How To Get Your First Job on Upwork 2021 - Tutorial For Beginners

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hey how's it going brad riley here and welcome to this video and in this one today i'm gonna teach you exactly how you can get your very first client on upwork now just before we jump into that though if you are new around here be sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on that notification bell and if you haven't already get yourself on the wait list for my brand new book smma accelerator the social media marketing blueprint it's going to be a 100 free book you just need to cover a few dollars for shipping and handling costs but i'll send the book to you for free so again join the wait list in the description down below and if it's after july first grab yourself a copy but without further ado let's jump into it so as we all know getting your first client is always the hardest and i actually have for you today five really amazing tips on how you can land your first client but before we do that i wanna just preface by saying this you probably have a limiting belief niggling at you right now saying i don't have any experience so i don't have any clients why would anybody hire me and i've been there you know um i remember when i was in that exact same position however what you have to understand every single person the thousands the tens of thousands of freelancers on upwork who have earnings once had zero dollars earned once had no clients on there okay so everyone has to get over that first hurdle of landing their first climb but if you use the techniques i show you today it can be a lot easier than you first thought so the first tip that i have for you right now is to personalize now i don't want you to get uh confused here when i'm saying personalized i don't mean to spend 30 minutes every single cover letter writing unique cover letters every single time and sending it i'm not saying that you should have a base cover letter base proposal you send out every time that you can make some tweaks to but if you really want to stand out to all these other people who have more money earned more hours on their profile you need to personalize now there are a few things you can do here number one often in the job description if you scroll down to previous reviews you can find the name of the person who's posting the job so think about it if you take 10 seconds find out that person's name let's say it's someone called tim okay and then you intro saying hello tim you're gonna stand out to all the other people immediately people love hearing their name and also it shows your initiative to stand out to go the extra mile to find that out you know um it shows you have a bit about you so that's first thing also let's say you find out the company website you find out the company name you know maybe even just having a one line on there saying also i checked out your website i really love this product or i love what you stand for i checked out your mission i noticed you do xyz i really can get behind that which is why i reached out to you today you know if you can personalize that outreach to help you stand out on a personal rapport level that's really going to get you a bunch of extra additional um points to stand out to all the competition so first thing for you here is do not write a unique cover letter every single time have like a base structure that you can use for speed and copy and paste but where necessary personalize it with minimal tweaks like speaking about the business introducing by personal name and what anything and anything else that you can and sometimes if they have certain things they speak about in the job description that you can then touch on just in one additional paragraph in your cover letter that will help you stand out so the second thing the second tip that's really closely related to that one this is a killer this will i promise you get you better conversions than anything else that you can do okay and that is sending loom videos with all of your applications now if you're unfamiliar with the loom what it is it's essentially a a tool or a software like a little chrome extension that you can get which allows you to film videos at the click of a button and then it will be on like a cloud server and you get a link and you just send that link so no longer you have to get the camera out have like a two gigabyte file download it save it and then upload it to google drive and send the link that takes 10 minutes you can literally click record on your on your browser extension it will film it for you click stop you can send that video in a link in a few seconds in a few clicks now why this is amazing is even if you don't have a website you don't have a bunch of information on the client you just see the job in front of you just taking 60 seconds to click film so you can say something like hey as you can see i'm on your job right now i just had to reach out to you um it looks like a really great fit i noticed you're looking for help with social media management and facebook ads this is actually something i have a bunch of experience in um but just to introduce myself my name is brad um you know i run a social media agency here based in the uk and we help businesses just like yours get incredible results what i wanted to do is reach out to you it seems that we could be a really good fit what i'd love to do is find out a bunch more information and then if you're open to it let's hop on a call and um you know i can find out some more information and you know keep it real simple right 60 seconds 45 seconds but make sure you have their job post open and they know that it's a unique video that you filmed just for them and that will shoot up your uh response rate it will shoot up your conversions just because immediately you've sent a video and the other 20 applicants haven't you you are standing out immediately regardless of the fact if you don't have any earnings on that hour rate you're gonna stand out so little things like that mixed with the fact that if you can intro by name and you know have like a one paragraph in your cover letter that's personalized to that job it's gonna help you stand out where you might not be able to necessarily stand out from an earnings and results standpoint okay so number two attach loom videos with all of your applications now the third tip that i have for you to get your first client very simple it's going to be a short one you just need to be hitting at least 10 per day like think about it if you want to maximize your chance of getting that first client if you're just doing one outreach a day two outreach a day you're slowing yourself down you know you want to ideally be doing at least 10. i have some students who are doing 50 plus every single day on upwork you know so i'm not saying go to the extent of doing 50 plus a day but you need to commit every single day to at least 10. and i want you to follow this kind of uh this rule here which is never break the chain just do 10 every single day rather than say to yourself well i'm going to do 100 today and then you do 70 you get burnt out and you never do it again just stick to ten a day and never break that chain every single day seven days a week wake up and just hit 10 outreach if that takes you 45 minutes 30 minutes an hour that's all you need to do and as long as you've hit that that is your most important task for the day done you know so really really important at least 10 hours a day it will maximize your chances of getting responses and it will also you know give you your best chance of getting that very first client so the fourth tip that i have for you here so important model successful freelancers now one thing you can do here real basic is you can go to like a private tab an incognito tab make sure you're logged out of upwork and you can go to the search bar in the top corner of and you can actually search for something like social media marketing or facebook ads and you can look for freelancers and then what you can do which is really powerful is you can refine that search so what you want to do is you want to refine that search for the people who have the highest earnings and the highest job success score and then what it's going to do it's going to bring up hundreds of freelancers you have the highest earnings on the platform you have the best reviews and the best success scores now think about it if you're just starting your upwork profile which i'm assuming you are if you don't have any clients yet think about it you can even try and figure this all out yourself or you can go direct to the source of people who clearly have profiles that convert else they wouldn't have such good earnings and such good success scores because they wouldn't be able to get clients if they didn't have a an optimized profile so look at these profiles and be like okay i'm not going to copy them because i'm different to those people but what are they doing how are they structuring certain things how are they laying out their profile what hourly rates are they what portfolio items do they have what was under their education or their employment sections what have they got in other experiences you know look through that and think okay cool this is stuff that i like and you can even take away things that you don't like okay i don't like the look of this this looks great and you can start to compile your own profile modeled off of the successful freelancers that are already killing it on upwork you know what that's going to do it's going to allow for jacob rather than trying to figure out yourself you're honestly just going to the source who are already getting fantastic results and modeling that and getting that j curve success so fourth tip for you rather than trying to figure it all out yourself just model success now the fifth and final point i have for you in today's video really powerful is to build your own portfolio now if you're new to upwork and perhaps you have a bunch of other results because you've used other platforms before that's cool compile that into like a pdf portfolio add your logo make it look all nice now if you don't have that you have no experience one thing you can do is you can almost build your own experience so you know right now i'm gonna speak about a couple of industries so let's say right now it's social media marketing okay that's the industry that i'm in what you can do is okay cool if you haven't had any previous clients what you can do is you can still create social media pages you can post content write captions you can grow those pages and you can screenshot all of that work and add it into a pdf portfolio with your logo and make it look all professional and clean and show that to people now you're not saying look at my previous clients instead you're positioning it as okay look at what i can do look at the previous work that i've done for social media management you know um let's say it's facebook ads you know you can go into facebook ads you don't even have to spend a penny on advertising okay maybe you can't show direct results in terms of like return on ad spend or cost of leads but what you can show is a really fantastic looking ad amazing copy because what you can do you can go into facebook ads you can create draft ads and then you can screenshot them across a bunch of different industries and you have that to show at least it's much better than nothing now let's say you're looking to get your first client you're a video editor cool go online find some stock for images and videos and that and edit a montage of clips or edit a mini documentary put something together that shows off your work and leverage that on your profile if you're a graphic designer you know do the exact same thing get yourself onto photoshop find some images online do some manipulation edit some photographs and add them to your portfolio because that's going to position you in a way that's much higher up than what you're actually operating at right now you know you might no might not have a bunch of previous clients but it kind of positions you as you do which is going to therefore increase your response rate okay so there we have it that is today's video i hope you found a bunch of value in it those five tips if you compress them all together will massively and i'm not joking here when i say massively i'm talking like a thousand percent increase your chances of getting that very first client on up work now if you do land your first client please come and let me know drop it in the comment that's exactly why i release all these videos to help people just like you you know find and build success online using freelance websites and building social media agencies as well so yeah if you do have success please let me know in the comments section drop a like if you found value and um yeah just a final note here as well if you are interested in having me percy mentor you on a much deeper level to hold your hand help you grow your business from scratch you know i can help you land that first client i can help you optimize your freelance profiles i can take a look personally at your cover letters and your profiles and give you some pointers and how to optimize it maybe you need help building a team whatever it may be i'd love to invite you to check out my mastermind group it's called the entrepreneur accelerator it's also like a mentorship community as well because you get full personal access to me weekly live calls weekly trainings we've got a members area with hundreds of hours worth of content plug-and-play scripts templates funnels pretty much anything you need to build a successful online business and run a social media agency again you're going to learn it all then the best thing about it is it's only 29 per month no strings attached cancel any time so i'd love to invite you to check that out that is the top link in the description if you haven't already get yourself a copy of the book or grab yourself on the wait list and yeah thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Bradley Riley
Views: 59,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get first job on upwork, upwork tutorial, upwork, upwork for beginners, upwork tutorial for beginners, get first job on upwork, upwork tips, upwork proposal, how to get jobs on upwork, how to get your first job on upwork, first job on upwork, upwork jobs, upwork profile, make money on upwork, upwork how to get first job, how to make money on upwork, upwork 2021, bradley riley, bradley riley upwork, how to get upwork job, how to get first job on upwork 2020, upwork job
Id: 52ru7jUd4m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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