Make $3000 Monthly From Upwork In Nigeria | Make Money As a Freelancer In Nigeria 2021 [FREE COURSE]

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what's up guys it's frank lemano here and in this video today i'm going to share with you guys a step-by-step strategy that you can use to make three thousand dollars monthly from upwork now upwork is basically a freelancing site where you go on and you know sell your skills sell your services and you get paid for it in dollars and this is currently one that is available to a whole lot of nigerians right now and with the current instead of things in our economy today it is quite cool and it's almost important for you to you know start figuring out different ways to make money and one of the best ways to do that is being a freelancer nominee freelancer is basically someone that doesn't work with any company and all you do is to work on contract jobs right you work on contract jobs and you get paid for them and even when you're working on this contract job another cool way to do this is by working with guys that can really pay you in dollars basically you know that when you actually get paid in dollars you're actually going to be on the big side right and this is what upwork allows for you to do and inside of upwork you're actually going to be able to connect with as many people as you can all around the world and you are working for people in the u.s in the uk in canada and all right from your home here in nigeria right and you get paid in dollars now this is actually the very cool part and the thing here is there a lot of nigerians currently that are actually not feeling this economic shift because basically they're actually working as freelancers on these sites and they're making cool money for themselves now on this channel basically what i do is to share with you guys tips strategies on how to make money online and today i'm still gonna be doing the same thing sharing with you guys how to make up to three thousand dollars on a monthly basis from up work and in order to do this i actually have here with me you know i'm a young lady that has actually you know done this for herself severally and she's super successful in this particular space now i actually don't want to waste too much of time with you know sharing with you guys what the park is and who apoc is for but basically this is one that you really need to sit and watch till the very end if you're looking to start working from home and also end in dollar just by using your internet access and your laptop then this video is one you want to watch and at the same time if you know about up already and you've been having series of issues with upwork this video is more of like a free course that will basically guide you on the step-by-step things you need to do in order to start getting super gigs and making cool cash for yourself so make sure that you actually stay all through this video and watch it to the very end and at the same time i'm gonna be leaving every link that you actually need to get started right down there in the description so that as you're watching through this video you can also go ahead and use the links i have there to connect to wherever you actually want to connect to but guys before we go ahead just take five seconds of your time and go ahead and drop in the comment section just type in the right there up work go ahead and comment or pop right there in the comment section yeah let us actually trigger the youtube algorithm so that they know we're talking about upwork and we can get this video to more persons that really wants to see this video because this video is what i'm going to recommend to every nigerian right now so go ahead and drop in the comment section and drop on there up work yeah and if you've done that to give this video a thumbs up right now and also subscribe to this channel so that you do not miss any of my videos so without further ado let's jump straight into the video hi guys good morning good afternoon good evening whatever time of the day you are joining us you're welcome my name is uzamako khafer and i'll be taking you guys on this class that i've titled oppo hack strategy if you're in this class or if you're watching this video i want to assume that you already know what upwork is about but for benefit of doubt for those who may have jumped on this video out of curiosity i'll just take out a few seconds to explain or tell you what upwork is about now a work is a platform think of it as a job board you're probably used to jobberman indeed or um all these other platforms where they post jobs on that's just what upwork is like but with a little difference definitely now upwork is a platform that lets freelancers connect with clients and buy to assa that also the clients connect with freelancers now you get jobs by clients post jobs on the platform freelancers were also on that platform and have registered their services or their skills get to see these jobs and um if it's something they feel they qualify for they apply for it so that's just how this platform works now as simple as it sounds it gets um a bit messy or a bit frustrating for some freelancers because definitely you're not the only freelancer who sees the job when it is posted there are so many other freelancers on the platform for the same reason as you are there to make money to work and make money and there's so many people who also see the same jobs that you see and who are also qualified as you are for the job do you get so this is why i come in to give you a step by step guide on how to get your first your next client on upwork even as a newbie freelancer by newbie freelancer i mean even if you've probably not been hired elsewhere before so i'm here to help you demystify the whole oh it's very hard to get jobs on upwork this one that one yes so this class is for you if you want to earn in dollars dear brethren if you're in nigeria or most african countries you'd agree with me that earning dollars is a big deal especially considering the economic situation you are in and every other factor puts in place because for example right now in nigeria um it dollar is about 490 nah to one dollar yes so you can imagine if you're making like hundred dollar two hundred dollars one thousand dollars two thousand dollars in a month and up work you definitely be doing something for yourself so if that is your goal if that is what you like even extra two thousand or one thousand dollars would make sense to you just stick to this video this class also for you if you want to connect with foreign clients who are willing to pay you better because they understand the value that you bring i don't mean to share to nigerian clients but if you walk in nigerian clients and work with foreign clients i don't think you ever want to work in nigerian clients again because mainly because empowering clients understand the value that you're bringing nigerian clients i don't know if they don't understand it or they don't want to understand or they want to pretend they don't understand so that um they can decide to on the underpay you or tell you they pay with exposure so if you want to connect with foreign clients we'll pay you better because you understand the value of your skills this class is for you if you have a skill which can trade on upwork now i explained that upwork is okay upwork is like a marketplace and every market deals on demand and supply so as a client as a freelancer rather you should have a skill which you're supplying you're not just on the platform for vibes or you're not just on the platform just to be there you have to have a skill or a service you are selling so if you have a skill then definitely this class is for you if you don't have a skill yes or a service you can still watch through to the end but just make sure you keep in mind that you have to have a skill or service before you can make money on upwork if you've been on upwork where to land your first client or you've even gotten your first client and it's been hard for you to get another client this class is definitely for you now before we get started let me tell you why you should pay keen attention to everything i'll discuss in this presentation now understand that you probably watched um so many other videos or listened to so many results or read so many other blogs and from observation most people just discuss distance out of theoretically do you get they probably stand up for one of that class where they discuss it and where we know how info how the information and industry is now people could just sign up for a class go and tap materials and jump on another class teach the same thing some people just teach theory you get they don't take practical but i stand out in this case because things that i'll be teaching you are things that have helped me i've been in your shoes before let me tell you i've jumped on up work gotten my first client and it was hard for me to get another client and i was like what's going on blah blah blah so then i had to like ask for help sign up for mentorship classes and all that before i was able to okay figure that this is what i'm doing wrong and i've discussed some of those things that i discovered that i was doing wrong that eventually fixed and helped and instead of helping me get clients so now for over 15 months i've been helping freelancers have their clients on upwork even ub freelancers even if they're just new at freelancing and have never been hired elsewhere before and you don't have to take my word for its balance i understand so many people say so many things just to get your money or to get your attention or to get whatever i know so i'll be sharing some of the testimonies i have received from my students and there are so many i can't even share everything but you can also check me out on facebook um the car for zamaka is my name on facebook a car for zamaka mary joy it's my name on facebook so the strategies that i teach are things that worked for me and things that worked for my students so no i'm not here to sell snake oil to you or whatever but disclaimer before i proceed things you'll learn i would like you to understand that upwork is not a get rich quick scheme do you get because i know people you've seen you probably seen people or heard testimonies of people that are making like three thousand dollars a month and over five thousand dollars a month and up work they didn't just jump to that level and it's the same with not just upwork but every other platform but let me just discuss it because i've observed that so many people come in with their whole mindset of um okay once i'm dropping off poke i just start seeing money back i start like making my first million so two million or whatever it doesn't work that way you get so you should understand that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme it involves building it involves patience it involves consistency it's you need to be optimistic whenever that's in positive so the first so these are some testimonies from my students you see faith says finally many thanks to zamaka finally because before my class he's been trying to like get gigs on up work but it wasn't working for him it wasn't something is wrong before i took my class another person said user just landed my first job and this other person esther she says um she goes on and on say so many things about mindset and embroidery thing and these are some of the things i discussed in my class mindset break demystifying so many things and every other thing so let's get started let's just get into the video in this presentation i'll be discussing two things i've noticed are responsible for most freelancers low higher rates profile and proposal these two things these two things i don't even know how to emphasize on it but your profile on upwork is like your cv you know when you when you hire for when you're applying for um normal jobs you you take your cv you write your education work history every other thing that's what your profile on upwork is and it is a place where you have the opportunity of selling yourself this is the opportunity to every freedancer has the same opportunity of writing things on their profile but what you write is what makes you stand out i compare profiles like dollar bills you have 100 dollars same bill same paper same ink same quality of paper using printing the same quality of ink is in printing but what you write on the paper what you write on your profile is what determines if you're a hundred dollar free freelancer or even a one dollar freelancer do you get so your profile is really important your purpose is really important people may pay more emphasis to the proposal section or proposals which is also definitely your proposals are important don't get me wrong they're really important but people pay more attention to the proposals and forget that sometimes they could be like two or three other freelancers which excellent proposals so how do you stand out and now the thing with freelancing on platforms like this but generally is that you should always find ways to set yourself apart you get you should always find ways to market yourself to always be the preferred candidate so every opportunity you have your your profile section your proposal every other thing you really really need to optimize it to get the best of it so let's get into your profile now your preference has i think about 10 sections you have your picture your education work history this one that one but i'll be discussing just four sections in this video and those four sections are your picture your portfolio your title and your overview now in choosing a profile picture i i already wrote some steps here i said something as simple as your peripheral picture can influence your potential client's decision and this is so true i've even observed it too sometimes i if people send me a message and i probably shouldn't be doing this but i'll probably respond faster to somebody with smiling on the person's preferred picture i've caught myself doing this sin like um three or four times and i'm like heck this is psychology or something but i would advise that your pro your profile picture should be professional and you should try and smell your picture isn't it a passport it's not them is that your passport do you guess this is somewhere it gets showcase your face and i also advise have a plain background not have a very busy background where people could be passing or trees or clothes or anything just have a very professional looking picture and with a plain background you don't have to go to the studio for this you get it's something you can use your phone to snap and there's this um okay i'm gonna write this here you can change the background of your picture so for example you've snapped a a beautiful picture that you feel in future if you're like oh this make a good purpose and profile picture but your background is busy you could just use this you could just visit um and change the background of your picture there so i showed you two examples now in the picture on the left my background is busy i have a chair i have so many things going on on my background this isn't even really professional um lips closed and every other thing but the other picture is professional i'm smiling my background is plain so if i were to choose between these two pictures for my profile i'll go with the one on the right so the next thing we'll be discussing is your post folder now your portfolio is where you get to share samples of your previous works previous works related to the service or the skill that you are selling on a pork you get so let's say you are you write and you write ebooks for people so your pro your portfolio section is where you get to um have a blog like showcase samples of ebooks you've written in the past maybe a link to the book or whatever but make sure make sure if you have go straighten these books for somebody else and you have people who haven't signed a non-disclosure agreement you don't post the you get if you don't have if you don't have samples of works you have written in the past for somebody you should learn to create samples so for example when i say that writing i was just writing generically but when i said um i knew i would want to write or have a niche in the health and beauty industry so i wrote a few topics because i googled for a few topics that were in that industry and i wrote for them wrote on them so in future when i when i was going through job posts and after a job that i felt okay i want to write this job i want them click on this job all i did was link back to the other post i had written in the past i sent it as a sample as my work sample do you get and i also have it on my portfolio section and this is a sample of what i have written so when you're so when you're starting out with a freelancer i understand that you may not have samples or you may not have previous clients you get the beauty what you should do at this point is create relevant samples very bad samples i mean samples works related to the services you want to offer or focus skills you want to offer a book you get that way it helps you and the importance of your portfolio or having previous work experiences you'll see it's when you're writing your proposal you get because it's easier to convince the client that i can do this job for you because i have done it in the past for somebody else not to tell a client but because i've done it in the past and tell the client i can do this job for you but you don't have any proof that you could actually do the job because you've not done it before and the clients will feel okay is it my work you my um contract on my projects you want to use a name walk do you get i should understand that there are other freelancers there who are also bidding for the same job as you so having work samples is going to be it's really important and giving you an edge over getting the job you want to get next thing we're looking at is the title the title the title now seo the whole seo is called search engine um optimization for those of us who may not know what seo is seo applies on upwork soon and the hack for seo is in choosing keywords now keywords are words that people searching for your service or your products or your organization or whatever would use when searching for it do you guess so let's say you're a content writer if someone is looking for a content writer definitely the person is going to search for content writer so and the thing is that sometimes people do not um there's something called getting invites on upwork so sometimes people would not may not post the jobs directly on the platform they could just go through google and maybe type something like um content write down up work you get or block writers on or poke or article writers on oppo if your title and your overview is optimized for those terms your profile there's a high probability that your profile will pop up do you get so when you're writing your title don't just write anything that is in your mind you have to be intentional about your title so i said to make your profile search engine optimized your title should have the keywords your clients will use while searching for your for your service and i want them to give examples i said for example if you're a content writer your title can read creative content writer he writes for health and beauty industry so let's say you you have niched to health and beauty sector okay i think i'll take a few seconds to talk about niching too after this slide so if you have niche to them it's a health and beauty industry your title can read expert health and beauty content writer so let me just take a few i do not plan on talking about niching but it becomes important as we go on nation is choosing to serve a particular group of people do you get and the importance of nature is that it sets you up as an expat so for example you have to fake would you rather just go to a general doctor or you'd go to a dentist i would assume you go to a dentist if you have toothache and the thing is if you went to general hospital number one they will never take care of you very well in the first place do you get but even if you went there they will charge you less because they are not specialists muslims are actually referred to a dentist but let me just imagine that you go to general hospital where they decide to take care of you they will not charge you as much as a dentist to charge you i went to the dentist once and just pick a card i paid 5k they had not even touched me anything or opened my mouth i already paid 5k but i'm sure if i went to general hospital i may not pay as much as that's for just going consultation or picking a card or something like that so the thing with picking a niche that sets you out as an expert now you're probably new to what you're doing that there are two ways you can niche or three ways actually there are three ways you can need you can each according to industry you can need to connect to service you finish according to both industry and service so for example i'm a health and beauty writer i also do lifestyle but let's just stick to health and beauty i'm a health and beauty writer that is industry what do i write the different things you can write you have article writing blog writing listicles case study white papers product reviews product descriptions blah blah blah as a service so you can also decide to niche just on service so if you niche according to only service what this means is that you'll be you you could decide to be writing articles blog posts this one that one for any industry do you get you can also niche according to and if you choose to write for economics according to both health and industry so what this sorry both industry and service so what this means now is that i could say i'm a health and beauty article writer i'm a health and beauty blog post writer now i have niche according to industry and service so i'll discuss for writing there are so many other services kind of it can be a graphic designer you can build this so you can read that one i never people would do like publishing they could tell you they are um amazon can do amazon kendo and epub this one i don't really know those terms in publishing sure but those are you can reach according to industry and finish according to service and the beautiful thing about this is that specialization specialization marks you as an expert and you get more money when people recognize you as an expert now many people recognize you as a jack of all trades so back to what we're discussing next thing we'll be discussing is your overview the overview section is almost this is where you get to sell yourself scatter your overview is your brother you should answer the questions what do i do what do i do it for what qualifies me to do it and what results would the client get by hiring me then it should definitely end with the cca a call to action now let me answer each question one by one now in your overview if you study services you offer so this is where i talk about what do i do and now remember i just discussed them niching and i told you guys like for example as a writer i could maybe do between case studies white paper product descriptions blah blah blah your overview should be able to answer this question even before the client maybe reaches out to you do you get so everybody should be able to tell the clients oh i don't care study so i do white paper so i do product descriptions i write this one i write that one do you get then i should answer who do i do it for as a writer who do you write for i writing for like b to b b to c i a writer for health and beauty brand tech brands financial brands ex whatever it is what do you do it for do you get 13 um resources what do you get by hiring me you have to be specific now your overview is a pitch it's where you get to pitch yourself is a copy you get if you know what copywriting is copywriting is selling yourself sending yourself to selling your products using words so that is why your overview does for you so there are so many other freelancers with your skill set so what guarantee are you giving your clients or your potential clients are you guaranteeing them that you're right would increase their sales or improve conversions for them or you write engaging articles so what exactly is your what specifically are you guaranteeing them that they'll get by hiring you now what qualifies you for this job you're doing is it education is there experience is this certification you talk about it do you get and it's important to mention this because you don't want to sound like um someone will make so many promises so you should be able to specify this is what i do this is what i do for this is one guarantee and what's what qualifies me to do it for example you see someone as a doctor and the person did not go to school or the person or go to medical school or something and the person is not an anti-doctor the person is a medical doctor what qualifies you to become a medical doctor in the first place you will not feel safe in the person's hands you get so it's just the same thing you should also do handle objections what your clients may have if you say um you write let them sales letters that that's guaranteed to maybe wrecking millions for them anybody can make this promise but you can stand up by telling them that perhaps you have the experience you've been a copywriter for xyz years or you've been a marketing sales person for xyz years you've done this one you've done that one you can even give them case studies of of the previous work you've done in the past that helped you to get the results you want so what i'm just saying is your overview should just answer the question what qualifies you to do it is your education why are you schooled in this is your experience you have certifications and this so basically so i i did a mini overview here and i said let's put it all together so let's say your title is expert health and beauty content writer you obviously carried something like this definitely your rap it should be longer than this but should it be too long ago but should be longer than this i just read this to help you put things in perspective so i said are you looking for creatively written website content that delights customers and converts leads to lots of long-term clients now take note of texts that are not in white here you get so the light customers that convert leads to long-term clients is what will i do is the result you will get i mean there are literally in the results you get that out with um the website content i'll write so what am i doing i'm writing website content what would the website content do to delight customers and convert leads to long-term clients and i say i'm here to help you write them i go and heard say my name and i told you i'm a dynamic content writer so this is me telling you who i am so i specialize in creating educative engaging and compelling content for businesses in the health and beauty industry so i also tell you who i write for do you get why am i doing this for health and beauty industry and i perform superb writing landing page content product descriptions mission statement product reviews blah blah blah you still me telling you more what i do so i go i have to also tell you what qualifies me to do it i say ims certified as a certified hubspot academy inbound market time and i help you handle your inbound markets and strategy needs with high quality writing solutions so i just go on and on so this is me answering the question what qualifies me to do it do you get and i tell you let me apply my skills and experience also telling you that what qualifies me is my skills and experience from over three years of writing so the point of also um taking the pain of stress or writing this overview is to let you understand that you're answering these four questions doesn't even have to be so lengthy so i i don't want to imagine that you think okay overall you should become like another lecturer speech or something like that your overview should be concise it should be clear it should just answer this for it should definitely answer these four questions then you should end with a cta cta's call to action so it could be maybe hit the invite button now or contact me or whatever the next step you want them to take is now to the almighty proposal writing proposal writing is mean well i hope you guys have been getting me i know this is not a real class but i just hope um you've gotten what i said so far if you have any questions you drop them in the comments section and i'll definitely be going through the comments section with time to answer whatever questions you may have now your proposal writing this is the section you get answer two main questions are you capable of handling the project and do you care about making the client's life easier do you get now since i've noticed about most proposals that i've read from um my students or people who sign up for my class is that people write selfish proposals you get selfish proposals and proposals that let me just leave that selfish let me not go further but by selfish proposal i mean a proposal that is centered on you as a free nasa so and adverse proposals are more like even the proposals proposals that are like please give me this job please i really need it i need the money like finally need the money but i mean give me a reason to give you my money even me i want to give you my money as a client because i also need to get this problem off my back so the thing about that's why i started this video by telling you you have to have a skill or a service sell on off work so that you don't jump on up work and you're seeing jobs and you're begging clients to please give you their money you guess i'm also saying proposals that and selfish in the sense of so many eyes so many eyes like you read the job description you don't let the clients know that oh i read your job description no i understand what you want to all this one and all that one do you get just really selfish proposals that just breaks off i i like first person pronoun that's what i mean off by eye now your proposal your proposal the dominant pronoun in your preproduction do you by you you're referring to the client and you talk about your proposal should discuss how you help the client handle the project with proof that you can actually help the clients handle the project and this is the results you get by handling the project so on the next slide i tell you that your proposal should have these five features it should be solution based it should make a big promise it should be clear and concise clear and concise because you should be concise because some people just write proposals and you if you ever think them to read it as a client you don't even really know what the person is promising you at the end of the day it just talks about so many things you get you get so excited and you talk i don't even think most clients will go through all that all that stress well sometimes i go through all that stress maybe when i read them from my students or something like that but if i were a client i'm trying to hire somebody i wouldn't go through all that stress so your proposal should be concise it should have evidence of what qualifies you to handle the project you guys remember i talked about evidence and when i was discussing your portfolio section and i told you it's important to have samples because it helps you when you're writing proposals because it's easier to convince someone to give you a job because you've done that type of job before and when you want to use the person's job as the first as an example of what you can do then cta means call to action so now if you read these proposal errors now the first picture to the left is is um the client's job description the client's job post so you see them i'm looking for badass writers who um who want to help build an up and coming blog for entrepreneurs blah blah blah blah blah blah blah now there's so many things proposal writing is is like i think it had a proposal written in one or two days in my class because i have a page class where i discuss more of all these things you get i break it down discuss mindsets hacks for freelancers discuss proposal writing discuss your sections of your portfolio of your profile different things you get and i go on to you and discuss a lot more proposal writing than just this um two slides i've discussed so far so one thing i should mention is when you're writing your proposal first thing you have to keep in mind is that you're you're writing to a human being is a human being a poster this job so you're writing to a human being because some proposals are just a mechanical they're just so as if you're writing to your robots do you guess no empathy no human thought no no feeling i touch the proposal your proposal shouldn't be that way so one thing you should also do while writing your proposal is observe client stone do you guess i did not write on the previous slide but these are like other things absorption stone now in my proposal you see as i said hi alex you need a writer with the right blend of seriousness and phone to write your articles are engaging and persuasive now remember i also told you guys that it's important to make a promise so i've indirectly just told this guy that the articles are right engaging and persuasive and i was able to come up with this because i read the job description and if you check the link the link i observed the tone of the articles written on this blog that this is why i'm i observed one of the articles written then i found out that they were fun but they're also serious they get so that's why i said the right blend of seriousness and phone and i told him i'm that badass writer you need hear the word badass i wouldn't have used the word badass if you know you brought badass or if i was writing to a client that i perceived to be very professional you know like this client wasn't professional he's professional but i mean he had the blend of seriousness and fun that's also used the word badass so i said i've read the articles on the link you shared now why i wrote this oh i let him know this is because he shared a link and definitely shared the link because he wants me to read it or to read the stories there so it's important that when you read a job description you should let the clients know that you have read the job description the different ways of doing this you can write something like um you can reiterate or resay what the person wants you to do in a different way do you get so i told you my red articles on the link you shared and i know i can write even better and i said i've attached two samples of my previous works to prove this to you you get i hope you're following me is i do not stop by telling my car better i also went on tell him like see what they have written this is proof that i can write better than these other guys that you have or that you're trying to model and i said i am super confident now your proposal should you should sell confidence in your proposal so get and because in fact the first step before you we even jump into this proposal right then is before you sign up for a job rather before you submit a proposal for a job make sure it's the job you can handle if i didn't feel like i handled this job i wouldn't i wouldn't submit a proposal for it i'll just move on with my life and look for other jobs that can i feel like can handle but i told this guy i'm super confident that my skills and experience as a copywriter will persuade readers to invest in your offers now i don't want to go into breaking down this um proposal because i also like added my copywriting knowledge and writing this proposal they get now i told him invest i know i use the word invest i'd not use the word buy but let's just move on i said i'm super confident that my skills and experience as a copywriter will persuade readers to invest in your offers while they are hooked by the conversational flow of the article that may help you make those dollars roll into your account even while you sleep now observe this side this height is them at e-commerce though you get now i would also advise you when writing a proposal you have to think beyond what is written do you guess now he read this whole article he there's no place he told me anything about trying to make money that he wants to use to make money but the thing is he he has an affiliate his site is an affiliate marketing site and the same african marketing is you're you're writing articles so that then those articles can affect you money do you get so that was what i told them let me help you make those dollars roll into your account even while you sleep for some for some um jobs as a writer for example i know you you could be a graphic designer or whatever so i'm just discussing writing because that's what i do from so some jobs as a writer it could be you may just be there to write an informative post it's not like opposed to bringing money it's supposed to be a direct means of making money but you should let's see understand that okay whatever it is you're doing if you think your client's primary aim is to make money or to inform or to educate you should be able to know even without being told and you know these things by observing or by knowing what the job is about you get that's a kind of regards mg i also wrote ps another promise when i write for you you discover that i always deliver before the line so compromise and unexpected quality of the work now this proposal is just like five paragraphs one two three four five okay let's say six including the ps he just has six paragraphs it's clear it's concise once you release you know what i'm about do you get i do not go on rambling and rambling and rambling so yes so eventually i reached out to him and like hi mj thanks for application out of all the applications only four people stuck out from the crowd you are definitely one of them and we go on and then we eventually work together so yes now as i told you guys earlier i told you guys earlier i hosted class on upwork and i discuss a lot in class and you get i discuss a lot that influences your mindset as a freelancer in the first place actually the very first thing that is cost in my class is mindsets mindsets hack for freelancers and i know and i discussed this first because that was what um gave me my break when i wanted that freelancing because some of you have seen people making money online but you do not yet believe it can be a reality you get and it's difficult to manifest what you not believe in it's difficult to it's not it's not motivational speech you get i'm sure you must have heard that your mind is everything your mind is where you build everything and you think it's motivational speech what's there's no motivational speech if you do not conceive something in your heart even if you see it in your hand it's not lasting your hand because it's going to be like a mistake it's going to be like ah this one miss rude because your mind does not accept it it's just like gun blasts and arrests they make a ton of money and because they have not built the capacity to take care of their money they spend the money till this that they're back to zero to get so it's the same thing with anything if you want something to manifest in your life your mindset has to just adjust or expand or whatever the word it says it has to be a bit of commodity so the first thing i discussed in classes mindsets then i also discussed basis of copyrighting so in the previous proposal and the problems that i shared with you guys i told you that i used my copyright my knowledge of copywriting to write a proposal to you get so discussed basis of copyrighting disclaimer please i'm not telling them when i attend my class you become a copyright or something like that i do not teach copyright and that's why i told you you should have a skill already you have to sell it could be writing it could be coding it could be graphic design it could be whatever but whatever it is you're selling you need to have even if it's basic knowledge of copywriting and that is why i discuss it in class i'm not discussing copywriting so that after my class you can become a copywriter no you can still go and learn on your own yes but i'm not telling you that after my class you become a copywriter so that disclaimer i'm trying to make here and another thing on this course is setting the foundation of the right foundation of the freelancer how to speak a profitable niche so i also discussed like okay these are the things you should consider when you're picking a niche how to create an optimized or pork profile but optimize i mean even for search engine they get like to increase their chances of being found then how to write job winning proposals with templates now the importance of having this template for proposal writing is that as i said earlier you know the only person seeing a job when it is posted there are thousands of other freelancers are seeing it now up work is accessible to 180 countries is a global platform it's not an african owned thing or for just u.s citizens or something it is a global platform people from over 180 countries have access to this platform so you can already imagine that as you are seeing a job in nigeria another person is sitting in ghana negotiating us france uk canada london everywhere as far as they are online or going scrolling through the job feed at the time so you need a template a template is something you can just model and modify in like three four five um three minutes you should have written your purpose in like three minutes if you have a template that is that works you get and the importance of submitting your proposals early or being among the first five at least is that clients view proposals according to how they are sent do you get so if you drop on if you see a job and you're you're seeing like 10 proposals already or even five and just move on because before you can you feel writing your because i may you may by the time you're submitting me you start seeing like 15 to 20 proposals already on the job you get and if you were a client i mean if you're going through the proposals according to how they're submitted once you see the person you want there's really no need to go into the remaining 20 or 50 proposals so you need a template and i share a template in my class i also show how i also sure share another sample that is different from this one on how i applied that template while writing the job proposal and i got the work they get i got the job i got the contractor whatever another thing i also discussed is up to consider before applying for the job i already discussed one of them here and that was like if you have if you see like so many proposals already you should just move on there's so many other factors to consider before applying there are not so many so many but this was like eight other factors to consider before applying for a job in class i also discussed factors to optimizing your social media accounts for visibility so even outside your up work um platform also describes how to optimize your other platforms like um your facebook and the rest for visibility because whatever your job it is that you're doing at the freelancer your clients are everywhere they get but you should also find ways to attract them to you and how you optimize your accounts how you set up your um social media accounts and your profile are wonderful ways of getting the right people to you then as bonus i share a material on fiverr how to create optimized gigs and some ebooks on copywriting to get you started and cooperating in case that is something you want to explore in the future or even just for yourself you get how to get in i don't know i'm ashamed i'm usually ashamed of that if you for my classes three five because it is ridiculously cheap i mean but the reason i set my fear three five is that understand the pain of foremost people you get and the shoes most people are in right now is the show i was in about a year ago plus you get and i understand that also so many people are just i mean no jobs not this one not that one but if i were to set the fee for my class and as at something close to the values of us it's definitely not be anything less than thanking and of course you don't take my word for it i know it's my class you feel our high peace here's our hype it's because it's worth it but i asked my students one time wasn't in the middle of the class this was like i think on events on a thursday and i was like okay with the value of what you've gotten me what you still get how much did this class be and they were telling me thank you will not be much there even though you are charging 20k for the same thing i'm teaching and i know i'm teaching everything i'm teaching you guys and when apart from just what i teach when you consider how much money you can make with it i know someone that said if so many testimonials so many so many testimonies one baby was like she don't she doesn't even know how she would have admitted her father in the hospital when her father fell sick she's not in my class i started learning how to earn in dollars so this one says so many i've gotten so many amazing testimonies that even beyond my expectations beyond my what i imagined my class would be helping people achieve do you get so if you are willing to make this investment in yourself and i mean in a month if you apply the principles i teach and it's a terrorist parable so you should be able to make at least a hundred thousand there every day and every month every month please from the comfort of your home you don't have to go anywhere you don't have to spend extra money on maybe transportation or this one another one upwork is something it's some is a remote job experience it's something that gives you is remote working so from your home you can cut out all the money on spending for transports maybe going to your place of work and then even somewhere like lagos where or lagos or not just lagos lagos abuja so many expensive places in this country that from point a to point b that could be like just to three we already spent like 109 200 era you can imagine how much all that money will save you in a month while you learn in my class so yes for my class is three five now as you're listening to today's date is like i think 19th of may yes so in case you come like next two weeks next three weeks and you find that number three five just on that this was probably a limited opportunity a time limited opportunity so in like it's gonna increase any time because i know the value of what i am giving out and i know it is way way way higher than three five even though i think itself is even higher than thank you because this was sometime last year this was 2020 this is 2021. i have added a whole lot to the class so i'm sure if i ask the question again i'll be getting like 15k 20k but yes let's just leave it at three five feet for my classes three five i'll attach the link to my seller account so you can see more what i'll discuss in class and you can sign up for it remember if you have any questions of what i've discussed so far or other things i discussed in class you hit me up in the comment section as an extra i'll also be sharing a link to how to pick a niche sorry no not how speaking niche how to create um relevant work samples i'll also be sharing that link in the um description box below this video so do well thank you guys for watching this video and i hope you got so much value from this particular video today now this video has really shared with you everything that you need to know and how to get started and also how to become super successful now if you actually need more guide and mentorship i'm going to leave a link to get access to our program right down there in the description section below so that you can actually assess this and start doing a whole lot more for yourself now the thing is it's really okay to start but in the long run you get to realize that you need someone to mentor you you need a coach who is really successful in the field to guide you and walk you through the step-by-step process and hold you all through the way and this is exactly why she has actually you know left those links down there so i can actually reach out to her and jump on her mentorship program and she can actually walk you through and guide you to when you can start making cool cash from up work now if you love this video go ahead and give this video a thumbs up and also subscribe to this channel right now and hit the bell icon so that you do not miss any of my videos and this is actually one of so many other make money online videos that i'm actually going to share with you guys because my goal here is to be sharing with you guys series of content that would help you guys make money using your laptop or your mobile phone and your internet asset so once again thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you in my next video [Music] peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Franklin Emmanuel
Views: 21,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online in nigeria, upwork tutorial, nigerian freelancers, make money online in nigeria 2020, how to make money on fiverr easy, fiverr tips, make money on upwork, make money on upwork in nigeria, fiverr tutorial for beginners, ways to make money online in nigeria, upwork tutorial for beginners, make money online in nigeria, affiliate marketing for beginners, clickbank for beginners, franklin emmanuel, make money online paypal
Id: Zjkl_aP0tLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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