Copy & Paste Videos And Earn $178 Per Video (Step by Step Tutorial - No YouTube)

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step number one copy this video step number two upload this video step number three earn 141 dollars earn 176 dollars earn 89. i've seen a lot of ways to make money online but i've not seen anything quite like this this is still new and you can be the first to get started with this it's still low hanging fruit where you can make hundreds of dollars per day just copy and pasting videos you don't need any video experience you don't have to be on camera you don't even need to talk into a microphone imagine just sitting at your laptop making hundreds per day so you can help your family upgrade your car or apartment or even travel the world just pay close attention because at the end of this video i'm going to show you how to make even more money faster so make sure you stay on this video to the end to not miss out hey what's up take off drive it's ndfl the norwegian nobs youtube affiliate marketing viking currently in egypt and i want you to comment down below my favorite car is blank and you get entered with a thousand dollar course and with this course with your job work from home or travel the world i'm currently in egypt and i asked you guys what you wanted me to do in egypt and like 41 of you said rent a car and go to valley of kings so that's where toot uncommons gravis and that's where we're going right now so i'm going to jump right into my computer but before that i'm just going to show you around in egypt a little bit wonderful my bad decisions get accounted in the algorithms no statistician could dissuade me from my bigger vision i know my occupation's quite an unlikely place in this world to occupy and talk about upon a daily basis our information is predetermined by some biased business we island sermon to silicon that push our lovely neighbors i'm done with paper chasing think i'm on the bigger banquets this that full circle new wave energy on a tuesday okay what's up i'm going to show you how to make hundreds of dollars per day copy and pasting videos and this is super simple for you even if you've never made any money online you can do this so step number one is to go to here you want to search for dogs if you're a dog person or cats if you're a cat person as we can see we can find funny dog videos with 24 million views in the last 10 months 29 million views and you can see that these videos get crazy amount of views now what we want to do is to actually go to filters right here and then we want to click on creative comments and if you don't know what creative commons is well creative commons is a license that gives you a standard way for content creators to grant someone else permission to use their work by marking your original video with a creative comments license you're granting the entire youtube community the right to reuse and edit that video but it's important to see that if you mark your video with the cc by license you retain the copyright so we will not gain any copyright of this we're just allowed to reuse and edit the videos that we find so here you can see that there's a ton of people that have uploaded their video as a creative comments for us to use and as you can see we get these cute puppy videos that are popping up you've probably seen this before all across the internet but one of the things that i teach is that if you do entertainment you will make little money there's not that much money in entertainment but if you do entertainment plus education that is where you make the most amount of money so we're gonna keep scrolling down here and see if we can find some creative comments that has some entertainment and education in it just like this one as you can see leash reactive dog training where they are doing actual dog training on this video here you can also see how to make a dog become fully aggressive with a few simple tips which is another dog training video so we're gonna click on this and then go to step number two download that video so all you need to do is go to google and search for youtube downloader as you can see the first one is just click on that now go back to the dog training video then copy that link now all you need to do is just copy that link and post it directly into the youtube downloader here we go this is the video that we want to download be the highest setting right here is 480p for this link and then get the link here you can just click on download step number three go to is a new video platform that has popped up that is a youtube competitor and as you can see from this page you can see exactly how much these people have earned just per video so if we keep scrolling down you can see that people are making money with this 27 dollars right here 12 right here more and more 61 with this video right here 56 dollars right here and you might be thinking oh is any people on here how many people are actually on the website so i have a similar web chrome extension and as you can see is actually one of the fastest growing video websites on the internet right now you can see september 5 million 30 60 83 up to 135 million monthly visitors and now it's sitting at 58 million visitors per month and the best part is that the traffic is actually from tier one countries you can see 71 from us canada united kingdom all tier one countries which is a very good and high quality traffic so step number four click on sign in here just click on create a rumble account here you can see that they have a free account a publisher account or a business account and you should definitely go with the free account now just write out all these details agree to the terms and conditions and then register your account now just click here to activate your account and you've been successfully verified now i'm about to show you how to upload this video correctly and also make way more money from this faster than just the earnings as you can see right here but before that remember to slap that like button let's try to get to a thousand likes on this video also comment down below my favorite car is blank and you can enter to win a thousand dollar course and also make sure you stay all the way to the end to not miss out step number five click on upload video right here here you can select the video to upload so we're gonna go in our downloads folder and then just drag that right in here again now we need a video title so we're going to go back to the actual video and then copy that title now we're going to change it up a little bit just like that and then we need to have a tiny video description if you want to know how to make a dog become aggressive instantly this video is the perfect video for you by the end of this video you'll be able to turn your dog aggressive with a few simple tricks just a tiny short paragraph right here you can see that we can add a video thumbnail like a custom one but i actually think this one looks quite good so we're gonna go with that and then we need some tags in here as well so we're gonna go with dog dog training and also aggressive dog now we could have just uploaded that video right here we can also schedule the video so you can schedule you know monday wednesday friday or even every single day or multiple times a day but before that there is a lot of money that you can make with just a tiny link in the description step number six go to clickbank is an affiliate marketplace where they have hundreds of products that you can sell and get a commission for that product all you need to do is click on sign up then you have to enter your details right here and then you can join clickbank once you're inside you'll go to the clickbank marketplace where they have a ton of categories as you can see about different affiliate products that you can sell and make a commission for now what we're going to search for is dog right here and then click on search now what we want to do is sort the results by gravity that means the highest selling dog course so here we can see brain training for dogs unique dog training course easy sell and if you sell one of these you're gonna make 31 which is pretty cool right and as you can see high quality dog training course featuring 21 games to improve a dog's intelligence and behavior and if you think about it if somebody were to you know want to make the dog become aggressive instantly they probably have a lot of other things that they really want to teach their dog which makes it a perfect combination that makes them want to buy this product so how do you actually promote this well all you have to do is click on promote right here then you can enter your account nickname and generate hop links here this is your affiliate link if anybody goes through this link and buys through you you will make 31 dollars each and every sale which is pretty cool right now you might be wondering if you send this to somebody what page do they actually land on so i'm going to show you the page right now this is the page develops your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and create the obedient well-behaved pet of your dreams perfect title right here and i also love this little dog right here sitting on a chessboard come on and now this is actually a long form sales letter and as you can see they have pretty pictures in here they even have some videos in here and they even show some of the modules that they'll go through if they decide to pick this up so you can see here module one two three and all the different things that they'll actually get when they purchase and all they need to do is click on instant access and purchase this product for 47 and you will actually get 75 of the commission for that sale and the reason they can give you such high commissions is that you know they have an email list and that will sell them more and more things in the future so they're confident to give you 75 commission just for that lead so now all you need to do is step number seven so you generated the hop links so you just click on copy right here now go to bitly will make your link a lot shorter a lot nicer to look at and as you can see this tiny little link right here is way easier for them to click than that long spammy looking virus type click link so now just copy this go back to your upload again and here and post that link now we need a little header right here which we can just take from the actual dog training sales page and you can copy this right here and we're gonna change it up a little bit and then i like to add click here now you can search alt codes into google go to alt code list and then we're gonna find a little arrow going to the right and post that in here as well so that's all you need to do just click on upload right here but i believe that is better for you to actually create your own content now i'm not talking about talking into the microphone or showing yourself on camera posting that on youtube what i'm talking about is faceless anonymous youtube channels you can create even if you have no money you have no skills you've never done any video before and that is on the screen right now just tap the next video that's on the screen and thank you so much for watching thank you so much for subscribing and liking the video click the video on the screen right now and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Andy Hafell
Views: 1,969,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AndyHafell, make money online, earn money online, How to make money online, side hustle, passive income, make money on youtube without making videos, make money on youtube, work from home jobs, how to make money on youtube, ways to make money, make money fast, how to make money online, earn money watching youtube videos, copy and paste videos on youtube and make money, copy paste video on youtube and earn money, copy paste video youtube make money, make money fast online
Id: hu3-NFY7qRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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