$15,000,000 BOTTOM DOLLAR BOUNTIES DLC SPENDING SPREE!!! | Broke to Ballin' #70

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the bottom dollar bounties DLC in GTA Online has just released and there is a load of new stuff to buy including a new business and a bunch of new vehicles and luckily for you I've stocked up my account with over $30 million to go ahead and buy it all let's get started shall we okay everybody Welcome to the bottom dollar bounties DLC it is just past 7:00 p.m. in Australia which means we have all the new updates downloaded now there is a guy on oppressor right next to me which concerns me but basically the plan for this video is to buy everything as I said in the intro we have over $30 million on my account so that should be enough to go ahead and buy the business upgrade it buy all the vehicles and upgrade those as well so without further Ado let's go ahead and buy it and buy it I mean the business of course now on Maze Bank forclosures there are five different locations initially we thought it might have just been this one at Mission Row but luckily we do have multiple so we do have this one at Mission Row for 2.4 million basically one and Davis for 2 million which I think might be the cheapest apart from another one which we'll get to one over at Del pero for 2.3 million one up in downtown Vinwood for 2.6 and finally one up in Pito for 1.6 which no one should really be buying that however out of these four down here I don't really know which one is the best they're all located close is to police stations I think this one's the closest and I think I am going to go for the Del Pera one purely because it's close to my apartment my office my nightclub and MC business so it kind of makes sense to go for this one in my opinion however they all seem like decent locations 2.3 million and we can also go ahead and upgrade it there's not much of a difference with this style we'll go with that make it a bit more interesting we can get two agents now the agents their description is too busy defending yourself in court to catch criminals all day then hire skilled enforcement agents to carry out some work on the side give the responsibility take the profit so I imagine this is pretty similar to the guys you hire in your auto shop or salvage yard who can kind of do the business for you to a degree so I'll go ahead and buy them why not might be useful personal quarters will obviously go and byy so we can respawn at the business Gun Locker I don't really need it but why not and then finally we have armor plating on our van the bottom dollar Bail Enforcement van so seems like we're going to be using this vehicle for a lot of the missions so I guess having that is better so with that I don't know if this was the most expensive location but $4.5 million for all the upgrades in the Del peris spot not too bad let's go ahead and get it and we'll set a waypoint and why not just drive over there okay hello mod okay so here's the location it's in between basically where my apartment and CEO offices and and kind of my MC Clubhouse and Nightclub so not a bad location it's a bit annoying that you have to drive through these like weird Alleyways to get here but either way top left dispatch work can be accessed by pressing R3 when you're driving a law enforcement vehicle on your own that's quite cool we'll take a look at that a bit later but first of all let's just head inside the bottom dollar Bail Enforcement business a she wants to hug hey bro don't let her hang like that what the hell give her a hug man I'm touch starved as it is can my video game character at least get some what the hell okay well now that that's over so we need to register as a boss again of course now let's go ahead and do just one Mission just to get a feel for the business then we'll take a look at the vehicles cuz I am very interested in what they have added to the game and this is a interesting computer layout looks quite good actually so we have three regular targets that give between 35 and 40,000 I assume and then one high Target I'm assuming there's going to be a difficulty increase with these but I guess we'll go ahead and give Grace a go why not this definitely seems like one of the more unique business businesses and it's actually like a proper Mission like a instance Mission interesting so our Target is Grace Whitney CEO billionaire criminal and dead woman according to every clickbait article you can find about her online what's crazy is she skipped bail right before the tragic fatal accident took her life skeptical no let's investigate and we can use this van I wonder if we can use our own car I won't use it now just in case we're not allowed to but that should be interesting now we're going to get a location to go to I'm assuming oh there we go so where we heading over to some random facility we get an image attachment as well which is just going to be her photo so another thing that they mentioned in the original cut scene is that if a bounty dies then you still get money but paid out a lot less so I'm assuming it's going to be maybe half or something if you kill them by accident and the Bounty value in the bottom right currently being 129,000 I imagine if you damage them that also goes down very similar to sale missions of the cars from the auto shop or sorry not the auto shop the vehicle Warehouse from the COO business similar to that I would think I think so at least but no point speculating we're about to go get her anyways so she is at the St fias hospital morg and are we parking downstairs no we're going around back I think okay how the hell do I go around back I have never been here before is this new it's not new it feels new though I do not recognize this place at all okay so there's a guard out here probably you need to use a suppressed weapon also on the official artwork for the DLC there's a new stun gun so I imagine that might be a thing we get to use uh at some point but not at the moment clearly head inside here $18 or already making money guys this update's amazing can you sense the sarcasm all right I'm going to go first person here just cuz it's usually a little bit easier are you kidding me okay somehow we're still good that was really pathetic though um Okay malary cabit C it I'm struggling to speak here as usual and there is Grace looking real fine I'm not a necrophiliac as well so bring up your phone and click snapmatic take a photo of the body is she really dead this is probably not her I imagine is that what we're getting here this isn't her it's a fake body fake person is that salmon under her head the okay so that's not Grace obviously so we leave and have to go find her now I don't know how we're going to find her but I'm I'm sure it'll it will work who okay does that always happen or is it cuz I alerted the guards uh doesn't matter so next location we're going to is the union depository or something some sort of bank I'm assuming the entire Bounty is contained within one Mission which is really good cuz having to do multiple missions would be quite a bit of a Time time loss I guess just be a bit annoying so hopefully it's all contained I am interested to see how fast you can complete these once you know what you're doing obviously like I said I'll have another video going up in a few days of me properly grinding this business and seeing how efficient it is for money but for now we're just trying to see is it fun or not which so far I am honestly kind of liking this it's very unique to a lot of the other businesses in the game every other business you're getting drugs or gun parts or cars it's very rare that you go after people in GTA okay so we're going to the location we park for the union depository height and there are security guards down here okay little stealth Mission going on don't mind if I do love me some stealth now I need to secure Grace Whitney I don't know where she is but oh she's up here do we have a stun gun NOP we do not oh God how the do they see me also M just said that you can swipe a painting a bag is required to steal the painting okay don't know where I get a bag oh there we go get a bag there and we can steal a painting so some extra money I don't know how much is is going to be but honestly I'll take any extra cash I can get there we go the frames just dropped insanely low there what the hell is going on why is the game playing at 20 frames a second okay it doesn't tell us how much the painting was I'm sure we'll get that at the end and she's gone down the elevator probably to a garage we might have to go in a Chase here which honestly I wouldn't mind usually but the vehicle driving currently is hot garbage no we went upstairs okay see you okay grace I'm coming ow there's another chopper off oi oi no no no no no don't you dare okay don't land on Grace please that could have easily killed her probably shouldn't have done that oh no no shoot their hand oh is that usually a feature in GTA you can shoot guns out of people's hands I've never known before if it is but there we go okay I thought I nearly killed her for a second there that could have been bad I do not mind that at all for a mission so now all we need to do is drive back and not get killed I'm assuming that's not the people attacking me I was shooting at civilians as usual so I do wonder if that Bounty value can go down I imagine if you kill her by accident it goes down but I don't know if that's it but there we go first ever Bounty complete so we got 129,000 for the Bounty Valley and we also got a painting secured so maybe 200k if we're lucky if that is 200k we've done that in about 20 minutes just under probably which honestly looks really good for money additional TI is 5K what the and another 5K so we got 10K for the painting or we 5K for the painting another five for the mission not as much as I was hoping for but whatever and there we have Grace secured doesn't show the money for some reason maybe it's only when she gets put back in prison so maybe after a 30-minute cool down we get the money or something not really sure although that is the mission done I don't want to get too much into the grinding of missions today today we're going to be buying buying stuff so let's head over to the car websites and see what we can get so first take a look at legendary Motorsport and we have a bunch of bottom dollar bounties Vehicles we have the invetro coquet D1 the Anis oidos or Euros X32 the Uber marked neoe which that car looks incredible in my opinion the Bolin envisage and the enus Paragon s let's go ahead and buy all of them and we'll customize them in a while also I just noticed the Euros X32 has hsw upgrades which is pretty nice the upark neob also has hsw upgrades the inetra cocket has nothing the enus Paragon s has aanii Tech and the Bolin Visage also has aanii Tech so we're eating good for these vehicles now on to Southern San Andreas sport Autos we have the declass Yos 1500 a little pickup truck and I think that's all on this website for now yep and then we should also have a new police car we have three new police cars the Greenwood the Dorado Cruiser as well as the Impala SC Cruiser to purchase the impal cruiser complete the slush fund as part of the clu and Bell Farm Raiders leader um I've already done that so I don't know why it's not letting me buy it that's strange maybe I have to do it again we also have to do it here so I guess the police cars will leave for next video because one they are ridiculously expensive so I might need to grind a bit more money and we have to unlock them again for some reason so again police cars will leave for the next video uh just because it's not letting me get them at the moment but we'll go ahead and customize all the other vehicles and see what they're like oh what a lovely lineup of vehicles we have here I made them all white for now just for a blank canvas but it honestly it looks kind of sick h a garage all in one color now just off initial Impressions my favorite vehicle out of these is definitely this one here I don't know what it's based off in real life but it does remind me of the BMW i8 which is my favorite car in real life it gives me sort of similar Vibes to it I don't know if it is based of it but it could be but we'll get around to it we'll start over here with the first vehicle and make our way around which means first off we got the invero cocket D1 Sports classic now we only have 16 million left which hopefully is enough like I said the police cars are a bit expensive but we should be able to get all these customized so liveries we have quite a few got some Racing Stripes double Racing Stripes got some pin stripes on there some old school racing liveries ooh that's quite sick actually you know I'm just going to go for the most unique one on every single car and the old school race Flames is pretty darn unique now we can get some respray on it as well I don't know how much that's going to change the underlying color quite a bit actually God damn I honestly kind of like the darker colors like the Browns and purples they work really well with this it kind of makes it look like a rally car or like something you'd seen like a monster truck thing obviously I know it's not a monster truck I'm not stupid but that to that type of environment I think I'm going to go with the Bison Brown I don't usually like brown vehicles but it kind of works for this one quite well now for secondary color it changes just that side bit there I might just keep it red actually you know cream yeah let's go cream that suits it quite well we can get a roll cage on there secondary roll cage right why not we can also take the roof off um yeah screw it why not now I'm probably not going to do the uh performance enhancements on a lot of the vehicles right now because they just are they're not a waste but I'm mainly doing this for the Aesthetics so we'll leave those for later now I do like that one the best there you can get trunk accessories as well you can get tire on the back some luggage kind of like the Pano as well uh I'm going to go for the wheel on the back looks pretty iconic in my opinion and I think that's about it we can get some headlight covers we can get some eyelashes on it that's kind of sick I like the tape to be honest personally Hood as well oh yes B I like this one yeah the high butterfly blower that looks great and I guess we might as well put some neon kits on it as well who doesn't love a neon kit don't really know what color to go with it considering I have it as brown maybe red I guess that kind of Suits it and there is our first vehicle like I said I'm not going to do performance enhancing right now just because it's a bit of a waste of money at the moment let's go ahead and see what this thing's like to drive probably just going to do a quick lap around the city when I'm driving these things for now and it is dreadfully slow currently obviously no upgrades but it is pretty slow it does feel quite nice though it's not too drifty or anything takes Corners really nicely actually this is quite a sick card it's very unique there's not many sports Classics in the game compared to other categories so I do quite like this it drives quite well I expected it to be much worse since a lot of the sports Classics are quite drifty and difficult to handle this one's actually pretty darn decent but there's the first car customized going to give it solid 8 out of 10 I don't know what I'm ranking it on just feel I guess but 8 out of 10 now on to the next one now this one is hsw upgradeable like I said as well I'll probably do that later if I do want to we'll just go for the Aesthetics for now but the Anis Euros X32 a coupe let's see what we can do to it so we got liveries that are just Stripes again pretty basic this one's quite nice honestly got a racing flag on it so clearly more of like a ing type vehicle we have some other really sick liveries more unique ones oh yes 69 as well I got to do it we got some nice L on the back if that's how you pronounce it I think so we'll go with carbon some carbon race diffusers now the respray on this I can't imagine it would change okay now it does change quite a bit still now personally I think the white looks great on this so I'm going to just keep it secondary color what does that change not anything I can see at the moment now we have some side L on the as well I don't know why I'm putting on a French accent every time I say that but some skirts on the side going also just go carbon there's honestly not much of a difference between a lot of these but we'll go with that one I guess sure I'm not the biggest car person so honestly the difference between these does not matter much to me but hey go we got a splitter at the front I don't usually like these being too big I hate these ones cuz in the game they kind of sway around and look a bit stupid in my opinion but a regular splitter might not be too bad we're just going to go with a basic one carbon Wing splitter oh I love these spoilers reminds me of the blue car from Cars I can't remember his name obviously obiously his one was much higher but still and I think that's about it let's go ahead and get some neon kits as well cuz I always love love me a good neon kit and we'll make this one blue to match the color a little bit and here we have our new car I forgot the name of it the anos UR X32 I think let's give it a drive so initial thoughts it's about the same speed as the previous car it feels it doesn't feel very fast either again also no upgrades I know it is a coupe though to be fair so I don't expect it to be blistering with speed but again handles pretty well I do really love the look of these race cars with their intense levies I'm glad they've started adding these to the game cuz if you do remember when GTA first came out there wasn't really much at all for liveries I think the only ones we had was like the sprunk Livery for like some of the muscle cars and they weren't even in the game on day one it was like a year later so I'm glad Rockstar is starting to get creative with their car designs and things you can do to customize them does make them a lot more unique and quite cool but there we go the X32 I think overall I like it a little bit less than the other ones so maybe like a 7 .5 but still a very cool vehicle now on to the one I am most excited for Uber marked neob or naob or like I said reminds me of the BMW i8 I don't know if it is model after that someone can let me know in the comments what it is actually model after but here we go it definitely looks like the I8 I'm it surely it is O some really nice delies though this Radiance one looks really nice b76 modular race dense electric these have some really nice delies but for this one like I said I want to see if I can make it look like the I8 so we're going to want a metallic probably yeah this is definitely the I8 it has to be right I know I keep saying that sorry prob annoyed at me but I'm just I've been wanting the I8 in the game for a long time and this looks like it could be similar enough and the uark is based around BMW so it would make sense that this is that car now for this to look like the I8 I do need a little bit of a silver color so probably around that there are white variants as well and blue variants but I'm just doing the one I know off of memory now secondary color hopefully it goes in the spots I'm expecting yes it does fantastic and we want just a blue here probably an Ultra Blue I think that looks about right yeah that is beautiful and we can have a trim color as well which I might also just put in blue just to make it look nice get an Ultra Blue as well and I think I want a pearlescent white just to make it a little bit brighter cuz it was looking a little bit dark n screw I'm going back to blue or silver I can't decide that does look right though okay so now we can go on to the other things to make more interesting so we can have a carbon roof if we so desire I don't know if we can have no roof no it doesn't seem like we can I just kind of like the basic roof if I'm being completely honest with you now this car doesn't usually have a spoiler although we could have a little duct tail on there yeah why not little duct tail doesn't look too bad now the wheels honestly look great as they are I'm just going to put bulletproof tires on get some blue Tire smoke feel like there's not much of a difference so I might just go Street kit just gives it a little bit more of an angle there like I said I am going to go ahead and upgrade this one and also get H just W on it because I'm in love with this vehicle and it is probably now my favorite car in the game I can't lie so it is a sport car so I'm expecting it to be a little bit faster and I've also done upgrades this time and yeah we're feeling pretty good with this I like how far away the camera zoomed I'm a personally a big fan of a very far away zoomed camera when driving and this one is quite far back I don't know why exactly it's like that but sure and it is very very Zippy handling is all right now hsw upgrade for is that 1.7 million God damn that is expensive but I'm going to be using this car a lot so I guess it's fine hsw engine upgrade hsw transmission and finally the stage 3 Turbo now an absolute Beast of a vehicle and to test it out I'm going to go ahead and try the hsw time trial for this week just to see if it lives up to expectations okay time trial let's see how we do we have 1 minute and 21 seconds to complete this which if you didn't know the hsw time trial changes how much time you have depending on which vehicle you're using to make it a bit more fair and the Finish location for this one is right here if I'm not mistaken so let's see how we do now I have done this time trial many a time if you guys have watched my race to oppressor mark 2 video it's the one that I started off that with so I've definitely practiced a fair amount and I did it with a much worse vehicle than this so if I do fail well the blame is completely on me wao okay my bad I forgot how fast this vehicle was I'm used to doing that with a much slower one for some reason okay now now I am really just bad Jesus Christ okay this thing is a bit drifty yeah there's no way I'm making it now I'm going to have to restart this God damn it after all that t kiping myself up we just fail straight away this thing is absolutely rapid though God even with all that crashing we still nearly made it that's pretty impressive I think I forgot to put hsw breaks on I just realized that may have helped oh well but second attempt much much better this time no crashing and an easy 1 minute 10 time 11 seconds off the goal pretty darn good now I will just go ahead and put the hsw brakes on cuz I do think I forgot that and it might make a big difference but then after that we'll get back to the next vehicle okay three vehicles done and I got to give this one for Aesthetics at least a perfect 10 out of 10 obviously I'm a little bit biased but still in terms of handling and driving I probably give it around an 8.5 or a 9 there was a bit of Driftin in there I'm not sure how great it is but obviously it was still very very good but now onto the next vehicle another hsw upgradeable one no this isn't the M Tech vehicle now the enus Paragon s which is another sports car now obviously having more on M Tech vehicles in the game is always great but does it look good yeah it's all right deliveries are okay I think the street camera or Street camera red are probably my favorites although the black fracture is quite nice and I do have a plan to make this look quite nice if we get a primary color that is classic we can go for a little known color as yellow and now we have a black and yellow car and now the song is stuck in your your heads you're welcome I will say this looks closer to Orange than yellow but I like orange anyway so I don't really care okay now that the plates there I might actually want to make this more yellow yeah that does look a bit better doesn't it okay there we go proper yellow color now now we can get some secondary skirts some Splitters on the front yep going to go for yellow there too we can get a spoiler we can get a massive spoiler God damn and we can get a grill as well going to go for the secondary wire mesh actually I kind of like the hexagon it reminds me of the pattern of a a beehive which kind of makes sense of being yellow gold latch yeah sure not sure not I meant sure why not and finally like always a neon kit with oh that one looks yellow yeah that looks good okay next car we have the black and yellow mobile which I'm pretty okay with I never really customized cars all at once like this so it's kind of nice being able to do it and getting a lot of different variations especially with the new DLC launching but let's go ahead and see how this thing drives shall we and it's finally daytime which is nice oh it definitely has a very heavy turn to it it does not turn very sharp at all it is very heavy it feels more like a SUV than a sports car let's try a little drift around the corner oh God yeah this is a very very heavy vehicle okay I can get behind it it has a very very heavy regular turn but if you use your handbrake around the corner it's not too bad obviously can't comment on the speed too much since I haven't upgraded it but honestly not a bad vehicle I do like the look of it with this Livery probably going to give it a 7.5 as well probably tired with that car there quite different but don't mind if I do now onto the last car far from the legendary auto shop and then we get onto the shitty pickup truck the bollin invisage is this the first bollin vehicle in the game I've never seen that name before I think this is a concept car in real life someone can correct me if I'm wrong probably am again but here we have the liveries now we have the regular Stripes as usual I want to say like Initial D type strips on the side we have a Bollan race Livery a tribal Livery with some nice pink accents dense drift which does look pretty sick but doesn't match the blocky nature of the car opinion and then we have this one which is very anime and because of that I'm going to go for it to be fair I haven't used a chameleon color yet for any of these vehicles maybe this one could be the one to go with and yeah I do like that the purple green flip on this does work really well cuz there are some green accents on the car already and it's obviously purple so that works quite nicely and then maybe for this we could go for a green as well for the accent can't really see the secondary color in many places it is there you just can't really see it very much I think I'm going to go with the carbon roof there Splitters just going to go for regular carbon lip can get some spoilers oh my God what the hell is that thing Jesus that's a bit intense probably not going to go with that but it's interesting for sure yeah personally I really like these type of spoilers so I'm going to stick with that as well now we can get a complete body trim although you can't really see it that well with all the liveries and everything so I'll stick with carbon why not get some canards as well also go carbon I guess so you can get secondary colors on some of these things but you really can't see it almost at all I guess maybe the best place to see it is a trim color if we just put green on here H that green does not really match that well does it might want to go for a lime green yeah lime is probably a lot better isn't it yeah there we go I already have another purple and green car it's my Amani not man Tech it's my weaponized ignis that's what it's called but either way this does look pretty cool as well I like the boxy design of it it works quite well is this an electric car I think this might be electric it might even be hydrogen if it's based off the concept car I think it is it might be hydrogen based vehicle cuz there's no engine sound so it's definitely not gas or petrol but yeah without any upgrades it's not too bad there's a decent amount of speed to it and this is a mon Tech upgradeable so it could be very useful in vehicles if it works the same as all the other electric and Monch Vehicles it also means it can take more explosive shots than other ones so that could be a good use case for it but honestly quite a nice car as well now we've given the cars so far a 8 7.5 10 7.5 I might actually put that one up to an 8 the black and yellow mobile this one I'll probably give a eight as well so so far that one over there the 69 is my least favorite and you know what we'll give it a 6.9 just to you know be funny and now the last vehicle we have the pickup truck at least for now like I said I'll buy the police cars in a bit just need to actually unlock them for some reason but here we have the The Classy yosity 150 I can't imagine this is going to have much customization maybe I'll be proven wrong okay a few interesting liveries here oh that pinstrip yellow is quite nice I do wish they had more color options than just yellow and red I will go with red though because I don't think I really have another red car we have a blue and red one but we already have a yellow so and you know what for this one let's just try and make it as ugly as possible yep black Prismatic Pearl looks absolutely horrendous on this thing and we'll have a chrome secondary with a trim color of what clashes with red really badly yeah that looks terrible oh that is horrendous I love it we can get a roll cage in the back with some gasoline sure why not uh we'll do a sunstrip on this one cuz I hate it I don't know why I'm making this vehicle to look so bad just thought to be funny uh we'll go with some steps on there because little short boy is not tall enough to get up there you can get a spoiler on this thing this looks so oh my God this is horrendous what have I done to it I'm so sorry okay we can get some insane exhaust coming out the side I don't know what looks worse in a lot of these situations oh yes that looks that looks like something for sure um let's get some neon kits but not have it match anything else in the car I think hot pink Works maybe or a black light yeah let's do a black light everyone loves those and a plate that does not match at all as well a nice green and I think there we have it for our last vehicle but here we go the final vehicle for today's video the D classio 1500 is an off-road vehicle and I am just so incredibly sorry for what I done to this vehicle I've absolutely butchered it it looks horrendous considering it has zero upgrades this feels just as fast as about every other vehicle so far which is weird considering it's a pickup truck but I don't hate it might actually be good it genuinely drives pretty well this is Weir I did not expect it to actually be quite decent I haven't used it Offroad yet of course um I don't know if there's anywhere close I could maybe I'll try it over here for a bit okay here we are back in its home territory I guess you could say well no it's home territory really is the trash bin but that's neither here nor there okay so obviously not too fast considering it's not been up upgraded it works pretty well doesn't drift or spin out too much pretty decent handling in terms of jumping off things how well can we turn without spinning out okay that's not too bad to be honest I know there are a lot better off-road vehicles in the game a lot that I haven't even used yet but this one considering I expected it to be really bad it surprised me a little bit genuinely actually surprised me a bit I shouldn't have been so harsh on this vehicle I I shouldn't have done this to it I'm sorry and yeah even on regular Road it has really good handling actually feels better than that last sport car I did the Amman tech one the black and yellow mobile it actually feels better than that to drive on regular streets which is quite interesting so as much as I've completely ruined the vehicle actually not too bad I don't know if I'd recommend it necessarily but hey it's not like it's going to be a terrible purchase but that is all the vehicles that are available right now I do believe there is another super car that only GTA Plus members can buy at the moment which is a bit shitty on rockstars part but you know that's usually how it is but I think those are the main ones for now if I did miss anything I will definitely go back back and get it in another video well I know the main things I've missed are these police cars but we'll go ahead and get them very soon but yeah with that the spending spree at least part of it I guess we still need to get the cop cars of course is over I think that is about $17 million $18 million I've spent so far and the cars haven't even been fully upgraded so obviously a lot of money you can spend on this DLC and we'll get to making some more later to refill the supply like I said a video will be out very soon of me grinding out the business and seeing how good it is if you want to see that sooner rather than later make sure to hit that subscribe and like button hope you enjoyed the video hope you're enjoying the update and I'll see you very soon peace [Music]
Channel: LankManDan
Views: 274,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gaming funny moments, funny moments, gameplay, gaming commentary, lankmandan, gta online, gta online funny moments, gta online money making, gta online rp, gta roleplaying
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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