Make $2,000,000 AFK Every Single Day After PATCH! GTA Online

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in the latest DLC for Grand Theft Auto online which is the bottom dollars bounties DLC Rockstar has patched the majority of AFK methods in the game and this absolutely sucks because AFK methods in general are a great way of making cash while doing something else whether you're I don't know watching a movie with some friends or you want to leave your console on your PC on overnight while your businesses acrew some Goods or I don't know go outside and touch some grass wait a sec we don't touch grass we're Gamers but you get the point AFK methods are great because they allow you to get money while not really doing anything and just leaving your game running in the background as I said in the latest update Rockstar has patched a lot of different ways to make money and you guys have been asking me how to steal AFK so that is exactly what we're going to be breaking into this method I'm going to be showcasing works for PC it works for Xbox and it works for PlayStation so as always if this does help you out please consider smashing that subscribe button down below you won't regret it I post daily guides on new cars that are released and weekly updates everything you're going to want to know when it comes to GTA you'll find on this channel so we're going to start off talking about how to go AFK without getting kicked from the game and then we're also going to be talking about what businesses I would recommend so you don't have to worry about getting raid and you can make the most amount of money first of all make sure you are not part of a CEO or a motorcycle club the major reason why is because if you are and you have any of these businesses running you have the possibility of being raided after you are not part of a CEO or any type of business in general you're going to go inside of the casino and make your way over to the horse beding area so we're just going to head over towards the inside track and what we're going to do is simply hop onto one of the computers and place a bet that's literally it you can do this in a Solo session you don't need to be in a public session so as you can see we're going to hop right on this computer here and we're going to place a bet now once you've done this just press place bet pick a horse and it doesn't really matter what you do here just don't press place bet just sit on this screen and congratulations there is now no chance for you to be kicked while being AFK all right I just finished watching a 15minute YouTube video I have arrived back and as we can see I am still in game so indeed you can do this method and there is no chance that you will be kicked for being AFK that brings us to the second part of today's video I'm going to be talking about all the businesses I would recommend to use with your AFK method to make the most amount of money a quick thank you to my sponsor u4gm if you guys are looking for discounted Shark cards and millions of dollars make sure to check the link in the PIN comment down below and use code poob for a 5% off so we got a couple businesses that I would recommend first of all we have the nightclub the nightclub has two passive ways of earning money first of all you have the your technicians which are sourcing you Goods we can see currently I have 332,000 earned literally just make sure that all of your assigned technicians are sourcing Goods cuz sometimes they will bug out and not work just reassign them very quickly and assign them back to the products they need to be on then make your way over to resident DJ and if your nightclub popularity isn't maxed you can either rebook DJs here inside of your arcade or in the basement of your nightclub without going into a cut scene or the other option is going into your nightclub and kicking somebody out for Marcel either option is going to increase your popularity as we can see that has done so right now you're only going to be able to obviously grab $250,000 but it is still quite nice if you want to get a little bit of extra cash I would also highly recommend to resupply your bunker especially because in the latest update of the game Rockstar has buffed the amount of time you have for your sale Mission in the bunker previously it was 15 minutes and if you had something like the buggies or even the marshals it was an absolute pain but now with 22 and 1/2 minutes you have plenty of time to complete really any Mission you're stuck with when it comes to Bunker sale missions so yeah that's absolutely fantastic now motorcycle clubs also received an increased time in nor sale missions but honestly I don't think the motorcycle club is worth your time time or Investments to mess around with I'm not worried about getting raided when I have a motorcycle club because it's very simple just don't be part of a motorcycle club business and ljt can't call you but on the other hand these businesses still take forever to sell like for example a full math lab or a weed farm sometimes is going to give you postop Vans or trash Masters and when you get that as a sale Mission it's going to take you a good 25 to 30 minutes to complete that is a lot of time in 30 minutes I could be about 80% of the way through completing all the setups and doing the kaioo heist which is paying me literally double so yeah I don't really see much of a reason why you should really mess around with the motorcycle businesses in general I personally don't think they're great other properties we should talk about well let's make our way over to the hanger walking over to Rooster we'll give us the option of spending $25,000 on crates and always you are going to make more money than it costs so yeah that's pretty simple stuff you're done with the hanger keeping in line with sourcing cargo I would also recommend to go to each and every Warehouse you own for special cargo and pay your assistant $7,500 to go and Source you crates it's going to take 48 minutes for them to bring you those crates so if you just hop back onto the game and set like a 4050 Minute Timer you can do this once again it's pretty easy to make your way to each of your warehouses as well next up we have the salvage yard this business business is quite an easy one to use especially if you're going to go AFK and it's also a great one to use first of all because it has a passive income whenever you deliver two vehicles to your Salvage Ard you are then going to receive $24,000 every 48 minutes and that number is going to slowly decrease just like how your nightclub popularity decreases over time but that's still a decent amount of money especially if you're not going to be doing anything for a couple hours the other way of making money with the Salvage art is after 48 minutes the vehicles that you have brought to the Salvage Ard will be you guessed it salvaged and they're going to earn you about $330,000 per vehicle which is actually pretty good that's around $70,000 after 48 minutes plus the passive income so in general Salvage jard is a great business to use for Passive that brings us to the newest and final business for Grand Theft Auto online which is the bail agent set you have if you did purchase them well the bottom dollar agency is a pretty use Less business for the most part you still do have two agents which when assigned to a job will bring back around $155,000 after 48 minutes it's nothing crazy but I mean it is still cash so I guess you can't get too mad about it so you might be wondering how much money am I going to get if I leave these businesses running in the background well it's going to be around $2 million Yes you heard that right if you left your game running AFK overnight or just for a few hours you came back you would literally be sitting at around $2 million of income why well first of all we have the nightclub we have $250,000 that will be sitting in your wall safe depending on how long you've been gone for and you'll have upwards of a million dollars sitting in your nightclub just from your business Warehouse technicians that already is around $1.2 is million if you pair the bunker the acid lab and all the other passive businesses you'll be running maybe the fact that you have an agency in the background and all the other things we've talked about you're easily going to be tagging on an additional $700,000 you're going to be looking at around $2 million of income which is kind of insane when you think about it especially because you're literally not doing anything but leaving your game AFK so as I mentioned earlier please consider smashing that subscribe button down below it obviously takes a lot of time and effort to test out all the AFK methods after they've been patched to see which ones still work and to give you guys the most relevant information as quick as possible on on the game so as always I'll see you all in the next one and bye-bye
Channel: Pooborama
Views: 83,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WPz6Dpm4040
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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