The Catastrophic Failure of Gnomes in Warcraft

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[Music] ingenious resourceful forward thinking and very puntable these are all ways to describe the gnomes a race of brilliant inventors that pride themselves on their discoveries but they are also the same race that kinda sorta made their giant technologically advanced city into an irradiated trash heap in order to understand how the gnomes accidentally started this catastrophic failure first we should go back to the very start of nomanity [Music] long long ago when the titans first shaped the world of azeroth the gnomes were actually mechanomes i am ready mechanomes are pretty much like normal gnomes except they're entirely robotic at least they were until there was this thing called the curse of flesh which turned a bunch of robotic beings on azeroth into the fleshy creatures we know today the early generations of gnomes found themselves in the snowy mountains of denmark a hostile tundra where if you didn't freeze to death the creatures looking for a pint-sized snack will get you instead from the very beginning the gnomes were forced to rely on their quick wit and brilliant thinking to survive you might feel a little tingle [Music] [Laughter] [Music] farewell but as the gnomes roam the snowy mountains of dunmorow they would realize that not everything wanted to kill them [Music] salutations hello i like large posteriors and i cannot pre-varicate damn street [Music] the gnomes and their slightly taller dwarven allies were truly a match made in heaven the dwarves and the gnomes were brilliant in their own special ways and formed an unstoppable friendship the gnomes helped assist the dwarves in constructing the city of ironforge and the dwarves helped the gnomes build the city of gnomeregan [Music] so here's the thing a lot of the gnome's ancient history is entirely unknown because gnomish culture is all about forward thinking trying to invent the next big thing in a constant arms race for technological advancement in other words an in-universe way of saying that there isn't really any old lore of the gnomes [Music] time to unveil one of my latest inventions but there is one gnome we can talk about a gnome who is the very embodiment of what it means to be known and was determined to prove himself to create the most groundbreaking inventions no manatee has ever seen you face the pinnacle of gnomish technology i am programmed for mayhem [Music] gelbin mechatorq is easily the most brilliant gnomish inventor that has ever graced azeroth mechatorque had invented hundreds of contraptions like the mccannis strider the gyromatic adjuster the repair bot the dwarven siege engine the gigawatt bread slicer the chronoboon displacer the gnomish army knife gun and okay i made like half of those up but the point is gelbin mekkatorque was such a brilliant inventor he needed a gigantic trophy case just to store all of his awards perseverance is the true blueprint to success as gelbin tinkered he realized that the gnomes soon would have to put their ingenuity to the test hazard approaching intruder alert self-destruct sequence initiated at this point in time the horde had just destroyed stormwind city in the first war and during the second war they marched up north to kazmadan with hopes of conquering the city of ironforge and gnomeregan taste blaster the horde were never successful in their attempt [Music] [Applause] to reward himself gelbin got a souvenir a troll made chair that he keeps in a study that is unreasonably comfortable anyways um after the victory the gnomes and the dwarves helped assist in the reconstruction of stormwind to make the job easier gilbin wrote the schematics for the deep run tram and in this tram i guess it was important to have an arena where contenders can beat the crap out of each other and also an underwater section with the lochness monster in it if it wasn't obvious yet gelbin was praised for his ingenious designs and was promoted to high tinkerer of gnomeregan and led his people into a glorious new future it wasn't until a few years later that the high tinker's leadership skills were really put to the test [Music] hello and welcome to the gnomeregan report where we got some breaking news for you citizens the undead threat rages on as the plague infects the innocent humans of stratholme here's a statement from prince arthas menethil on the matter purge in other news salisbury steak will be on the menu while the rest of azeroth dealt with undead and demonic invasions during the third war the gnomes had their own serious problems you see their dwarven allies had been digging around an ancient titan facility called old man and dug a bit too deep in regular dwarven fashion and had awoken the race known as the troggs these dangerous woods were attracted by the rhythmic vibrations of gnomeregan's machinery under the earth and they dug straight to their city let's see how you handle this little gizmo gilbin mekkatorque was quick to react to the sudden invasion and put his plans into motion the gnomes would set up defenses to hold back the marauding troggs but the problem was the troggs could kind of just dig around all of the gnomish defenses and flank the defenders [Music] for the next five years the gnomes tried and failed in defending their city eventually gelbin realized that their strategy needed to change and fast or they'd lose the war the high tinker turned his attention to his council a collection of brilliant gnomish inventors that could offer him advice one of these chief advisors was one of mekkatorque's closest friends a gnome named sicco thermaplug the idea the crazed inventor offered was an outlandish one but it just might be crazy enough to work the plan is simple gather all of the gnomish citizens and hold them in the upper floors of gnomeregan release a toxic gas with a heavy volumetric weight to fill the lower reaches of the city and kill all of the troggs set up clean wind domicilic filters so that the toxic gas does not reach any of the gnomes on the top floor after the trogs are all dead clean up the toxic gas and then boom the trogs are no longer a problem gilban had no time to run over his trusted friends calculations and took his word as truth the gnomes then organized the plan and released the pressure valves to unleash this toxic radiation into the lower levels of gnomeregan yes [Music] everyone panic [Music] [Music] gelbin was forced to watch in horror as his city fully collapsed in a matter of hours turns out the radiation did absolutely nothing to the troggs other than make them really pissed and even stronger the air filters failed turning the gnomish citizens into sickly leper gnomes or just outright killing them but for sycothermaplug everything was going according to plan you see over the years therma plug was filled with a bitter hatred and envy for mechatorque thermaplugg felt like he was the one that was supposed to be the high tinker and set up this daring betrayal to take the high tinker title secretly he anticipated for the plan to fail horribly and he'd pin it all on mecca torque and then thermaplug would just swoop in and save the day somehow according to thermoplug's calculations around 30 percent of the gnomes would die before he swooped in to save the day well um he kind of fudged the numbers a bit because by the end 80 percent of the gnomish population was dead furthermore sico thermaplug went entirely insane and fell ill to the radiation he unleashed haphazardly syko then proclaimed himself to be the new quote king of gnomeregan and ordered his crazed leper gnome servants to do his bidding so in a weird way he kinda sorta got what he wanted the small amount of gnomes left look for mechatorque for answers and with a heavy heart the high tinker led the surviving gnomes out of gnomeregan and fled to ironforge where the entirety of the gnomish population was downsized to a single room in ironforge [Music] but in classic a group of adventurers stormed into gnomeregan to kill thermaplug but they actually killed an engineered copy of him but then in wrath of the lich king the gnomeregan resistance and alliance players it again but it ended with a toxic bomb 26 times more powerful than the first one exploding retreat our tale doesn't end there in the short story cut short gelbin mekkatorque snuck his way back into gnomeregan the high tinker returned to his workshop where he found an old herloom that made him ponder his past choices like why the hell would you trust a guy named siko in the first place anyways the room was booby trapped is gilman could hear thermaplugg approaching he needed to think quickly or he'd surely meet his demise the brilliant engineer repurposed the trap thermoplug had set for and when thermoplug entered the room to kill mechatorque he cut him in half i will now quote the short story directly legs are in that half indeed they are my friend and with a razor quick spring cut and steam carterization from your ruptured engine the bleeding is probably minimal i'd wait around to see if the rats find you before your truck minions do but i've seen enough of the ladder for one day you're just gonna leave me here you don't deserve a quick death sicko you deserve a long miserable existence in a dark hole surrounded by filthy monsters in fact you have created your very own prison right here better than any i could have built for you you definitely outdid me on this one congratulations besides if you do survive i can't think of anybody i'd rather have leading these beasts than one of their own enjoy your remaining time in jail my friend your sentence is almost over and with that gilbin left his arch-nemesis for dead in cataclysm thermoplug would later die when adventurers stormed into gnomeregan one last time but that isn't the last we solve thermoplug for in shadow lands there is a companion pet called mordoll evening star and the description of this pet reads mordoll is a ruthless tormentor of the smallest souls who some say he was known in life as thermaplug so after the twisted king of gnomeregan died his soul was sent to the maw a realm of infinite torment and pain funnily enough that is exactly how i describe shadowlands anyways gnomeregan still has not been recaptured by the gnomes at least not fully and the story of the city's downfall is a very very large portion of gnome loren wow for the most part the race has kind of just been the funny comic relief and hasn't really been developed or expanded upon much except for the these things yeah maybe we can talk about that in another video [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Platinum WoW
Views: 853,277
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Id: FQ3PyS46vmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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