Mailbag Stream with Hbomberguy!

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This was a really sweet and lovely stream.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/odious_odes 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know what this "forbidden stream" I keep hearing about is?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/amphicoelias 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's a stream from a few months where olly got kinda drunk and the chat went super flirty etc. It's been deleted. Maybe its up on his patreon tho?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yellowbrowedwarbler 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
it works it actually work maybe I hope so it just says your Aventis I think we are no live your fingers crossed fingers crossed hello health is good we got yes it was fine as soon as it started going yes before brilliant we did it people in the chat can you hear it can you hear us yes oh my god having some slightly slight technical difficulties and finally got him working welcome welcome to the stream everyone Wow the second one of these we've done got such good fan mail last time we did welcome teeth going teeth teeth nice well welcome everybody those of you who've been to my streams before well know how we like to start you might start with a candle I think this is a scented candle it was sent to me by a fan that has Virginia Woolf on it and it's very long it's a very long boy so I'm probably gonna burn my hand but here we go [Music] I stole it from spreading isn't it well welcome welcome everyone thanks for coming along to the second mailbag stream we're gonna open some mail and we're gonna do a live event in London tomorrow which we'll talk about later but is alexandra kazakh school sorry I didn't look somebody in the chat says I should be too hey span out of 10 is our first super chat of the night which means would you pass me that bubble that's just on top there this thing smell of 10 says first day of work in ages I've got cheese cake and I finally made it to stream teeth going forever well for being our first super shot of the night spin you what that's chat interaction Wow thanks Wow it even lights up but if you like they look like my flatmates got me this for Christmas so just the exposure that's really cute yeah I haven't written that very neatly Sven I'm sorry I'll do it again [Music] now the kerning zahl was it daily point of the Helvetic has like a weird kind of string did somebody yet yeah left a teeth over tooth really yeah yeah I want to kiss both of you beautiful boys in the mouth says Jacob schwa Thank You Jacob Wow how much did what was the total in the end the total was like 340 thousand dollars but I I bawled the amount of money coming in and always tried to go over I never wanted to underestimate the money you'd make because they don't to look like I was pretending we made less oh of course so we probably made less than that and I would just guess hi yeah my original plan for that would be because like we'll raise 3 grand and I'll just throw in whatever however much else I guess too much I'll be fine so I guess we should probably mainly good to explain in case this is the first video that somebody stumbled upon I I'm here with with Harris bomber guy who is an online gamer officially now officially again visually a gamer one of the only two gamers yeah what are the only two yeah good one you and John Twilight red any blue early yeah this is online game at age bubble guy who recently raised three hundred and a thousand dollars for mermaids by playing Donkey Kong 64 for 59 hours he did it so well that even my mum Sorek my mum saw it in the news and was like you mentioned in this I'm like yeah that's my friend Harry who I've told you about like expected to raise next to no money yeah it'd be really depressing and then like the highlights would be you maybe maybe we could get on you if she was free and you know maybe instead [Music] [Laughter] we've got some shots coming in thank you to temper sisters give each other a hug twice it happened and I'm gonna try anyway a cardiac records says don't worry about trying to prance my name I'm a work right now as I can't stay for long but it's when I say I love you both women forward to watch this when I get home wow thanks and Annalee beer says I sent you the feminist scarves from the last gift stream I love that scarf and I've still got it I keep it on my on my table we've got my letter yeah I don't worry our side because I'm like not really much of a scarf person I'm you have to get into it yeah it's a really cool scarf and I wanna turn away no the weather's getting colder be good to start yeah literally clothing myself and okay so maybe we should start with the one that we've already opened because a couple of days ago so first we don't know we have a joint p o-- box which just gets delivered to this plot and there was a big package that arrived a few days ago for both of us from joy in israel which contained a bunch of delicious snacks that i've eaten and also some letters for both of us and some gifts to both of us sound and won't we start with that says open this first this one says and they've even typed it to make it easy to read dear holy inherits hi my name is joy and I'm from Israel first of all I did you a favor and printed my letters so you won't have to strain your eyeballs to suffering my handwriting in this package you'll find some stuff for both of you I also wrote each of you a separate letter you can read them on stream if you like but I must warm at some of the contents quite heavy I have a lot of fields you see blue blue blue I said hope you found the snacks to your liking please be good and share only I got you some nice smelling candles and some candle holders see be less likely to burn your face and some fan art and Harris I hope you like the keychain and the sonic fan art yes the towel he holds is the bisexual flag also I made you a neck warmer I hope you like it comfortable colorful I do I love that people keep thinking to give me things for my neck because obviously it is the part that's most expose they gets the most cold there you go you also got a keychain which says I think that has some phytoestrogen oh my god is that it says soy boy yeah oh my god it's a soy keychain that's incredible the level of artistry this is a letter I've not read this so I do know what's in it and this is some fanart Society Hedgehog hanging up is everybody can see that oh my god I'm gonna put on my wall yeah yeah it's really good no a couple for me have your own pile a couple for me one of which is my old logo with a with all kinds of cool cool words around it which I'm gonna put on my shelf alongside like her the wolf who is a present from the last stream and this one which is a little space little space satellite so thank you to joy I've read you a letter already joy thank you that I appreciate that it's really kind of you this is this is not something to read out on streams and it's very I saw somebody say on the superjet write trans rights on the bubble so [Music] Bing thank you you don't know by the way if you ever accidentally write on a board in permanent marker instead of a regular one draw over it in regular marker and it wipes off cool there you go we've all learned something too it's a cool story I know I had an idea for a skit where I would do that but when you wipe it off it says underneath in red nice try [Laughter] somebody says speak a little louder one of you turn ourselves off a little bit that's a good point Oh Eric Fields h-bomb and philosophy tube woods are ill-equipped to describe how grateful I am for the work you go soon as it catalyzed my departure from the alt-right which nearly ruin my life I'm really glad we can help you with that all right that's amazing yeah please those are my favorite messages when I get people like that you know what I'm not sit on Twitter and while ago when she and I didn't meet up in Boston so many people came up to us and were like I got into this whole thing because of age and that's complete as well just because I happen to all like politics in video games yeah you people oh it turns out racism is bad yeah you've become like the weed like you're just the Gateway I'm a very low bar yeah yeah people trip over me and lighting their pile of bisexual lighting ever buzz and they eat a lot of snacks what souvenirs and then gnats are just like cocaine and this one I thought of what this is but it's a it's a dress just to the PIO box not to either one of us in particular it sounds like oh we just sound like a week do you want to open this one it's already slightly open oli oh that's what for me oh okay and then there's one for h-bomb a guy and there's a tone for both of y'all oh nice oh I should say we don't know what what's in any of these we haven't x-rayed them yeah so if anything weird or explosion yeah they've sealed it with wax I know what you did hey dizzy scarlet says hi both I adore both of your videos it's my 23rd birthday today well 23rd Wow that's the get that's the last good year after night is downhill so I'm sorry yeah let me tell you that oh wow this is really well it's really well printed we're gonna yeah I can read this out hi thanks so much for making videos your monthly book recommendations actually encouraged me to start reading the shelves of books that I've bought but I've never gotten around to reading your videos have really helped me in my politics class and in arguing with all my jordan peterson loving classmates thanks so much for creating content and putting so much effort into your videos from Caitlin fantastic hi okay can I first say that your video Sherlock is garbage and here's why is my absolute favorite video on YouTube and I probably wash it literally a dozen times I used to be a huge BBC Sherlock fan but season four really pulled the wall from my eyes and your video perfectly expresses my sentiments I'm not much of a gamer but I'm always going to watch your old videos PS please upload never thank you thank you so much Caitlin I promise to one day upload a new video Oh narrator music says I'm working on a video response to cringey responses to the Gillette ad any advice on how I should go about it I'm also working on that and I'll copy all your best ideas and also narrating music didn't make some low fine music a while ago that sampled audio from one of my videos so if I can find that if I can find it we can play it and I don't think I have the link to any more so but yeah I will try yeah it's really good actually the Midlands really chilled right oh there's more yeah go for it this is incredible I love the silver ink oh thanks hey y'all hope this package finds you in a timely manner I've sent a bunch of recreated vintage pin back buttons I think brick Brits call them badges that I make for my Etsy store I've also included some stickers that I drew myself while watching both your videos feel free to split them out amongst you or give them to friends from Caitlyn Wow crafty stuff currently my I had the only like two buttons I wear are one is from the Hiroshima Museum yeah it's from the neighbors tour when I went to Ramsay Street I need some my leather jacket is four buttons oh no that's why it sounded leg away because they're like yeah oh Atlantis thirteen I so love both of your work I was interested would be a code okay to use samples from your videos in the musical context but fine for me Zoe blade you know what if that pencil case I'll let you really honest sit around it's got scissors I was I was doing some scrapbooking on Ali's bed I was designing her it was designing a badge for the people who make badges for me I apparently have a store where I can tell people put this in a store and they'll do it it's super weird yes yeah I was like hey people keep messaging me about wanting a shirt that says how do you be beaver bother on it and within like five minutes ago I've made and invented a shirt and it was up on a website I want to get shirts but and I can't find her I've said before I dream I can't find a company that will guarantee me no sweatshop labor so until I get [Music] Thomas kiss beta is the nootropics video fully shelved a film I'd love to see a collab with you Tim squirrel oh I've been thinking about the scope I want to do when I do videos on health stuff I do I want to cram it all into one frame or do it in bits and I'm still figuring that out the new topics one particularly interested me because I have got into taking taking like powders that like replace the food that I will forget to eat like green green vibrance of something is a absolute dirt I drank your try something twice in the stream here and it's it's just like here's all the vitamins that you will forget to get if you don't need vegetables here someday and it's like I'm curious about like how far can you is that is they're like are they just like chemicals that a good feeling that you need or is it all just absolute I don't really know the science of it here's some stuff your body needs you could probably take if you don't I can do it I got too much pleasure from them from cooking and I just you know cravings or crashes further jitters and crashes yeah every morning before I start lying a script I'd say two capsules and slowly as possible so I hold the attention the longest health care is a right not a privilege Oh Agis they've got a small loads if I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution and the Wow you're gonna have to divide yourself there's there's a couple of the privilege this one says if you don't like the news go out and make some of your own there's so much Flair I can I can finally get back to my job at Applebee's so this is what time trying to or what time is it time to organize oh this is a teach and peace but it's not like that these are very very cool United we shall overcome awesome Hey Scotch is in the chat that's amazing military spending is killing us Emil Schubert sense is much loved from fellow dumb ancient monarchy Sweden here my husband's little sister is trans and sends extra love for Harris tonight nice Matthew Casa check do you think the rise of left tube is a black rush to the art right or something more and more permanent could be both I would say it was inevitable but it was definitely spurred on by the absolute miserable failure that is you know sitting in your room Spencer Oh doubts as a can't believe there was a meet-up in Boston and I missed it any plans to come back over and if there are I'll let you know if we do another one that Eric field says how would you guys recommend communicating to sincere libertarians the private tyranny is still tarrant that's a good one cuz it was a great debate Michael Brooks did with her with a libertarian that was basically like it was basically describing absolute absolute human terror but it was like well my private army in your private army will have a discussion and then if we can't if we can't agree on which court to use it's war it's just like and like the initial disagreement was someone stole someone's pinecone oh so it's like just it's like the most horrific thing in the world all you have to do is sit in a room with a legitimate libertarian and watch them and talk themselves into the worst possible idea of a system and it solves itself I used to write and for like a website for that was a bit by the onion but it was for sci-fi and one of the articles I wrote was an Liv Terry and optimistic for the future of the blighted hellscape he helped create about a guy who like lived in a like a pond full of scum supporter of a ruined City and worked in like a rat eating factory but was really optimistic he'd become a millionaire Sam cedar that's it yeah yeah I was good using the TPMS because they're on they steal the same set from each other thank you to Jim bot who says handsome boys please take my tax rebate loving your works both of you not so far but trying to keep it parasocial keep up the great work and the mountain sleeps says big love from the states I'm getting a ps4 but I'm on a budget which two games are surefire hits why don't you answer that well I you're probably gonna say RDR to cause it's the only ps4 game I played and deal that the only ps4 game I've seriously played this plug on so LaVon but evidential to just you know feel bad or you're playing are the are to because of all of the destroyed being made but any game in which you can grow a second stash and dynamite plans when there's a game I like long we're and this is addressed a dear cosmonaut so I'll give it a read first and this is only the second time I've been on a stream with Olli but whatever he gets a letter marked a dear cosmonaut I'm like oh this is one this is one of the really heavy constant good good [Music] thank you thank thank you very much did you think did you think you'd have the effect to do on people with this one no I didn't but it made me want to make pot - yeah making cosmonaut part two is gonna be difficult we're narrating but yeah yeah you know what that's about yeah last night was a little a little sticker that says philosophy on it thank you link and a note which again I'll read thought you could do with some more art the background fits your generallaughter aura and lighting from link they've even drawn my chest hair on they've drawn the blue and the red as well yeah that's really cute thank you thank you yeah no I am no I never thought I never thought I would but it has made me want to make my main plot - yeah it needs to be made yeah yeah thank you yeah I wish only had one beer in the house when I came over there's a hot girl and she had half of it with me let's go drink beer in front of you coupling is my favorite favorite beer I forget to buy with a cool postcard yeah oh it's it's from hive it's a it's one of the things from hives with one of the pieces I think I hope that's what it is I hope I'm open getting the reference that's really to the man who destroyed Marfa I'm Terps the music is just from is just from a playlist of about royalty-free synth wave mmm your voice is super soothing despite to the English accent brutal Wow I'm going to read this like a couple more sip shots come in Joel saman says really looking forward to seeing you two tomorrow the right seems to put out a torrent of low quality Mimi titled clickbait content how do you think us lefties can get better at countless well I think I put out low quality content with superior means its superior me yeah a mean race hazel O'Driscoll says come to Ireland for meetup trans rights gang okay see if you want to get about weights because I know Bill Bowes in Belfast oh yeah Bilbo's he's on the back of my my phone case now Maurice boy thank you yeah I love that like the the message from Scottish Parliament it didn't it refused to even mention by name the glue sir but it did it did directly call out Bilbo the dobro the cat the best best cat trans rights Sebastian Poole says hi from levonne's document been watching h-bomb since Davis Iranian his toy skull survived Vasek the DK stream was amazing still hard to put in words how I felt Zoe B says what are you favorite candle scents I'll take anything I'll take anything strawberry I love the smell strawberries okay one of the first first first kill I was ever really attracted to I can't like some kind of strawberry perfume so now for the smallest Roby's is like also worked on a strawberry farm for like two weeks and utterly destroyed my taste for strawberries but the smell it gets in here it's great this one says this is sorry I don't know about everyone else but I'm calling for an infinity war style crossover video with Olly h-bomb Natalie and Lindsey Wow the amount of like logistics we would need so like considering how what a we should need to do like an old Tigre tag style crossover where everyone awkwardly is in the shot at once yeah it's like really bad handycam thought it would have to be so low tech because I know at Natalie's production scale is so huge hmm and mine now it would like the studio and stuff to do like a full-on crossover video it takes so much work and money but about the only video we put out all year no no we just stand there with really flat lighting and yeah I do the special effect in post you know with like we did we go full full this is what this one's very long so I'll try and speed read it and maybe it's another one that's a video about how to start a revolution like totally unconnected that none of us have ever talked about before yeah oh my girl I guess do like incredibly in-depth we're gonna have to team up to figure out how to do this incredibly difficult issue and it's something like how do I make I don't make donuts what's the best wait that was the best way to make a donut and we're all like trying to figure it out yeah do the length of a Star Wars movie left there left tubes infinity war it's just like makeup tutorial like Graham Linehan trying to assemble all the gems surprising the handwriting's really nice it's lovely handwriting in don't know what we did before fonts just having to constantly make out words from it because like prior to the invention of like typing we didn't have an objective letter we didn't have like here's what the letter is it was all just other people writing it I guess even letters are written by someone question I'll read this bit up thank you for being chill about fern interaction I love that you foster a supportive community and always seems to appreciate the admittedly weird ways people express their appreciation if it helps I draw on paint portraits of my friends all the time so they've painted a lot of things sorry the portraits a bit crap you were really hard to draw I'm not sure when the last I've even tried to paint facial hair was thank you for everything you do from Esme thank you so if any of you ever been on Newgrounds and looked at the the the mediator the the like how to how to navigate a difficult situation how to get a refund for your for your broken lamp and stuff like it looks like that art style you click the wrong thing and a cop shoots you it's quite good like it it's based on my acting headshot that's again thank us male that's a very moving letter Thank You Jennifer elder says small funky from my girlfriend and I as to trans girls we really appreciate the Donkey Kong fever knowledge prompted for moments come see us and any person that'd be awesome I mean what you did for Momo you're one of the top times to I'm broke when I was doing my 300,000 stream somebody somebody tipped me $300 on this and I was like that's why I gave an extra 300 to you so I did I live on this as I'm fine I've done the maps I can afford to give it to Joe Ross says question to you both what was the first moment that may be realized the size of the impact you're having on people's lives with your videos and how do you cope with the pressure of expectations I stopped I've managed I turn that off I try not to think about that because it scares me too much yeah the idea that any of my videos have an effect on anyone's lives I'm asleep at the wheel of my own life I have no idea what I'm doing so if you take any lessons from it you know you know I hereby divest myself of the responsible yeah I mean I've seen usually videos of like a bad effect on people oh yeah oh oh or make them think that they've awoken to you and what they were welcome to is eating raw meat yeah it's like well what if that's me what if I've woken up someone to playing Dark Souls 2 and it wastes time they could have spent inventing it a cure for Glynnis disease [Laughter] yeah fantastic mary says a bunch of history channel's last year see the thing with all the naval history why not something similar also thanks for having me on the stream still it shot that I got yeah I know I know I know they're like if you're on a submarine and you make a noise like you drop her you know for clinic clatters you have to report it so they know [Music] because all the subs can hear that stuff Sheena friend of Mines I'm training to drive some rates that's really cool yeah he joined the news so I had this friend at uni Ali much didn't expect you're not watching on myself if you are like get back to work and when he was he was always gonna crash no he was always a bit like loose and weird and I was I was an Army Cadet for five years so if he told us that one of us was gonna become a weird youtuber and the other was going to injure you drive nuclear submarines I would guess yeah shout out to Ali stay safe man and and Achilles the person who just sent me that letter says I just tuned into the stream seconds before he started reading that I'm sorry to make you cry war and it's good cry good card good kid good tears a lot for this athlete cried like twice ever on streams it was the same street so spend those bullets wisely I only have about 14 is left and stop for heaven okay so motion high school somebody's kindly put a Content warning on this one so I'll do another one first and then one this is one that I see all each all the major problems poor box please do not try thinking more naval history sir I know nothing about Oh the only other thing I know about about boats is the amazing the nice boat joke where there was an anime where they couldn't air the last episode because it was too similar to a realism that happened so instead they just add like 20 minutes of footage of a boat and partway through the woods a nice boat appeared became just amazing weird intro for a very long time and some people watching you know what I'm talking about content warning Wow don't watch it it's bad out of me okay Kona rain says my boyfriend met Bilbo at trance camp in Northern Ireland also I'm starting watching you all ice up to h-bomb after he's now removed move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move move probably that oh I think we are back yeah okay he's turned off an hour think press f to pay respects oh yeah oh yeah school days yeah oh stop with you good good okay so I'm gonna yeah yeah I made an old madoka thing or I made fun of how terrible it was I believe that I was like oh yeah because my early challenge is a bunch of whatever weird are made in uni and some of it is like there are people there are people in those videos who did not consent to being a like YouTube channel but anyone actually saw all the videos off right so I don't think goes police's up anymore I always fun to remake go to police and where I flash back to the original I've pasted lead the new actors faces over I saw I saw someone liking the Lovecraft video quickly scroll past yeah thanks took a lot talk a lot to make yeah usually I'm just lazy though the other videos take long for for bad reasons but that will take a long time because like Peter Ben's only says in making emotionally vulnerable videos like the cosmonaut you do a lot of emotional labor both of you how do you maintain your emotional hydrogen where you just brought up a lot of crafts one which is I think pretty expensive for you so how did you do you keep on top of that I did things that like just I knew I could chill out doing I finally got around to finishing Adventure Time I just watched a bunch of like shows that I knew would be kind of like for me I rewatched to Xavier renegade angel that was good I'm I have my particular like emotion my particularly neurosis is I kind of swing very easily yeah some ice some small bit of bipolar disorder like the small like really easy to marriage kind so I just find a way to trick myself back on with a happy part I guess so people type again I guess and writing cosmonaut writing cosmonaut part one was a was really tough that was very expensive I like quite a lot over that parts who will be harder for different reasons but yeah I guess I just try and take breaks that's a cousin I'll put one took me a long time to about 20 months to write that and to get ready for it and was like Wheatley the editing phase was really cathartic because it was originally longer and I cut bits out and happened being able to say this bit doesn't fit what I'm trying to say and I need to cut it out it was actually an was actually quite weirdly cathodic I was like this bit I don't need this I'm making something good out speaking of yeah and what did you do to unwind from afterwards was it just the editing process and so um the day after I the day I came home after filming cause my video my flatmates had made me brownies because they knew what it was about and they were like I may do this the Adrian is an Adrian says they were very moved by the image of the cosmonaut I'm really glad that and let's keep harping on it I'm really glad Ryan Jesus Watts cosmonaut part two gonna be just kind of a follow up kind of like progress I've made and I've like learned I learned a lot of stuff about that since then and and another issue oh my word wow that is that is beautiful Wow it says it's in charcoal it says back on terra firma comrade that's a really nice piece that is gorgeous that's going on my it's going on my wall wow it's beautiful thank you yeah I mean not I mean obviously it's a deepest darkest secret but like is this the thing that's like worse than cosmo's years ago a goat escaped while you were supposed to be watching a farm so it's cosmonaut - is he fun to go but we think it might have gone a rocket so we actually have to go to space to find the goat oh god I thought you were gonna like second I was like you know I'm not say that you're you know we're worried that they will read that the goat will be watching and no amendment because that means it'll it'll be able to get away in time before you can catch it yeah your donation is on the stream will go towards the rocket would you like it's your deepest secret I was like you can't die I was all normal strategies for catching animals no longer work if it soared it's saw Jurassic Park in caleb kane says what advice do you have for a progressive youtuber and i want to help people who went through what I did what am I qualified to talk about I guess like you're the only person and you're the only person who can answer what you're qualified to talk about well I'm not qualified to do anything but I do anyway yes elect yourself authority on something that you're not yeah and see where it takes you because you will learn something in the process no I knew nothing about Sawyer when I started making that video that video is just like good I'm gonna go on a journey of I'm gonna just leave these facts and see what see what comes out what rust comes out the trees when I rustle them I think that's that's a good way ragi 42 says just wanted to thank the captain and first mate of the HMS turf breaker for their efforts it's a reference to a skeleton crew from the from the donkey kong extreme narration music says a Derrick taxon and bad master the Crocs - the crossover will be mentioning bad-mouths later on and mr. Fraggle Spock says if you guys ever do meet up in Scotland I've been sent there what fiction do you enjoy reading well I really love out of like kind of crappy young adult fiction I'm way into like the bartimaeus trilogy I remember yeah yeah I read the first one about and really quite enjoyed it really like a demon isn't it yes demon yeah he's like sarcastic it's cool I'm really into this book there's a series called wool that I think that nobody they recommended I can't wait to read that I think it's very kind of quiet time stuff I love that kind of thing because it's so even when it's even when it's just being silly sci-fi stuff it has one other ways it can be meaningful if you want it to be I know kind of kind of pre pre deep stage of reading because it's kind of I've said before on the stream my favorite where the fiction is Mary Shelley's the last man it's gorgeous I think this this letter is I think along a similar theme to the last one the killer mater do you destroy every copy bird it has one copy left I picked up the last copy last time I was here and the last copy is now in my possession and I intend to eventually adapt that into it like a film or something and put that out thank you for improving my grades and helping me get an offer from Cambridge University oh my god which I turned down to get a Cardiff nice congratulations on the on your excellent decision making I sought to make out with a set I would make it bartimaeus is great yeah Oh Darren Shan as well stuff one of the demon artists books begins with my eyes they stabbed out my eyes I was like yeah man this is perfect for me in my twenties and Oh make the go to the famous of the crowd yet could could the cost of everyone trying to catch it go why I go where did that come from I don't know oh yeah I have an incredibly traumatic experience where I went to a lambing and all the Lambs were born to head it was awful it was the most like disturbing thing in my life up to that point and like we'd had a German kid like him over like from an exchange program and we like destroyed his life like it was just the darkest thing and he's Hannibal Lecter yeah my swinging him around to trying him to like people and like to wake up and it was just like the most upsetting thing ever everyone was crying I was like 13 14 stuck with me also in a way the goat isn't a real goat it's my dream of if I'd known I would not have cooked us clowns chicken for dinner tonight I said I can do lamb stew or smoke that we had two lambs that were really cute they kind of catch on as pets and their names were minty and Henry which I was like I did I once dated a girl lived on a farm and they they got a little lamb in and called on me and they raised it in the house and bottle-fed it my mum I used to ask my mom is this line from there from the farm next to where we live because I'll know these lambs so please don't and she's I know it's from a different farm and she like this person is very nicely written out how to pronounce their name correctly but I can't read your handwriting so kill a collector it's Welsh you know who you are thank you very much and there's a little painting that comes with it as well which is a let the Stars guide you and something something and the future be your own Wow quite I don't feel be able to make this out because it's very mmm it's very faint oh it's that way because oh okay so you might not be able to make apps it's quite it's quite fun it's watercolor but thank you very much to my mystery Welsh person thanks trans Kyle Smith says home state with a cold today this she was making it tolerable thanks will he do cold gang not sam says my mum read a few pages of Darren Shan and was horrified family from reading the joke was on her I Scott my soul anyway channel it's awesome just it's the best in like when you were a kid who wanted to be in this one really dark like it was very super violent it's really great and I think yeah he did like two whole like massive series of different called Darren Shan vampire you know yeah Tom Owen would like to get a cosmonaut tattoo feel free Tom no absolutely free that's then somebody sent me a picture a while again if any cosmonaut helmet tattooed on my leg that was like jeans yeah but almost makes me a little nervous to make cosmonaut part too which would be more specifically about what I went through because it's meant a lot to a lot of people perhaps because it's vague somebody says Ollie how how did you get thick Jim five times a week any protein Michael Cameron says would either of you be willing to do a video essay on on addiction I've not been auditioning I know somebody else who would like to do that but it's not something I think I could really comment on yeah not from me to the point of view I quit smoking when I was about 17 I don't know I wasn't big into it so yeah okay well I think that's all of the main ones and lastly oh it's just it's the big it's the big one the big the big boys is just for you Oh for the big the big lad this is from BTRC by transgender I think this is the one I think it's the one oh my goodness oh my god it's already yeah yeah this is okay for those of you who don't know the Scottish Parliament issued like a commendation that's like an official recognition of your status isn't online gamer and it's like you want the yeah the original orphanage boy if you seal it with some of their like in the turfs who like I can't I'll be noticed and that's a reference to you know to the troubles but of course orange cap somebody says how was the mermaids package I don't think they've been did not arrive I mean it'll take them a while to put it together yeah but yeah top ten gang gonna get care package from their mates yeah it's actually really hard to to find because I have to find the in orbit in the gigantic receive donations an exact number that person donated i retweeted a list you shared and said yeah well you know my address because you're in it so yeah Patrick Harvie Glasgow Scottish Green Party to of course date launched online gamer Harry promise fundraising for mermaids UK the capital everyone always capitalizes my name where this H bomber with H and the capital H capital P for some reason and then guy with a G as well h PG I never I've never written there like that but people do it all the time I always think that's like fascinating because that's their choice to which understands that mermaids provides individual and family support for gender diverse and transgender children young people understand that was chosen by Harry following pressure from a well-known television and comedy writer former now full time Twitter global audience of supporters ranging from Alexander Kazakh attest to the north Northern Irish trans icon and campaigner Bilbo the cat that hopes of the outpouring across social media involvement donations will go some way to reassuring transgender and gender my birth children and young people that they are welcome valued and will be supported Scotland is like the best part of the UK they should have left they don't deserve to be a part pretty it's pretty rude yeah scones Green Party owners I live that for you this is an official certificate of recognition for online gamer hairy brutes that is legit going on my wall I should go work immediately every day you get a recognition from Scottish Parliament that's our the girl next to like the original painting that the guy who did the Lovecraft it's just like a whole bunch of stickers they love your trans kids transom nerdy transit wow it's like good put that on my laptop now next to the orange boy wow so a while ago and I got sent I've got to have some stickers of Bilbo the cat which I put one of them on my laptop so I will put this now trans rights now now so I can figure out how to get it off and this is a lot from Ellen Ellen Marie Ari Donkey Kong's has trans rights okay dear h-bomb congratulations on your achievement please enjoy the silver memento you have many fans over here at the belfast trans Resource Centre and if you ever find yourself in this part of the world please don't hesitate to ask wow thank you very much how many degrees does it take so neither of my degrees are good enough you see what an amazing flex I just did there pretending that my joint almost counts as two degrees Alan says it's a circular sticker I know but it's just it's just haha okay I'm just so Ellen Ellen so she in the chair thank you the sheer volume of stuff in this in this in this package is incredible thank you so much Ellen yeah thank you Wow hey Evelyn MSS celebrating my six month of HRT super down last week Tom Dick or 64 say my week thanks congratulations on six months yeah who is sexier philosophy tube or the golden one the eternal question and just tip some donuts I'm more more into into twinks good body friends are all like all my me friends who just you know exist online and have no need for health walks the exercise unfairly that's how I feel about as well whatever like someone tweets like a comparison between the two of us for anything it's like I'm already dead I'm gonna fill up the water and hold down yes have a game of chair thank you very much a game a chair just we own twice [Laughter] disembodied gang oh wow you can't call this lighting contra points lighting you can't copyright it to a YouTube but that makes it like really on that means when we rip her off it Ben because it feels worse you know can we pretend that we invented it separately yeah like the most fun part about light is how it from Nazi Nazi tanks for work oh thank you I'm just reading the comments I'm not even gonna say anything I'm just gonna look at the words would you make out with Karl Marx I don't know the beard would be a bit of a problem I'd need them to shave at first like just trying to reach through all of it sounds like a big problem Harris you trans no no unsurprisingly much oh you got some ice cream people are asking if I'm if I'm trying Spencer is you know if sadly until of course like until of course that I do this for far too long but my problem at this is that like my my name is gendered my internet name is gendered I have to do so much work here changing my brand now so four months on HRT tonight life indeed gets better but yes that's like the the fun thing about the stream that we did was we had some heavy stuff we had some pretty hear some stories there go through some dark places but they often get to a bright place in the end I really liked that you know I think that was the first time I ever heard the term gender euphoria yeah fascinating that's great I'm so glad that like we got to give people the time to get to the part where it's fun yeah I think very often trans people only get the talk about Saturday's yeah I don't get to hang around long enough to say yeah by the way this is for a good reason than it works out it's yeah it's actually really make sure we don't miss the super chance how scary pressing oh very scary and the worst part is you can only send it in ten thousand dollar amounts on paypal 2000 pound amounts it's why to hit I to do that like 23 times or something like that like some a lot amount and then I got an email I got hundreds of emails from PayPal saying by the way every donation that wasn't pounds or dollars you have to manually accept yes I've spent a good 14 hours accepting thousands of separate transactions and then it like there was another amount of money at the center mermaids so an equal whole street was one big transaction haha boom that needs a couple more minutes before hmm gender euphoria gang nice peritonitis I thought I'd use this opportunity to make only notice how he runs his hands through his hair when people mentioned that he's hot but just because it basically my dad held on to his hair for a long time so it still has its own but I've fingers crossed I will to keep mine until I'm a silver fox hmm I do remember what side of the family hair is it can't be the mother side because my grandfather like had its hair until day night for male pattern baldness was just three guys but I'm actually making it up yeah my dad's incredibly brain and giant galaxy brain Patrick Stewart went and still went bald in his twenties and he rocked him hmm yeah it means that he gets to be the same yeah he looks the same he's the same age yes he was like 20 a lot of actors have an arc or they have to look youthful forever like yeah yeah whereas if you look and look old as young as possible then you have yeah camp Luke says I'm working on a video about Mark Fischer's writing in his relationship with electronic artist burial any readings that I need to check out a red capitalist realism a ghost of my life I have a red ghost in my life um but I was at the Mark Fisher memorial lecture the other night and people really recommended it so I'm not be good how is the decompression phase after the stream did he feel deranged or euphoric I was sort of in a constant state of tired for quite a while afterwards longer than I thought I would be and then yesterday night I slept from about 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. it took me a while to really finally get properly over I bet I thought I thought I would be over it sooner because I felt over a kind of there was just a little bit tired I know what I feel you know I'm supposed to get ill you know how it feels when you're actually together and there is a difference in like years probably this morning so we finished at like 7:00 a.m. Monday morning Brit time and I started work on the Steve banning video instantly and basically from Monday to Friday 9 9 till like till bedtime I was just been working on the Steve banning video like constantly all week which you've never seen him which is now just about done and requires a couple of very minor technical tweaks Steve ban on video which is gonna be my next big episode will come out a week tonight massive massive spoilers I've seen it it's by far Holly's best video by even saying that just to like be nice like genuinely super into it I showed how a preview today to get his notes on it it was like yeah well then were pretty honest person I would have said you know you peaked two weeks ago because like normally when a video of yours or nuts is quite good it annoys me cuz I'm like I can see bits for I think it could be what I could have done better it's so much better than anything I could do right now that's me no no usually when I watch it like I feel this like weird anxiety of like I'm being beaten and it's not even that good like really mean but it's still better than like I'm just being mean to it because I know it's beating me but this as well as videos was like this is just really good I'm so happy to views you're like way better than me you and now like yeah we accidentally tweaked an algorithm you know like that's a complete fluke where you put in the work of building a community around philosophy which takes forever does it take a while you talked about how one of the these philosophers you've cited only the sold 30,000 copies philosophy is actually very very difficult to Oh whole bunch of super chance um Benjamin whom says um I'm not trying cheeky with my super chat got missed would you mind selling it back sorry I don't even know how to do that a.m. says you definitely need a plastic skull on the shelf behind you how will anyone take you seriously American NB here ssp oh man ninety some smaller left you've channels make jokes about pouring on faces being the mark of left tube is it fun that they follow your examples will do we need new symbols of leftist iconography I mean how people can make oh yeah I see I remember somebody mmm I'm somebody making a joke about pouring stuff on faces in it and it be here it became a it became the thing someone puts is probably like honey on it's gonna be like really goopy yeah someone asked in one of those super chance if I came out during the stream no I've been I've been sort of been out since the lovecraft video I think its first time I probably talked about it because it's the closest I can come to me mmm I taught them a mouthful HIPAA very rude yeah I think we know when people are baring their souls on it on a live stream you feel the need to like throw in your thing so talking about like how completely completely how they've completely and multi things completely remade their entire lives in order to try and achieve some kind of pretty pretty work got a lot of work points father yeah II did Spencer says hey Olli when you're coming out to California VidCon in July hopefully yeah I'm probably gonna lose a comment which is where you you go but you don't go ticket so Louis F says why would either be consider talking about your kinks or without a bit cheeky I mean I know I've not even minded the videos like yeah we were talking earlier like haha was very funny where'd you get there you know what did you did you did you are you gonna write off the King stuff offers props yeah yeah these like sex handcuffs in the videos before and people go where did you get those like they are they just for yeah just for the video and I'm like no I have those for sex like yeah we're talking as well because like I'm going to Berlin for the TWiT can't think and that's where all the cool BDSM conventions are but I haven't come up with a video related reason to go which is the only way I'll ever have an excuse all right how will I justify this flight from the airport that my parents have to drop me off for well it's just it's just weird it's just a YouTube thing you know so I'd love to do a video about it but I don't have like an interesting thing to say about it somebody in the supertalker is explaining baldness thank you that oh it's on the x-chromosome see more like to get it with XY is the only after inherited from the mother cool I happen to happen to know that I'm XY for sure I've seen my chromosome so it's not a lot of people have Daniel Sullivan says h-bomb what doom wad should I get drunk and play this weekend what's I have an answer for this um there's a doom or doubt there someone has remade or the coolest from dune 64 which had its own unique set of levels that are really cool in the original doom engine and that's cool yeah well which weren't VidCon and yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna buy a ticket I'm just go to now and hopefully I know enough people who have tickets so we're gonna be featured that if there's anything I need to get into that I'm sure I mean also like the most fun I had at VidCon last year with stuff that wasn't my officially part of the day we just went to Disneyland Disneyland have tackett's I've not actually seen any of this stuff talk about it tomorrow yes so tomorrow we're gonna do a live event in London with bad mouse and with Angie speaks we're gonna be on a panel and yeah talking about redistribution of meet we're gonna we're gonna evenly distribute all of the meat until it's a flat and level surface so that way everyone can get it's fine I'm just gonna look at the details of that so tomorrow we're gonna be on a panel it's about just carving it's about sort of left you've just the Rays I'm trying to find the owner feel free there's nothing it is particularly and I'm just trying to find it and so I can make sure I announce the details properly I consider making of that left profile again it's never around it yeah that's cool so we're gonna be doing a panel tomorrow with bad mouse and Angie speaks it's called politics in the age of YouTube and it's gonna be Imperial College London it is open to the public I think there's a it's going to be mainly students there's a limited a limited number of tickets I think so the limit is 150 so if you're if you're in London and your and you down to come and see is on phone talk about left tube and all sorts is the link in the chat I won't put the link and I'll put the link in the in the description of the video after we finished streaming yeah yeah they are free yeah and it is in the evening look at what time but it starts at 6:30 tomorrow at an imperial college and ends 8:30 and somebody on Twitter asked me why is it be nice it last minute basically because it's being organised by students so security wise we were wearing all four of us in the same room like it's it is a bit of I don't know that might sound like what really but not honestly like you start having to actually think about that when we did our meetup in London that we are having to think about security as well I was just with two of us and is it gonna be streamed no but we're gonna try and record it and it'll be uploaded on somebody's channel yeah but yeah I'll put a link to where tickets inverted commas because the free I'll put it in the description after the stream is over so if you if you're around if you're gonna be around in limine wait don't travel all the way from like France or whatever if you gotta be around you fancy you gots very bigoted peer ecology welcome so then please do if you want us to come to your college or if you don't always come to your college and you know and you will meet me harangue your lecturer yeah I'm good at the University of Kent some point in the future the day after tomorrow I'm going to a school in Cambridge to give a talk to students there so yeah if you if you want me to come to your University whatever just you know harangue whoever the bosses and I'll come down so you know what I didn't interview a while ago with a journalists I would say who and but they said that they often have trouble getting people to talk to them they were like it's really cool how you've been open to doing this like profile piece I'm interviewing you and just like been trying to help because it was like difficult to get people to do it why would people I think difficult I'm happy to help a couple of people have tried to contact Sean specifically and he's just blanked them in fact enough people now I think I said this the last few mins what people have messaged me because they know I've spoken to Sean to try and get Sean on and I've messaged them back like but not me yeah oh okay I got I'm not I had a few messages and people will be like can you give me Harry oh can you give me Natalie's like personal email addresses I'm like no no I'm not gonna do that I use their business email also like what am I chopped liver like yeah if they're not answered your business email or not if you want to talk to me contact my agent all he saw that philosophy jolly not me oli would you consider doing a bid on the philosophy of be TSM slash sadism versus masochism I probably wouldn't have much interesting to say about it really yes I don't have anything to add to it it's just fun that's not really missing concert was like with guitar I'm like I know the stuff about this everyone it's more about this about this concept each one's blank to a severe interview for journalism assessment which I'm very fake about but then Sean gave me one I consider that a victory some called ultimate gamer gamer why not well a proper game of the good online gamer I was recognized by the Scottish government no it's just game over the white and I was super sick and then a family thing came I've got to stay in this and I believe we said it so that if I did cancel their time to do it and like with someone else but if I blanked you recently I didn't blank you what happened was my inbox completely exploded I'll try and get back to you but like it's one of those things where like I finally am pop popular enough well liked it I probably don't blank you if I don't respond to your messages there were just too many and I'm really sorry yeah I do I still read all the comments all my family about have time to reply them left you discipline of kinky gays I mean thank know viral media says hey guys you wanna come on our podcast sometime hell yeah Wow well yeah I do somebody somebody wrote a really good article for them a few years ago which is called the Marxist analysis of YouTube and that article was really really good today you you you mentioned you got to meet Ashton the order is so bad with names yeah human ash from Navarro who I have seen in person at a protest and I was gonna go up and like do a bit of fanboy that was like maybe it's not the time in place it's minus five or outside the Home Office protesting maybe that's not what focus but yeah I'd love to send other us an email my my emails in the description right now that's how his agent yeah yeah we'd love to yeah well he says Olli go on chapo you're asking the wrong person like asked chapo I think I am a friend of mine who happens to be like close friends in which other people I got them to you know throw a glass of estrogen in their face in protest and we're not going on so they like I know I can just Skype in yeah but I am very occasionally in Brooklyn so it'd be nice to like doing person proper way so I can put it down without getting chocolate all over Mike let's uh Kevin thank you that was the most essential thing to me in a while philosophical analysis of doki-doki literature only Monica your videos have had such an impact on my thinking Harry your videos what pull them back from the brink of all trite sentiments and back and Sensibility audio video and suicide touch me deeply thank you both for a DJ max oh well if I can be a gateway to the old left like the reverse joe rogan then I'm happy to turn all of the money that comes with it yeah I am I did when I did this interview weeks near this guy was like you know what do you want people to think about your channel no I was like I want people to think that it's helpful that's cool I don't know if I want what I want they want to think about me I'm just kind of like your online gaming yeah basically my channel is an excuse to talk about things I like it's just core it's just become this thing this monster that I can't control that's what I do I just took it like I'm past like my videos stopped happening when I'm like okay I need it what isn't what am i trying to do with this and I don't make me live a month and I've got to wait until I've worn all that down to them I just we were saying earlier on that and halcion alcian dream halcyon days housing dreams Marcion dreams is them it's my favorite video Paris I think it's brilliant yeah I need to do that you know the bit in dune where the guy like learns to master pain like you obliterating every part of us being except for itself I just do that you know just destroy all of my desires and what's left is a youtube video about difficult to summarize my channel people asking about what do you do I teach philosophy but in like an increasingly bizarre way mmm I guess so sometimes I'll just like talk about coleslaw for 20 minutes but it's actually about David Hume I made a short film like I'm interrogated by police officers but it's actually about nature and why I don't agree with this assessment of art like yeah it's what what we do is such a mutable term because it is so it's different from from time to time as well you know what we do now it's totally from six months ago Mike yeah I think in a sense left tube is more of an art collective than a political like that because it means people get to bring themselves to it and take themselves away from it instead of it being like here's instead of being effectively a video reading list we are just here is this yeah here's this cosmic dance and you can come away dr. revolutionist in the super chat about twitchcon which and that you mentioned yeah yeah there's a there's a con fort which people and I've apparently been involved Ashley I think I think Shawn and Jenna been invited and I am also going I'm not really sure that's gonna happen there something to do with yeah but I'll have to I'll have to report back with my findings and while I'm there I've always wanted to go to kerlix burger that's actually in Russia I think it used to be yes Wendy Kopp with stuff to do while I'm in Germany Marxist turnouts chucklevision one of them is dead to me burgundy burner says I love you too Boogedy burnout says I love you too I've always been extremely left-leaning would never realized I was a community behind these ideals enough to was a thing so X saved the bastard Prince Thank You Michelle Disraeli says what music has deep emotional meaning for you there's a band I really like called public system broadcast public broadcast systems I always get the name mixed up broadcast I'm looking them up now but they're a band who they take historical audio and then make music out of it which are public service broadcasting I always get the names makes nothing terrible that and probably service broadcasting they take historical audio and then they make music out of it so they have an album called the space race which I was listening to a lot and which is where I actually come as I was listening to it got the idea for the cosmonaut the image for it because they have a whole bunch of cool songs about like Yuri Gagarin and Alexei Leonov and so on and I originally wanted to use their music in the video but I couldn't afford the rights to it so yeah public service broadcasting yep people in the chapter yeah they're really really great hmm I think one of the most touching albums I've listened to is by The Deer Hunter DEA are they've done a series developments that are part of one long story and the fifth album is sort of like a lot of very intense emotions that have been built in for a lot a long time like a decade's worth of albums and songs and they're like the March the most cursed of happens are some really kind of cool songs somebody that just says all he was about to say he likes music catch people looked down on his music I know people people are down on news when I'm in a bad mood I like news I want to be try and be less public with my enjoyment it means since then KRL on born out super like made a joke about people who like me is and it's like not going to mention my GoPro I'm not gonna mention that I Matt Bellamy has got a good voice like he's a good to them as well yeah I mean that's like that was when I was in sixth form was pendulum got me through my good enough this came out yeah it was the big oh god speed you black Emperor one of the few the first bands I ever saw live their post-rock really incredible stuff and some of the Rockets full-on rocket Falls is really good like 20 minute beautiful thing of a song is like if the world ended it would sound like that it really really did touch me in the way Dave Hewson sends love from Newfoundland thank you Dave yes people are saying they're like Muse I like to I like drones drones as a decent element well it's very over-the-top but like when I'm in the mood for over-the-top yeah they have saw the best arpeggiators in the business yeah yeah yes it's really really cool it's my favorite yeah I love playing with synths like that's all I've gotten but a MIDI keyboard and I'll just mash on it and plug it into stuff it's really really fun I don't use like that but like it made music out of it but you can do early early music take a bow that's the one yeah I loved I want to and if I could use any soundtrack in the world then for this video I've told you about what I wanted that suffers the devil I would have that as the intro even do you like Mogwai I've meant a lot I've meant to listen to my cry properly tons of times I like them but I don't know if I love them yeah because I was something I always said as a kid was there are loads of people there are loads of people who like nightwish but there's no know Nightwish isn't anyone's favorite band but i take it back right which have some have some bangers I can see why someone would have them as their favourite like they're ballsy enough they will point fire do their lead singer like well I mean like sent an open letter to I mean James says are either you into porcupine tree I haven't heard of it guys big family both just wondering if you would consider doing meet up in Newcastle one that gets all the cool stuff I actually my parents live in a castle same yeah we should definitely do it meet up in e castle next time you there let me know nice though you gonna do yes me a minute ood yeah my um my mate my stepmom does a he's part of some like labor group and I just got a mess from her inviting me down because of all this charity stream stuff so I do have an excuse to go down there yeah man I'm always happy to go anytime Wow see we'll see at the monument yeah porcupine tree a friend of mine who liked good music but he was just weird enough that I wouldn't listen to stuff he said he liked weird to them he was also really into Zil toyed or something like that which you like is apparently good but Canada leave it the song of my people all the way all he pronounces Newcastle that's how it's pronounced that is the pronunciation of it somebody says no way that's how we it bet our man how it was the same fav news of them I don't know the album's well enough to say it but I do I do enjoy drones at the end the artwork for drones I love and I if I were to do my part to I would want the thumbnail to be based on that Venetia says are pretty good they do a lot of like incredibly not even danceable at this point pop music distorted nightmare things they've done some really good albums and songs I think he's the guy who did a thing where like his girlfriend four-ton was also a musician and they recorded a bunch of noises of them having sex and the made an album of just those sounds and like they turn into a song because you could you couldn't think there's some really good at using samples and a lot of their music is more an experiment than piece of music but it's worth listening to still like some of it yeah breach ensnares is listen to everything they've done at least once and then maybe never again but there'll be one or two songs that maybe you want to play a party's the last party I went to was probably the one that you and I went to it YouTube's bill so having like time since then yeah Neutral Milk Hotel gang average on what bands do feel get a bad rap so soul rabbit came FDM are accused of sponsoring school shootings or whatever that's not true they briefly deformed and reformed as MDF MK for an album that was pretty cool then there like that early industrial thing at a bad Road I guess also Marilyn Manson Nine Inch Nails they get a lot of ridiculous when they will they're very progressive at least in my in my reading of them I'm I've in my experience Jamiroquai are quite polarizing some people are like oh no maybe that's just my brother he hates temecula music why did I would play it now but copyright I'm cosmic girl deeper underground no work how do I get them mix up a Jamiroquai and different care was like 23 years ago look they've been going for like 37 years now so just they're pretty good alright we've been here within here from 90 minutes so do you want to do like a beautiful I do that I do sleep virtual insanity says Zoe blade to vary quite a bit virtual in 17 you know the music video we think oh yeah teachers maybe we still wear big hats so when asked her if I think potholer 54s workers declined recently I think he's not done that many videos recently he didn't want us like a conservative answer to climate change and I don't know if he's a conservative or not but I IV the video is him going okay so if you're a conservative here's the reasons why you should probably solve it's cool here but I don't know if I don't really know what his politics are they're probably bad it's a cool idea um Thomas Pogo did something similar a few years ago Thomas Potter's just dropped a spoon and Thomas poker is a possible who has since been cancelled for some me two related stuff but a year you wrote a cool book explaining why even libertarians should sport wealth redistribution basically define themselves out of the tone immediately like a noob tone I think they should be welfare state and I think you shouldn't be a libertarian just like a bunch of this like very quickly all the caveats that the people who like Cotton's of libertarians but then very quickly in a couple of sentences invent all of the things libertarian this and was invented to get it off no it was invented again I think that the loop is a good idea but instead it should be there should be trains in the whole it's like well don't even vent it a metro yeah be very the chief I mean the tube is bad the Moscow rats yeah it'll be really hot yeah but like thing could think of just how easily the rats could get anyway what rats together I basically get all the way to burn my brother and I used to play a game in the car we'd make up names of British towns all the best one we ever come up with us ring linked and upon begin I was gonna be someone in a chat now be like ring Lincoln gang Coverley live from ringing to the pond Ghent Oh as you've both already kara fighters proponents have you ever seen look on the cold Sun the conspiracy theory or is that one two German I've not heard that one there is a there is a cold moon hypothesis as part of Flat Earth theory which is the idea that the moon is a separate object which generates a different kind of light from the Sun over life that makes you cold yeah that's really interesting the cold son but I mean then whence heat all cuz the earth we're in t be officially Hollow and we're on the inside and the Sun is in the center what if and the Stars I dunno man that's the answer to that bit crystal crystals crystals on the air in the earth crystals so the that's you've done what you've done both you've I've seen the movie core I know there's big crystals down there I'm gonna hurt the best part of the Flat Earth convention stuff was like when they asked the question that was too hard or that required more thinking and they'll be like look I don't seem to have all the answers I'm just saying that everything you know about everything is wrong and I have no explanation it's like when people you know pose like a radical new transit system your place your place the metro system with a bunch of bunch of segways and granted this will cost a hundred million billion dollars but the advantages to this convention the lay face as a which philosophy tube would do a video about in cells I did yeah I was I was in Natalie's although all the male voices and this is my cousin ball so I'm vol cell in town and in solid country streets its oh dear oh dear founded a handbag and then became what so oh my dear oh my days I Edition for The Importance of Being Earnest a while ago somebody whose name on prayer calm pronounce does have you read anymore particular ISM by Jonathon Dancy I'm afraid I I have not well the ones it's like can you summarize this whole thing in like two seconds than the chats gonne oh my god for those of you who don't know well I am you know bisexual and all that stuff Harris bamako the character I play is for self they think they're really intersex but they're actually very scared of it that's the character of Canon update yeah so just it's just update your update your the TV Tropes page accordingly what can I say about my character sexuality in my in my mind Detective Sergeant Ellis was was in the closet I was the source of a lot of his anger in the YouTube alter reality one I kind of tried to fat I'm not like doing a JK Rowling now and my job is the Regis spectrum yes so I was trans and hiv-positive and yeah I just in my mind when I was writing I thought I've been interesting flavor to bring you mean never talked about it and some people thought about the character denial content maker was gay as well and I was like yeah I kind of get a vibe as well Voldemort hated Israel yeah Baltimore voted for Corbin big-time big-time but there's an acceleration to something like I was behind I was like he's just waiting for the moment to say that labor is now the remain party and it was like no no beneath the mask is another mask still have a same tummy at least at least if if he got in we'd have a prime minister who was actually pro brexit I'd like to reason the world is fair yeah let's no good to brakes it let's not please no actually Hagrid was a single oh yeah for the nose nina Richards and Zoe yeah did the song for the Steve Bennett video I'm like I might need some of their help covering acting yeah in fact some of the background these are gonna sleep on a video it's also sometimes surveys as well hmm track metastasis Zoe is it I think another one is as well really chill ones speaking of chilled newzik this is a tall this is a little aggressive but this time have some chill times thank you talking sound bites cool the last album girls I listen to is a pretty old one by those standards it was the Imaginarium one where there was like an also a film I was like an album I had to film or something and I really liked last ride of the day on that one I think that's an awesome song listen to that like a hundred times and not listen to the rest of the album I do that with music well get into one song absolutely absolutely bonkers people who can do that who can just mainline once yeah several days [Music] mixo-lydian 94 says all those candles on books yes I felt about to the last first time I saw you at the stream they're plastic yeah which which is good because luckily your your building is finally fireproof no not for the weak oh they're gonna be back all week it's just yeah yeah parents PLIM V is an aromantic a psyche on Justin her says trans rights yes indeed thoughts on David Bowie I'm Pro Vic sill says I'll just put it out the early early March would be the perfect time for a video on brexit yeah yeah I think so too and I've got an idea for one in terms of cut there's like a bunch of ideas that I haven't put in a video before that might be good to go in but maybe I'm not gonna rule out and it's not something I'm like really excited about creating it whereas the Steve ban on one I'm really excited about and then the one I do I'm gonna do after that I'm super excited about as well so make maybe it would be good for my kind of a hash tag content point of view but I meant maybe I will rip it up maybe if I get excited about it I want to be excited to do brexit but it's become a hellish slog and there isn't it like to be under the tunnel of like well at least someone someone in charge somewhere is yeah I'm actually now Pro crawl been cool just to get someone who wants to stop it because then that's that's a label win yeah but instead no I get it Jeremy I understand your reasons in there I can see it but just please don't and just apparently something's wrong with the mind static gang Oh No right so I won't be a buzz from someone's calling your phone don't think so sexy Mike electronic interference of the Mike [Music] how's that how's that yeah let us know it's still there good now Oh worse better still crackling we were probably gonna go anyway so we could yeah we're probably gonna go yeah that's gang okey dokey daddy philosophy and gamer on called disco my covers okay well maybe that's a good time to and yeah yeah maybe that's a good time to pack it in anyway yeah all right something it's back but uh but let's let's end on that yeah that's the box yeah and thank you to everyone who sent us awesome things to the peer box as soon as the streams over I'll post the link to the event at Imperial College tomorrow so if you're around in London and you fancy coming and coming to see us on our panel that Angie speaks and badmouth tomorrow at Imperial College at half six ya know there's like a hundred and there's 150 tickets of which I think a few of them have gone already but if you're around and you want to come I think a nice opportunity for me to occasionally tell people to show up and listen to someone who knows what they're talking about which is kind of fun yeah yeah cool thank you very much to Zoe for for moderating tonight thank you Miss Scotch for telling off in the chat and yeah good night everyone have a have a have a great old great old time and now I need to figure out which window I do to end it okie dokie bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Philosophy Tube
Views: 257,956
Rating: 4.860795 out of 5
Id: rwGyl6tgHp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 19sec (6019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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