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welcome back everyone to another grand theft a 5 video and in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys how to make millions per day and the great thing is there's only going to be one thing you need in order to get started just starting off with this what we're going to be doing is a casino chip method so for any new players out there that not sure what I'm talking about whatsoever basically there's going to be a casino in the game in which then you can actually trade in your GTA cash and convert them over chips which is basically just a currency that you can use in the casino and then from here you can actually play games do different stuff and make a ton of chips from it and we're essentially going to be doing this but the great thing is for this method specifically we're not going to be losing any money from this even if we lose starting off with our requirements first one is you need to go into an invite only session the main reason for the invite only session is because the way the game actually saves is a bit different in an invite only than a public so for this one you specifically need to be an invite only session if you're not sure how to go into an invite only session all you got to do is press options go to online go to find new session and then go to invite only session this will now directly take you to an invite only session and the second requirement from here is we need to have two different outfits so if you're not even sure if you have two different outfits or not you can actually check that by first going over to your interaction menu like go down over to appearance go over outfit and if you can switch it over then you're good to go now if you don't have two different outfits it's not going to let you switch over and so from here if you don't have it what you want to do is make your way over to your near clothing store which for me is going to be right over here every clothing store is going to have a t-shirt icon and if for some reason you still can't find it just scroll down until you find a clothing store from here once you find it just go ahead and set a location to it and then make your way inside once you make your way inside the clothing store go ahead and talk to the cashier here and then from here go to edit saved outfits and if you're just starting out all of it's going to say empty and so from here just go ahead and put on an empty slot and then save the outfit that you're currently wearing and then from here once you have that outfit just go ahead and select another piece of outfit and then from here once you select that go back over to the cashier go back over to edit saved outfits go over to Another Empty slot and then from here save that outfit and now you have two different outfits me you can switch between the two and once you have have that done and said you're now good to go for the entire method and from here the last thing we need to do is make your way over to the dime Casino so the Diamond Casino is actually going to have a diamond stap logo on the map and will be on the top right corner of Los Santos so once you find this logo here just go and set a waypoint and then make your way inside so once you make your way inside the casino what you then want to go ahead and do is go to the cashier the reason why we need to go to the cashier is because this is the person you go to it in order to convert your GTA cash over to chips which of course you're going to need chips in order to actually Gamble and B on the casino which is what we need for this method so of course the minimum is going to be 10 all the way up to 30,000 if you currently do not own a penthouse but if you do own a penous Max you can do is 50,000 at a time I believe after that's around a 30- minute cool down before you can actually do this again and now the next thing you want to do is make your way over to table games on the right hand side of Casino from here you then either want to take a right or left it doesn't matter as it goes the exact same way and then from here you're going to notice two different sections this in front of me right here is the regular section it's available to all players in the game and then you're going to have this section here which is the high limit section now the difference between these two is with the regular section the max you can bet is only 5,000 but in the high limit section the max you can bet is 50,000 and the downside to this one is that you do have to own a casino Penthouse in order to access it so if you are curious about purchasing a pin housee and want to get access to the high limit section in order to do that what you want to do is go to your phone go over to internet from here on this taskbar just click on money and services and keep on going until you find the Dom Casino Resort and after that on the top right corner just click on pin houses and from here you can go ahead and purchase your penous and once you do that you're then good to go and then from here you get access to high limit section the next thing you want to do from here is actually look for a three card poker table so it looks like the three card poker table currently is full in this side so if one table is full it the other side should not be and you can see here for example this side does have the Black Jack is currently closed off but the three c car poker table is now available so from here once you find this table just go and sit down and I'll try to explain this game the best I can so how this game mode works is basically what's going to happen is you're going to start off with an answer bed which actually goes from the minimum of 1,000 up to the max 50,000 in H section or 10,000 in the regular section so next up we have a side bed which is also called the pair plus beds for this one you can either accept it or decline it it just gives you extra money if you have like a high hand ranking but I've never really done it from here what's going to happen is the dealer is going to give you three cards and then give him S three cards thankfully for this game mode and not only does it give you the hand ranking statistics right here but also sorry there's the hand ring statistics so it tells you everything and you can also look at your cards as well and it looks like for this one I have a flush a flush is okay it's not the greatest but it's decent enough and from here we have two different options we can either fold or we can play it now for this method I always recommend playing it as you're never going to lose your chips if you lose for the method that we're doing and basically playing you have to bet another 50,000 but if you fold it that means you actually you know get none of your chips back it's kind of hard to explain cuz I was going back too fast but I'll try to do better on the second one so it looks like I did end up winning and for this we got 150,000 chips so what's going to happen is once you win what you then want to go and do is leave the seat and then change your outfit out which changing the outfit is causing a for Save which is going to be very necessary for this method you can actually change your outfit out by first opening up the interaction menu it go down over to appearance guard outfit and then switch it over from here once you switch it over it'll then cause a force save in the game and from here you're basically just doing this over and over all right so now we're going to go ahead and do this again and this time I'll just be doing this way slower not like trying to tug as fast as possible so we're going to go ahead and do the main antet of 50,000 of course always go for the Max on this stuff and then from here we're going to decline the pair plus bet but if you really feel like going for it you can I'm just doing this as a recommendation it looks like for this one we have a pair of jacks which is really good in the hand ring system and from here we can either fold or play now for this method we always want to go and play it because even if we lose we can get our chips back by doing a simple method which I'll show you if we do okay I think we just lost oh I won I actually thought I lost but apparently we won and for this I got 200,000 chips or technically 100,000 profits from here you then want to go and leave your seat change your outfit out and you're basically just doing the same rotation over and over so here we are on the salvage yard outfit let's go and see if we can do as good as we did last time which I honestly was not expecting to win that one so for this let's go to 50,000 and decline the pair plus beds from here we're going to get three cards and the dealer is going to give himself three cards all right let's go and see what we have for this one and it looks like this one is a queen High which is actually really good but there's still a lot of like hand rakings I can take it over but we're still going to go and play always just for this method so now let's go and see what the dealer has let's see if he went over us and it looks like he did not and so thankfully we won another 150,000 so from here let's go ahead and leave the seat again and then after this open up the interaction menu and go down over to appearance go to outfit and change it over and now we're on our main outfits okay so we're continuing on with this one and let's see what we get for this and it looks like we okay we have a pair of eights which is really really bad I have a good feeling we're not going to win this one but I'm going to go ahead and play anyway always play for this method specifically okay we just lost we just lost big time um okay so what's going to happen is when you lose do not leave the seat there's a good chance that if you actually leave the seat it could cause a for Save in the game which is what you're not wanting to do and then from here for PC players you want to go and press all F4 and what you're wanting to do is essentially force quit the game and make sure to do this as quickly as possible before it saves on its own now of course this works for console players as well for Playstation Xbox just close the application out and from here what should happen is when you log back into GTA online the chips that you did lose you should now get back in the game so from here we're going to go start it up and see if this method still works this day all right so I just loaded back into GTA L and you can see here that I actually did manage to get my chips back once I logged into the game and so from here we're just going to keep on doing this over and over again now something to make this like way quicker and faster which I didn't mention the beginning of the video is that you can actually set your spawn location to either last location or if you want to casin a pinous you go and set it there not only does this make it so much easier because you're spawning right beside the casino but it just you know makes it quicker now if you're not sure how to actually set your spawn location you can do that by first opening up the interaction menu go down over to preferences and then from here go to Small location and either set to last location or Casino Penthouse and then from here once you have that set we're going to go a and go back and just do this again all right so it looks like we just found a car poker table that's empty and so now we're going to go ahead and TI this again so we're going to go ahead and do the aned of 50,000 and then of course Decon the pair plus BS and so from here the same exact thing is going to happen the dealer's going to shuffel the cards she's going to give me three cards and she's going to give herself three cards so from here let's go and see what we have here it looks like for this one it's a flush which is actually really good in the handw ring system and so for this one we're just going to go ahead and play and then hope for the best and so you can see here I did end up winning and for this I got 200,000 chips or technically 100,000 profit so from here we're just going to go and leave the seat again open up the interaction menu go down over to appearance go to outfit and now we're on our American outfit and so let's go ahe and see if we got as luy as we did the first go again we're going to do another 50,000 always do the max whenever you're doing this stuff because even if you do lose you're going to get your chest back so there's really no dis Vantage to like just going all the way out and so from here we got another three cards let's go and see what we have for this one and it looks like this time we got super super unlucky now we cannot see what the dealer has we can only see that they have three cards now even though there's going to be a very high chance we're going to lose and we're most likely just going to lose this one you still want to go ahead and play anyway because thankfully with the exploit you don't have to worry about losing your chips as long as you log back into gta1 and make sure not to leave the seeds all right so looks like I did end up losing this one which I can already tell and so for this what you want to go ahead and do is just go ahead and press all F4 for PC go ahead and close the application out for PlayStation Xbox and there you guys go that is your entire casino chip method hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did feel free to like And subscribe for more GTA 5 videos and content just like this and with that being said you guys have a great one stay safe out there and goodbye
Channel: Ligiit
Views: 17,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money glitch gta 5, gta 5 online, gta 5 money drop glitch, gta 5 money glitch ps4, gta 5 glitches, how to get money in gta 5 online, gta 5 casino chip glitch, gta 5 casino chip cooldown bypass, gta 5 casino chip, gta 5 frozen chips glitch, gta 5 how to make money, gta 5 casino chips, gta 5 casino chips glitch, gta 5 casino glitch, gta 5 how to get casino chips, gta 5 glitch, gta 5 money glitch solo, gta 5, gta, gta online, gta v, gta 5 online money glitch
Id: CCvqXrpqucQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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