How to Make a Sewing Machine Cover with Misty Doan (Bonus Tutorial)

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[Music] hello everyone i am misty doan and i'm super excited to come with you with a bonus tutorial for our birthday bash week we're really excited to celebrate our birthday here at missouri star we are so grateful for all of you for giving us so many wonderful years in business and supporting us through all of our crazy ideas and projects thank you for being here and i hope you enjoy all the fun things that we are doing for birthday bash this year so i'm as you can probably see i'm going to be teaching this great june taylor quilt as you go sewing machine cover and caddy and so you'll notice it all comes packaged and it's the june taylor pre-printed batting that is made for quilt as you go and so it's got all the instructions listed in there and you can see this is just covering this little sewing machine it keeps it from getting dusty and helps protect your machine when you're not working on it so we're going to make this and i've got the caddy down here that i'll show you a little bit later but let's dive in on how we use this great june taylor product move this out of the way and we can get started so to begin when you open up your batting you're going to have a piece for your caddy and that's what this is here and then you're going to have a piece that is for the cover and you can see here i've already got that basted to my background fabric as well as this pre-printed batting that you get you're going to need eight two and a half inch strips or an eighth of a yard of eight different fabrics you're also going to need a half yard of three fabrics and an additional half yard for your binding it also gives you the size of your backing fabric that you need all of that is included in this package and it lays it all out for you so i've gone ahead and just used some light basting spray to baste this section of my batting to my backing fabric so i've got that all ready to go so now we can really just get started with our quilt as you go so if you're not familiar with these june taylor products the first thing they ask you to do in the instructions is get your cutting out of the way from the get-go so they number your pieces and so all of these pieces through here are 1 through 17 and every single one of those measures two and a half by eight so i have a stack of my two and a half by eight inch pieces then we go to piece eighteen and nineteen and those are right here on the outside and those measure two and a quarter by 37 inches so you can see i have those cut then we move on to 20 and 21 and those measure three and three quarters by 37 inches you can see i've got two colors there and then for the outside fabrics this is where it's going to vary depending on the size of cover you need so however big or small your machine is they actually offer three sizes so you can see here the small size will finish at 16 by 7 by 12 and a half the medium will finish at 18 by 8 by 12 and a half and the large will finish at 20 by 9 by twelve and a half so just measure your machine and figure out what size you need i've got this nice baby lock accomplished and so i'm making the large size to fit my machine so just figure out which one works best for you and then you'll notice on the batting itself there's three different dashed lines and those lines correlate with whichever size you're choosing so for me because i'm making the large my outside outside pieces need to be seven inches by 37 inches so i have those ready to go but if you do the smaller medium these last two pieces will be a little bit smaller which hopefully makes sense okay so let's just dive right into this we're going to pick a piece of our fabric and we're going to place this on our number one spot so you can see there i'm just setting it on top and now i'm going to grab another piece that's going to be piece two and because we're doing quilt as you go what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to lay this directly on top of number one and i'm going to sew a quarter inch seam straight down this side here and then when we press it open it will be quilted it's part of the magic so let's move some of this out of the way so we can get going and then we'll take this to the machine i like to kind of roll up the bulk so it's not in my way and then we will just sew down this side now it does say that a walking foot is not required and i don't have any problem sewing through this without a walking foot but if you find you're having trouble it'd be a great time to use one there we go and so we've got that first one done let me slide this out and now we can just kind of finger press that back and you can see how it perfectly covers the number two on there and so now we're just gonna keep adding i'm gonna lay this here and we're gonna sew on this side to add number three it's kind of like paint by numbers for quilting and you're just gonna follow the numbers as you go so let's just follow along as i add a bunch of these strips and get us to the next point okay so we are coming into the last piece of our middle section so i'm just gonna again lay this on top here and sew with a quarter inch seam there we go and then that will roll back and cover the last section so you can see the whole middle is now sewn on and you can see on the back it's being quilted as we go along so that is pretty awesome all right so now we're ready to add our two and a quarter inch and it says to um have them be two and a quarter inch by 37 inches and those go on either side of that center section so i've got this one here that we're just going to lay along this side and i just want to make sure i'm going past the lines for where i am going to end up trimming this up later to make sure i've got plenty of room and so i'm going to add one to this side and this one to the opposite side so let's take this over to the machine you do kind of have to maneuver the the bulk under your machine as you go so just take your time with that but you can see it sews through really nice i've got a little bit of extra fabric here so i'm just going to trim that off with my scissors i can just trim straight across there that will work just fine and then we can roll this one back see how that's going to look so nice and it's amazing how just giving this a good finger press gets everything to lay down really nice and they do recommend waiting to press until you're all the way done because it can distort the batting so i just like to use my fingers then we're going to do the same thing flip this around and add this one to the other side so let's do that you just want to make sure everything stays nice and straight we don't have any rumples happening if you feel anything like that be sure to flip over and check the back of your quilt make sure you don't have anything bunching up under there all right and again i can just trim off this little bit of excess just like so all right so i'm going to go ahead and finish adding all the rest of my pieces and i'll meet you back here for trimming this up okay as you can see i've got all of the various pieces sewn on and now we are ready to trim this up and assemble our sewing machine cover so there is one thing that i realize i forgot to mention to you remember when i was talking about the three different dashed lines you can see them here really well those correlate to your size remember and before you add any of your pieces you want to top stitch on whichever size you choose and that gives you the outside edge that's going to show through on your backing and that's how you're actually going to trim this up so it's a really important step and i'm sorry i missed it earlier but hopefully you haven't already got this far and you can remember to do that before you add your strips so now that you can see we've got everything on here all of our pieces on we can flip this over this is a great time to go through and pin these pieces that are on the outside because you don't want them to flip up and run any risk of cutting a corner off or something when you're trimming it that would be sad after all the work you've put in so we're just going to pin this in place so that these side pieces aren't going to lift and i'm giving myself plenty of room so i can still trim on the sides rotate this around here put in some pins and it doesn't take many just to hold them in place here we go and one more on this end there we go all righty now i can flip it over and you can see this outside stitch line you can see how it's all quilted and pretty complete all we have to do is trim it up and sew our side seams so let's grab a ruler and our rotary cutter and i'm just going to trim about an eighth of an inch on the outside of those lines that i stitched i'm just lining up my ruler and we're just going to trim that off i'm just going to follow that stitch line and trim all of this out there we go you don't want to cut through in those corners if you have to go back in the corners with a scissor you can so now that i've trimmed this this is one thing to be mindful of my pin is on this piece that i've cut off and so i'm actually going to put this back in here to hold this fabric in place again because otherwise this corner could lift and we just do not want that to happen so i've pinned that again and we're going to continue trimming if you want a nice long ruler for these long sides you can do that but i think either way it's not going to reach the whole distance so i just like to use this little one especially since i have that reference point of the stitch line to work from quilt as you go projects are so satisfying because they are complete when you get to this point you've you've done the the work of the quilting as you're sewing all your pieces on which is pretty magical oops i'm going to use my scissors there it's being difficult easy to fix that way all right and we're just going to keep rotating there we go again coming back with those scissors to just make the rest of that cut we're getting really close to having all of our sides done there's that one and one side left you can see here there's a spot where my stitching got a little wonky maybe you can see that through the ruler or right there and what i want to show you is i'm just going to use the start of my stitch line down here and where my ruler goes to and i'm not going to worry about what's in between it'll all work out in the end so i'm just going to find the best average in between the two and then continue down this side there we go so there is our excess we can now flip this over pull our pins out we are getting so close all right so now the next step is to fold this in half you can see how great it's looking we're going to fold this in half and we are going to sew down these two sides and i like to use a little bit wider than a quarter inch here especially since we've left that eighth of an inch overhang so it's probably about a three-eighths of an inch or so that i'm going to do to enclose all of that just line up the top and bottom here then we can turn and do the other side and now we're going to pinch these openings that we have here you can see how i did that so here's the side that we just sewed and it looks like a little l when it's like this folded in half but we're going to take the corner of that and lay it nice and straight and we're going to stitch that same stitch width all the way across there creating that box that will sit nicely around our machine making sure i'm staying all lined up there we go and the same thing on the other side there we go and so to finish off this bottom edge you're just going to bind this like you would any quilt you can see it here on this one that i made it's just finished with a normal two and a half inch binding that goes all the way around the bottom and so see when you turn this out you've got your finished cover and there is a handle that's included if you would like to put a handle on top you would just do that before you sew your side seams like i just did i didn't feel like i really needed the handle i can just plop this on top but the handle is included and so for that you've got this little piece here and a four by 11 inch strip of fabric that you would need to add that but you can see how great that this turns out and let's go ahead and put this on my machine you can see the caddy here is made much in the same way that the cover is and it coordinates so nice because those supplies that are listed on the quilt as you go batting includes everything you need to make the cover and the caddy it's really quick and easy and it's quilt as you go so it's so nice to have that project done in a day and it looks great in your sewing room with these really cute boutiques that we've used so i hope you have a wonderful day thanks for joining me i'll see you next time hi everybody it's jenny from the missouri star quilt company we hope you enjoyed watching this video if you aren't already part of the missouri star quilt company family be sure to subscribe so you won't miss a thing and if you click that bell it'll notify you every time a new tutorial comes out see you next friday [Music]
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 59,591
Rating: 4.9211941 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, Jennie Doan, Genny, Jenny, Ginny, Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew, Misty, Missy, sewing machine cover, homemade gift
Id: Esb6PK69Oyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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