SO CLOSE For Hikaru...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the grand prix it's the sixth round in the group stages and after today we will know either who has qualified to the next stage of the grand prix aka the semifinals or uh who has to play a playoff tomorrow so tomorrow is reserved for a res day or a playoff or whatever um well we're about to jump into the action and obviously the first game uh that we gotta look at is this game between andrei sipenka and hikaru nakamura uh there is absolutely nothing more sensational than this andrei is half a point behind hikaru uh and he's gotta win and hikaru beat andre already a couple of rounds ago so super tense thing that's about to unfold here we have e4 e5 and andrei does not go into hikaru's berlin i actually had a feeling that this is what was going to happen he feels that his best winning chances are to play the italian we have a regular blocking position and then all of a sudden andrei plays a4 that is not what you do in this position normally you play c3 and try to play for d4 you maneuver the knight to g3 you have a very close positional battle but a couple moves later after relatively normal moves he played a5 uh this is what you do when you need to win a game of chess uh and in a very low risk opening like an e4 e5 italian sometimes the best way to create imbalance is by the smallest of measures which is a queenside pawn push you restrict black's queen side play and potentially this pawn could be an asset in the end game i don't know and by the 10th or 11th move of the game we have something that's just that's just almost never been reached before you have all pieces on the board 16 times 2 32 there you go 32 chess pieces on the board so you have a very cramped situation an opportunity to create play uh andrei plays queen b3 and hikaru sees himself under pressure over here queen e7 knight d2 and here hikaru plays rook b8 rook b8 is defending the pawn on b7 and ready to move this bishop out the problem with rook b8 is that now i can take on a7 and when your knight goes back you have relinquished some support in the center of the board uh and here there is the possibility for white to take on a6 now it's not so clear that this is actually so good because black can play this move uh point is that you couldn't take but now you can uh and there's some tactics to be calculated in the game we actually had an opportunity for that to happen as well and here isipenko can play d5 push the knight back and again gopher bishop takes a6 now what you have to calculate here is this bishop takes h3 and uh bishop takes b7 is a possibility bishop to g4 and here white has to go full young elo and play rook a4 solidifying the center and on knight d7 you have to sack the rook and play a6 and this is what the computer considers a winning position for white [Music] i don't know i feel like if yay bingo plays like that he should be checked drugs stockfish something else instead he just plays very s like in a very like straightforward fashion he doesn't take on a6 he just has a massive space advantage in the center and on the queen side uh hikaru rotates his knight and tries to liquidate a little bit of the pressure the problem is that there is one man and one man only who is very slowly improving his position and it's the russian guy if you notice he's expanded everything uh we have a little pokeball here of pawns uh and white is just gonna go b5 white's gonna go b5 rook b1 maybe rook c1 and and c5 like white's just gonna expand on the queen side so rather than sitting there and dying hikaru plays f5 because you gotta do something you got nothing you gotta do something now yes panko here can still play for b5 and if fe4 he can play this amazing move knight back to d2 he's not worried about what's gonna happen over here because there's no attack he can take on e4 he can continue to try to play on that side of the board yesipanko thinks for like 18 minutes here and plays bishop d3 lasering this pawn and baiting hikaru to do this but the thing is you have no attack here this looks like a king's indian attack but you have no pieces in a king's indian you you have pieces behind your pawns you can't do anything with black here so he can't do that he can't replace queen f6 yeshivenko goes takes we have a trade knight to d4 right so you can't do this and queen goes back to f7 and it looks like isipanko is crashing through it looks like he is just everything is working for white here knight is going to e6 ah moves one move after the other plays itself in this position stockfish finds the incredible knight to b6 hikaru doesn't see it yesterday obviously doesn't see it either you don't play this if you see this point is that you hit c4 and now your rooks are connected so if a b6 ed4 and we have just a trade we are about to you know queen d4 uh if you take on b6 f4 is falling i mean it's just a draw black can save the game on the spot hikaru misses it and plays the move c6 and now the position is plus 2.5 for white so position is completely winning for yesepanko he can take on c6 he can take on e7 now both of them lead to forcing variations it's not so simple yes panko now it's moved 27 so 13 moves to go 14 moves to go takes on e5 hikaru takes on d5 now white has a completely winning move here wins on the spot not easy to see it's not takes it's not push it's obviously not takes you hanger queen it's the move queen g3 why why is it queen g3 you unpin your queen so you now can take on e5 with the rook and the point is that if this trait occurs it's very hard to guard this rook in fact it's almost impossible for example if you play rook 288 rook f1 and what the hell are these pieces doing look at this army this army is coordinated right bts army they are going on an attack right but no no no no no queen g3 is not played in the game the other idea of queen g3 is there's no queen g6 yasipanko instead of this plays e6 which is also it's the second best move very natural move e6 but now queen g6 that is why queen g3 was so strong because it pressures everything and restricts black's movement hikaru here after queen g6 must have been anticipating pawn takes d5 at which point he would play 97 now white still has a connected protected pass pawn queen b3 the game goes on yes panko here goes absolutely nuts plays rook f1 and he allows hikaru to take on c4 but why why did he allow that i don't know i don't know why he allowed the pawn to take on c4 i mean sometimes i can't answer the own questions of my games pawn takes d5 right okay fine his idea is just all his pieces are super active so okay for the cost of a pawn hikaru must play knight d5 now queen back to f2 route g3 is the idea hikaru blunders the game away knight c6 losing on the spot why because knight c6 if you play this move i have queen e7 a7 and you can't take my knight you can't take my knight cause your rook is hanging so if he takes back now the pawn gets to e7 and this is this is game over yeshipenko it's plus seven it's astronomically high advantage why why is the advantage so high what is white threatening white is threatening nothing that's the beauty i mean okay here white is threatening rook g3 but uh when black defends white cannot rush with rook f8 because black actually has the defense in place to stop promotion all white has to do is play queen c4 just take the pawn for example if the move d5 occurs you just come back and slowly but surely you win you're going to win this end game slowly but surely queen e5 maybe rook g3 hide your king from background checks slowly but surely yesipenko rushes he repeats moves and rather than taking on c4 he plays rook f8 and allows hikaru to whoop cocoon cocoon defense takes takes the players have now made it to move 40 yes panko spends 18 minutes and in this position he can take on a6 and send the game into a queen end game or he can play the absolutely shocking move queen e6 queen e6 paralyzes the board for black black has two choices uh get into a rook end game with king f7 and try to hold this rook in game or black can play c5 and lose in spectacular fashion to a move that stockfish does not even see b5 ab5a6 b4 and if you bring the rook back you're constantly threatening a promotion so for example a7 b3 and here you have rook d6 b2 rook b6 something like this and both pawns cannot be stopped by the rook and it's even more incredible that if black plays something like king f7 you just come back to e2 and you have to go to e2 you cannot go to e1 this is the incr incredible thing you have to go to e2 and not e1 it's just i i can't even begin to sit here and pretend like i understand the difference queen e6 is the stockfish winning move here but yeshipenko goes for the human alternative he plays into the queen end game and has to give a check the check before he takes the pawn apparently is better but he takes the pawn first and hikaru gets to a queen on three queen on three it's still not the easiest thing in the world white does have this a pawn but black finds the best defense hikaru gets the queen back and uses his d-pawn as a decoy for the white position he pushes the pawn up to d4 and now white has no way of dealing with how active the queen is going to be on the king and how active this pawn will be to sacrifice itself so the queen can take over here and hikaru finds this defensive regrouping queen d8 and it's over it is all over hikaru survives makes the draw quick moment with four queens on the board uh and he moves on in the group stage wow wow what a game i mean you couldn't have written up yes panko must have just he just melted down a little bit he had his opportunities and the two moments of the game where he potentially had his biggest advantage he spent the most amount of time that he had in the entire game on move 41 and and some moves earlier and credits of hikaru i mean just credit to hikaru never giving up absolutely never giving up and he has he has qualified uh to the uh to the semi-finals now next game i'd like to show you is also from group a we're gonna go group by group uh this was a very fun game not all these games have implications on who wins the group because we already know what happened but this one was a classical sicilian long castle's classical sicilian this one's gonna be a very big battle and for the games that don't have an implication on the playoffs it's okay we're still gonna you know we're gonna go through them a little quickly but no problem so folks here is the makings of the pure sicilian battle white is long castle king is tucked away on b1 white is going to go g4 blah blah blah what is black going to do black is going to say i'm not going to castle in the classical sicilian black times will leave the king directly in the center of the board as long as the queen protects this as long as the knight is protecting over here uh for you know something like g6 uh the position is more or less survivable for black survival it queen c5 macro goes for a queen trade no queen trade and uh look at that i mean bishop c4 my god what a savage move the idea is queen takes d6 and rook d4 and the queen is trapped i mean jesus christ sasha grisham can you please leave back macro alone bishop b3 f4 and the intention rook g5 f5 right you you have you have very very bad intentions here uh all sorts of attacking possibilities uh rook g5 is played rook goes to e1 and now greg unfolds knight to d5 oh if you take its ed and it's check and the bishop is hit right so we get that queen d4 one of these two pieces is better than the other the bishop one b3 is like staring out of seven it's got the sniper ready right got the shooters on the mountains we have rook back takes takes d5 and but crow actually was brave enough to take this pawn actually for a moment but crow can say i'm a pawn up i'm a pawn up f5 for a moment he could say i'm two pawns up but queen f4 and the attack just never really goes away i mean grisha continues to chop away at the position he only has three pieces on the board but if you're going to compare whose king is weaker yeah i think there's a clear winner i think the king on a2 is feeling a little bit more more sheltered and grisha continues to poke continues to poke doesn't trade queens don't ever trade queens when you're trying to win a game and gets that pawn back he is now no longer down any pawns uh and for the you know for the majority of this game which was about 40 moves it was greechik hunting his opponent across the board i mean you know uh the evaluation hung around like plus 1.5 plus two for a very very very long time as you can see that's sort of what's occurring the black king has now completely ran to this side of the board um will grieschuk find a way to finally trick his opponent maybe out calculate his opponent uh believe it or not uh even this late in the game it's zero zero zero i can hardly say it's more comfortable for a fur black ever uh grisha will potentially try to find some way to win try to find some consolidation uh and he does it takes uh it takes 70 moves it takes 70 moves on the 70th move of the game 69th move actually that crow plays queen c5 allows this backwards queen move to hit the rook and threaten an infiltration uh and uh yeah i mean look at this this is what it takes to win the game the point is that the queen cannot protect b5 and h4 uh grishok uh gets the queen to d2 and now queen f4 is played but uh you you just you cannot prevent you cannot prevent the infiltration i mean back row resigned here he chose not to even play the song which is just you know what to say grisha uh in second place uh in group a i believe um and uh either tied with yesterday panko or completely on his own uh and that's group a group a is now done uh i'm gonna take you to group b because hikaru will play the winner of group b now this is a big matchup abiden versus uh versus vitasha vaitashik playing for a win with black uh and uh i mean you know if he wins he just wins the group unless you know he's also waiting for the save of course so this game folks was just absolutely nuts so knight takes d4 is a free pawn in the opening vitashik sacrifices a pawn for just monster activity so he's basically like yo i don't know how you're ever gonna develop your pieces really i have no idea because i'm going to play knight d3 for example if you play bishop e2 uh i'm gonna go like rook ac8 if you cancel h2 is hanging so i don't know where you're going and for a very long time apparent just had nothing i mean he just like he couldn't develop at all i mean black just was was swarming him look at this position just don't hang your queen again if you cancel here with white queen h oh wrong piece queen h4 hits this and this f4 bishop f4 g3 i might even sack i mean and then queen d4 like what are we doing here what is this position white can castle rookie four by fighttasik bishop two a one f five by five tasha completely winning queen b3 and in this position watashi just has to play a four just to continue the prophecy instead he hesitates and this allows alpine to play a vicious vicious counter-attack rook c6 don't take the bait don't take the bait and allow me some counter play don't do it you have to play a four if rook takes d6 you just take and then you sack you have a mate don't don't don't don't panic don't panic bishop g4 is made as well on the next move don't panic but vitasik says what are you doing that's a rook but the problem is that now white can consolidate and white trades queens and and apayan with his protected c-pawn is able to safeguard his king now his king can stand confidently in the center of the board so from a dead lost position he bluffs completely and vitasha calls the bluff but the problem is that now aparent actually believe it or not from the depths of hell is playing for a win white is better white has connected past pawns and here the players agree to a draw they repeat moves aparion could have played rook d3 and maybe even played on he honestly can play this position for a win he chooses to repeat moves with vitashik and make a draw so now vaitas is sitting and watching two other guys play he is awaiting the winner of the other of the other game or the of the draw let's say in the other game which is the game between for the save and report now for the save in this game goes for a london he chooses because he's with white he is half a point ahead all he needs is a draw and he probably understands that rapport is going to get wild with it right he's going to do some wild stuff here so he's like i'm going to be ultra solid now folks this strategy is really perfect against rapport because if you if you just look in the first like 10 moves of this game both sides castle how the hell is black gonna ever do anything here black has a completely symmetrical structure to white c pawns are off the board it's it's literally zero zero zero i mean fedexiv is just waiting oh there it is rapport is going for some play now we we fly over to the to the file we trade a pair of rooks i mean white is just better folks like white controls the c file it's a position of complete symmetry white is just better fedese have got everything he wanted right rook c1 rook d8 now at some point something's got to give f5 right i mean reports really trying bishop what the hell is bishop e2 bishop e2 apparently loses the game on the spot to the move e4 bishop e2 was like plus two for white e4 feresayev has to flip his switch from i don't care about playing actively i'ma let my opponent self-destruct here's your moment e4 fe-94 apparently this just leads to a massive attack on the black king but he doesn't play it he doesn't play it and allows report to finish his operation of transferring the bishop and that for a very long time was the only chance that fedese have had and the thing is the thing is that even in a position of complete symmetry if you play too hesitant for too long what's going gonna happen you're gonna mess up so for a while nothing was going on literally there was a threat of repetition right now obviously rapport can't do it reports got to win the game otherwise he can't qualify takes takes position's still completely symmetrical completely symmetrical the only thing is that black and gets the c3 with the knight and that's kind of an inconvenience right look at report calculated risk taking here h5 no queen trade doesn't want a queen trade federica though i mean i mean his position's looking very nice but now queen a wait a minute i thought we just said we didn't want a queen trade at the right moment we do because the truth is black has all the play black is playing for a4 black is playing for the c file and black is playing for the weakness on a2 all of a sudden fido on mu 45 is to look himself in the middle and go what have i done i played two passively for too long because now now white has the weakness now a5 is a target but go ahead and take it go ahead and take my pawn on a5 because what happens rook c7 your knight is trapped i control the c file your knight is in a box i can even walk my king and win it with my bare hands my king will kill your horse all right my king is a savage knight to e5 rook c3 oh my god an absolute nightmare is coming true oh my goodness the end game is completely lost by virtue of the pawn sacrifice to damage white's pawn structure the king now infiltrates because this knight is so active compared to this one this is completely insane feta say of tied for first tied for first place at the time of the game beginning played too passively and allowed rapport to slowly squeeze them the juice out of the lemon oh my goodness and rapport is going to win this game report wins on move 72 two queening pawns feresayev is knocked out the playoff is by tashik vs report three and a half points out of six they both finish with oh my god i can't believe that happened i absolutely can't believe what happened and now hikaru gets a rest day and awaits the winner between vitasha and report wow that was not supposed to happen credit to report for keeping that patience now let's move to group c the first game in group c aranyan's the winner of group c so uh we have a night orf and uh aranyan goes for a sideline he doesn't choose to play aggressively like here white can play g4 but aranyan goes for a fourth draw variation he forces a draw like this position has been reached you know 500 times and white targets the pawn black defends white targets the a6 pawn black defends and we repeat moves now the funny thing in this position is that um in this position because black has the right to castle it's it's considered a separate position than this one this is not the same position this is not the same position that we just had because black doesn't have the right to castle so technically the players have to repeat moves four times uh i think they did that in the game because they have to repeat the drawn position three times it's kind of funny kind of funny uh anyway aranyan wins group c uh not much to say about this game uh but uh but let's look at the game between uh vidit and and kaimer vidit is not playing for a qualification spot but he's playing to well frankly bully his opponent um because his opponent is not having a very good group stage two draws three losses uh so now we have a position from the world championship uh magnus played this against jan uh not this but kleimer obviously taking a page out of the magnus playbook now bishop c5 and we have the following situation where white is going to try to expand here and here that's uh that's why it's game plan okay so there's the center expansion so now that the knight has moved here i don't think we're gonna get this expansion we have this maybe h3 we're gonna bring uh some coordination of queens and rooks let's watch it unfold okay okay oh knight e5 okay so vidi decides to trade the light squared bishops we have no bishops uh virg chooses to battle with queens rooks and knights queen d3 rook d1 okay everything that i said came true white expanded in the middle white put the queen in the rook but now what how is vitid going to win this game is it okay oh oh okay naiji said oh vidit wants to expand everywhere he just it's a low risk position he can just take as much space as possible black goes back to e7 white expands again black plays the move a6 very provocative move uh if you take my pawn black's idea is i guess queen a7 now this either completely holds for black or loses immediately because in general in chess when you lose time like this and you don't win material back immediately i don't know knight a4 queen knight b6 you know you take c5 oopsies so uh there there are tactics here for vidit but vidi chooses just to keep the position symmetrical and apply pressure on this pawn and he has a great position uh he has a great position he continues expanding on the king's side this he continues expanding on the king's side it's basically like kymer standing there like holy crap vinid's coming and he's really mad and then it's like i i'm just gonna keep pushing forward i have absolutely zero raise the problem is in any good position you need to win the game as we just saw in yesipenko right you need to win the game vid it so far is playing perfectly playing a perfect game queen c7 repeats once um plays rook one again best move rook you know rookies like literally i think up until this point is playing 99 game just 99 percent every move continuously applying pressure kymer plays knight f6 right rookie five maybe not necessary to go rookie five it's obviously not a bad move rook a7 you can continue with but in the game you know he decides to go with the knight and trades queens and comes back and i guess vidit is like i have two he has one so in the future if i ever get to play the move c5 i get a pass pawn and i win right and and again vidit has no risks everything defends everything in his position he opts for d5 and tries to trade off a pair of rooks for a pass pawn now kymer is not so kind to his opponent he really doesn't want his opponent to have an easy life uh and instead is defending his b-pawn and counteracting the sipon now vidit here has made a bit of an inaccuracy because he has a one-on-one vidit wanted a one on zero he's gonna struggle to get it so what is he going to do well he's gonna try to uh move his pawn forward on the king side all right and now he's gonna try to uh create this pass pawn okay there we go vidit he's now made his one on zero the problem is he also gave black a one on zero uh and uh well he never has to win the game king e4 king e5 maybe all right so if it plays knight f4 i put this night on didn't like that goes for king e4 uh but how do you win i mean you can repeat moves all you want but how do you actually win this position it's like a complete cluster unclear cluster of pieces uh knight to b4 rook c8 and vivid messed up he messed up because he got his rook trapped he got it trapped in the sense that he probably has to trade uh because if he takes on b6 now knight c4 and there's just too much activity here now it's actually black who's going to create some counter play so kymer does a very good job in this game of surviving for an extremely long time uh and uh the players end up repeating moves because even though vitid got his opportunity he wasn't actually able to capitalize on it so nice game by kaimer i mean like must have sucked playing it but good defense by him i mean he survives in an extremely unpleasant position uh and uh yeah ranyan wins group c i think fitted got second place i may be tied with duboff um so the last group that i have to show you uh wesley so is half a point ahead of lenier dominguez wesley so is playing with white against harry krishnan he goes for a catalan not shocking right so it's a winner draw opening if if wesley wins he wins the group if he draws and uh liner wins then they have a playoff so this game had many trades early uh we had a trade of knights we had a trade of bishops and wesley got the following position from the opening where he has a slightly better structure on the queen side but black is very active and black is going to go c4 and try to harass white so wesley goes here and here and black plays c4 does it doesn't it make sense that black is playing c4 i mean look at the position everything in black's position says i'm going to play on the queen side you can't change that now wesley can play knight take c6 of course uh and bishop h3 attacking this pawn but what happens when black defends the pawn anybody have any ideas like what now like with white for example let's just say you i mean you can lose you can get a losing position because you accidentally allowed the c3 pawn to come forward so you have to actually be a little bit careful here are krishna shows really good preparation here uh and completely i mean just absolutely uh neutralizes the white initiative now we have takes takes bishop f1 rook c3 and this is perhaps uh the best moment of the game uh for wesley right around here uh he has to find a way to coordinate the army to get in and target these pawns successfully in the long run because black does have the worst structure his pawns are split queen c1 e5 rook c6 queen d8 uh and uh this is the biggest advantage that wesley had of the entire game queen c3 he did a very nice job here targets the middle hare krishna plays e4 uh and um now wesley's gotta was he's gotta figure out what he's gonna do all right how does wesley make progress seems like everything's going right you know seems like everything's going right for wesley um but what's next he plays a4 what he should do is play here and here and let's just i mean i guess you can give black this move as well bishop e6 king h8 rook c7 and queen e5 and wesley basically has to not worry about the queen side at all queen e5 after queen e5 you know rook to a7 maybe queen g5 just just go for the king create problems here and go for the king wesley goes a4 and bishop b5 and hare krishna creates some active counter play wesley takes on a5 and is now just being swarmed and has to actually bail out and force a draw so a really strange turn of events like right around here after e4 by black after bishop h3 stockfish is claiming plus two i mean it's claiming the game is over just completely over it's just things that like black has no counter play at all and wesley just went the wrong way i mean he had to go right he went left he put the bishop and on the other side of the board and i guess his intention was to take and promote the apon and hare krishna just swarmed in very actively and uh you know instead of queen c2 wesley decided to take on a5 and if you're confused why the final position is a draw it's because the black king cannot escape check so king f8 check hear check hear check here check like you're never escaping so draw agreed which means lenier who is the final game of today's recap must beat alexis shiroff and let me tell you something you think we're gonna have a boring game but on move six alexi plays g5 now you know someone's gonna lose alexi is trying to play the role of spoiler he is not trying to play the berlin defense he's like yo lenier i am playing for a win which means i'm also playing potentially for a loss do your worst all right knight d2 bishop g7 g4 h5 i mean what the heck is this what the heck is this it's crazy you can play like this in the modern era linear plays f4 takes takes d5 now the move d5 apparently is dead loss for black i mean not according to me according to our computer overlords after pawn takes knight takes and bringing the rook back to f2 like here stockfish was trying to say ah go home just go home you can't play like this plus two plus one point five uh i don't exactly know how because if let's sample variation g3 hg h4 if you take and allow queen h4 you're getting mated right so you have to be ready for the black assault here um and linear chooses to play rook f1 bishop e6 and and just build a strong center so he's he's interested more in kind of the positional elements of the game uh like this rather than the tactical elements the problem is black is fine black gets the castle along gets the king out of the middle uh the the issue here for for black more than anything is being bored to death so for example takes takes rookie eight lenient plays queen f5 uh again he can choose to keep queens on and maybe play for queen c4 maybe try to create an attack on the queen side but he just plays queen f5 and just positionally speaking black has to play here because there's no other convenient way to protect this pawn for example let's say black plays rookie seven f4 black is like no moves and black simply has no moves before b5 i mean i'm just gonna kill you like you have nothing these pawns don't scare anybody anymore they're not they're not a threat whatsoever uh so you actually this is the best move as ugly as it is but this is the perfect thing to do if you're trying to play against shirov like shirov is constantly looking for activity so rookie 2 rook b2 and linear is like yo how are you going to be putting all your pieces just god knows where it's like a family that moved 10 000 miles apart and doesn't even call each other what are you gonna do here what is your game plan okay you won my b2b what is your game plan knight d5 okay you can okay rookie one h okay takes okay you got your rook here great okay do you have a threat he's not saying all this to sure i'm sure he's a big guy punch him in the face don't don't trash talk during the games especially against big opponents you got to choose your opponents wisely like sean o'malley all right rook h3 bishop g3 and now what should of again a5 trying to lash out take stakes and linear is like dude night trade takes takes and uh hi who's accounting for you check you either have to go king here after which check and i win a second pawn and i mate you or you have to go here rookie seven hits you like this and uh linear wins he wins which means that he ties with wesley which means that tomorrow there are two tie breaks there are two tie breaks wesley so versus linear dominguez uh and uh and the group b between vitasha can report hikaru qualifies levon qualifies but they are awaiting who's going to be in their in their group and wow what a day what a day um i was watching the live chat one thing i can tell you if you guys think that some youtube comments are bad live chat for chess games is the worst it really is i mean people just screaming blunder idiot this idiot that oh my goodness it is some wild stuff today was it was was great uh and tomorrow's the rest day for some of the players folks appreciate your support as always through these recaps uh tomorrow we have a tie break and then we begin the semi-finals
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 322,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, fide grand prix, grand prix, grand prix 2022, grand prix chess, grand prix chess 2022, fide grand prix 2022, fide grand prix 2022 chess, fide chess grand prix, grand prix ches, grand prix 2022 chess, grand prix fide, 2022 grand prix, 2022 grand prix chess, chess grand prix, chess grand prix 2022, chess grand prix fide, fide chess, fide chess 2022
Id: H1XzLN-u0gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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