept these other uh controls including the drop down so the one two 3 four five six other controls uh otherwise it's just like consistency with between like your Macros if if they're using the same options generally having consistent controls is uh ideal but once again you're still learning and this is probably what maybe a couple of days of playing around testing with it uh to get this specific effect I obviously don't know um but yeah UI is always one of the harder parts that's why it always takes forever to actually make the macro after you have the effect the effect can take like maybe a week but then if you're working on a bigger project making just the controls for it can like take a month or more oh you know the the multiple tabs thing is like okay uh you can I say like maybe the max tabs you should really have is three or four not including settings uh there is an option to get rid of this and I will do a tutorial on that once I like pra like learn it some but like these drop downs um I don't know just like making it consistent for how the controls are laid out is kind of what I'm thinking is that music loud again cuz I can hear out of my headphones they're way over here here back also don't comment about the fact that I'm wearing the exact same Shir as the video this happens sometimes [Music] okay um yeah let's go ahead and dig into the code a little bit the nodes a little bit I'm going to use my um automatic uh Switcher the type changer nice nice organization looking pretty good um interesting oh an instance transform that doesn't have a home this isn't in this isn't being instanced by anything anymore neither is this mask so I do have a few guesses as to why weird some weird stuff's going on with that uh fast noise what was that let's see let's take a look at the fast noise yep we got the m could be a rectangle not bad that's just how it works uh displace which it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot it just doing some okay that's how it's getting into color okay yeah then you're putting it over that to get the size which I don't think super important because you're getting a size from this so you probably don't need this here if I had to guess yeah I think you're looking at the EXA exact same like that yeah you're you're doing a brightness contrast to get that shine on it looking nice there uh why is that's why you're getting okay so you had Alpha on I don't know if that was in intentional or not but the alpha was making it still that little transparency and then this is making your texts not line up like this little Gap here yep that little transform was making that not line up right since you have your first text back here making like a indent sort of into this making a little pocket for it which I don't fully know why you need could you not just do this that wasn't making the color for it is that why ah yes that's where the color came from okay you can't hear me is the music too loud I'm not muted I'll turn on the music a little bit the music can be a little loud he is okay uh it looks like you can just use the single text I don't think you need to have the other one in there oh I also talk quieter and since the OBS doesn't have my options like uh when I edit my videos I don't have like compressor to make sure my audio levels are the same which I probably should add to OBS just for streaming uh but let's make this white Maybe Oh weird oh double weird okay I don't know why that happened I think we effectively have a very similar effect now just without these nodes but I let figure out why we're getting these weird glitches what outline I didn't see an outline on the on the other one hello what happened what happened it didn't like me it did not like that why did this not I've never seen that before that was weird what outline are you talking about like this sort of [Music] thing because what's actually happening is your text and background is aren't lining up it's not really out line it's just like transparency next to your text I I guess my only question is why do you want it to be cut out of the box to get this sort of like double effect is this what you were going for so when it's on something it looks a little bit weird especially when this isn't a full opacity because you had to set setting checked I could create a macro with just this glow that passes through the text uh with definition and intensity and speed with definition of intensity and speed uh with just with just this glow white glow well I'm pulling up Discord anything happen over here I'm in the Stream room but I'm not actually listening to anything so if someone tries talking to me I can't hear but were you going after that look sleeveless uh cuz I I personally don't see why you'd want it but maybe there's like a design thing I just don't understand I I'm much more of a technical I'm not much of a design person technically speaking uh I'll let you answer that but I'm going to hop back over here real quick I was trying to make it cut out before the right right uh the white rights on does that happen oh yeah that does happen okay [Music] yeah okay so so that's why you want that to be like that okay that's fine then yeah um the only thing that I would actually change is just make sure that you don't have this set to like 0 N9 which it was set to now it should look okay like it should look what you're wanting it to yeah that's probably a lot more what you expected it to look like instead of having a strange Double Image that you were getting before cuz this was set to 99 it was doing this weird thing things like that happen but that yeah I think that should be good now yeah these two you don't need because you're already getting these size from the background right here let's move these up for me do you have hide incoming inputs you do where is that okay that music feels loud still I'm hearing that so loudly through my headphones no yeah that was just because one one little transform decided to be weird that that can happen uh let's see let's figure out what's going on with your with your look here why is it doing this I can clearly hear you speaking is that is that a comment about the music okay I'll turn it back up a little bit the music is just blaring out of my headphones and they're like maybe a whole foot away what is that in C or meters I don't really know um and you got a drop shadow on the whole thing which is really oh wait just just uh just just Dow hat you have to I'm I'm assuming you're saying like lower it if you have to something like that along those lines typos do do what you have to uh let me turn yeah I had a feeling I had a suspicion let me see what it looks like now yeah that that looks a lot better so drop Shadows are are funny if you have some kind of opacity they'll do some weird things uh I'm trying to think how you might be able to avoid it this is your master transform maybe mask invert maybe n she's still doing some weird things we can see it right here it's very weird it's very hard to see you can kind of see it right there yeah Shadows are weird especially drop [Music] Shadows uh you had it a bit High other those instances that aren instances are there because of copy yeah it it happens it's okay yeah just like whenever you're like finishing it off for clarity for your future self renaming things wouldn't hurt just so you're not looking at it in the future being like why does it say instance there's no line leading to an instance what's going on here uh let me try another Shadow effect we have uh the basic Shadow so the alpha divide is here for adding controls uh sleveless used my in development macro Creator uh which I'll just demonstrate really fast over here but essentially you're able to make a whole node tree as you usually do to make your Macros you know put it over whatever background you want whatever etc etc this is going to be really simple just going to do a background over with some text over it and then you can add like another node like an alpha divide which is really nothing it it is essentially just the settings tabs on other nodes but you can add controls to it and it really just helps with like when someone looks at it in the future or when you look at it in the future you know exactly where all your controls are at it's just like a best practice that I like to teach personally but for the macro Creator you can select all your nodes select like your Alpha divide node or whatever control or whatever node you want all of your controls to go on you can activate our script and then you're able to edit all the uh options and add your controls and everything like that so we can add all the text controls so this is what sleveless use to make uh their macro they selected all the controls they probably bulk added it like this would can come down too far get these ones you can get the Center positioning from the layout tab then we can add a separation line put the separator above it you know move things around super quick and easy like that and then that separator that we made went onto the alpha divide node on the on a user tab for reading it as an as an instance input in the actual like code of it this is what I've been developing in the background this maybe is going to be released publicly in maybe a month I keep pushing back the deadline CU I just don't want to work on it because of I'm tired and I've been working I was I was working on it straight with like no breaks for a whole week and I burnt myself out for a little bit but I will be getting back into working on it I've been working on other projects like I've worked on something with Jake whip I'm working on something with a different uh Creator right now uh but I actually just uh those of you who weren't in the Mr Alex Tech uh live stream for for his magic Zoom which I bought immediately by the way it's awesome I it going x uh or shoot I forget how your name was pronounce from last stream I'll just call you X for now until you remind me um but if you guys weren't in the Mr Alex Tech stream uh he actually mentioned me because he saw this project on the weic L form he like said my said said said my name like Asher Roland and like I was I was so taking it back I was so shocked I was like what I'm being mentioned uh but it's not for the channel yeah yeah I know that's very true a lot of people I wish I was famous maybe maybe soon maybe soon uh if Alex yeah but my point of that was uh Alex I emailed him after the stream and he now has has a copy of the macro creator for the beta so I'll be getting some some feedback from him here soon maybe in like the next week or so he'll probably be giving me his ideas and whatnot but really whenever you're making something uh sleeveless like you said a lot of the feedback you're going to get is hey add this make this to this add this and this and this people don't like to be like oh hey this is cool but like there's a small problem here uh you know like this isn't really user friendly can you maybe change this out a little bit people will like to add things people don't like to be like hey this's a problem can you fix it or like hey this isn't this isn't user friendly yeah I get a lot of that feedback for the macro Creator lots of the guys on the we like L for it's fine I like I like to have stuff to work on for the near future but like a lot of their suggestions are just like hey yeah add this and it's just like a laundry list of things to do maybe they will I'm not surprised if I get if I get a contact from black magic in the future CU that is a really not a to my own horn here but that is a really impressive macro creator that I can't wait to finish CU I can't wait to use there is a small bug and I don't think it's a me problem I think it's an actual black magic design problem um shape nodes but mo more particularly like shape polygons don't work and I don't know why but if you've ever used the S polygon and I think if there's like an S um spline it probably would do the same thing but if you've ever tried to save the settings on it they don't [Music] work there's not much wrong that you can find with it I'm very surprised about that I am genuinely very surprised like I did take a whole week to put it together to its current state like genuinely that took me about a week to do which I honestly I'll say it it's fairly impressive that I did that in a week the rest of these things are not going to take about a week because I saved the harder things for last like an idiot but genuinely I'm surprised there's not a whole lot of problems I've maybe had like a couple of things like uh you in the Discord were saying that like tabs will duplicate themselves which I think I fixed uh with a single line of code that I just didn't think to add there's a few other things I need to add like uh removing all of the things you've uh the number column yeah there yeah there wasn't yeah there's number columns that do exist but they're hating because they don't want you to mess with them because you'll break stuff oh and Chad yes Jake did mention me in his video I I did make his script recently it was really fun to make that it was it that took literally a day not going to lie that took maybe like a couple of hours it was pretty cool um but yeah if you've ever tried to like write click and save the settings on a polygon node from the shape system like if we do a save as and just drop it into like we'll just do my desktop because why not and save the settings of a polygon well that wasn't a good example because I didn't have a actual polygon let's make a little little weird weird shape here let's do that and then we start to save the settings of it save it to the same place just override this one and if you've ever tried to like reload those settings let me open up you can see my secrets let me get my desktop pull it up into here if we reopen the node and then try to preview it like how we had before did they fix it what what the did they did they just fix it because this was this was broken I swear I promise this was broken uh isn't it like that with the Text Plus on the other page also isn't what like I will be charging for the macro maker uh Maco Creator is it technical name I guess but the full version is going to be a bit pricey I'm not going to like fully announce the prices yet cuz it's going to be I'll probably announce it maybe like a week or so before uh release you can copy and paste settings of well you technically okay you technically can't do it on the edit page but you can't copy paste any of the settings from the edit page uh you can if you had a it what's his name to toito that's that's a I think I'm just thinking of Tostitos at that point Point uh that one dude's uh Da Vinci resolve not Port whatever it's called his own version of Da Vinci resolve he like modified version taquitos that's right I don't I don't think it's pronounced that way but that's how it looks like it's spelled uh if you've ever used his he does have like a text plus settings saver which I honestly kind of like want to recreate and like give away for free you've done it with images but it won't work with text plus I don't know what you mean by that you can you can totally save the settings of a text plus like in infusion you can look you can right click and save as and save the settings of a text plus and delete that I'll I'll get to your question again here in a second Chad sorry this is my ADHD on full display but yeah if you if you save the settings of a Tex Plus in the fusion page it works well you can't to my knowledge save the settings of any uh like effector node on the edit page I'm not quite sure what you're trying to refer to like what kind of like option or setting or thing you're trying to refer to the only way of saving settings is uh through um Fusion oh yeah like uh if you copied and paste attributes like um for our background here let's make this full screen again like if you were to like zoom in like move position around copy and then like if I did it on a paste on this like a alt V like you could paste like position and zoom and it would like do that but you can't do it if it's a text plus node and you're trying to get like the uh settings of it the controls of it because technically it's a node not the edit page it's like a different system it's very confusing to have to like explain uh but essentially when you're changing the settings on a node or on a text plus effect you're basically changing the settings on the Node in fusion and you're not changing the settings in the inspector like transform and all this stuff so it won't paste the same uh to my knowledge you also couldn't do this is me testing right now I guess like if you did a big zoom and you had another one we copied tried pasting let's get rid of these like you couldn't add Fusion effects I don't think because it's technically not a fusion effect that you've changed like if you apply it it's not going to like uh change that because it's not a fusion effect that's going to be over here in this tab yeah it's not a bug it's just because it's a different system it it's it's it's technically intentional and I think you can't even do it with the basic text I'm pretty sure if I increase the size of this and try to paste that onto here I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work either because it's still a different system or at the very least they don't have like a implementation for it like we'll even grab the plugins and we'll even grab Zoom just in case no yeah when it comes to text it's very weird like you have to have a specific macro to like save and reload settings it's very bizarre I don't know why uh but let me answer Chad's question real quick uh you're fine like always ask the question whenever you you want to it does not matter I just may take a second to get to answering it um it won't be free the full version won't be free and like I said I won't be oh my got any email from somebody I was hoping to get an email from kind of him to respond to me um another secret project that I'm working on with somebody else but um yeah uh there I won't be announcing the prices just because they're not pleasant to hear but I will be announcing them probably like a week before release to somewhat gauge people's uh thoughts on the price and while you're in here here I'll just go full screen for now because I'm talking and explaining uh let me get this link uh that's a YouTube link uh this link I want people to wishlist the tool with this link right here and like let me know general questions and one of them is being like what is your like idea of price that you want for this Tool uh how's it going uh game expert welcome to the stream uh right now we're talking about a tool that I'm working on I'm not going to go into full explanation mode but to quickly summarize it's like a better more improved macro Creator it like makes macro creation much faster in D Vinci resolve Fusion so that that's what we're currently talking about and uh Chad was asking about like will it uh will it cost money like will I be charging for it and yes I will be um and I just said uh go and let me know with that link that I put the bitly link uh if you like some general questions about you your business what you want it for how important it is to you um there's a small little demo in there as well to like if you haven't seen it before give you a little demo about it being used I got the idea from um Orson and his wish list uh Forum thingy that he did uh for his snap pod which is Amazing by the way I'm don't I want to get that but wait until I get some more money to actually get it I just I just spent 30 bucks on uh Mr Alex Tech uh Magic Zoom but anyway back to the price of macro Creator there's going to be multiple options to get it so don't worry if you don't want to pay like the probably a little bit large price for the full version um I keep seeing email and I keep thinking oo I have to look um I will have a light version which is going to have a lot of the tools to make macro creation faster still but it won't have some of the more premium tools uh like you won't be able to reopen previous macros you won't be able to um export for um reactor no I think that might actually still be in there yeah but you but you will have tools like bulk adding controls reordering controls adding uh I think labels slash like the nesting labels um and adding separator lines but I think most of everything else will be stripped and it's really just there to like give you an introduction and like let you see what you can get if you do end up getting the full version and this one I'm debating either between making it really really cheap like $5 to maybe $20 I'm still figuring that out I'm also going to narrow down that price as I get to finishing everything and like figuring out all the features that will go into it to see like okay what will this be worth to people who are going to get it and uh I know a lot of people like to get things from resolve for free I have a bunch of free stuff in my shop I'm not opposed to giving stuff away for free and I wanted this to be for free but a lot is going into this and is doing a lot more than I was first expecting it to so I I've come to the decision after Consulting some people that it it needs to be priced at some at some higher rate um but there won't just be those two options if you still want the full priced thing but you don't want to pay the full price right off the bat I will have like membership options there will be two two tiers a monthly support meeting me membership option which gives you monthly meetings with me to talk about problems you're experiencing with the macro Creator uh General macro help or like uh talking about ideas about macros that you or your business is working on and then there is going to be a weekly version of that as well to where you have the option to meet with me weekly to get consistent talks with me about the same sort of stuff uh and I think the monthly version of that is the best bargain for anything that I'm going to be selling because essentially one year on the uh monthly plan is the same price as paying for the full price tool so that's just like I think that's probably the best option and a lot of people are probably going to go for that so if you don't want to pay full price for the tool right away you do have that option to have the monthly meetings with me and with that you do get the actual tool so don't worry you don't have to buy the tool and then buy that it is a part of the plan for both monthly and weekly so that's my current plan for when I release the macro Creator because it will do a lot and it will solve a lot of problems and it is a lot more directing towards businesses than like smaller creators but that is why I have the light version and the monthly plan to make it easier for for the smaller Creator who's just trying to either give things away for free or just learning macros but don't want to have to deal with all the code to get into it as well because I don't want it to be like super isolated there which where it's just businesses because I I have been there I've been in the new person space and I have hated wanting to go into the code but you know you just have to learn how to do it so I wanted to solve that problem a little bit yeah any had a stroke any is my music not playing anymore taking me like so long to figure that out yeah please keep playing the music I hate playlists on YouTube um yeah any questions any comments concerns love to hear your thoughts on that whole plan maybe it's a little bit much but I think I think that's a decent idea it lays out a pretty good like groundwork and like lots of options for people to end up getting it who don't like who aren't sure about it you know and uh I don't want to like fully say this on on the announcement video but the me the membership plans are cancel any time and you do keep access with like two of the macro Creator um so I guess the theoretically you could pay for one month and get the macro Creator without having to meet with me ever but I mean you get meetings with me on a monthly to weekly basis so that is entirely up to you if you want to do that um but I'm not going to like fully tell everybody that because I'm just like please stick on to the plan it's it's worth your time you get you get on meeting like constant meetings with me I just feel like probably is worth your time worth your money I was doing something but I can't remember what I was doing I was going to look at something today's video is doing pretty good we're we're already up to 60 views by the way not bad about that not not too mad about that last week our video did horrible I don't know why maybe I just didn't label that video well enough but people were not interested people had zero interest in it [Music] no don't worry the V the video from earlier to day is all about um [Music] buttons no I dude ma magic Zoom I I I was on I was it was in that stream obviously you know I was called out people were like hey how's it going uh don't you do the SEO and tags and all that I do the SEO uh I do the SEO tags and everything but YouTube is weird the tags don't mean a whole lot anymore it's mostly like uh does your title and thumbnail actually get the interest of your audience and does it like fully explain what your audience is if it doesn't then you're you're in video hell sorry uh like if you don't have an audience for that video or if it's not a huge audience and uh within like the first hour or so though that YouTube tries to send it out to people they will immediately Flatline your progress and stop any interactions from happening it's very sad like it it's I got I got maybe like 20 views for this video in the first like I got like 30 views in the first two hours I'm looking at the stats right now and then after that point very very few people started clicking on the video because most of that was my audience to begin with a lot of you guys watched it in the first two hours after that point there's a flatline and then a small climb again and then a long Flatline and then a small climb again and now we're in another Flatline it's just up and downs a lot it it's just how it's How the cookie crumbles you know I have magic zoom and it's really cool uh I have not gotten a chance to play with it a whole lot I started to really pay attention to my tags titles and keywords and the keywords titles and like in description tags matter a quite a bit um but the actual like tags that you put like in the tag section of the video don't have much of an impact on YouTube as they used to it might help a bit for new channels but in reality I haven't really found it to be all too useful it's been it's been about the same interactions with and without all the same tags like I started out my tags being like all 500 characters are going to be filled and it's going to be very detailed I'm going to be including keywords like Casey Ferris Mr Alex Tech and like big names in the industry um but that didn't help and when I changed it nothing really changed that much so I didn't really notice a huge difference on it as long as you make your video one interesting it has to be an interesting topic to begin with and then it has to have a good title and thumbnail to like grab the attention um of the viewer cuz my last my last video I feel like the title and thumbnail just did not live up to the hype of the actual video like the video itself I feel like the content is fairly good but it's just not what people want to like C on and I've changed the title of this video multiple times and I I do this a lot if you haven't noticed before I Chang my my titles and thumbnails very often because I want to try to appeal to whatever audience wants to look at the video in the first hour I'll have one thumbnail and then I'll well I guess maybe sometimes say longer than an hour in like the first day or two I'll have one thumbnail and then I'll look at my Impressions I'll look at my views I'll look at the traction that I'm getting I if things are slowing down I'll change the the thumbnail and uh title a little bit and then see how that goes from there see if it helps it and sometimes there's no helping it sometimes you're just a lost cause for that video like the last video it's gotten some more interactions recently but it's it's still kind of in the drain yeah in the last 48 hours it's got 11 views which is not good for a video from a week ago it has 136 views this is a bunch of random details you guys don't necessarily need to know probably care too much about but it has 136 views versus the week before that has 569 views then the one before that has 418 or 481 views so it dropped a lot it did not do well you're interested to hear the LX I'm I'm I'm glad uh I'm always in the thought process of like oh the viewers don't really care but I think a lot of my viewers are YouTubers like I think I saw your channel pop up my recommended page the other day Chad 10K D in my dreams I I I to be fair my videos don't hit a large audience and but I don't think it's 500 people I think there's more than 500 people who would want to watch my stuff but it's just not being sent to them or they just don't have a particular interest in the video at that time that happens a lot too like I don't know if you've ever been on YouTube but you know like you go into the video and or or like you go on your recommended page and you're like oh you know I do want to watch that video but right now I'm just not interested like like right now I'd rather watch like a an entertainment video and then you're just like well darn I'll never see that video again in my life and it's just gone uh you had to stop worrying about it and just do a I actually recently dropped my plan with the video IQ I do kind of still like it but at the same time it just kind of like showed you the same analytics that you already had and the AI stuff you can do for free with other with with other sites and stuff yeah know my best viewed video has a good it's it's the uh fix boring titles with these easy text effects which I totally stole from Mr Alex Tech video uh I went to his channel and was like what's the most popular videos one of his most popular videos was like fix boring titles or whatever and I was like yeah I'm going to take that that's that's YouTube Gold but I have almost 2,000 views with that one pretty good 102 likes too but also as every video gets eventually I got a good three dislikes yeah my channel is I feel like growing fairly slowly compared to what it could be but also it's only been like two two months since I've actually started posting frequently and I mean like I'm already doing multi-hour live streams with like two three people in the chat just talking with me it's really nice the mobile app is is more worth it to you I think I downloaded it but didn't really look into it cuz I was like it looks like a really dumbed down app I'm getting things is all over my I'm getting messages out out my butt right now what's going on five. Studios if you're in the chat uh thank you for the um thank you for getting some products off the website super cool super cool of you dude I think I just got another response to the Google form let's go uh was was I saying something before or were were we just generally talking about about stuff my brain was just like oh ah yes it was Chad you were the one who posted the uh response to that in the Forum or in the form uh the quality that your that you provide is going to help in in the future most people are da just dabbling with stuff uh when they catch on to creating their own things you will be the go-to guy I appreciate that I I do really appreciate that I I like how I'm being the macro guy and I hope that I will become like the go-to macro guy in the future because macros aren't taught anywhere like some people like Patrick Sterling and I think Alex Mr Alex Tech has taught that stuff before but not detailed videos going over a bunch of the like more complicated things and not the um by the way I'm fiddling with this pin now I don't know why and not like everything about macros cuz after I make all these videos I'm going to make like a a mega video that's going to be like the go-to tutorial for macros it's going to have all the videos compiled together into a multi-hour video with timestamps where everything is so it's going to be really easy to find everything so it's going to be just a One-Stop shop for everything macros I'm probably even with with that video release probably going to release like a either a uh something on my website or like a PDF or something that's like a a macro guide with a bunch of commonly used expressions and Lua code for buttons and other various things and like uncommon uh but hard to find uh like user controls like you can make separators really quick and easy that is not anywhere easily found in uh the like edit controls option and there's also things like um uh you can add a text box that will read that will like show up uh text in there and it will look like you're looking at like a text editor for like L uh Lua code and it will will make it editing Lu code really easy for your like your buttons and stuff and there's ways to like link back to that and like it's crazy crazy easy stuff like that uh you'd asked Patrick to make these types of videos but he kind of pushed it off and said Casey Ferris is going more in that direction with his Fusion course he might be Casey KY doesn't really teach macros that well or not that well I'm sure he could do a good job but he just doesn't he's a lot more Motion Graphics and that's what either Motion Graphics or VFX that's what his audience wants his audience is very much what can what can Fusion do and how do we do it not how can I make my own thing and and um like how can I make it look cool and make it the best and like what's best practices for making your stuff not really like how can I make my own thing and make it branded make it look cool and make it do like really fancy things for users like I think if Alex posted a like three- hour long macro tutorial I mean for one I'd be cooked I I I would no longer need to exist uh but also people would flock to that video CU he makes amazing macros in hearing from him would definitely get people to like want to watch that video for sure to be fair most of what I know about macros I've learned from his macros because when I was first learning I saw his stuff thought they were fantastic and dissect dissected them and that's how I know most of what I know now I've also recently done that with Jake Whip's uh editor collection because it's also really cool stuff um and I'm also going to be breaking down um my Zoom as well to figure out how he does some of the stuff he does in that cuz his buttons do some magic some some actual black magic Wizardry and I want to figure out how that stuff's done a a lot of what I what I know I just dig around long enough and I learn it that it's not ideal for everybody but that's what I know how to do and then I can regurgitate that information for you guys uh you think Casey has one macro video and Alex might one kind of also you're definitely the YouTuber making macro videos yeah there's not a lot of us out there and same thing for like Lis scripting people don't do a whole lot of that stuff yes Alex is making some amazing stuff in the preview for the magic Zoom was crazy but his like 2hour live stream went from oh cool magic Zoom effect to what is this witchcraft it went like that pretty fast M yeah that's very true his stuff is very much customize it good luck does does his stuff have tutorial for it let me pull in my logo here and just look at this for a second like does see have like a tutorial button on his uh macro ever or is it just like find the tutorials somewhere on YouTube let's see let's pull this in [Music] here is that Zelda still I think it is that's very loud out of my headphon thankfully I'm not wearing them or else I'd be actually screaming I feel like I still kind of am but I I feel like I have to because my mic is super low so I don't blast the editing software so I will keep looking for this but I do want to give a little story uh a few videos back uh actually one that had was it the first macro tutorial it might be was it this one or the one before this I don't remember yeah magic animate 3 so I I I've been complimented on my animations before this was somebody I think from the D Vinci resolve Discord my my uh all animations that I do besides the screen animations the screen animations sorry my voice gets harder to use pronunciation the longer I talk um but besides my screen animations um everything is done with magic animate because it's just I find it super easy uh let me see does magic anime have a tutorial button there is a how to button yeah this how to with his uh tutorial for V3 yeah it's there I'm sure it's still not user friendly in the slightest but you know you know what would it be valuable to you guys if I did a tutorial on Magic anime and Magic Zoom no that's very true I do have water over here I was waiting for the ice to melt some like I do want to do a workflow tutorial uh for me uh like do a whole video like showing how I do my my videos in the somewhat near future maybe when I hit 500 Subs uh which could be a month from now for all I know um unless Alex talks about me again who knows uh but I do want to do like uh here's how I do my videos and I show my screen animator uh that I have made I show how I use magic animate and I'll probably show magic zoom in there too along with uh making like project presets uh because I I use project presets for all my stuff and I also use a few other like external softwares to help organize and make things really nice and easy for me that would be very valuable for you to give a call out to the other YouTubers uh show their tool and how to use it yeah definitely like I use um I can quickly show you guys real quick I use a few different external softwares hello oh right um I use this one app called post taste which is really really basic it literally just lets you generate folder structures so all of my videos I have a YouTube template for I select the name I just make whatever name it is I'm on video 10 of my Fusion tutorial Series so it's 10 and then I have a dummy name for the video I have a default you know just default gives you the date then I press create project and I can put it in whatever I want and then I can just open it up well it it opens it up for me but when I create it it creates something that looks a little bit this is not where it is is little bit like this this is my one from today's video it's got a media folder folders for all the media uh well media as in like visual I guess it's got audio folder a general Graphics folder which nothing usually goes in this folder this folder is just for um putting stuff into resolve and I'll get to how that works in a second too this is just a rough overview of how I do my videos in case you're curious I have like an exports folder where all where I dump all my junk into uh I have multiple versions of thumbnails I have Dr X's because I export things I make all my thumbnails in Da Vinci by the way fun fact about me I'm weird but I make all my thumbnails in Da Vinci cuz it's fast and I don't do a whole lot of crazy stuff with my thumbnails plus I have the effects manager that I created a while back and it's I've been using that for everything um yeah have multiple versions uh all my thumbnails are too big to be put directly onto YouTube so I then put it into a compressor on online and it just compressed the file and Bob's your uncle um but after I get the folder structure I open up a another software it's called super bins which I do want to do a whole video over super Bens because this is an amazing tool that I don't use it to its full extent and I really should but this lets you populate a project with folders and it creates bins and it Imports media as you're filling in those folders or you can drag and drop media into this drag and drop spot and you can put it into the correct folder and it will go into the correct bin and just make a copy of that file in in the file locations it's so cool and this is how I keep making all my videos super fast this is how I this is how I organize my stuff really quick and easy like let me show you my new the uh video from today yeah William Justice amazing tool I ended up buying the full thing and I recommend everybody do that because it is worth it this is my thumbnails uh timeline by the way I have a thumbnails timeline and I have a main video timeline thumbnails timeline exists because it needs to be a 720p aspect ratio uh and that's just how I make all my thumbnails I just have a bunch of layers and then my videos are in here and if we hide power bins and smart bins this is the same folder structure that you saw in the actual folders so it just Imports everything into here thumbnails are weird because they usually mess up the folders and I usually have to like move things around manually put it into the graphics folder ER like this is where usually like thumbnail files go where different graphics on the on the stuff go yeah I make I make all the thumbnails I do in div Vinci resolve here's the one from today a different version of it and then this is the stream different version of the stream and I make my stream thumbnails at the same time as I make my regular thumbnails just because it's easier and I usually want to like keep the look of it generally the same to like help people be like oh I just watched this video oh they're streaming right now let's go watch their stream and it has the same sort of thumbnail so it's got to be like answering questions about the video which I do if you want to ask any questions about that but yeah everything's done in here uh I made like any of the elements you've seen like the fusion page the node um the edit page icon all of that I made in Fusion I just traced it like edit page icon the fusion page the live icon's also made in Fusion the node is made uh macro buttton which is broken in the preview I always just grab a still and upload it I have to comess it no mine uh my my videos are in 4k but I make these in 720p and they're still too big these are like let's see how big are these videos or these photos these are like just over 2 megabytes and I think that the limit is exactly 2 megabytes so I always have to compress it to like some kilobit size and I have to upload it like that it sucks it's just an extra step that I don't want to have to do but I I have to because YouTube's a dick but yeah and I have like the node square and the node Arrow separate uh my text is just a simple text one that I keep dragging and dropping to keep reusing the same text effect with slight changes oh I don't need this in my thumbnail files and I have like arrows and uh crosss checks the logos and that's uh that's the curved arrow that you see in some thumbnails what it forces me to make it um 1920 No 19 not 1920 what is this what's this resolution timin suon settings uh 1280 by 720 it forces me to make it into that into that size cuz it says that it won't accept an 18 or 1080p file size I it it gets mad at me whenever I try this I don't know why it's so weird um so I do have a question for you though uh let me go into this other file let me actually go into here that's so weird mine is mine forces me to use the 720 spoilers you can't see that yet you didn't see anything ignore Patrick Star you didn't see anything um yeah let me delete this and add a new one so I've made all of my um animations like for my videos when I zoom into something or have something pop out of the screen um I use this single macro which is still in development but I want to have it more released like uh so my plan is to make a whole tool kit for users to like download a bunch of tools similar to the editor's collection and other things like that and just they have a bunch of tools in one drfx they can just install and it's all ready to go for them and I still want to do that but I want to maybe release a few of these individually as well because I know people don't want to get the whole thing because it's going to be I don't know 40 bucks in the future who knows um and I maybe want to release some of these as like individuals for maybe like five bucks something all right something fairly cheap but also like hey I still want to make a little bit of money off of it um because I did spend a while on this and I still want to add updates to this um but this is how I make all my animations this is how I do all of my screen animations with this one tool and the updates are going to include adding a few animation features adding a few other things to animate um and adding a prese sets tab that will have presets for gaming editors uh like live stream editors um denture resolve uh tutorial uh creators um and any other ideas I think of but like you can do full screen zooms zooming into a certain position really quick and easy you can have a mask which you definitely need to have the fusion overlay on for and you can have it you know whatever size you want you can use the onscreen controls to like change the width and height and everything then you can do outside mask ones transform do a scale up and change the position of that pivot and then you can have a really quick Popin animation you can put it over a little more to make it more in the middle of your screen you can make your background blurry and uh darkened you can add like a color overlay for it if you want to to make it like a different color but that's always you know worthy use cases are very minimal for that one like you can do like crazy stuff like this this was originally created in mind because I was originally doing live streams like gaming live streams on on an old Channel um not I guess sort of like the dve macro but the dve macro is more of like a 3D moving kind of simulator this is more of like a just a zoom in effect from multiple different places okay that's oops um like uh what was I saying oh shoot right this was originally made with uh gaming like game stream gaming streamers in mind who edit their videos and re-upload them because originally I had does it do I still have it I do I had the twin masks plugin which has a if we open up our overlay a top left a top right bottom right and bottom left there we go um and then recenter I had this for like webcams like how my webcam is right now on the top left I designed this for webcams so you could zoom into webcams and like enlarge them and this was a much simpler version I don't have a lot of features things don't hide and show everything's just kind of into one spot uh and you can do a lot more crazy stuff with this other one too like everything starts out by using the master animations and then you can unlink each each individual animation to give it its own animation engine so that you can set its speed or offset or Curves to be whatever you want and it's all like you can very like have super different unique animations stage animations for each individual things so like you can have one mask pop in and this is currently not functioning how I want it to but you can also have another mask which each mask is like mask one is the uh one on the bottom of the layers Mask two is one on top and then mask three is on top of that uh which I want to have the option to also like blend in the opacity of the Mask so like it'll like fade in instead of just being there uh because at the moment it's not supposed to look like that it's supposed to be I want it to like blend in that's how I actually have the other one set up I just forgot to add that feature when I was making it um so I want to be able to like you can have multiple masks and that can pop up at different in like different points in time um and also you can full screen zoom into the mask if you want to um because the mask like this is going over the mask is so like you can zoom into the mask and go into like a certain position or whatnot uh you can even do like a reset everything if you've ever watched uh Pig uh pent is that how you say his name I have no idea I've never I never actually heard his name out loud but if you've ever watched p uh he does sort of this sort of thing I'm going to try to recreate it real quick he Zooms in to his inspector and then he has like a mask or something go into let me disable this for now going over into the actual preview the video preview and he puts them side by side yeah pent yeah yep that's right Chad he puts them side by side I'm going to do a rough mask so let turn that back off turn that back on and then he like enables outside this is if you're using mine I guess and then we can move it over move it down now it's side by side and if we were to have this as its own mask as well we could put it behind it like if we instead masked this on mask one and then masked this on Mask two we could do like a different layered thing and you know replicate what he does whenever he does his tutorials super easy to do with this I just didn't do it right to demonstrate it to you um yeah like you can do some crazy stuff with this and I'm going to have a bunch of presets in the form of like buttons in different categories for different types of creators so it's really fast and easy to like remake A like remake looks and like each uh option will be enabled like if the if the mask is enabled it'll enable the mask and then it will have the drop down open and it will have you know this option turned on and so on and so on so like you can look over here and see what's turned on and then be like okay this is what I have to change when I go to customize my effect feel like the mask may not always be exactly what your what your layout looks like and you have to like slightly change it or like the position may not be exactly where you want it to be so you have to like slightly change that stuff like that so I want to release this on its own maybe after I add a couple other features to it like um when I zoom in you can also stage and have multiple pivot Points so we can start out looking over here this is similar to Magic Zoom but there's a lot more features in in the terms of like this is designed for just screens I guess screens of like a screen recording or a live stream I guess gaming stuff uh we can start over here you can enable pivot animation and you can move it over here the really only way to use it uh ideally is the unlinking the animation finding where you wanted to start animating like let's say 5 seconds in that may be a little bit too far out so we'll go back oh yeah you can also disable out because that'll also break it find where you want the animation to start it'll zoom into there and then zoom over to there and then when it gets the end it'll Zoom back out but if you want it to you can also Zoom back o the original spot so it'll Zoom there back to there back to this first spot and then back out I want to then add a third stage to where you can have the option to do a third position as well instead of just going back and forth uh because I want that to be like it's really helpful to do that right to have three different stages of animation and it's all within this one effect you may not always like that it may be easier to use um like multiple uh either generators or um what am I looking for adjustment Clips to do the same thing to like visually see it in your timeline uh like some different effects do that like from um Mr Justin edits has something like that um the magic Zoom has something like that built into it but I mean this is just how I make my own videos this is just how I like to do it personally uh the controls are maybe a little bit messy and that will be fixed in an update but definitely want to release a version of this cuz I've already had uh like uh Mr Justin edits has already been like hey this looks really cool is this released yet can I get this not yet I do want it to be released though and I'm going to make a whole tutorial for it and stuff but it's not it's not finished finished yeah let me know if you want that to be released soon like do you want that to be released in its current state or like wait for maybe a couple of updates like to get the pivot Points in there the mask uh opacity in there and then the presets are going to happen later on because that's going to be a second or two before I can make that happen [Music] this is also uh this is 24 frames a second timeline so if you add it in 24 frames I mean you you just saw it it plays back pretty much in in full time yeah we have it playing in back in in full time for just like the basic Zoom like that this timeline's a 60 FPS timeline spoilers um let's just bring in this mute that no worries x uh feel free to watch it whenever this is going to be like everything else is going to stay up later um but if I were to bring in my effect into here oh turn it back on and let's enable by way this works for any frame rate like it it just uses seconds so it will work no no matter what frame rate you're in so if we enable the animations maybe enable a mask just do random stuff just for testing its playback speed playing it back in a higher FPS it will be slower but it will still play like it's not going to be choppy it's just going to run at a at like a lower frame rate than it usually would it's just going to be a little slow like it's going through like molasses but that's just because I can usually barely get 60 fps to run when I when I make my own videos like if you haven't noticed my videos are actually in 4k 60 FPS so they're pretty intense they're very hard to play back in full speed to begin with even with like a text like a text plus node Text Plus effect slows this crap down y 60 I don't know I like I like the high quality I want you to see all the game action of me editing and division results I don't know I just I just chose 60 when I first started making videos and I'm just like yeah 60 seems good 60 is a good speed I think my stream's in 60 too like I think my streaming setup is also in 60 let me actually see yeah 60 is very 6 60 is yeah 60 in video is definitely not ideal yeah yeah my streaming is going to be in in 60 yep it's it's set up for that I like doing 60fps recording and editing because I'm weird I think 30 is probably the smarter option I just don't I don't I don't know I I might switch to it down the line because I might get tired of doing 60 FPS because it never runs right but yeah I might switch to 30 I I come from the gaming world and I really liked having a as as fast playback as possible I don't come from the gaming world I've done like live streams that got like 10 views don't quote me on on anything when I talk about gaming my my streams were popular with me and my friends and that was pretty much it I do know some camera stuff but I've not actually had the practice on a camera that much the job I'm currently at uh pretty much promised me that I'd be learning camera stuff and I'd be doing camera work but then after they hired one other person I was immediately stuck to a desk forever and I've never been able to work at a job site ever after that it sucks like I was promised I was going to learn all these things I was GNA I was going to learn a lot more about cameras and like get the Hands-On practice and then I was trapped into a desk and made to be their so graphics editor I am the graphics uh the Motion Graphics person for the video company I work at and nobody else knows Fusion so if I quit they're on the decline but that's enough about me yeah I have some some uh thoughts on my current job it's giving me a great opportunity to like to like hold all the power with Motion Graphics and like learn Motion Graphics and like really delve into it and it has helped me uh doing this this uh YouTube series and this YouTube channel uh it's really helped me like be in the mindset of uh Motion Graphics to do a Fusion based YouTube YouTube uh Channel but like I wanted to do camera stuff and I was uh I was kind of Fel feels like I was kind of lied to about it because they promised me I would be doing camera stuff but then I uh wasn't but now I'm here I'm still working at this place for now uh but once I start either getting some attention in other places and getting some more money coming in regularly maybe after the macro Creator releases um after I start getting some income we'll see if that job survives because I mean like when I'm here I can make my own Motion Graphics I can edit my own videos I use a webcam right now but I'll be using my own cameras and all sorts of stuff so like I'll get the same experience but working on my own plus I I do stuff that they don't even want like I script I do coding I the macros I make they do want some of them but the more advanced stuff like the screen animator here they don't really care about too much like I I've I've I I I've shown them magic animate and uh they just don't use it they're so stuck in their key frame ways that they don't even care yeah doesn't help that a lot of the guys there are not techsavvy so whenever I try to like talk Tech about the about stuff they their eyes go gray and they they start drooling a little bit I mean yeah like yes everybody can do camera stuff but they wanted somebody in the office making them money when they when they were all out in a shoot because you know if nobody's actually producing anything then uh what's the point yeah like I've tried talking I've tried talking to them about it they just want somebody in the office to make stuff make them money because this is a relatively small Studio this isn't like a big company I'm talking about this there's like like how many of us are there now is me boss man that guy that guy that guy that person maybe eight seven or eight maybe nine I what year is it I am 24 pretty young I'm a pretty young Whooper Snapper sorry I had to did I song stop playing again like wait for two seconds yeah I mean I I I'm I'm okay with doing video editing stuff now but I would really want to really delve into using like high quality cameras and stuff to like get more practice in that uh doing that at 24 is really is really going to give you an opportunity to create a business and be in sorry the heart is covering it up be in amazing position before you were 30 honestly I already have like I have talked and like consistently talk with like four larger YouTubers like Orson and Jake um and recently Alex and uh another one that we'll be talking about later another day uh and like that's a pretty good like place to be in for my age I feel like I'm 24 I'm talking with larger creators working like with them and for them making my own stuff on YouTube making my own presets and like really pretty good quality presets I feel like yeah it's it's it's good practice that I have the behind the scenes work with a studio with an actual company and that did help me get a lot of my knowledge I mean I wouldn't have got gotten into macros if I didn't work at this company I wouldn't have even gotten into Fusion if I didn't work at this company because like I did some Motion Graphics with After Effects beforehand before I convinced them to switch to Da Vinci and then I had to learn fusion and that was a whole learning process and it took maybe like I don't remember it was this has been miss this has been like 3 years ago uh it was maybe like a couple weeks that I like actually started getting it and even then I still took a while but like yeah I mean I'm 24 and I pretty much have a business setup for making scripts macros and doing commissions SL freelancing for other people and businesses so like I think I'm in a pretty good spot personally I wish I could be doing some other stuff like camera work but I if if I can just make what I need to make behind this chair I don't really care I that rhymed I do offer freelancing other terms of like video production as well but that's that's more of like hey is your business or do you and you're like I don't know do you like make music or something and want like a video I can make a video for you for I don't know a price I don't really have that calculated out in my head right now but yeah stuff like that I I do a bunch of freelance and stuff for a bunch of different people did I finish doing the macro review like like was there other stuff I didn't talk about just quickly swinging back to that now that we're like in a small little lull in this conversation did I ever finish that review is um the SL this still in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I'm in the background of somebody I think I'm in uh either onute on somebody's uh browser or I'm in the background while they're doing something else either way it doesn't really matter um did you want to keep asking questions about me or macr or anything I'm down to answer any questions I'm I'm pretty open about talking about stuff yeah I mean I don't really care as long as you're here that's all that matters to me as long as you're just here to hang out hear what we talking about that's cool with me [Music] you have a simple question about one you made yeah go ahead [Music] oh I think can't enter too early I do that all the time or there's a actually isn't there like a character limit I think there is hold on let me I have to the stupid chat box adds like that little heart icon that you guys can see in the bottom right of the chat box for you it D do that for me as as if I'm going to like press that for my own video for whatever reason and there's no want to get rid of it oh there it is I can get rid of it but yeah it just it like blocks half of the chat sometimes I can't get rid of it that's crazy okay um let me re readjust real quick you can see my knee a little bit maybe no no you can't it's just off screen um you have a sub button that turns to particles and goes off screen uh to the side didn't take into consideration that it that when I resize it on the edit page uh it would then shrink it to the dimensions of the 4K video size can I add a resize to the overall macro that will allow it to match the video resolution after being resized down and add a resize to the overall macro that would allow it to match the video resolution after being resized down can you clarify that I think I know what you're trying to say but I might need some more [Music] clarification my brain's my brain's working at half speed it's like 9:30 for me and I've been working at the YouTube and other stuff secret projects besides the macro Creator uh today I resize in the edit page I have to resize the video resolution of the drag and drop title when you say resize in the edit page are you using uh are using like this resize or do you have a a like transform node that you're using to the size like this [Music] oh did you answer your own question Oh I thought said ah I didn't set up uh I have to resize from the zoom function as I didn't set it up correctly with the transform n um I'm still a little bit hung up on you have to resize the video resolution of the Dragon drop title like you go over here to image and you have to like change this is that what you're saying [Music] like this isn't setting up correctly you have to change the size of it from going under video than using Zoom going under video what my [Music] brain like I'm assuming you're talking about this Zoom [Music] I mean I would just suggest retroactively going back into your macro like let's take title here from uh sleveless from before uh let's say that he didn't have a macro in his or a Transformer node in his uh you can expand it in various ways uh in fact I'll just show it to you the oldfashioned way CU I don't think you have the macro Creator but we can open it up in a text editor up at the very top we can change this to group I think you've seen my video about this already I've already mentioned this in a video before we can copy it and paste it back into here and now we can have a group version and then we can click on your last node and add a transform node and this won't be in your controls list but you can then close this and copy it paste it back into your text editor and up here in your controls list you can look for wherever you want it to go we'll just put it at the bottom of the inputs list there's quite a few here because there's a lot of hidden controls here we go and we can just do instance input for transform 2 and take all the controls we really want so we'll take the same information here we'll change this to just be XF Main Center Source op is just transform two The Source would be Center and we can ignore page because it's just going to default to the main one and then do that for all these and then you can get your transform controls onto macro which I don't know yeah they're over here because that's how macros work macros World always yeah it's like if one control has a page set every control after that even even if there's no page set it'll just go to that control pitch and then you get like Center and then you can get copy this to get uh size and copy and paste this e [Music] oh my god oh thank you uh I I've said a lot there but um it's like a such an Alex Tech thing to do uh essentially uh I was saying I'm probably going to do a whole video going over um what I did there going like breaking down every part of a macro in the code sense like showing like this is where the inputs are this is basically your controls list this is the outputs this is all the nodes it makes up you can add user controls onto the macro itself down here at the right bottom and this is how the they like they're laid out so like really breaking down what you can do with the code and how to read it because it is confusing especially if you're like looking at it for the first time and you're just like oh my gosh um but yeah there's certain things like certain effects will get cut off if they're not made correctly like this is being cut off there because it is in the full size timeline and drop shadows will always no longer exist outside of the frame of their image but if you were to scale up second so many controls jeez if you were to like scale up the M the uh the image like this image here and then scale it down later on it won't lose the information because that information still exists but if you're creating uh the image like with a shadow or with a background and you trying to go outside of the bounds of something and then you scale it down later on you won't retain that information like if I get a fusion comp out here just to test it get this a little closer because I'm probably really quiet did I just get a comment from Mr Justin edits on my on that video I did I did just get a comment from Mr Justin edits how's it going buddy how's it going that's another Creator I'm talking to but spoilers on that project um so like if we were to take a generator or image generator uh the background here and let's just say just for an example we have another background that is set to a smaller resolution and this one needs to be transparent just so we can see what we're talking about and then we try to scale down oh let let's switch the inputs sorry this needs to be the background and the yellow input this needs to be in the foreground we can see this image we can see on this merge here this image is taking up much larger space than our background image so it is being cropped if we were to take a transform node and size it down okay this was a bad example uh certain things will get cut off other things won't um but generally if you use the transform options in in here like if you scale this down no matter what you do in the fusion page it will always crop it if you use this Zoom or this position because it's not taking into account everything that's in the fusion page it's just taking into account what you see in this box this big old box right here not really taking into account everything else that's going on behind the scenes is just figuring out okay what can I see this is what we're cropping which is why it's really important to have your own transform controls built into the macro forward customization [Music] yeah uh just like add a transform note at the end and then add the controls for that uh that's what I was trying to show you before in that little muted tutorial like add them to your inspector controls and then you can have all the power you need let's reset this all the power yeah uh follow this sort of pattern Source op is the node and then source is the control like I said uh I will make a whole tutorial going over adding controls reading all this stuff basically building a macro just using the code because this is also very important for macro Creator macro makers to understand CU obviously you can know Fusion like the back of your hand but if you can't read this you're not going to be able to like customize your node afterwards after you've exported it for the first time and that's not what you want to do you want to be able to like change things like uh if you don't know how to read this then I don't know if you know how to add a uh a drop down label like a nest label like transform is here or reference sizes here because you have to do that in here in the inputs area this is under inputs this is at the very top of the controls or very top of the list of uh the very top of the code that's what I was trying to say you have the inputs ordered and then you have all your list of inputs figure out where you are uh generally the the generally the these are going to say input one 2 3 Etc all the way down you can figure out where you are by looking at source op that tells you what node you're at and then you can see what controll you're looking at to my macro Creator will be able to uh do a whole bunch of stuff um like you can select all this go into the Creator is this the master Koga song or uh the yiga clan you can add all your controls stuff and you can also add a label so we can say master transform show Arrow and then hide the next I don't know 12 controls grab the controls we need bulk add those and then that is your transform options like that's everything from Center down to edges we can then add uh background one for our color and we can just take the top left section because that's just the solid color section and if we wanted to add a line in between that we can really easily and then just save it out we'll just put it randomly in here in generators in here cuz why not and it's saved and we can go look at that here once it's reloaded cuz it may take a second to reload and I may have to restart Da Vinci cuz it is sometimes not Cooperative I got a loading screen or a little loading bar but I don't think it actually did anything all right let me re reload relaunch it let me close and reopen it this happens often I think I have to like force quit it this also happens a lot come on there we go now it's loading okay there we go so now if we look in generators under my company name and bring in our test we can see we have the controls over here along with the color and if we were to bring in a background we can see uh the macro Creator allows you to insert images into the controls list and into the header of the control control or of your node and at the moment you can't export like save an image alongside your your macro to create like a thumbnail but you will when it's released but this is still still work in progress and I haven't like taken time to get some certain features in there yet because they won't take that long yeah like you can add an image in there and it will add it as a base 64 so you don't have to have the original IM file in the same location you can delete that or whatever you want it'll just like convert it to like a readable html text basically and now we can like you know change the size of that background and change the color of it just like that we even got our separator in there and everything [Music] and just to show show you that you can add the image I'll just show it to you real quick if you were to import image you can select an image from your computer we'll just choose this dummy image I've been I'll take uh Jak whip why not just because I worked with them I'll show it off whip logo and and we not make it our header image we'll just keep it in line with the rest of the controls and add and before we can even and before we even save it we can already get a preview of it over here on our selected node the one that's in red is the active node and that is the what's going to get your user controls just like this and now you can see it it's going to be in line with the rest of your controls if you were to grab the transform controls which I forgot in that other one to actually add the label you had to press add label I completely forgot to but if we add the transform controls or separator line if you already have one it's going to create another one called separator 2 that's why that did that and we can add our background bulk add that test two we're going to save it as a group this time go to the same place place we were at before save that wait for that to close I think it's actually reloading at this time because we are having some hiccupping happening so now if we go back to the edit page yeah looks like that worked go into here test two now we can see the image is in line with the controls we can put it anywhere in the controls list I just had at the top pretty swell [Music] for any other questions about macros or anything of the like I'm just stalling for time at the moment and we can also in the Stream whenever we feel like we burn out of questions I gen I generally like my first stream I was ending it at like an hour and a half last stream I think was either two hours or two hours and a half we can end it whenever we really feel like it it's been a good two hours right now but I will keep going if you guys still have questions so ask away it can be about me macros YouTube Fusion anything does not matter could even be better the macro Creator if you want to do you think it is possible to work with the node Tool Time speed to create speed and slow motion presets to use in Clips on the edit page this knot has always been confusing or this note I think you made has always been confusing to me time speed is weird it is probably the strangest node to use because if you use it and you use it in the way that that it doesn't like it does some weird stuff like let's take uh even just this image for bring it in as a Medi end node and turn off a loop yeah for one it exists for one frame so let's actually turn back on Loop let's just have it exist for like half of the comp or not or not I guess but if you were to use it here I guess let's just use the video because it may be easier to actually show off let's uh crop it so it's like let's make it 100 of the frames yeah so now it's going to stop at 100 yeah there we go that that's going to be a better example if we add a time speed and make this 0 five speed if we get past okay this is making me look bad over here come on uh let's make it faster I guess let's make a two is it really not going to be weird this time let's try doing something else with it [Music] is is it not going to be weird this time okay I've had so many problems with this I don't know why it's working so flawlessly right now but it's being so weird but um like you can but you will encounter problems in certain situations uh if we were to just export this on its own like we can do that real quick uh I don't know why I'm trying to do the regular macro editor let's use mine real quick because it's faster we take the time speed node and we figure out what controls we want so we want speed and delay just bulk add these [Music] two then we'll just save this as Speedo we'll save it as a macro and then save it into our effects effects sure uh it saves it come on I think we're I think it's reloaded so that should be good yeah it looks like it reloaded that if we add it to this Speedo um yeah immediately things are broken oh oh my gosh that's because I was dummy and when I made the effect I forgot to do something because it wasn't connected straight to the out the medi out node it didn't automatically select the output which I expected it to but I forgot that it wouldn't so that's my bad so let's just add that same thing time speed or not time machine time speed connect that straight out to the output let's do that again correct this time now it's now it's selected the output grab our speed and delay add those Speedo just like before quickly save that again sure we replace that wait for it to catch up delete that version now now if we get it in there add Speedo it should be connecting to it oh my gosh I'm so I I remembered to do the output but I forgot about the input this is just me not thinking things on the spot uh yeah I mean you should be able to do I just I'm doing things wrong constantly uh SL this what did you miss we talked a little bit about me my work um stuff like that in general we talk I don't know if you were there for the conversations about the macro Creator pricing and everything like that but recently James has asked about um using the time speed node to make like a retime speed for using things on the on the edit page um but being able to like save it as a preset because you can't do that with a regular [Music] um uh like the regular time the retime speed stuff so let's do this one more time I selected the out the input this time third time the charm right guys let's try that wait for everything to do its thing we may have to restart it this time because it may be tired of me nice face yeah I think I may have to restart it this time yeah hold on does this to me all the time these days like it restarts like occasionally and then occasionally just is like I don't feel like it this one's faster though so we should be good look at that we're already loaded up if I go back to where that effect was saved add it on there now we can actually see everything and it plays in real time let's just disable those so it is playing in real time it is just slow because it has an effect that I guess it doesn't expect excuse me if we then make this times two speed we can see it is times two speed U although at the end it won't like adjust the clip length it'll just end which I mean if that's what you want that's what you want uh it is up to you there may no there's not really a way to like adjust the clip size really easily uh unless you use like an external script I guess but this is a way to get the option to do a Time speed effect and then if you want to you can use the Jake whip free uh our time spe an optical flow similar uh let me answer that in a quick second if you wanted to like save these settings like if you wanted to do 1.5 uh delay this by like one or something if you really wanted to have like a single frame blip at the very beginning and that's one to then we want to save this as a template we can either make our own saving mechanism in here like how Mr Al Tech does for his stuff or really easily we can just use Jake Whip's saver uh Whip or whip remaco tool that I made by the way we can copy the node activate the free script choose our new name we'll just say 1.5 Speedo 0.1 delay just whatever you want to name it you can choose a name an image for it optionally if you want to then we can save it to wherever we want we will just put it in this folder right here next to where Speedo is save that and we'll see if it needs to restart again because it might nope wa it did it we can delete this Speedo and now if we go to where we Saed it we have our new version of Speedo with our Sav settings and that is a free template tool script thing from uh uh Jake Whip's website let me get a link to that for you here is wh remaco uh that is a that is exactly what I showed you just now really really handy tool I recommend downloading it I made it we've had very very few people have any problems with it most of which have just been user problems like user errors which no big deal we just remind you how to use it uh now our time speed and Optical flow similar I have not used op opticle flow that much but let's find out together I've just made an empty Fusion comp let's just bring in our video Optical flow it is not playing back in full speed because it hates me we're also probably going really slow because this is a 60fps video and a 30 FPS timeline it's probably just upset about that and yeah it'll it'll that if it's imported into a fusion comp so let's actually do this I'm just going to take a little section new Fusion clip hop into Fusion this way there we go this is going to play back in the correct speed yeah Optical flow let's see what's classic look like proxy for tracking warp count let's do 10 what's that do well that does look slower uh looks pretty similar but I'm not sure H I don't really know I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's actually slowing down or not I'll have to look into that I'm not sure I don't really use that node too often I really just use time speed like time speed is like what you'd expect like to be able to adjust time with it it's usually will speed and delay with a couple of other additional options this I'm not too sure any other questions about Fusion Da Vinci macros my Myself YouTube I an open book I just will I'll like skip over like super detailed like details but I'll answer any question pretty much you have a thumbnail TR transition saved as a node tree is it possible to turn something like that into a macro what do you mean by thumbnail transition like you have an image in your transition did my music pause again this stupid playlist last last what did I say that responds with the last think back what did I say like you have an image in your transition is that is that what you were saying last too I see your question then I see last I see I have a thumbnail transition saved as a macro or as a node tree is it possible to turn something like that into a macro and then your next message is last and then you're asking me if I can see the above message weird I mean are you using like naughty words I don't think I have like any serious um like word blocking filters using some naughty words over here sleveless what are you doing yeah if you say things like a lot of hidden users I did not know I had yeah I have no blocked words uh do you like working with fusions 3D tools they're a little bit hard to use um I feel like there are way easier ways to do 3D um they're really simplistic the shading and lighting that you can do with them is not as good as they could be uh hopefully they're working on doing like R tracing like more realistic lighting for the future and for USD but right now I'd say I'd say like take your footage and put it into blender or something and then comp it in there instead of trying to comp a 3D stuff into Fusion uh I think it's because you mentioned watching your latest video yeah now that I could see like that message actually showed up yeah it must not like you trying to plug your own content I don't know why maybe because of bots that could be it uh but I really do feel like 3D is good if you're making a scene solely for 3D and it's like well well I know you didn't mean to like that yeah the 3D tools are very primitive I have a video actually going all over it and I make a like 3D text on a brick wall USD system is looking really cool but shading and shadows and lighting is just really not where it could be and obviously like you can't make your own shapes and stuff which I mean that's not really what it's made for I guess but I mean why have a square and a sphere and like you're able to like make your own shape but then you can't mold the shape like why have that as an option in the first place who knows I I I'm not I don't work for black magic yet but I don't know who I might one day who knows I am making a new macro Creator they might be like let's get this kid in here uh your latest video is less let me actually look at that I can't just click on your name that's stupid let's leave this MTG for Magic the Gathering I have took a peek at your channel before okay please there I'm going to mute this tab so I don't have someone talking as I'm trying to watch this video oh interesting um I I look at quite a quite a few people's channels like especially if you show up in my fyp or fyp I want Tik Tok too much if you show up in my if you show up in my recommended enough times I'll be like okay I I recognize your name let's go check you out and I'll be like this is what this is like for example this is what MTG means cuz I wasn't sure what MTG meant in your username and then I looked your Chanel and I'm just like magic the Gathering [Music] oh so I see what you're talking about you you literally take your thumbnail and transition it okay that's you meant that very literally okay you that's video was two weeks ago man come [Music] on come on get making videos dude I'm kidding take as long as you need for especially for how much Graphics you're putting into this definitely take as long as you need because Graphics aren't aren't fast to make uh I will say one of like the third graphic in your video sorry this is off topic of what your question is third graphic in your video is a very blurry screen recording oh you have another channel is it your other Channel or do you edit for someone else's channel uh back to your thumbnail question you could if this is definitely a could but it's a very loose could oh nice nice you're hting for someone else do you get paid for or is it like a hobby yeah I mean this video from two weeks ago got a th000 views nice job people really like magic the Gathering and with how much Graphics you put into this people will definitely appreciate that PR what the video makes dope dude good job make that back um yeah back to your question sorry I'm all over the place today [Music] um you could do a like make it into a macro theoretically if all of your th thumbnails follow the exact same template or maybe there's other things I'm think like not thinking of off the top of my head um like if all of your thumbnails had the exact same amount of layers and position them in very similar places and you could do that people do do that quite often um or you make the ability to like change where like the Zoom point is and like have them adjust where they fold out from but that would take a little bit of like expression knowledge and a lot of kooky stuff that I don't know if you know how to do in Fusion [Music] particularly um but yeah like basically the same amount of layers is what you would have to have and you'd have to be able to input them as um let me find an example real fast do I have one I do actually have one come to think of it it is Mr Alex Tech's new tool that I bought today CU I don't know how to use money correctly uh Magic Zoom does something like what I'm trying to talk about right now let me pull this up so in Magic zoom and in a few other tools like I have a few things that do this you're able to select the actual clip name and like put in different um like you're able to like put in different uh images into here this for example is just to make your image full scale like if you were to zoom in pretty far you would start losing quality and since this is like a 4K video uh this won't work very well because this is a clipped section of it but like you could put it in there yeah it's is not going to work but you can put it in there and it would like make it full siiz again another example of this is um this guy he did a really awesome grid tool that like has snapping and everything and you can put in different things for each of these clips and you can put in your own images uh we can snap to grid and it will just like Snap all around but you can do like uh if if you make your yeah you said you make your thumbnails in Da Vinci if you did a compound clip for like each section of your uh thumbnail like your two cards that you have at the beginning of this here let me actually put this over here your two cards these two guys I'm assuming they're on two different layers for example you could put them into a compound clip and then by the way awesome game uh Indigo part great game uh you could put them into one of these spots and then they could be animated at the same rate just like you have in your thing oh you're laughing because I put you on screen is you it's sleeveless but yeah uh have you seen the masking with ease in uh edit page macro from the essential video editing Channel I've not seen that channel actually before before let me look that up I've not seen them before I like how when I look up YouTube now this is what just is the default search option that's great uh let's do this essential video editing there you are I don't think I've seen these guys before do I have any watched videos of theirs none that a reason I have not watched their stuff at all it looks like they got a lot of cool stuff though can't blame them for that looks like they post about as frequently if not a little bit more fruit frequently than I do is this what you're referring to uh masking with ease in yeah let's do a search e in edit or just e in let's just do e in we don't need that play The Mask Macro for edit page made by them in free was the best I found definitely really cool I think seve this needs a bit more of like Hands-On customized uh Macro for what they're talking about this definitely is really sweet for doing like a mat on a video maybe I'm just not thinking of it you can do that hold on you can just drag it onto the what pause we must pause immediately you can just do that hold on you can just do that what that's okay well I learned something new from watching that okay right I didn't know you could just drag it into the into the preview and it would just add the effect on there that's really cool not optimized sorry yeah can position it and then what what can you do with it after that I like doing adjustment Clips too um but Alex did point out something interesting in his stream today if you do negative values with adjustment Clips you get some weird effects with like zooms and stuff what are they trying to do do I have full speed on I do have full speed I watched the video in times two speed because the guy talks so slow yes you can you can smooth your y you can smooth those is this just will it work with an adjustment clip if it is selected and not the media oh maybe let me see is this yeah I don't care the effect is no longer on either of those let put it on to here it did y it it just goes to whatever the top layer or selected layer is pretty cool I'll definitely be using that I did not know I did not know you could do that it's not necessarily faster but it's a really cool feature my background my my empty void of a background you you saw my little My Secret I have no background image so is the purpose of this just for like blocking things out also I need I need to learn how to do this toggling on and off certain over overlays like Fusion overlays I need to Le I do that I found the code to do that I have not yet gotten it to work so I need to like dissect how people do it um what's what's the point like what is the purpose of it it's just not a black background I'm assuming that's like a transparency this is going to sound mean but I don't see a purpose for this yeah it looks like it is on a transparency so you could add something behind it in the layer list I guess it could be helpful this could be good for some people not necessarily for me though can't say I I can't say I'd ever use this I don't really mask like this too often I like how they had that little animation like that oh yeah absolutely James I I I agree with that it's I don't know it's just not necessarily for me like my effect does something similar to that like I have have my my tool that I showed off earlier which I think you were here for my screen utility which does use masks and this last one is a it is a um you can't see it but it is a actual like polygon mask this is all the nodes for by the way embarrass me all you want this is this is how it works yeah the polygon mask is using um a multiply um is that what it's called yeah it's using the multi- poly node from 19 which is also partially why this isn't released yet because it is requiring 19 at this moment um and it's actually bugged uh I don't know if it's going to be intended to be used the same way but when you import the layer list from a multi merge node you can re rearrange the layers here and it reflects that in the fusion page when it's on a macro and you can also also disable them in here as well when it's on a macro um I have that for my effects manager if I bring this in for my example effects manager I have it down here you can you can rearrange these and it will like reflect that yeah like it's it's reflecting the the layers I'm putting it on but when I tried to do that with the multi- poly node this was empty and when you tried to add one of these two it just wouldn't it added it in the fusion page but then it wouldn't add the preview over here and it wouldn't add it to your list it added it to the fusion page list but not yours so I E I either didn't add it to the macro correctly or it is bugged and does not work how it's supposed to or it's not meant to work like that at all yeah know this this is the uh the screen utility all of these uh disabled nodes off to the sides that aren't connecting to anything these are what handle the animations or the user controls or the backend code this is all the code stuff that I'll be teaching in uh a video two weeks from now yeah this is what it's doing I'm doing some interesting stuff behind the scenes but yeah uh what I was saying there was uh like I my my tool does something similar by having mask options but it also it just does a little bit more with it too like you can do a little bit more animation with it and there's a lot of buttons in this but there will be presets as well like I think I like the presets are like the real selling point for this tool cuz there's a lot of options you can really get down to customizing this but there's also going to be like preset options to like have uh pre-made positions and settings for every little every little nook and cranny of this tool so you don't have to do any like serious work with it I just thought it was really similar to what they were showing off in that video that's why I brought that up sorry did I answer your question status about your thumbnail thing because like you can uh but you have to have like a little bit of macro knowledge I think to make it work how you want it to but you abely could and if if you wanted to have like a call about this one day to like go over like making a structure for it so you can have some idea what you're working with there uh we can uh we can like schedule a meeting at some point on Discord yeah cuz there's a lot of like really detailed stuff to like know about this um really is just like do you know how to use multiple media ends and add those to the um macro so you can actually import the images separately as like different layers then like layering it and animating it to do what you want yeah could just take a little bit of like teaching definitely a teaching moment and I probably will do stuff like this near near the end of my macro tutorial series um as like the big final hurra I think I'll make a full macro um maybe from scratch maybe from a node tree like an existing node tree and I'll like show the entire process of uh animating it for a macro specifically uh designing the controls for it in detail and stuff like that there's just like so much fine tuning each time use the node tree so wondering if it were possible or worth it it definitely is possible um but it would definitely take learning to set it up to be like adjustable for any for any of your thumbnails cuz obviously like thumbnails are always changing like this one doesn't even include you in it let's see this one starts yeah this one doesn't even start the same way I'm assuming that you only do this did this like either once or twice yeah you do it here which is a super cool way to introduce a video by the way they definitely tell you that the best practice to do it is yeah blocking in the 3D camera yeah pretty cool effect there by the way also is that snap captions is is this snap Captain's right here snap Captain yep I was going to say I recognize that animation and that font is that the Mr Beast uh preset Da Vinci hates your accent what's your accent this isn't playing is it no hold on I have to hear your accent now I have to pause the music because otherwise I'll scream over it all right everyone get ready to hear his accent Southern okay we're playing simic toxic before that can you like comment subscribe it really pushes these videos out more people and it means a lot all right let's talk about simic toxic that's a old combo day they kind of took the L by stor for a little while but yeah I mean yeah doin she doin she likes my accent because mine's like TV accent I guess people really like I have like a Midwest accent I guess uh and that is the like most sought after TV accent I think which also makes me mid yeah Midwest in the in the US um sort of like not really the Midwest but sort of the Midwest like uh Ohio Indiana uh Kentucky Illinois that section of the US is like the most most sought after accent I guess I don't know why cuz there's I would say there's not like a whole lot of accent in it but at the same time obviously I have an accent everybody does from wherever they're from like accents are a perspective from somebody else observing you they're not like something you can necessarily observe unless you have a really strong accent and even you can be like wow yeah jeez I have an accent which I guess may not even be possible for some people yeah it's almost always perfect for me too uh part of that is also the reason why it's not always perfect is because I talk too fast and my words combine and the captions don't know how to handle that so I definitely need to work on slowing down and talking like a a regular person we can get off your face I if you don't want that just plastered on my video or on the stream for a long time nimbler that is an interesting word nimbler what is is that an actual word or did you just make that up okay typos yeah I mumble a lot and I talk too fast I don't have a wife but or or husband or boyfriend or whatever girlfriend don't have any of that ju Just me I just talk really fast and mumble and then my videos are only for people in the US because of that because I just can't talk yeah having having it a significant other is expensive but also so is like buying equipment and buying new presets and stuff that I keep buying lucky me [Music] let's see what time we got it is now 10:30 my local time we started this at 7:30 we we've been going for a good while good uh three hours now I'm very proud to have like a community of people who like want to talk with me and like learn new stuff or just ask general questions hear what the conversation's about it's pretty it's pretty cool you guys I'm glad to have you all here even if you all can't always stay for the whole thing I'm glad that you guys are like invested in well one learning and two me uh obviously like I'm not the star of the show but I am the educator and like that will have a draw and people will will be drawn to me I guess because I educate but it's not always because of me it's because of what I teach by the way it looks like everyone's been enjoying the uh questions I've been posting there's high value in this and the opportunity is available one day you'll be so busy you won't have this opportunity that is very true H that day may be coming sooner than I than I expect to be honest with you I've been sent a friend request from a person named John who I know is in the Discord but has said nothing John join the [Music] stream oh he did actually mention something in the Discord he just recently posted sorry I'm distracted by messages over here ADHD yeah I just saw that yeah well a bunch as in like [Music] twice oh man he's being so nice to me that's so kind of him I like this guy I like him he's being so nice that's the only reason no other reason here no I'm I'm sure he's a great dude he's being very genuine I like that that maybe why people are liking me too yeah I think you guys are enjoying the questions and uh quizzes I'm doing in the community sections if you haven't looked at the uh well if you watch my recent video all the way through you've seen the latest on the uh new like the W the uh next fusion feature to master poll if you haven't seen that yet um we have one more um uh vote for scripting infusion for automation than any of the other ones for one nobody wants darn particle systems nobody cares and then there's one less for both 3D comp comping infusion and advanced macro creation so I will be doing a series on scripting infusion for for automation uh uh here soon I couldn't tell you when but that is going to be in the works yeah particles is pretty heavy so is 3D stuff like really scripting and macros is like the most easy thing for people to like do if they have like a lower-end computer from all that list I mean 3D stuff breaks my current computer and I have a a 4080 with 64 gigs of RAM it's it's crazy yeah I mean if you if you haven't voted on that poll yet definitely give me your input I would love to hear what you want to learn next out of 3D comping Advanced macro creation particle systems and scripting infusion for automation which I'm surprised that there is such a want for that if you haven't seen this video yet I have an older video on my channel from before I started to like kind of kind of blowing up as I have been uh when I was first talking about anom utility and it has the best re discard changes what changes it has the best um you went 3D comp 3D comping is cool but like I said before why my discording change why my discording changes I'm so confused okay whatever but uh like I said before 3D comping infusion isn't great because it's not goodlooking 3D stuff right now it's really primitive uh as um James put it best it's very primitive and definitely not good by any means uh USD probably is better but there's no built-in way to do like 3D tracking using the the camera tracker and use that for USD right now it's really weird how that's not set up the for that same thing but anyway like I was saying my video about Fusion scripting when I was first talking about anim utility this is like the third video on my channel has the best retention out of any of the videos I've posted it has a 50% retention out of all 20 of my videos it has the best 76 of people are still watching yeah know 3D text is really cool I definitely do want to do that but it doesn't really 3D comping with that like I'm so shocked at how much retention and how how much interest scripting has like people want to know scripting but there's zero tutorials on it there's some stuff for um python there's some stuff for learning Lua as a whole but there's nothing for specifically scripting for fusion with Lua it is so interesting people want to know this stuff and I want to teach it that's I'm going to yeah people want to learn about 3D yeah 3D space is big in the anime edits yeah it is isn't it definitely is yeah you had questions about 3D text as well interesting I'll definitely do some 3D tutorials I mean it's obviously like it's tied up there with macro Creations so I'll definitely be doing tutorials on it um sorry I'm reading text now that I shouldn't be um definitely watch P he does a lot of great stuff for 3D text uh the 3D stuff takes a long time though so a simple tutorial would be hard to make true I could do bite-size tutorials for different effects like how p is done in the past um unless we want to do more of like an actual full breakdown on like each thing I don't know motion VFX did five Fusion nodes you know video uh you need to know video I'm guessing and used it in a really creative way like 3D texts you're talking about I've seen motion V effects before but I I don't know I don't see his stuff too often do you mean motion VFX is that who you mean the same company that um made that website you know there's a lot of people who want L code and I'm very surprised they made a video I didn't know they even had a channel to be honest I thought I'd watch their stuff but I think I was thinking of somebody else when you said that five Fusion they don't post often it's old yeah I mean they posted I mean they post multiple times a week to be fair but it's a lot of the just like their presets five Fusion nodes let's just see if that comes up ah yes I've seen a few of these videos yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I watched the five underrated Fusion nodes in da Vinci resol from a year ago but it looks like you're talking about the one from 3 months ago it looks like yeah I'll definitely be to watching this I'll check it out man that's a nice camera I I really want a nice camera yeah I've seen I think PE do something like that too nodes for 3D scenes yeah oh yeah I see that oh I'm just talking about uh motion vfx's camera from like this video here I guess we have to get through the intro like look at that so pretty nice pause face here okay uh good enough whenever you pause someone's video it never looks good for them but like look how look how smooth that camera is and everything man wait you can't see [Laughter] it yeah look at that so so pretty so smooth that that blur in the background doesn't even look like that's that far behind them like I could get that same blur right here I just need a good camera man I'm using a webcam if if I haven't explained that already I'm using a simple webcam and it's like a knockoff webcam to it's like a knockoff of a known brand I forget the brand name this is this this brand is called em and it was like 50 bucks or less on Amazon and I've been using it for months I used to use my old Canon camera yeah I want to use a Black Magic Camera like the Black Magic Camera are like a steel not going to lie they're a steel but you also have to know how to like color their raw cuz the raw is really weird compared to other cameras I guess they can have like for streaming You' have to have like a lot for or something unless they have like a uh uh a zero profile that's like just Rec 709 I don't know if they do though I haven't really used too many black magic cameras we had 4K pocket Cinema 4ks like two of them them for my college but that's all the experience I already have just the occasional times we've ever used this well I could do some color grading tutorials I used to like get heavy into color grading but I would do like beginner color grading tutorials and not like really Advanced color gring tutorials because that stuff is I'm not trained for that I don't have the practice for it but I could teach you how to do some really basic stuff some really easy things I say that and I don't change um my color when I edit my videos because I have a lot actually for my camera to be fair before I started recording I just made a l so it was easier uh oh there's no l where' my L go my L's gone well there was I used to have a lot for my camera for OBS but I guess it's kind that's probably uh you can Auto change your color space now I don't know I'll have to look at that I think I heard something about that you could always change your color space settings also fig Stills which will contain nodes yep yep all good information chat all good information like uh when you right click and create still in the color page if you didn't know it just makes a copy of your node tree and puts it into a PNG basically to like simplify what it does and it like easily allows to like save it as a separate file or keep reusing it in your same project pretty cool yeah I like to use um yeah L not out I like to use um color space transforms not the full um D Vinci uh like the da Vinci color managed because I like to have more control over all my cameras especially if I'm using multiple different types of cameras uh they made easier they made it easier or something yeah you can also bring in other footage and that will and get their grade colored they're yeah their grade their color grade too I believe uh maybe I don't know I'm not too sure what you're referencing in that yeah there needs to be better matching options in Fusion or in the color page the matching is really hard to do that's something I haven't like mastered yet I do it mostly by eyeball but you can really do some really Advanced Techniques to like make sure it's matched and it's really tough this is a really intense music for not a whole lot going on I'm in the middle of a fight apparently yeah I like to edit IND Vinci wide gamut and then output in in 709 cuz I like the wideness of wide gamut for like no matter what clip you're using it's just the same color space every time makes it really easy to like copy and paste grades over like you can bring a clip bring in a clip of the of the Matrix and apply that grade to your footage yeah yeah like you can you can steal grades like that it's not perfect like you have to do a lot of fiddling with it and it kind of applies it as as pretty much a lot and like you can't like change like very specific settings on it but it is it's good in some cases if you like want to have a quick gag in a video or have a good base to like base your actual grade off of or something like that yeah color grading is quite simple once you get into it and like there are some super advanced stuff you can do like I've been watching uh kazy I don't know if you've ever seen him before uh I went to the end of that video by accident uh let me get his channel because he because he's a great YouTuber he does a lot of fantastic videos uh that's the wrong Cy is he in my sub subscription feed recently hit the mic kazy does a lot of advanced um color page tutorials like color grading tutorials for D Vinci resolve uh recently he's been bringing out a a guest host as well to fill in the gaps because he's been a lot busier I'm guessing come on where is he that where is his channel here we go Darren yeah Darren's really good too here I'll put kazy in there Darren was actually in uh Alex's live stream really wanting his Zoom tool as well and I'll get Darren's uh link as well real quick fantastic tutorials by the both of them both of them are like trained for this stuff and teach it on a regular basis so definitely learn from those two guys but for the beginner stuff I think Darren does really good beginner stuff analyze another macro and give us your comment search for the the name convert anything to 3D and diin resolve no uh he not the guy that Alex interviewed that was somebody else that was um a jake something yeah for YouTube editor either have a camera setting so it's like already what you want and like keep it in Rec 709 right out of the camera or if you have a higher quality camera that has a log format then keep it simple basically convert it to re 79 or to wide gamut thin Rex 709 editing in between and doing some mostly contrast contrast maybe a little bit of either Des set or higher set and if you want to split the the blues and oranges you can but that's extra stuff generally you'd like use a lot for that if you really wanted to do that I'm you I'm personally against Lots but if it makes your editing faster go for it like there's no way to like not use a lot and like lots can break your footage but if you use it in the right way what it's made for then it usually works okay um I don't have another macro to analyze right now um James uh I don't have one right now that someone's given me [Music] [Music] I think I have seen neat on the Rocks before I think I may watched one of his videos the name sounds familiar copy that and look it up sorry if you heard that little bit of video I I don't like having uh Channel uh like preview not previews but like autoplay videos when you open up their Channel CU that get gets annoying yeah I have seen one of his videos recently I saw his video from a month ago yeah go and see me another one uh I mean I feel like James wants to see one being analyzed give us your comment search for the name convert anything indin resol to 3D invention resolve I can show you somewhat how to do that um I have have made a macro for that before it's very slow and doesn't do exactly perfect conversion like it won't like give you like raises and stuff like you can't like raise a different part higher than higher than another but it just basically will like turn your logo into like a a block that you can like rotate in 3D space and give like actual depth to um but you can there there's like a slow way to convert it into a macro or into a 3D object as well and I can maybe do a video on that like tracing it trace your logo with the polygon tools and then like the the S the shape polygon tools and like convert that into 3D objects with like extr extrusions and stuff oh the Electrify I might have already download I may have already got this one yeah I do I just haven't actually put it into resolve yet yeah this is before you got your drfx working uh where is the first one here it is let me put this into resolve real quick is this a an effect or a title okay so it's like an effect like Dragon to drop it on to an image or text and it works okay sweet uh let me make a folder for you just an e in there put that in there and hope Da Vinci loads [Music] I don't know why the music is so intense right now oh it's Terry town okay Terry town is it's calm Terry Town should be a nice calming version yeah t Terry Town's nice relaxing all right I think I may have to restart D Vinci one sec [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way I'm pulling up that one YouTuber that uh did that partnership with Alex oh yeah I did Subs to this guy that's right yeah yeah yeah uh this is the YouTuber who did that partnership with Alex and his a magic toolkit um in his magic anime I mean uh he disclaimer disclaimer about him he calls himself Daddy all the time and it makes me uncomfortable but that besides the point uh yeah he he did do like a not really a partnership I guess they like worked together to make their own like pack of Animation uh presets for his subscribers that he sells and like you know gets some reimbursement for or [Music] something okay let's just uh put it on the default custom text I know you can't see me right now I'm just setting it up here we go so we have just custom title here let's find our sleeveless folder I made and put in Electrify yeah I wondered if that might happen random separator that does not need to be there yeah because it adds like separator lines already you don't really have to have separators in there like [Music] that thicker text seems to be better to like make it bigger [Music] yeah it's it's cool the the UI doesn't matter as much the the UI the UI comes later like as you're learning more and there's that with uh giving them the animated uh tool again you can do that but it's also really easier for them to actually break it and then there's your creator icon that one worked better I don't know why it broke on on your other one let's take a look at the nodes like the impact font let's see do I have that one built yeah I have that impact regular okay yeah we still get transparency through it and I think I know why we we'll cop into fusion and see that I'm going to open it up with my script which comes packaged done with the macro Creator whenever that comes out so we have an alpha divide that is in the node structure that doesn't seem to be doing anything I'm sure that would did not mean to be there oh my eye got itchy okay let's let's see what we got here can we open this it um things are very much layered on top of each other okay there we go all right usually when you have a transparency issue like that usually it's the glow nodes because this one t if you untick Alpha on your glow nodes oh you can um you can add a pipe router with alt click I guess a regular one like this and you can add a pipe router and then route it to the input of that instead of adding a whole other node like that it's not like pip riders or Alpha divides are like any slower or faster than each other it's just like cleanliness like why would you have a full node in there versus like a pipe router it's just like it's just more of a preference too really is something hidden up here or what what's up here this this meant to be do this what is this going to it doesn't seem like it's going to anything it's just going off to the abyss it's probably taking yeah it's taking just the regular input it's just not displaying correctly so your Edge detecting [Music] okay yeah it looks like there's just a yeah it doesn't display correctly sometimes it just does that um yep there's the fast noise I'm guessing this is how we're getting the actual like electric effect yep then you're displacing it and then again then you're glowing it raise is honestly a really awesome tool I use it a lot too Luma here to get rid of the black another glow which we can take off Alpha on [Music] again honestly go for it like take different people's yeah like all all of my presets like screen utility hello jeez that's ugly um no the more glows you have the more realistic the glow tends to be so I I don't blame you but my masks uh in every effect that I've made recently has a stroke and then a regular glow and then additionally a r on top of the glow all of my effects have had that because I like the look of it it looks [Music] cool so like I don't blame you [Music] uh what is this doing why are you masking it with a background didn't seem to change anything oh yes you need so many glow nodes to get like any good-looking glow effect whether it be the regular glow or the soft glow the combining all of them to get like a good looking glow you need that there's no way to do it with just the single or like one or two glow effects it can affect the Rays the glow can what oh the background can I didn't know that yeah I guess I don't really see much of a difference but maybe if there's like certain cases where that happens I use the xlow node all the time if I could package it up into my tools I would uh however not everybody has reactor and not everybody can get xlow so or everybody can get xlow but not not everybody has xow and I don't want to have to like ask if I can package it up with my tool cuz it's like a whole other step and like yeah it's just something I don't really want to have to deal with well you can I [Music] guess yeah xlow is like a reactor effect but like making it into a macro like adding it into a macro is uh yeah you just can't do that not not not everyone has what you have when it comes to like custom nodes not so much in the tree but in that first macro I made the color uh is controlled by the background it's just become habit I guess uh this background no this background not this one Proto V2 I mean that's not really a glow Proto is more of like a it's basically doing this but a lot more more intense like Proto is a very powerful tool which also actually uses um which Proto uses a uh tool from reactor but uh is it Patrick who made Proto I think it's Patrick he like asked the creator of it if he could share it with his macro and they were like yeah yeah you can it does have a glow to it but it's not necessarily made for that yeah it's Patrick Yeah but like he asked the creator of it to do that and that's cool you can do that it's just an extra step and I have like social anxiety you wouldn't believe it since I stream and do videos but I have social anxiety I hate messaging people first because I'm like always like they're not going to respond they don't know who I am yeah t 10 tens which I looked into it it's really just a recoloring tool from what I could find it kind of just like recolors things from what I understand it being it there may be stuff that I don't know about it like I don't understand how else it's can be used but when I played with it it's really just like a recoloring tool and I don't understand the whole purpose behind it like it's it's like a like if I add it onto this into here before you like add your text over it not Tim Tim it'll like give you the like it won't overlay a color onto it but it will embed the color into the effect so like you can easily like recolor your your uh glow like this without having to like do anything else it's really powerful but it really is just for recoloring like [Music] this pretty cool tool but I don't know why he it is really cool yeah like if you just did like if you just did like a background into this n that's not what I wanted to do like if you just masked it with the background you would get nothing like this that is true sometimes the simple things are the best like this nowhere near the same as what intensity just did and that's something else I want to like try to learn in the future is making a fuse which is what that is called uh a fuse is essentially a custom node that doesn't use any actual nodes to begin with oh like making this black I mean yeah that was pretty cool wasn't it it's like a a a Death Eater no dementor kind of effect like that smokey effect from like Harry Potter uh axe has been making fuses have I been missing this I guess I haven't really looked that much into oh no this wasn't X was it oh yeah the the chro the chroma thing I don't think it was actually X that was somebody else yeah that was just copit different Creator oh that's actually a macro it's not even a fuse also really cool though I think I got that in my maram oh he was talking about they was talking about them in off topic oh you can see my screen can I look for x x has been making uh macros I feel like if was making fuses he would like show them off on his YouTube which I haven't seen him do a whole lot this was last year yeah he's made he made motion Suite which is a uh script and he made the Emoji pack which is a macro set yeah his icons yeah macros no I think that's macros too yeah there's his macro editor that he made which is pretty simplistic compared to mine uh people people were out here saying man I think I like accessions macro that they're more than yours that that was back when I like first was announcing it like way back uh macro editor macro editor sucks where or where is it it's not going to show up irrelevant is only X is going to show up in in it God damn it like that's right there I know where that is see it balls I'm five I'm sorry uh yeah up here when I was first talking about it I started making the macro Creator um the 12th of last month yeah this is when I first started giving getting the idea of it this is how it used to look this is the old design of the macro Creator before I was like actually that's pretty basic and here's like it with the labels it was it didn't even have the uh you you can even s like the M like the main In-N-Outs like the general middle part hasn't changed too much but uh overall big overhaul I feel like and the idea used to be like you'd click preview and it would like give you a preview of how it was going to look yeah that is still way better than Bill 10 oh man but I'm I almost clicked the A on that I'm stupid I'm glad that I have changed how it looks it has it is more complicated but it is also way more powerful yeah I don't really know what uh you're talking about for excession I don't really go in um in here very very often I'll see you Chad I'll probably be I'll probably be heading out of here soon too no problem I'm glad you were here for the entire stream this time I I wanted to stay up a little later one to answer more questions because everybody has questions and also I want to have people like engaged a little more you know anyway I I'll see you next time Chad [Music] I think I see what we're talking about now yeah up here yeah I I don't know if that's going to be a uh it almost looks like it's going to be a color page effect but I don't know oh infinite Zoom fuse okay [Music] I don't know if they're all going to be fuses though it's definitely that's pretty cool that's definitely a really cool background generator I mean I I definitely want to get into making fuses I don't know how to be I don't know how they begin to work cuz every fuse I've ever dissected makes like this much sense to me uh cuz they they basically just add a control and it just does something and I don't know what kind of Witchcraft they do to make it work but like you add a control and then it just works and I'm like I don't know why that makes sense but I guess it does it it uses I think it uses Louis script too but I I probably could figure it out but this is how I am whenever I try to start something I'm just like well it's witchcraft to me right now time to make it not witchcraft and I just take forever to like learn it uh but anyway it is getting pretty late I might go ahead and head off to bed this room's getting pretty hot with my computer running uh diin for 4 hours you know uh macros use built-in nodes to create the effects and then fuses are nodes just regular nodes that people can make it's insane there's a whole API behind it and I don't know how they all work some of them are nodes some of them are modifiers some of them are similar to scripts and I there's a lot there's a lot that I don't know yeah but I'm going to head out too it is getting pretty late and it's getting hot in here I think I'm starting to get sweaty but yeah it's been great talking with all of you guys my computer's been running for like four hours and I'm sure uh I need to air out this room before it starts turning into a sauna I'll talk with youall next week and feel free to check out the Discord below if you're not already in there uh I'm pretty sure we might still have um I have to keep finding your name because my brain keeps forgetting how to say it James pretty sure you're still in here it says I have one other viewer but I not I can't tell who it is uh good night sleeveless if you if you haven't checked out the Discord yet go ahead we do I answer questions all the time in there and we have a growing community in there uh where we just talk about Da Vinci resolve ma Rose and more so yeah check it out if you haven't but besides that I will see you next weekend or next Friday see you have a good night
Channel: Asher Roland
Views: 87
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, Tutorial, Fusion, Edit Page, Deliver Page, Fast tutorial, basic tutorial, fusion basics, casey faris, davinci resolve 18
Id: YMlG-s3zVW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 33sec (13833 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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