Magnus Stunned By 2400 Elo

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ladies and gentlemen there is a lot of content on chess youtube revolving around magnus carlsen yours truly is guilty of promoting quite a bit of it but that's because he's an exceptional chess talent generational he's the best player of this generation and arguably ever but sometimes even magnus has setbacks and that's actually the point of this video recently he played a game in the norwegian league uh and it was a shocking result you might say before we jump into the game though i want to thank the sponsor of today's video fabulous fabulous is the number one self-care app to help you build better habits and achieve your goals wouldn't it be great if we were all motivated organized productive and happy with our work that's pretty difficult to accomplish in chess but in real life all it takes is baby steps and on fabulous there are two approaches the self-guided one and one with a guided coach there's many features on the app for example if you use fabulous journeys you can use them to feel more energized or to sleep better or to improve your focus and concentration you can also try a fabulous challenge an example of that is something like the seven day gratitude one where every day you do a thing or two and by the end of it it can help with things like intrusive negative thoughts and you can take everything you do on fabulous and interact with the community the amp has something called circles where people post their progress uh comment on one another and it's just a nice little area of positive reinforcement so you can start building your ideal routine today all you gotta do is click the link in the description and you will get 25 off a fabulous subscription so what are you waiting for isn't it time to go make yourself feel fabulous the interesting thing right before we do i just want to say both of these guys played against each other in a norwegian junior championship like over a decade ago magnus was a sub 1000 rated player and he drew uh guyrsuna whose name i believe is pronounced that way uh he drew him when he was 2200. now i can only imagine what the hell that felt like that probably felt terrible uh but uh yeah i mean we um we are going to uh get the game going here with the move e4 and black plays c6 so i really i already like where this is going now it's always interesting to see how does magnus play against the person 400 points higher rated than he goes for this variation of the karo khan now this doesn't have a name uh this got popular relatively recently uh in the age of super computers normally in the karo khan you know white traditionally speaking will put two pawns in the center but by playing the move d3 you invite a position that looks like this where you have a queenless middle game this is still the middle game because only queens have been traded you still have a full army of knights bishops and rooks uh but there is an inherent imbalance in pawn structure white has played a much more natural move e4 which is good almost all the time and then will develop in a in a natural way this however is a problem for black because black doesn't get the traditional knight development and has a little bit of an issue here actually it's kind of it's kind of difficult to find where to go for example if black plays bishop g4 which you would love to play at some point you're gonna have to give away this bishop that's just the truth like if white even plays h3 hanging around here could just be a problem uh because you can get your bishop locked away you can get your bishop locked away and potentially even trapped in the future knight fd2 is maybe not so good because of h5 but knight bd2 is actually completely fine so you do have to be a little bit careful uh with how you play this with black but that is the entire point of this move d3 now normally here with black i just play g6 i don't play into the hands of white uh i try to keep as many pieces on the board as possible uh but our uh our our opponents dash into this position with no queens uh and here black doesn't play knight f6 uh or bishop g4 which i believe are the two main lines uh black plays knight to d7 uh bishop g4 may not be a main line in that position might be a main line after d3 but whatever uh so knight d7 i mean the point of knight d7 is you're you're obviously looking more long-term you you might go here but you also might move this knight somewhere else and you also might build up to try to have a pawn in the center as well now play here can develop in a handful of ways one of those ways is a4 and this is what i mean like you need to have a really high level of understanding of why the hell the move a4 even makes any sense why are you not moving the knights why are you not moving the bishops a4 is a move that's just playing against the potential knight expansion to the queen side but the other idea is that again it's it's a game of structure so a move like a5 in the future could actually be very useful to undermine and pressure the pawn structure of black also a for uh will bring a rook out i'm not even joking like not right away because you're gonna lose a rook but you have a lot of long-term ideas actually with some sort of flank expansion like this traditional principles of playing for the middle kind of don't apply anymore because you already traded the queens so and your king is not really in any danger uh magnus plays knight bd2 knight fd2 is another move that that is played in in similar positions but e5 knight c4 uh and by the eighth move we have a game that's never ever occurred so magnus brings his f knight back to d2 which just looks unbelievably dumb if you just if you've never seen something like this before uh there is a point though the point is that white's game plan is after you've solidified the center you are going to expand on the queen side you will then move this knight behind the pawns so the pawns go forward and then the knight then the bishop comes out and white will play this game and try to win the game on the queen side because white is faster to transfer the pieces that way a move like b5 by black is not good because the knight will jump in and immediately you have a problem if you push that pawn forward i take this pawn all it takes is one pawn against magnus that's the end of the game so you can't even defend anymore right so black plays knight c5 which is a very reasonable move uh magnus does in fact go for this a4 idea now again black does not play a5 there is no need to try to match with magnus because after knight b6 first of all at the very least i get the bishop pair and i'm just clearly better and i also don't even have to take the bishop i mean i can just play like knight c4 f3 knight c4 and and try to win your a5 pawn so again it all comes down to tiny tiny things so we have bishop e6 magnus goes for b4 and i'm just going to say this right now i would hate to have this position against magnus because i already see the 10 million 13 million whatever doctor strange reference scenarios where i lose in every single one of them all right like i i i mean you're just gonna get expanded there on the queen side it's a very annoying opening this d3 karo khan now i wouldn't recommend that you try this i mean you you can but you're not gonna play this like magnus i mean you can't just say well i've sacrificed my right to castle for a leading development and better center control no no i wouldn't recommend that i would i would recommend you know taking space playing for the center uh not doing what magnus is doing this is a very unique case so knight h6 knight f7 notice that magnus moves his king off the center line and plays knight b3 uh black here plays knight d6 so so he has arrived to trade the knight uh and magnus obliges the problem with this is that even though you seemingly have done a completely normal thing the move knight a5 is still exceptionally annoying the point is you can't really guard this pawn by moving it because then you lose c6 you also probably should not play rook b8 because that move just sucks like what it doesn't help you still can't move bishop e3 comes i mean maybe you can go c5 but here comes rook d1 at any moment b5 i'm gonna trade light squared bishops with you right so in this position we have a symmetrical pawn structure actually like abc that neither player has a d-pawn right but one guy has more space uh one guy is actually creating tangible threats and also that same guy is named magnus carlsen that's kind of an asset right long castles okay fantastic uh and magnus trades the light squad bishop he trades the light squared bishop why well first of all he still maintains an initiative every move that he's making is improving his position a little bit and creating threats right so the bishop goes back to e7 magnus plays bishop e3 uh and black can defend with here or b6 he chooses to play b6 fantastic okay so white is clearly better why is white clearly better uh white has more space and is creating tangible threats okay uh much more active pieces also a slightly more active slightly uh better king for white this king is actually a little bit weak why well because it's clear that white is gonna try to win on the queen side right that's what white is trying to do and in attacking the queen side white is going to attack a king because there's a king there now if the king was on this side okay then yeah obviously black's king is completely safe but because white's entire game plan here revolves around queen side pressure well it just so happens there's a king there so that means that when white gets through he doesn't just get like a little gold coin he will get the king's head he will chop it off i mean i don't know how violent magnus is right but okay so now what we bring the rook that hasn't been involved in the game to the open file obviously can't complain about that king c7 and at this point um the the obvious move to play here is a5 why is it not b5 you ask great question because you surrender c5 so it's all about the restriction of the enemy pieces b5 it's not that black will go c5 no no no no that is losing you can't allow this uh but you cannot allow black to begin reactivating all the material because then that's your advantage is gone so magnus plays a5 now black uh would love to go b5 because the thing about this move b5 is if magnus retreats black gets to play a6 and get a temporary illusion that the initiative has been thwarted now the only way that initiative is really thwarted is if white can't ever make progress so for example let's just give a couple of dumb moves to the opponent this is good for black because that means that white no longer has any pawn mobility on the queen side probably black equalizes effortlessly however that is impossible because the very next thing magnus will do is prevent c5 from ever happening and crack c4 open when he gets a chance so black does want to play b5 absolutely absolutely wants to play b5 so why would magnus allow it well because magnus had no intention of retreating he had no intention of going back to b2 magnus here calculated a tactic lo and behold 2865 rated player arguably the greatest chess player who's ever lived finds a tactic knight into b6 and like i always say if a move looks impossible and it gets played well and guess the elo is probably bad but in this case it's probably not bad at all now knight b6 is an offering if you take my horsey i take your king is hit my rook is active now uh if you play a move like king to b8 you don't take you just play king b8 my game plan now is rook a6 rook here and some sort of mate i am just threatening a violent mate so just so you understand it's just a devastating attack uh looks very scary uh black actually can defend this it it's it's not game over uh black can defend this by sacking at some point to give the knight back but that is not something you really want to get yourself into when knight b6 occurs when magnus plays knight b6 you sort of assume he's calculated how good abab is so you look for an alternative which is why his opponent played knight b8 however knight b8 is a very bad move but it's almost impossible to see why almost impossible in fact they both miss it magnus does not find the win here which is kind of shocking but that's why the video is named what it's named magnus here can actually win the game with the move a6 that is incredible what is the point if you take then i have rook takes rook rook takes rook and a7 and you win you win because you're threatening to queen the only way to stop this is to play knight a6 so that the rook doesn't defend the pawn anymore and you get a position that looks like this and if rook a7 rook c6 or rook b5 takes takes count the pawns magnus s6 black s5 still draw a bull but with same color bishop probably not i don't know gonna be significantly harder probably a6 is just winning probably however magnus plays rook takes d8 he does it first and then he plays a6 but there's a difference because now black can take with the knight now you say levy i don't understand the difference why is why can't he just do this now the difference is that rook a6 now uh well it's just a fundamentally different position so like i i'm actually threatening attacks on the king the bishop is not on d8 right so if a b you lose the bishop what happens in the game is that because magnus goes for this idea a move later uh now this works because rook a6 uh doesn't quite work folks and it's not for what the reason you would think it's not ab6 there's this incredible defensive resource king b7 which black must have spotted right that's what that's probably so so this 2466 superstar finds this incredible defensive resource which is why the positioning of the bishop matters and somehow white's pieces just don't make sense together they just don't make sense so uh bishop d8 a6 takes magnus jumps back to c4 why is he jumping back to c4 well uh because he has an attack on the pawn he has an attack on the night uh and uh he's still better he's still the one pressuring but black is defending i mean this is you know this is uh this is somebody actually standing up to thanos uh very difficult position because it's almost impossible to defend if you play king b7 i check you then i'm gonna win your knight then i'm gonna win your pawns so for example king c7 uh i have knight b5 and then i take and then i win your other pawn but i also have this so i attack one two and three so all three things in your position are up for capture you're just gonna lose material so instead of that we get the following end game right where for a very brief moment just half a move black is a pawn up but he's gonna lose a7 right so we have uh king d7 uh and rook takes a7 and the bishop blocks now uh you would love to do this and then rook c8 and then say boom boom boom boom the problem is this is a draw even though black has a very ugly pawn structure if white tries to infiltrate with the king and this is why you have to study your king in pawn end games uh if white tries to infiltrate then the king just meets the king right here so there's no infiltration if you allow the infiltration you're an idiot so that you know the king is gonna get there at some point uh and then four on four just doesn't work like four equally matched things just can't beat each other unless again you're an idiot which neither of these players are uh so because that doesn't happen magnus has to begin a second front of attack he needs to take some sort of space over here because in end games you need to create two weaknesses right now black definitely is suffering on the pawn structure side king is also a little sus uh but magnus wants to attack over here so he plays f4 here black plays a great move he unpins himself with the move king to c8 all right uh and magnus takes on e5 and here black blunders but it's shocking because it doesn't quite feel like that i mean fe obviously fe right now rook f8 is coming in but white is winning now for a second time this one far more obvious than the last one now i'm not saying that if i was playing this game i would have seen it all i'm saying is between the two tactics where one of them was like sacking upon and then and i mean sacking a piece and then promoting and then trying to you know very complicated stuff on the queen side this one's actually a bit more straightforward white would love to go here but then black blocks and then i've already talked about how this end game just doesn't like this is not a win trading all the pieces is not a win you would love to do that but if i if i asked you after bishop v8 well uh sorry if i asked you how do we get this without the bishop blocking you would say bishop b6 takes for k8 and if they don't take like let's say they go here or here well then we take and we take g7 and magnus carlsen is going to be upon up with a horrible counterpart of a structure i mean this is an easy win he wins this against 2800s he probably beats stockfish in this end game i'm not even joking like it's a completely winning end game bishop b6 wins on the spot they both missed it they just both completely missed this move i mean obviously black would not allow bishop b6 if he saw it right so somehow i don't know i know they both miss it the best move here is to throw in this move first that's what the computer says so just not let alone but that's that's ridiculous because if white takes the computer is trying to say that you just lose a pawn against magnus but you open up your lines and and it's saying that because you're you have very active pieces somehow you're not losing because you've also completely defended your king which again we've been talking about the king is a liability we saw that all the way up until magnus had this opportunity to play bishop b6 and he just completely misses it he plays takes takes rook a check now he doesn't play bishop a7 he continues to torture his opponent don't think that magnus missing a win means that his opponent is off the hook i would still be uh uh uh shifting bricks except not actually you know what i'm trying to say i know kids are watching i don't want to curse king b7 b5 okay uh again if if at any moment you lose focus you lose the game pawn takes pawn rook c uh rook c5 rook c4 you're gonna lose a pawn it's gonna be a past t pawn black plays the best move black brings the rook into the action b6 the king is just suffocating so black activates the rook still no real infiltration unless you go to the back rank right so rk1 once again the best move by black rook f6 staying active on the sixth rank looking for infiltration spots uh magnus plays g3 black plays h5 uh flank pawn moves as we've seen on the queen side are actually very useful in end games to take some space especially if you're not creating a liability uh also another idea of h5 is that you can sack the pawn because doubling your opponent's flank pawns like this it just kills their structure so h4 is a very common idea and we will see it in a moment king d2 check so obviously we're not going to get a repetition bishop c5 and i told you i told you these these moves to sac flank pawns to create activity very common in end games keep that in mind because double h pawns don't scare anybody just the way double c pawns don't scare anybody right these puns are not very good so great idea magnus doesn't like it very much and allows a trade so now uh the h pawn has simplified itself right uh and now black has given himself an opportunity to create a threat so rook g6 rook d7 again never take your eye off the ball and hang made in one i mean if you were in this position you might accidentally lose uh so black once again plays the best move uh which is stranding the king on the outskirts of the board the king is actually better there than on c8 if you go to c8 you cut your king off do not cut your king off on the back rank like in some ways the the im is making this look very easy in other ways there is so much involved here do not cut your king off on the back rank this is how your king dies your king needs to be out and open sometimes in end games when he can't be attacked yes rook d8 king b7 of course magnus is not going to repeat he's going to continue to try to torture his opponent now how is he going to actually create a winning chance right c5 suddenly his opponent is like you know what i'm going to take this pawn magnus if you don't mind i'm just going to take it yeah i know my pawn structure is really ugly but it does the job i'm going to take on b6 magnus like oh crap i didn't actually think i was going to lose that pawn g4 king wait a minute black is a pawn up against the world champ admittedly he has some of the worst pawns i've ever seen he can't move any of them and this is basically one pawn if we're just being honest uh but uh you know he's a pawn up g5 king d7 look at that again don't take your eye off the ball all of a sudden you're in a bishop end game down a full pawn you probably just lost maybe you can hold but let's not king d7 rook a8 now black is attacking king d2 king e6 the thing magnus also has to balance in these games is like if magnus is playing a niche geary he'll probably just make a draw here but if magnus is playing a 2400 he's like this dude is still gonna collapse maybe he might be really nervous that's the one advantage that magnus always has over his opponents right so magnus picks up the c pawn and now he's ready to take this and make this a rook end game and he does uh we get a rook end game in a moment rook end game right here so now it's rook and two versus rook and two uh white is going to try to push he's got four squares to go black has a little bit longer so what do you do here you got to bring your king very important b5 and now rook f3 why well because if you play b6 then i don't go passive i mean i could but the thing about going very passive in endgames again we talked about this king on the back rank if you go very passively in end games like you play like this then rook c6 comes and then comes the king so when you kill your own activity you just lose this is not what you want your rook can't be here the point is that you want to go rook f6 to get to the pawn right before it becomes a queen activity is so important the creation of threats and keeping a rook on a cut-off area where it defends your best thing it cuts off the king it targets this right that is so important so rook c5 uh and king d6 played the king is active the king is very close uh and again b6 is not played here because rook f7 rook b7 at this point passive might work but but still not letting the pawn get as far as possible is better so rook d8 magnus goes for the g pawn uh and for the sacrifice of the pawn black gets to activate his king it's either going this way or this way we have b6 rook f7 uh king d4 and that's it now he's going to win this pawn and uh the last test that you have to succeed here uh with black is to correctly calculate that you can stop this pawn with a rook sack and you can promote your own pawn so let's see if that can happen rugby one great active from the back and that's it you're gonna this is this is very nice not getting in the way of your own pawn uh he goes to g3 because he's so he's either threatening to push or he's threatening to defend his pawn magnus plays rook f5 he pushes rook b5 one last scary moment you could calculate trading uh but then you actually lose because it's check oh my god oh my god you blew it oh my goodness it comes down to the last possible square and then this is not a this is a a winning end game this is not the right pawn you have to know queen versus one pawn end games magnus sets a trap on the 74th move trap at this level it's not a trap but you get what i mean it's never too late to take your eye off the ball the rook goes back because now it's actually okay to be passive and sacrifice e3 king f4 preventing back side checks and now b7 check king e2 rook b8 neither side can make progress and black gives up his pawn to run back get the other pawn and do this oh my goodness oh my goodness now maybe when you saw the video you were like magnus lost all right that would be actually kind of insane uh let me tell you how rare this is first of all this 2460 just drew a 2860 rated player for this magnus lost 4.2 elo in the entire title steel tournament that he just played which he played 12 out of 13 games because he had the forfeit win against dubov my man gained three elo he won the tournament but he gained three elo he just lost all of it and one more point drawing this game playing in his club championship that is nuts also this is his worst result against a sub 2500 rated player in 12 years in 2010 he drew a 2500 magnus first of all magnus doesn't play a lot of sub 2500s because he's playing all these top level events this is nuts that is crazy this just doesn't happen so yeah 2900 is brutal and even ims can can play the game of their life so that was a really really nice hold by black and what more to say a crazy crazy setback uh from uh you know uh from the uh from the norwegian im that he delivers uh to magnus so 2500 is going to be tough and these videos are kind of kind of interesting because we always see magnus dominate so figured i would share this with all of you folks hope you enjoyed and i will see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 361,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: ZWhhs4DIzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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