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hey there everybody and welcome to the channel I'm your host aama and in today's video we are going to be talking about the bunker we're going to be talking about the recent buff that was just added into the game which honestly massively buffed the bunker and the capabilities of earning potential with it we're also going to be talking about the best locations how to maximize your profits with the bunker and everything else like that so as always if you enjoy this type of content please consider smashing that subscribe button down below let's get straight into it a quick thank you to my sponsor u4gm if you guys are looking for discounted Shark cards and millions of dollars make sure to check the link in the pinned comments down below starting off let's talk about locations this is something that a lot of people Overlook we are currently all the way in pedo Bay and we are right next to a bunker this is the cheapest bunker you can get in the game in fact if you purchase a a new copy of GTA you get this bunker for completely free what sucks is that this bunker is a terrible location because when you do your sale missions to make the most amount of money you are selling to the city and well uh yeah you can see how that's a bit of a problem nobody wants to spend their entire life selling to the city now in the latest update Rockstar added an additional 7 and 1/2 minutes to the sale timer so it means if you do own this bunker you at least have a chance to complete your sale missions before the timer runs out but I still think it's a waste of the money if you want to get a bunker get this one here the chumosh bunker is pretty inexpensive only sitting at $1.6 million and it is literally the closest bunker to the city unless you count the Farmhouse bunker but this is actually the most expensive property for bunkers so personally I would highly recommend to get the cheach bunker it's a very reasonable price and it will definitely get the job done now a lot of YouTubers always break into what the upgrades do on the bunker it's pretty simple buy the upgrades if you actually want to make a profit with the business you buy the equipment and you buy the staff upgrade and I would also recommend to purchase the security upgrade while I have very very rarely seen my bunker get raided it is still nice to add an additional amount of protection especially because it is only I think like $500,000 it's not that big of an investment especially with how easy it is to earn money nowadays in Grand Theft Auto online resupply your bunker is very easy and you have two different options both I think are quite viable it really just depends on if you want to run a bunch of other passive businesses the first option is one that I talk about a lot on the channel and that is the arcade all you need to do is hop into your arcade go onto the master control terminal and click on your bunker after doing that just buy supplies it's pretty basic boom $60,000 and supplies are on the way don't steal supplies it's a waste of time and you're actually making less money doing that than you would just buying them so that's the first way the second way of resupplying your bunker is by going into your interaction menu and setting your spawn location to the bunker now to do this you obviously need to PCH purchase the sleeping quarters inside of the bunker but it's only a couple hundred, to do that and once you've done that if you just go to online find new session invite only Lobby the game is going to basically fast travel you right inside of your bunker this is a very easy way to just go from wherever you were after you've completed a mission and just get inside your bunker we can see what that took me maybe 30 seconds to do at Max spawns me right inside my sleeping quarters which is completely next to my computer and just like that we can order our supplies both of these ways are very easy personally I like to go to the arcade just because I resupply all of my other businesses but if you only own a bunker then this is a very easy way just to hop right into it and purchase your supplies earning money with the bunker is as simple as that you purchase supplies and then you wait for goods to acrw and you sell them which we'll be talking about in just a moment but before we do that I figured we'd also talk about how much hourly income the bunker makes which is $56,000 you see every hour the bunker is actually bringing in closer to 75,000 but what you have to remember is that you are also spending $75,000 on purchasing these supplies so if you add that in and you do all the math it's around $56,000 of hourly income which is pretty good because let's say you're spending a little bit of time doing the kyoo Heist and then I don't know you're doing some other missions and you make your way back over to your bunker well if you've played the game for 2 3 hours that's $150,000 sitting in your bunker for literally no effort whatsoever there is one other way of making money with the bunker this is quite simple all you need to do is walk up to the blue weapon icon inside of your bunker and it's going to ask you if you want to deliver excess weapons Parts if you press yes you then have to drive a Dun loader the one I'm currently driving to whatever the marked Waypoint is this is probably going to take you around 3 minutes on average to do and when completing it you are going to make $50,000 this will resupply every 48 minutes it's actually quite nice just to get a bit of cash if you don't want to do much effort and uh add some money into your bank account so we can see I've completed that right there and boom 50 Grand added to my bank now let's talk about the most important change to the bunker that occurred in the latest update of the game which is the fact that you now have an additional 7 minutes to do your sale missions that might not sound like a lot of time but trust me it is some of the sale missions for the bunker are an absolute pain in the butt for example one of the sale missions gives you a buggy and you using that buggy you wouldn't have had enough time because you have to deliver three or maybe it was even four of them and it just wasn't enough time but now with the way the bunker works you have plenty of time to complete your sale missions we can see it went from 15minute timer to 222 now there's one other thing that I want to mention and that is to earn an extra 50% cash you can sell in a public Lobby see currently we are in an invite only session and doing sale missions in invite only sessions is going to earn you whatever the base price is but if you sell in a public Lobby for every player that is in that session you're getting an additional 2% bonus cash up to 21 players which is going to give you a maximum bonus of 50% which is actually pretty dang nice and the thing that people are always worried about is oh no but what if my product gets blown up well let's test that right now let's pretend I'm a griefer and you've left one of your vehicles unattended so I hit you with one explosion two explosions and the third one should probably blow it up there you go so we are now missing a third of our bunker stock and now we only have to do 10 deliveries now realistically you would think that I'm going to lose 30% of the product I would have but that's actually not the case if somebody were to grief me and blow up my product all I need to do is go into a new invite only Lobby doing this is going to spawn me right back inside my bunker cuz that's where I have my session spawn set too and look at that my value went from $400,000 to $390,000 that is barely a loss at all so as we can see I'm currently in a public lobby with 12 people in it and that means I'm going to be earning even with only 12 an additional 25% cash than if I were to sell in a private lobby so let's go do a quick sale Mission $19,000 an extra 20% should be closer to 950,000 so what do we have to do well it is two Phantom wedge deliveries this is actually a really really nice and easy one something that's also quite nice is if more people end up joining the lobby while you're doing your sale Mission it means that you are going to be able to earn even more cash the sale Mission depends on how many are in the lobby when you finish it not when you start something else I should say is always do your sale missions if you're doing them in a public lobby as part of a CEO and the reason why it's quite easy to understand in CEO abilities you have the opportunity to ghost org bribe authorities is kind of useless especially because we're in a phantom wedge there's really no world where I'm going to have to wor about dying I mean this is what you do in the Phantom wedge but being able to go into ghost org means that it hides all of your product on the map and we can see already that more and more people are filling up this Lobby so what I like to do is while I'm doing the delivery especially for like the truck one here where it's a quick drive is I'm just going to go into ghost org and it's going to hide my vehicles on the map and I don't even need to worry at all about somebody trying to mess with me so this one is quick we're going to drive through the city there are people near us but again we're ghost ORS so nobody can see me whatsoever the two players above me they can't see me they don't even know I exist the player at the casino just left the lobby so he's not a problem all right well just like that we delivered our first shipment so what we're going to do now is go to service vehicles kosatka and we're going to spawn in our personal Sparrow this just makes life a lot easier because the sparrow is obviously such a fast mode of transportation you'll also notice that this Lobby is filling up fast which means we are actually going to be getting that 50% bonus it's why even if I'm in a Lobby that's only half full when I start my sale Mission I'm never really worried because usually lobbies with around 10 people tend to fill up after I don't know 15 or 10 or so minutes which is quite nice so again I'm just going to fly my sparrow all the way back over to our second Phantom we still have 30 seconds off the radar as it is so I don't even really need to worry about my product being blown up or anything like that all right and just like that we have arrived at our bunker by the way if you ever use the sparrow I would highly recommend to blow it up after delivering it to wherever you want to go and that's just because of the fact the sparrow only respawns or you're able to call it in once it has blown up so I usually just get rid of my sparrow and then and then continue on doing whatever I was before [Music] that all right just like that we are rolling up to the final area oh god oh okay we're good thought for a second I was about to just ye my trailer off the uh back of the truck that is one thing you'll always have to be worried about with this Mission don't drive a little crazy because if you do and you lose your trailer it's just going to make completing it so much more painful but there you go we've completed the mission now we just got to wait for this boring cut scene to uh fly the Cargobob over our trailer but we should be making around $1.2 million because we I'm guessing got the 50% yeah there you go 1.17 that's a pretty solid bonus and as you can see we did get that high demand so personally I always recommend the sell the bunker in a public Lobby and it's a great example why you have ghost organization and the missions themselves are very easy and fast to complete plus the bunker itself is just a great way to earn some extra cash I mean all I've done is resupplied it every now and then I got a lot of money so yeah that was only 17 people that wasn't even the max amount of bonus that's why we didn't get the 1.2 million I thought we were honestly this is just an amazing time to be using the bunker the fact that Rockstar has increased the amount of time you have on the sale missions means that previously if you were worried about running out of time now you should have plenty the buggy Mission still might be a little sus I haven't been able to mess around with that yet so let me know in the comments but in general it's always welcomed and appreciated at least in my opinion that the bunker got quite a substantial buff let me know in the comments down below what you guys think as always if you enjoy this type of content you would like other guides to keep up to date with the newest and latest content in the game make sure to click that subscribe button down below and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Pooborama
Views: 38,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: So_E2qwQQX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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