How to be a Virtual Youtuber! Complete Guide

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Not gonna lie, but that's kind of why I'm teaching myself blender.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Frau_Aeron 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys and welcome back to the virtual reality show we talk about Amy and all things related to virtual reality inside virtual reality I'm your host fiha you guys ask me questions all the time about how to get started as a V tuber a trend that has been rising in popularity over the past few months now so I decided to put together a 20 20 guy presenting the resources that I use or recommend for new and experienced to be tubers alike the most common thing people see in V tubing is the classic live 2d model that utilizes face rigs such as what the hollow live idols use this method is fairly self-explanatory but it requires you making or commissioning a 2d anime character and bringing it up which is an expensive process that doesn't give you great options like the 3d model does in truth anyone can become a v2 Burford completely free and I'm here to spill all the secrets on what is available right now it can become an expensive hobby very quickly so I recommend sitting through this entire video to learn about what is free and what costs money so that you can create a plan of testing out V tubing to see if it's right for you before indulging in the programs and equipment sound good awesome so let's get started step 1 picking out your model so if you're looking to get a uniquely custom model for free you are in luck because the company pixiv has this awesome program called V word studio that you can use to create your own anime style model and they're ready to go dot Myriam format which stands for virtual reality models it's a way easier to use in a program like blender because it provides a ready-to-go base that is rigged for you plus it's always an option to import the model into blender anyways if you do want to add on extra features or items like a tail or hats for example if you aren't the artistic type that's okay too I'm going to link to a website below called boobs if you search or be void and then a texture name you can find loads of stuff like I or clothing textures to buy or download for free I also recommend typing in Japanese if you can as some of the things that may not be tagged with English names you might not have the best looking model right away but it's more than possible to learn or Commission someone with artistic ability in photoshop skills to create you a better model I personally - Commission's including model retouches for things like hair so if you are interested in that make sure you follow my Twitter to see when I do reopen commission slots getting a custom model adds a sense of uniqueness and will help you stand out from the crowd but don't be afraid to start on your own step 2 face tracking your model so now that you have a model you're going to need a program that tracks your face and audio movements for something like twitch streaming the free options that I recommend are called wakka Doo and three-team which are available on Steam I have used both of these extensively on Steam myself and have a personal preference for three-team my favorite part of three teen is that you can quickly take PMT's by setting the background and transparent but there's lots of nice options for being a free program to explore just make sure you set your language options English what I use for streaming is something called fluff it it costs 5,000 yen which is about 50 USD and pretty frakked paddy wagons it great it's easy to use and trust your model way more accurately even a free webcam tracker out there when I finally caved in to purchase love it I felt way more comfortable than streaming in it was a little mad at myself for not just buying it sooner it's not on Steam but there is a free trial you can test out before making a splurge to compare it to see the difference for yourself step3 hand tracking so once you have a webcam program set up it's worth considering buying a leap motion for hand tracking a leap motion is this cute little rectangular box that uses sensors to track your hand and finger movements I bought mine for 90 USD and then 3d printed this cute little shirt flip put it on my chest inch rack away it's not always the best at its job but it's so nice to be able to leave it chat and stuff because hands create way more engagement when talking and really observe youtuber quality all around it works way better with Levitan three-team like a million times better I would not recommend anyone to get elite motion unless you were specifically going to use it with love it for all your commuters what I would actually point you towards is something called V draw it also has a free trial but only cost 10 US eats remove that watermark for the full version it will do face tracking but instead of tracking your hands it tracks your mouse and keyboard I've used this myself and I think it works super well for engaging content when it comes to navigating a desktop or doing art streams highly recommended the program V magic veer also works very similarly by using that same mouse and keyboard style tracking step for VR programs all right so now that you've got the stuff for streaming setup it's time to really jump into becoming virtual you're using your model and VR I did a whole video on how to get your V Reed model in to be our chat super easily for beginners so go check that out the our chat is a great way to navigate using your VR avatar and can technically play on desktop as well and not even need VR what I'm using right now to film is this program called virtual cast which is free on Steam it's being updated all the time and I find it to be the most fluid for things like hand gestures or facial expressions to convey emotion it's a bit confusing so I made some tutorials on it so that you can get with the program as well as learn how to import your models in to multiplayer for your v2 BER meetups I also want to recommend something called tracking world which is created by a v2 BER in this B&B known as deep it's very customizable and has lots of great features while being completely free the tuber Natsume MOA uses this for her videos and she's the most successful English v tubers right now step 5 vr streaming so let's say you want to stream your full-body avatar I personally haven't done this myself because I'm still waiting on my index the ship with the base stations for my vibe trackers which I'm getting pretty tired of waiting for but I still have recommendations there's a free program called live L IV that will connect to a certain list of compatible games to show you your avatar playing the game I was able to use this program to get via into beat sabor which I really wanna stream once I get the full body tracking mailed out the other program that is super popular right now is something called Suva or stream your virtual avatar with Suba you were able to set up your avatar in unity and then overlay using something like OBS on your games it costs about ten dollars and will take a bit of unity knowledge but should work well in getting that overlay the last option I'll actually recommend is tracking world you cannot run to games on Steam at once like with virtual cast or your chat but with tracking world there is a future to make it run in the background all right well that wraps up most of my advice and recommendations for getting started if this video was helpful then please drop a like and subscribe for a new video every single week becoming a V 2 per is not easy and gets expensive fast but it's really exciting in a really fun opportunity for people to explore here's a list of channels that have helpful information that I recommend checking out all of these have been super helpful to me in getting started on V tubing and I think he'll be helpful to you as well please comment below saying what kind of videos related to V tubing you'd like me to in the future so that I can see what I need to go more in-depth on for you guys if you have any questions then make sure the drain my discord because we have a whole channel related to be tubing questions where everyone is eager to help each other out also please consider joining my patreon because making these videos takes a lot of time and resources I have big plans for the show and your generosity really helps me to continue in this dream that I have for the channel anyways I've been your host via and I'll see you on next week's episode [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Virtual Reality Show
Views: 1,218,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, vroid, virtual youtuber, vtubers, envtuber, how to be a vtuber, how to become a virtual youtuber, バーチャルyoutuber, how to stream with avatar, virtual youtubers, english vtuber, kizuna ai, vtuber tutorial, vrm, free vtuber software, virtual, vstreamer, webcam vtuber, streaming avatar, twitch avatar, mmd, virtual streamer, vroid studio, vroid tutorial, vroid hair tutorial, vroid vrchat, vroid beginner, vtubing, virtual reality, vr, phia, porter robinson, tvrs, virtual cast, vrchat
Id: KRnVUUwz14E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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