Magnus Carlsen exits hot tub in 1st & Cloud9's Andrew Tang takes over | Bullet Titled Arena, Aug. 21

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kick off in three two one oh the grey parrot just entered anonymous gm oh let's get to his game that's a bad start okay what do we have close sicilian you not shifting available to the to the king side c2 can be sensitive bishop b3 to defend if that that surfaces feels a little weird doing that okay so you can't take in this direction the knight would fall so you are getting the break in and if captures like this there would have been bishop to h6 that this bishop is squashed queen has a restriction this is excellent for white this pawn will be picked up you don't even have to do anything too fancy you don't have to pursue an attack oh that pawn was picked up queen is there okay doubling up this is a sensitive point three pieces on it now how are we defending can we add a fourth can't play bishop uh queen f3 kicks the queen away now now you still can't take looking for a fork with d6 and black has fought back this pawn is still around the queen queens are exchanged ready to take now ah rook takes there's bishop d4 sneaky move ah it's gonna be a nail biter this guy is wicked fast he plays some ultra bullet mr jagalco in the driver's seat though is his white objectively with this past pawn can it get rolling though a three-fold repetition may be nearby black wants more but now this pawn can advance these these pawns could be scary but this one time time time take that guy ah he inserted check first white has this on the clock in position so far okay and now the pieces will fly no tricky stalemates nearby you go with this whoa whoa what happened there with the clock too much time something happened right around here a good two or three two or three seconds came off for what reason huh what i don't know how true that is what you guys are saying in the chat he yelled on the stream that he accidentally locked his screen what's going on here okay i don't know how true this is he's playing magnus is playing on the phone from a hot tub okay no oh man that's already that's already a viral video you just throw the right title on it and it's a guaranteed viral video millions of views world chess champion destroys competition on on mobile while in a hot tub what's going on in this game by the way i have no idea night hangs knight takes knight no recapture saves the rook queen is dead pac-man mode for this night he had a blast okay so a quick w for the doctor oh this guy here is the one who won the uh the recent marathon he's not yet in a game um where are you doctor he's in the green okay here we go yeah the the recent the guy that's in first recent 24-hour marathon he took down it wasn't even close i think they played the whole 24 hours super duper speedy okay bacarev ivan bakarev i'm guessing split structure but better easier development for white this this bishop can definitely struggle why is black resigning oh the queen was just picked up that was a mouse slip i was thinking it was rook takes rook that happened there queen c7 was intended um i'm guessing all right another quick win he's in ninth place now okay it's the e5 break in hanging pawn structure you don't want to allow this uh okay yeah it's gonna it's gonna be tough over here to kind of just babysit these pawns so he's pursuing something on the king's side clearly this launching of the h-pawn prying down prying at this structure potential fork on d3 this knight has a responsibility there may be this just to set up an ensuing check h2 king takes and some some check on the h file f3 is also a square that has my attention this knight is a good piece i think this is defendable what white is doing king h2 oh nice nice little trick there diagonal opened up here this pawn is a passer okay the queens are going to come off i think white is in the driver's seat here i don't know this pawn is still around no no no no no it's not not so easy this rook is going to be super active yeah so now we now we have this well the king could return the bishop is there defending but this guy is still around as well push first oh look at that that's so sweet you're gonna be able to promote if you take the rook there oh now the bishop is cooked that pawn what a dangerous guy look at the clock he's cruising pick this guy up discovery he doesn't even want to go after that rook there many ways to do it i guess don't trade rooks win on time resigner a resigner where are we at standings let's take a look here don't forget about this guy mister c9 andrew tang all right plenty of time remaining gm arc of 50 they've played 20 times already black already eyeing up that d4 squared is a whole and what's now same sides castles and the break oh was that initially a mouse slip he wanted a5 in one swing probably to secure the night post white with some space queen could feel a little uncomfortable is she close to trapped maybe no great way to get at her i guess she always has b6 defense here queen b6 yeah at any moment this knight can drop into d5 and you have to prepare be prepared oh we're winning in exchange here you have to be prepared to play with a an invasive pawn can you find good squares okay well the rook defending right away so not not f6 to blunt this diagonal no sacrifices on h5 careful okay the knight is shielding there black's black's cool with giving away a pawn because that'll peel open the e file and he is getting this break in b5 is still there or even knight takes here and after this what are we gonna have oh i guess we would have had a check and then mate look at this king wild man on h6 for karoni yeah that's winning everything there's nothing against the king you take the take the rook if i could draw a line and then take the bishop that's one thing he's gonna try for h4 yeah this one's toast easily covered okay out of fuel team white cool game right there uh chicago still has well he has the same score as magnus after their first round draw okay arm sevens next opponent i forgot to do one other thing give me one second here oh there's something uh okay forget about that a technical issue all right what do we have going on in this game lights off the exchange as i was looking away control over d5 looking to flush the knight away and pick this guy up things seem smooth this is defended this is defended this is under attack fork aroni oh we're gonna have a resigner soon no there's no perpetual look at that oh king in the corner there would have been this and the queen would have been lost i thought that that felt a little weird the knight can't move the queen is toast this knight is a beast could take here no that would have been a way and then promote okay this works as well all right plenty of ways to do it this guy's flawless is this um who is this i think this is dupe daniel dubov i think i think so okay got another game carlson's in third at the moment queen takes this is often something you go for even if the a file doesn't open up some some kind of rook move queen queen a1 and then eventually expanding with b4 seems like a very convenient uh one move you know you get on that diagonal normally the queen takes uh two or three moves to get on the diagonal like this this nice battery on the main diagonal still gearing up for b4 black stops that planting the queen there and now b3 is a bit sensitive knight is defending he's a reliable defender though okay he doesn't care about this pawn he has that minimum of perpetual of course he's going to try and go for more it's tough to untangle how do you get out of the pin you break things open over here he's looking at the g file maybe oh so sneaky look how quick those tricks are recognized forks every which way now he's hunting the king he's maybe calculating this he's calculating some mate queen g7 it must be there check oh you get the queen you don't have to calculate me maybe there was still a mate but he he he pulled the trigger as soon as he saw a line where the queen was going to be won all right defiant chair fm whoa 13 minutes in third place 2123 fm that's unusual defiant chair from you know defined chair doesn't have a great connection but it's having a great tournament um all right as i'm staring at the rating in the ranks i'm not paying attention to the position um carlson yeah here's the imbalance two bishops and a pawn versus a queen can white maintain coordination here okay uh the bishop on f6 will be a super strong piece doesn't even doesn't even want to take that rook it's valuing this bishop a bit more the queen is hit tricky tricky tricky tricky queen takes bishop you're gonna lose the queen okay two bishops and a pawn versus the queen okay it's it's getting a little away from from black i think check he might get hunted you may have to take this pawn out oh boy oh this is dangerous [Laughter] um i guess you're not getting at the king white was anticipating a a quick pre-move of rook to rook to e1 all right the defiant chair goes down what was the defiant chairs score score i'm not able to go into the standings okay brr who's this guy okay he's streaming i think this is um azuria grand master azurio okay blacks up upon where's the compensation for white okay he has something maybe against the king's side but these guys are are cruising how do we how do we break them down f3 is a start put some dent in it but black keeps pushing forward okay and long term is this going to be exposing the king i i'm guessing he's heading queen side queen side it is oh boy oh why why did black resign oh queen there and carlson didn't take the queen he moved the queen here white didn't see queen knight takes queen oh too quick a resigner all right thanks axiom fox i see you in the chat ah he's in pause mode okay all right let's let's let's just stay right here we'll wait and see when this pause goes away we could still watch a game in mini mode here so i'm pretty sure this is daniel daniel dubov you guys can you guys fill me in about that the number two guy who's only slipped up once so far magnus quit no are you serious he you can't just stop he he's gonna get set up in play right he's going to be back all right so i he's he has to come back did he say he was going to be back i'm relying on the the honest ones in the chat here he didn't say he would be back all right who do we watch then if the doctor's done all right what kind of horse can we pick here um the penguin that's certainly a good bet all right let's let's track the slippery penguin who's also streaming and you guys will have to let me know if carlson uh comes back all right penguin i gotta i gotta update i gotta update the stream title and everything carlson's making making life difficult edit the stream info watching all right i'm deleting magnus carlson and i'm just going to put penguin watching penguin who's penguin mr andrew tang what a suggestion for changing the title to was watching magnus carlsen until he got a little too cold all right i'll have to keep an eye on the chat you guys will fill me in if he's back if uh mr andrew tang ends up playing against carlson i'll know he's back all right what's going on here space for white pressure on g7 he's cool with castling right now i think a quick bot that runs through one's mind before pulling the trigger on this is that white can't right away just ram this g pawn down your throat the queen would have to move so it's not it's not so fast it's not gonna hit so fast okay so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna give this one to uh mr andrew tang i mean the clock is such a big factor i mean he's so he's so fast you have to win on time that's just how it goes he can't take with the king he's already posing some some problems and now he's better so fast oh he just he could have got mated there i think i think uh night king had a mate pretty sure right there may one missed but there are only a few seconds left okay andrew tang many time winner of this event has gone berserk he usually does that i don't know what like maybe 24 25 of the time in these events what's going on mickey all right this is a one of andrew tang's favorite variations here combating the bononi it's pretty common to see this h h5 h4 idea this pawn definitely gained some ground this knight is a an interesting piece unusually posted but it supports the center supports g5 white has just won some material up a minor piece look at the time difference 15 second edge but again this was a berserk game 9.9 seconds to do it he's gonna be able to do it this this feels like an eternity for the penguin queen is really short on square she has one b8 oh look at these guys look at the clock you don't have to win on position anymore oh but he's going to win on position making two 6.1 in the tank in the end he had more time all right what's what are the standings the doctor's still in pause mode he's still in the dark so sad okay the gray parrot super strong grandmaster the grey parrot i saw the great pair recently playing in some team tournament it's paired up against alexander zubav another beast in blitz they had quite the battle going on okay a big fight over the e4 square so committal decision racing this g pawn up but it has its points stop staring at the weakest square in my house so is he looking for some caveman like idea team white this knight is a good defender also more directly that was a threat white was converging on f7 so now the queen side opening up it's still a very solid structure for black without any any weaknesses here tough to kick this knight away for as long as the queen is opposite the king okay knight has a responsibility pac-man mode okay there is a past pawn here but stuff is happening over here okay well the queens are exchanged if you take here this knight is going to be an absolute monster okay he's he's getting in here problem here you just keep pushing this pawn what's the story oh he just wants some exchanges careful careful careful okay he's defending everything team black we got this runner yeah i don't i'm not seeing any mates here yeah now this knight is strictly mr defender could exchange rooks and bring the king over or that that works as well okay the grey parrot goes down that was really that was the first time they played ever all right well the one we're watching is uh in the number one spot okay let's see c9 is andrew tang yes oh this is a double berserker game so rare to beat andrew in the hyper bullet mode it's so far so good on the clock for black that's some nice play ooh just won a piece with that sequence tough road ahead for white this pawn in time will run there will be some uh oh we got an in-betweener first rooks are being exchanged though i'm gonna give this one to black the marathon winner looking good on the clock in position can he really fight back no not enough not enough all right let me see if i could sorry about this behind the scenes stuff i'm trying to get situated okay let me see okay he's playing a drop stone now all right no berserk in this game spawn has some depth that's for sure what is black hoping to accomplish with this pawn on a3 one day win this guy so keep some piece around this this would be a piece you would want to keep around one day target this guy and anything anything other than the dark square bishop can hunt this pawn a knight on that square right here would be good but he's a long ways away okay a knight i guess we're going to have a queen sack put the knight on b3 tough road ahead for white it's defending a2 it's gonna be tough to get a grip over these light squares is that really necessary was that queen out of squares there i think that queen was out of squares okay these pawns are running though it seems like this will be costing uh a piece you could you could no because there's the recapture with the knight and the knight is there to defend now the bishop is here oh that's a cool sequence okay we still got a battle here four pawns versus a night nights are tricky but right now it's uh not having a fun time this night take with check the bishop is there in time to defend here you got another pawn can have a sack on this square no he doesn't have to do that yeah that look at that night what a wizard okay uh doctor doctor is not gonna be around is he the knight is a wizard remember that okay 41 36 35 min lee minly is on fire okay this guy again another double berserker game yeah this is another favorite line of andrew tang likes playing the french don't move knight made on g2 it's a dangerous square those little moves right there classic bullet tricks you know you're not really accomplishing a whole lot but it's it's more of a time burner stuff you could you could have pressed right away bishop takes here with the fork anyhow we're we're a long ways away from that position anymore and what to do what to do this guy's cruising five seconds to 11. all right i don't know holy smokes ah i don't know you just have to stare you know certain positions you just have to stare in amazement how fast they're moving okay daniel dubove next up well i think that this is nice here for black he is up a pawn but well this is going to be broken down not not easily maintained queen d7 i did not see this is not a defense unprotected rook you'd be able to take on b5 so white is continuing in this uh catalan like style of breaking down this kind of structure on the queen side all right but this pawn in the end oh nice little fork there maybe maybe a take and put the king here and you just defend the rook with your queen you defend the rook with your queen yeah if you took here there would be a fork scary time here for black yeah little hope queen's gonna be invading all right big problems ahead for black down he goes two losses in a row you might be feeling up for a berserk game he is against an fm let's see okay f5 nice center for white if it can be maintained should be definite compensation here for white these bishops are killers and that's like a two-point pawn white just one look at these guys now half dead how great are these guys though okay check first you're not winning the rook and pawn ending you can't just trade all pieces this guy's passed four seconds to 28 seconds yeah i'm not seeing it yep that's a uh that's a third game in a row but he's still in first okay daniel dubov i think we're gonna get that pairing let's see yes are you going to be changed up what is this sequence here what kind of opening was that all right well white is up upon opposite sides castles though got an open h file it's a nice little in between move if the knight had mood moved right away the queen maybe has the f5 pivot and maybe this kind of stuff with the queen leading along the battery here can't push we gotta maintain two tough to defend this just have to be prepared to run and block one way or the other once more do above giving mr tang some problemos getting broken down look at this guy right here by the way this bishop kind of embarrasses these two major pieces even if you get this pawn if this knight goes somewhere else this bishop is a perfect defender against any mates you need more than just uh the two majors so that's another loss four in a row he's in second now i think duboiv is in first i don't think dubov has won this event before this could be first time so let us see maybe trying to get into that e5 square could pitch a pawn to get into e5 playing in the center so within checking distance this night now okay where's the knight going a4 could be picked up it is breaking down this structure now ooh ooh ooh how many moves was that there for and he said the first available moment okay another knight close by another check e6 careful careful careful coordinating now with the knight the bishop and the knight queens kicked rook d6 no knight f7 with knight d6 what a guy check check on this square first you could take like that that would win some material but this seems even better threatening mate and the queen look how quick that's recognized this was the first thought that crossed my mind this was the first thought for mr tang i'm going for the king's throat i would have been satisfied with that oh give me the exchange okay where does that put us 46 with fire for dubov 124 to go still no signs of the doctor i think he's cooked all right parka 50. let me see if i could finally get things situated here all right doing some some technical stuff behind the scenes here while i'm streaming all right i think i'm all squared away okay what's going on in this game what do we have two rooks versus a bishop and two pawns in balance bishop and pond versus rook okay black's definitely in the driver's seat how to convert pin okay this is this is not going to be easy this is a cozy king right here a pawn back these bishops are scary bishop can block it's close to feels like it was close to maybe mate if the bishop gets to d8 10 seconds to 14 no clear path forward where you could just pre-move out oh that rook only had one square okay he's he's getting something here we might have an opposite color bishop position soon yes and now we're gonna see 76 moves how many moves will they play could go straight to 50. wow 100 move game 25 moves with just a a few seconds each all right where does that put us where are the standings 48 44. all right the grey parrot again oh he's not diving in there i guess it's going to be challenged straight away you can't maintain it okay space invader pawn black's cool with going uncastled i guess these pawns cover a lot of a lot of squares don't they i guess that's to be expected with the pawn duo so putting a dent in it do something take push now now we have some squares because this pawn's here no no no fear of the night getting flushed away queen has this responsibility i don't know how yeah that's not very comfortable there is a check maybe you could glue the bishop in okay he's going going about it like this oh take here look at those monsters a pawn duo a d f of two two black pawns on d4 and e4 scary okay this guy is the star piece he's gone but now these guys are looking pretty sweet but this is nearby fork okay oh queen takes d4 that's a monster pawn oh yeah now now there's problems black's in a pickle you could probably castle he doesn't want a castle he's stopping queen c1 queen c1 he's going to bring the rook over like this you are threatening to take this knight is pinned oh he's all pinned up every which way you could push and then push again with the discovery just taking the a pawn could take here now right got enough pieces on that we're going to have a resigner no resigner same diagonal stopping queen b1 now wow that really turned the the exchange of these two pawns that was that was in uh andrew's favor mr c9 okay double berserk game min lee both of these guys have won this event multiple times very good pairing number three versus five right now with an hour and nineteen to go furthest his van furthest advanced pawn is challenged straight away have an imbalance there queen versus rook knight and pawn in-betweeners man a lot of in-betweeners in this one nine seconds to 18 doubled up on the clock tough road head for andrew not easy oh boy these pawns are running he's in a pin careful now why didn't he push there i guess there was something wow so fast aren't you afraid running out with your king like that oh he is not afraid 1.3 in the tank okay he has fire now 49 with fire dubob does not have fire okay sarin who's in ninth okay that's how you know this is a super strong tournament right here ninth place for nihal sarin i don't think he has won this event before all right let's see bishop hair for white solid structure before both sides call it queen h5 queen h5 really don't want to play this and create two holes when your opponent has an unopposed dark square bishop so inviting another piece over into the action g4 caveman like break down the structure okay queens are exchanged not the recapture we just have this so white is up a pawn now don't forget about this bishop taking away some squares from both rooks maybe this i want to give this a square to the knight i don't think so this this can surface soon opposite color bishops yeah this is white is clearly in the driver's seat up here now well two pawns and i'm not really i'm not really thinking so much about uh so much about uh drawing chances because of the obstacle bishops the time there's no chance for [Music] a draw i don't think here yeah king has some squares still the time look at these guys the duo is better than these two split pawns also you factor in that king position you could insert the check rook here the bishop would get on this diagonal hitting the bishop first check go after the oh that was a big miss oh wow this is going to be a win though or is it is sarin gonna be able to pull off oh he is able to just keep doing this oh but the time he he just has to slip up once are they gonna make 50 moves first nope down on time yeah he was able to go back and forth like that if you ever take the bishop to draw but he was not quick enough to rattle off 50 moves i think we're getting pretty close though they may have had i don't know 40 some moves in there could have been they were flying okay jagalko who is in oh he's really come up the ranks there the doctor's first opponent sergey zagalko once more we have this duo being challenged one way or the other so now what what what we play some simple chess open file let's put a rook there bishop's opposite the king coordination here he's giving up some material seeing that that that pawn those pawns were just too strong so no good checks that is covered get rid of their best piece light square bishop you know oh look at look at how slick i love that okay he's getting this knight oh if you took here there would have been bishop a3 so alert the bishop dominates the knight look at how fast those moves are played right how many of you would have just grabbed that knight right back um i'm raising my hand all right only now seven seven or so moves later we take that knight and in the end we have two minor pieces versus a rook and pawn and we're doubled up on the clock f2 f2 setting up discoveries oh just a deflection here check the rook gets to block no follow-up well there's a check here but you're down a piece down on time okay jagalka goes down uh andrew tang is now at 57 with fire back a single point to do above okay another game no double berserk this time around against minli two very very solid players oh that's a big blunder oh no it's not b5 okay that that's not this isn't some theory is it to give away that b-pawn i don't think so but initially i thought it was winning a piece i didn't see the b5 move in the queen defending a6 okay has to go into defensive posture here team white defending a2 and c3 there are squares for the the knights well both knights have these squares nice and central doesn't allow a battery on the d-file this night queen is defending all these guys you have to recapture with the knight otherwise this will fall now he's pushing possible check at some point attracting the king to maybe a vulnerable square h6 okay he's pressing again ooh ooh that must have been missed yeah that was that must have been missed are we concerned about f6 and then queen here or a rook here yeah there i guess there was some concern there with the f6 move okay possibilities to weave a mate but not not as long as this knight is around stopping knight to f6 oh we're gonna have a resigner follow-up fork mr tang goes down 58 57 now call it 60. i'm not sure who this is some gm from russia a grunfeld let's see he's in second place he is capable of overcoming a big point deficit in the tournament standings yeah this this idea to push this f pawn is pretty serious that's that's a big problem so provoking f6 weakening e6 eyeing up e6 once more of those pieces were coordinated here now eyeing up g6 uh what am i getting at here white has the safer king once more g6 in the crosshairs three pieces hitting it what do we do we also have this nearby big problems and the clock fills us in taking with the bishop first knight takes straight away there's a queen capture first he's cool with any discovery okay white is this bishop is pinned for the moment okay [Music] he's on the rook bishop takes rook queen takes rook we have a resigner also three to one difference on the clock okay jagalko again all right down upon but backward down upon black is but white is backward here with the development pins um is this not already a winner could take that night now right yes the queen couldn't move and maintain the pin so knight f6 just this one's toast for white right giving away a pawn just to get some development in it's not the most fun square oh that's that's interesting you're going to get this no knight takes b4 saving everything he is up a knight and a pawn f5 queen side castle no queenside castle made on h2 threat this is pinned queen takes g3 is now a threat look at these pieces swarming in a lot of lines towards that king okay min lee again that was a quick pairing let's see if we're gonna get that same line is this is this really something pretty sure that that was a blunder i don't know maybe not cuz i don't know there it did feel like there was some benko gambit like pressure on the queen side after that pawn was lost look at this it's not quite mate it's looking scary though oh you don't have to give me you're flushing the queen away from defense of the bishop ooh a 13 mover all right dubov again so far two to one in do bob's favor let's see so this is he's black has tried now three different variations no this isn't the same exact uh opening here it feels like a couple times we had this this idea where black wins upon on c4 and white tries to break it down uh what a cool sequence there queens are off bishop in two pawns versus the rook all entry points are covered along the a file coordination on this square bonds are going to run a little bit mmm uncomfortable now light gets to c5 okay this bishop can't move we need a square e6 is there knight is in there um clearing the way for a night move get out of the pin though the king has crossed over so he's maybe a little bit closer to assisting these pawns b3 c3 time 25 to 27 is taking upon i think this is slipping away from white now you could take there i want he doesn't want to give up the c pawn though he wants to use this guy oh this is going to get really really scary knight takes you're not going to be able to stop this pawn if you take here this is going to be too much get this panda to c3 good luck right he's hoping for a pre-move there i think i have a sneaky move sneaky guys they're strong and they're sneaky oh just like that ah before even that game he was in first because of that quick win against min lee all right 69 62 58 he's got a seven point cushion another double berserk game against this speed demon fm let's see careful now why you don't have a knight on f3 the number one defender of the king side and you have two bishops staring at your king you add the queen you got tricks here no great bishop move with the discovery against the queen 16 to 13. queen exchange first oh this night is gonna be really good no it's being undermined wow watch out for mate king has to retreat rook h1 was a threat time time time once more oh boy he's there black is there in time not anymore he had it he had to make a different king move there it's not going to happen what was the move oh well he had he had to approach i think it was lost no matter what he did with the king there yeah white was better with their king sneaking around something like that all right he's still in first let us see up upon hanging on to it knight b-pawn let's see mate thread here both rooks are playing for white neither rook is playing for black white is up two pawns dominant pieces oh that knight is toast though oh boy yeah if the king steps over there's queen takes bishop with check okay not seeing the follow-up this knight is under control by the bishop bishop's in a pin but a rook and two bishops that's a lot of a lot of material there okay white just resigned yeah there is no attack there's a queen pinning the bishop but nothing connected with it down he goes 69 64 still in the lead though do not forget about sauron 62 with fire okay he's gone berserk in this one looking for a three-pointer with the win let us see there is no queen queen takes there the knight is defending this king is having a tough time now wants to keep the queens on take there okay huh can still castle look at that we got a pawn here a bishop acting as if it's a pawn look at that move unleashing an attack against the rook now we're on the bishop and the knight brutal man how quickly these pins are recognized check time though cut that off and now take here yeah this is this is going to be plenty of time plenty on the bishop on the bishop again four seconds mate a three-pointer just like that 72 but sarin sarn is one win away from taking the lead with an hour with an hour one to go here we go big pairing one two okay what's with this d4 e4 so after the capture we're ready to push that pawn down black's throat uncastled what's happening here queen side castle oh this this can't end well for black there's a mate threat there white is up two pawns and is fully developed oh boy problem here oh problem there still up two pawns [Music] there could be tricks here black is there to defend against that trick anything to simplify when you're up a couple pawnees a3 cozy home on a2 this is a nice square for the queen rook soft queen has a responsibility if the knight moves intersecting on f f7 some edge on the clock for white 10 seconds it's a big deal okay pressure on f7 still bishop is dominating the knight black is collecting some pawns on the queen side get out of the check king na2 can we get here this knight is now trying to do something on the rook rook still has a responsibility the knight is tricky tricky guy seven to fourteen white's gonna get this one i don't see any mates against the king yeah oh he's he's having a tough time right now he's keeping the night around not enough time this knight can shave off a second or two oh we're gonna have a perpetual oh what a save i didn't see that one coming look at this guy wizard all right where does that put us in the standing 73-72 he got sauron got two because he had fire in that game andrew only got one and now they're both extinguished okay we have just under an hour to go let's see balance material space for white this is nearby yeah getting that night there this was something to definitely consider i think instead of the rook to e1 move break up the the king side pawns opposite sides castling who stands better i don't know this night mmm this night this night which night is better problems problems problems okay h2 are we defending against h2 a simple h3 and now once more what are we doing about this problem over here okay threatening what exactly though this because the queen is there the queen of this there's this crashing through so some defense against these these moves that take advantage of the pins on the king's side now possibly a mate here don't don't forget about a a rook sacrifice straight away just to expose the king queen takes here leading to me i thought for a second he maybe didn't see it there was some there was some delay like just a second or two but there was some delay okay well that's a big loss and sarin drew his next game they're both at 73. they're putting sarn at first i guess the better tie break and better performance rating here's the number three guy dubov let us see seems to always turn a very dynamic game against dubov and once more giving giving away a pawn for this for the central play and it's in motion right now problem on e3 how are we defending this just taking now we have to cope with the pawn on e4 so if this that would drop that knight takes knight is this pawn gonna be picked up okay knight on f4 queen on g5 scary combo queen and knight near your king can't go too far the queen had a responsibility there trying to get rid of this pesky knight also collect this pawn you may just want to take here yeah get rid of that strong pawn get rid of that monster bishop and we once more have an imbalance bishop in two pawns versus a rook called even on the clock um don't call it even on the clock anymore there's a problem here f4 you can't easily defend that what's the story here after that oh so slick queen f8 what a cool move you can't move the queen in defense you can't move the queen and defend the rook that's so so slick and now we're yeah it's it's going to be a rat race 12 seconds to 13 12 to 10 you have to watch over this one base point knight is defending the rook push this guy oh boy oh boy knight takes there's queen takes rook spawn is just a step away check and then here oh oh that one's painful that one is painful [Music] oh that that one is definitely painful missing that mate he goes down he's in third now all right still a lot of time bon jovi next up in the 19 spot queen side castles no not going to take that pawn just asking for trouble knight is in a pin it feels like a mouse slip queen there probably want a queen there maybe not okay great center for black center that is only improved i think we're winning material now yeah there are two pieces in the line of fire this is not going to end well queen's defending the bishop how do you uh how do you undo this okay well we have a passer here there was a mate threat on b2 this is covered rook is hit a queen here is eyed up as well oh man here and then this this is this is the winner though he just pushed here i don't know what is that even doing though is he doing a clock ticker no he's not clock ticking okay a resigner dupov is in first 78-77-75 okay arca 50 in seven in the 17 spot a quick queenside launch here this could be an idea first planting the bishop there on c6 here we go with g4 yup interesting take and then lock that bishop in okay two exchanges black is down two exchanges too much and now the typical let's be a trading machine i mean you could just be okay with this be up a rook soon doesn't even want to take the rook patience shown there by black keeping those pins a little scary queen takes here how do you get out of the pin it's not easy okay back in a pin four pawns for the rook what an animal this bishop is how do we untangle wow we getting mate oh man we're getting mate next what a game oh man giving up two exchanges monster bishop pesky pin okay fedo save in the number five spot with the standing seven eight seventy seven seventy seven okay top three of the top three only one has fire and it's the cloud9 guy all right what kind of kind of moves is this knight going with here i don't know what that was about oh man there goes the queen oh he was expecting queen takes i guess nope that's a pretty fast win okay well he's in first no just like that okay b6 grabs my attention some interaction between the the knight and pawn there oh a fork blacks up the exchange how can we make this squeaky clean covering bishop b5 that may have been a move with the follow-up no you can't quite get to b8 the bishop is there he's thinking about some potential pin along the b file not quite ducking the rook exchange down some materials so don't exchange too many pieces didn't want to jump into that c4 square i guess okay these guys are running the queen i guess is going to be stable for as long as this knight is around rue is going to be pushed around queen trap queen here wouldn't queen here be close to trapped maybe rook to c6 trying to influence the dark squares okay if we could only like get the bishop here night here it's a long ways off though 20 seconds to 12. i'm gonna give this to white oh defending against that two pieces now to defend oh yeah we'll have a resigner okay he got another one he's on a roll that's three wins in a row 85 79 is in second troy volkey whoa these guys flew through through the first seven moves must have been a fast pairing he's getting this guy oh there goes the bishop underdeveloped white is underdeveloped is black gonna get the piece back feels like that may be nearby wants one exchange no this pawn is running though even if you do get a piece you know you're not getting this king you could take right you got the knight blocking no then the rook will take the queen so some defense of the back rank to be careful there might be rook rook takes night and then this check like if you played here i think you get the queen back oh no not quite okay this this should make life much easier where is it we have two minor pieces versus the rook after all that all right i was not able to make sense of any of that this is a problem now for white on the clock and position these miners will find good squares knight on c4 okay knight on f5 bishop on c4 this pawn maybe can fall 12 seconds to eight he's slippery penguin is penguin at how he has fought back on the clock amazing incredible incredible oh man all i could do is just laugh man it's just so so fast 89 with fire he's got 10 point edge now over sarin 367 titled players are in this one i haven't seen many pairings against bortnick ah there we go game against bortnick maybe he just hopped into page one i don't know all right so they had i'm thinking they had this same position something close to it this pawn sticks out to me from their first game space invader okay knight is under control for as long as this guy is on c6 pressure there how we castling is white with this bishop around yeah notice there isn't castles here i mean if there's this kind of damage it turns out that e7 is gonna be a rock solid home balanced on the on the clock oh now we castle now the queen is in pac-man mode this one's over two pawns and a boatload of time brutal bishop c6 nearby also this kind of stuff oh boy killer pawns taking like this right maybe to challenge a bishop if it wanted to post up there yeah there's nothing doing look at these guys position material edge time edge everything is good all right another w 93 he's pulling away 12 points over the two two spot okay not the greatest queen side structure lead in development for white bishop hair for black pretty cozy king this structure controls the knight feels like it's equal i could see just there being yeah okay still this this guy isn't doing anything how do we stop this guy construction you want to get in is white pawn on a7 where it's defended by the bishop and this rook could do some other exciting things this night this knight is having a tough time okay he has a square okay he wants to keep the knight around and now what stopping knight b4 good push why that move missing something there okay time edge for black and material edge can't move the bishop this will fall if the king goes here he's probably asking for trouble oh boy oh look at how quick the pieces fall this one's over another one another w for penguin mate how many is that in a row that's a lot in a row three four five six seven in a row for a titled arena he's cruising now 97 with fire okay 16 points over the two guy siren one versus two always a little uncomfortable here you're in some some pin all right closing closing shop in the center it's open somewhat though now with this capture instead of keeping the structure looking for this advance yes after the smoke clears this is what this is what we look to the three to two majority for black on the queen side pressure here defended conveniently by the king bishop ideally here this bishop can maybe take this pawn and why not right now also that move first yeah that's that's smooth queen here going into a pin we could take the queen take here run the pawn black clearly in the driver's seat upon great pieces beautiful centralization with the queen potential tricks here or we just keep pushing the pawn this is a threat good push right away maybe just put the queen here this is working with this kind of stuff queen d2 plenty of ways to do it with this next we might have a resigner this bishop what are we doing here i don't know about that trying a deflection okay he should be getting this killer bishops yeah you can't track this pawn down you can't have both the king and bishop easily coordinate on that pawn because of this arrangement you can't even approach these bishops can't challenge them yeah no great way to improve there that's a eighth eighth win in a row yeah you gotta watch out for this this sneaky e5 launch many of the games i i've played against andrew he he throws that pawn up there and you you could take it but you're in pre-move mode and he just missed that pawn racing all the way up to e4 it's not easy to work around this guy get this pawn on e4 you're ready for some attack maybe okay too strong i guess huh giving up a piece just to get rid of that e4 pawn but the attack continues and white is still underdeveloped where are the tricks looking at that f2 square something and there's going to be an accident here okay may return notice he's keeping pressure on something was this a berserk game oh this was a berserker game eight seconds to 18. okay we got pins this kind of stuff no rook is defending the bishop freeing up the queen was that move about he's trying time burners time burners do not work take the queen no it's not happening you can't beat him wow 0.2 white still could have won this if black ran out of time that would have been a w for white this is still winning material because you know andrew could have promoted that pawn to a knight and then you know it's possible very unlikely but yeah that's what the rules say okay i'm reminded of the game against dubov with this where he had picked up a pawn and then there was eventually saw that two minor pieces versus a rook ending okay bishop here was threatening and it's still banking some material you get that knight you take here it's defended a resigner oh boy this is so uncomfortable it's up a lot of material no a bishop in a pond resigner now no resigner incoming take push or that nine seconds is a lot no still matrix oh pawn move for me okay standings where are we at 111 with fire wow he has his foot on the gas i think night king just just jumped up there we might get that pairing again 36 minutes remaining he is running away see you in the chat chess back says he's running away he is okay siren again two and a half one and a half their score in this event look at their overall score oh let's get much more even than that okay yeah how are we influencing these guys c5 strike is in big square for this knight two big squares d6 gonna work around that guy this knight is super annoying to both rooks ooh sweeping the leg bishop takes e5 no more defense for the knight there could be an accident over here on g6 okay oh there's pins on the d file um is winning a piece right there's got to be something there's a there's a loose piece over here look at these nights ooh the fork is still around you could go here to defend or there with check and then take like that yeah that's that's even better isn't it he is on a roll cruising man 115 with fire thirty four minutes remain toy vo k three a berserk a double berserk game ten to five their overall match score let's see oh this is a disaster for black bishop hair for white crushed structure on the king's side i i i know that this is bad because i've been in this situation one too many times as black in bullet games just instinctually allowing this kind of pawn advance knight takes this idea to trap the bishop and have this done to your structure it's it's not fun at the same time this night in the end is actually a very good piece but it's never going to be enough this queen is cleaning house here checks the king is invading this pawn is passed both of these are passed time though watch out for the stalemate tricks no stalemates it's close it was black to move in this position to be stalemate not quite though and the streak continues i've lost track okay he's at 120 with fire seems to be a race for second place between these guys 120. it's huge are we gonna get a mover sarin who's now in fifth knight f3d5 something's wrong he's having connection issue how's his connection says it's a good connection andrews is always excellent let's see we've been here before where we had this structural change and they are revisiting so already looking to advance the majority play in the center once again sweeping the leg the knight is gonna be picked up and that netted black upon great queen can't take like this you drop the bishop you still can't budge with the pawn you drop the bishop so oh that is a super duper committal move down a pawn exposed king two major pieces around you're in trouble rook there at threat it's over um what's the deal there oh that would have been the shot rook d2 rook takes f7 so alert there's checks here the queen can block on f2 okay so only now does the rook invade nice nice eye right there right so tempting it is to just go here boom nice resource deflecting the queen away from defense of d2 all right picks up another one 124 with fire i i almost feel like he doesn't even need to score any more points to win this tournament 35 point edge wow okay are you gonna go king side there's already a trick if you castled right there could take with the knight to g5 fishing pole like ideas so don't be too quick to castle team black it's playing on the queen side keeping the king still in the center okay commitment made queen side it is but there's no guarantee this is going to be shut down with all this tension so now we peel stuff open capture away get at that king this guy over here nice and cozy on g1 fork but with this king so exposed it's it's hard to say that uh you know this this is this can be bad look at that in-betweener i love that one knight a5 oh that knight right there look at both knights they're gonna they're gonna work some magic the queen is going to enter look at her slipping in on these dark squares a knight on c5 you probably have to give it back but yeah your toast there the king is super cozy right here what is the queen doing these knights are having all the fun oh careful careful careful what a pesky queen does not want the perpetual get this knight here right be within a checking distance look at the king wow at this point you could probably allow look at that the king is ready to assist on a queen exchange there's going to be some forks oh take that pawn now we're ready for this it's pushing through four seconds each get to a dark square mates mate next mate next oh that was an awesome game i love that one oh man they are a tricky piece 128 with fire what's his hey i'm not able to see the uh the performance rating i think they've disabled it for this event with so many people watching so to make it smoother on the players i'm guessing i'm cool with that in the end we'll see what kind of performance it feels like it is it's got to be up there 31 31 31 uh 31 000 i was ready to say 3 100 performance rating something like that 3 000 plus there what's happening here i'm gonna have this okay that's a nice square for a bishop is he trying to remove the knight and plant the bishop here nope he wants to keep the bishop hair around knight c4 yeah he does he's not really a great piece is he knight on c4 you end up in some uncomfortable pin e6 was under fire there is a square now for the bishop okay the knight also can circle into this square here we're going to have the offer of a queen exchange what's going on okay queen d5 this knight what's the story here exchange queens exchange here go here play with the bishop here this knight still isn't doing anything exchange rook rook c8 and now we enter okay getting some material here flush that knight away stop the rook from entering the bishop is gonna find a way bishop on c4 okay the knight the knight has found a square but the time the time can the streak continue it's gonna be tough oh it's gonna be tough oh he he got that rook wow he got another one unreal 132. this mate this may be close to a record number of wins in a row for a titled arena 15 win streak who is uh i don't know does anybody know if that's a thing who is night king that's alexander bortnick oh oh boy chopper it's down upon and racing forward with that king so what's the thing here you back up and you're gonna you're gonna be in some uncomfortable pin okay wow what a guy oh so slick take here check king here check get the bishop where's the king gonna after this we're gonna move forward yeah but you're gonna get mated no bishop's there to defend one way or the other though is there a mate there better be he's crunching the numbers he's in the think tank okay he's taking a pawn he's on the bishop keep the king here where's the mate try this right now who cares about the pawn who cares about the pawn check you have a perpetual if you want it this guy here we want to keep the streak going though don't forget about the streak making one threat stopped threatened again oh rook takes no now he's setting up rook takes bishop and then rook here is a mate threat defended oh yeah he can't get at that king he's trying but it's not there yeah okay so i guess the streak is gonna have to end two seconds one second yeah point one two you only need one good time burner okay well did i jinx them there 132 what a great streak that was 24 minutes remaining 38 point lead brutal okay he's not in timeout mode is he no gonna get a game no game yet i guess we can watch this one is he in a game he's not in the game where'd he go was there a win runaway scared is asking i don't know okay we got a game the gray parrot nice move no chop neat sequence here both sides are going to end up getting the rooks in the corner or this both could have gone into c2 and c7 but instead instead it turns much more column some imbalance still i don't expect it to last i think we'll have a night for bishop exchange but why though actually isn't this knight better than this light square bishop it's preserved though majority for white on the queen side pressure on the center good post for the bishop take this guy out true bishop hair now supporting the knight on e5 and what do we do here whoo it's going pawn hunting yeah everything is secure now this is a big square scoot over or just contest the file what do we do night there there would have been bishop capture and then some pin problem here knight is not a reliable defender under 10 seconds problems oh well you could take here the root goes to any square in the world six seconds to twelve got two dangerous nights oh boy five seconds to eight he just fought back on the clock i think that was a sneaky move time burner land wow oh he didn't make that pre-move queen takes queen down on clock oh man he almost had the great parrot okay back-to-back losses we only got what 10 more games in min lee and second dubov is back to the sixth spot here okay the bishop's outside the chain black with some space provoking weaknesses now f6 oh boy unopposed dark square bishop when will this guy turn into an animal do we even care about this pawn we don't get some play here you know this may be a poison pawn you're opening up a line towards your king now maybe ready to launch the pawn okay this knight is under control don't have to worry about the knight getting into d5 this white pond probably helps black you probably just don't even want this pawn here playing as white get out of the way i want a square for my knight okay this kind of idea get into c4 this is under control remove this best piece hunting the pawn oh check first we're going for mates oh we got mate threats we're maybe going to win the night to play that b3 trying to get this kind of thing going what's going on here takes we're pushing here i was thinking this right away that would drop the rook there's a check here no great entry for the rook queen takes pawn what's the story here this is covered play here push the pawn off for a queen oh rook f8 the old deflection five to five mate ooh that's many losses in a row that happened earlier right he lost four in a row streaky player okay night king getting hit with what one g4 all right what is alpha alpha zero done to us all it's made us be ultra creative with our uh night pawns racing forward those those ais all right 18 minutes this pawn is in a pin night is unprotected out of the pin take here take there yeah but you can end up getting your king pulled in this direction that's the problem so you want to stay coordinated first before you want to complete your development before you're greedy there in the center picking up the e4 pawn showing good sense there of danger checks can we put this guy to use there's a big square here but what are we doing after this you know there's there's problems here on f2 right it's not so smooth to win some material along the d file so yeah just recaptures what the rook he's given up on trying to win a piece along the d file and what do we do here rook f7 back rank issue for black still no flight square around around the night okay and what's the body count even this is a healthier structure outside past pawn potential strong stronger minor piece here better king four seconds each forget about the objective of assessment time time time sneaky pond move you could still win this is white if you lose your pawn not anymore it is a draw no material around to me okay 133 you got a point you stopped the bleeding with the draw still raised for second very close one wow any one of the top any one of the top ten places two through ten could still win this uh win the second spot all right control this square you don't have to worry about this pawn movement if you control this square where is it going to open up okay playing on the queen side this bishop is a super defender though oh okay black recognizes that i'm ready to eliminate that bishop so i could create a target on the b file here we go at the cost of what a damaged king side structure but now there's something white has to tend to the pawn on b2 it's a little airy over here for the king though queen is hunting pawns uh what's that move oh right so slick oh man are they slick chop here first got this extend the uh create a pass pawn get a d6 d6 check potential discover checks check check here and then push oh we gotta watch out for a check here okay rook has some lateral moves now oh looking at the bishop next up check and then push oh look at that move so cool go ahead move bishop anywhere and it's mate over no way to defend the bishop and you can't move the bishop okay down he goes the grey parrot is in second 101 with fire grey parrot is the opponent one two match up let us see very beginner-like attack against this but seems to be effective well it has just netted uh quite a minor piece right bishop d7 whoops drop the knight there on the edge white will get this it's too good 3056. or will he he's panicking he's in the think tank he's gonna get this this bishop isn't the most comfortable piece around yeah control the knight okay watch out for mates knight is guarding h2 and he's making life difficult white is not making it so easy here for black he's got a time edge black oh is black even down a piece why was i thinking he's down a piece okay i just totally i don't know okay black resigned why was i thinking it's down a piece what did i miss here okay he was and then he he got the piece back i totally totally missed that now it's two pieces yeah okay in the end andrew went down for the count let's see who is gray parrot that's a good question doesn't have it in the uh profile but i mean when you're that high rated it's it's it's kind of easier to kind of guess who that could be could only be so many when you're 3 000 plus rated rembrandt thinks it's naca all right min lee is up final what five games this event andrew's made it not fun i have to stop watching him he's he wins it too easily he's not even close okay don't go too far the defend f2 scary aggressive pieces swarming the white king f7 offering a queen exchange there's a rook check still a rook check don't want to let the two pieces double here that would be too much maybe queen hears oh that's the problem here no good defense hail mary that hail mary might be there with a night move discovery against the queen he's gonna get it oh he's taking with the rook keeping this idea open white's gonna get this one check and we're gonna get mate next wow facing a mate in one how do you stir up trouble no problem rook takes g7 easy does it maybe he had to put the king in the corner oh you'd be losing the queen then okay let's see if i can keep track of who's up material wise in this game the gray parrot on board number two guy both solid structures eyeing up f5 knight g5 what to do no in-betweeners there eyeing up h3 oh really okay guess that was missed i thought the rook had to come over here although i guess that pawn would have fallen oh man 24 move kill brutal 139 a 30 point lead there goes the g pawn again off to the race is unmoved too it's like a delayed the delayed grab remote i think that's one of the most committal first moves of the game right playing the grub what is even happening in this game what's was that knight doing on d2 my eye was over here on that g5 square and i saw a black knight on d2 okay open up the c file subject the subject the queen to some problems there yeah remove the defender take here there's knight takes bishop and there's no longer a pin he's still going for this he's in a pin okay look at that look at the count here a bishop in pond black is up it's a good thing i have this crutch over here all right can't castle without dropping the bishop it's gonna go by hand bishop would be in a pin though rook to d8 okay defending queen takes pawn here it's defending against knight c6 so i want to take this i guess opening up the file towards the king okay now he is all right he's using these pieces to shelter his king okay the no that uh wasn't the plan was it made on board okay cloud9 guy goes down look at that three people in there one three players at 111 no game yet great parrot night king arc of 50 fighting it out for second spot just under seven minutes to go we're gonna get he's not in pause mode 139 gray parrot again so is this the idea that is the idea so it's like i don't know what's the name of that opening feels like a oh that's like um an accelerated or reverse albin counter gambit i believe an accelerated albin counter b alvin counter gambit okay don't go too far tonight look at this scaring the night away there is this as a defense too okay prepare to offer a queen exchange knight move yep b1 it is to watch out for this diagonal there are ways to block a bishop block barely held together offering a queen exchange and it cannot be avoided you're going to lose some material if you try and duck the queen exchange so he's out of the pin no queens around should be a little bit safer converging on this square good defense hitting the rook this is secure again oh that knight is an animal yeah that knight on c4 ooh circling in f3 lots of forks around the corner right around the corner a1 is a1 is covered okay where are we at up upon white time knight d6 only way to save the peace sneaky move man look how quick taking advantage of the pin going here defending the pawn all in a blink oh that seemed like it was close to mate there was a square though okay down on time the parrot goes down quick pairing ends abbic zero two what do we got two three more games maybe let's see bishop pair not so great structure reminded of a game artibond versus carlson carlson playing as black had a nice game did something with these pawns racing up here okay opposite color bishops how do you win this one okay we're starting with the a pawn so you take like this at least this guy's gonna be dislodged from its strong post though i think he could find another perfectly fine square on f5 okay so white or black is clearly banking uh you know wants to keep the rook around to one day win this guy and he does have a past pawn how to activate this rook okay this guy is getting way too far advanced this is tough now there we go clean road ahead for black there's no way to stop them from getting this up and look at this the super glue piece everything is defended because of this guy no they can't break any of that down okay arca has really uh well he's been on a roll five six games in a row double berserk game now against bortnick i guess we missed a g pawn advance again maybe just one more game after this setting up a discovery poison knight bishop check winning the queen would have followed okay just want a bishop the queens are off two pawns versus the bishop in bounds solid on the queen side for black looking at this square i thought maybe just get rid of that knight oh even if it cost a material okay five seconds is a lot of time especially when he is up two pieces bishop f4 check time burner did not shave enough time off the clock 0.9 made on board never enough grand master never enough right it's looking like this is the last game um thinking it won't account for the tournament with just a minute 24 remaining so let's see if we could end with a w okay space invader pawns break them down one is broken down rook takes here with some some accident happening maybe nearby continuing with a break c5 have to activate this knight okay she should find a safe ground on a light square if she's kicked this bishop is not able to get to this square so easily yeah so everything seems to be covered on the king side and i think the the play on the queen side should tell this is defended okay light square bishop is gone want some exchanges queen exchange would be nice he's avoiding that not sure why wow 15 seconds left look at the time difference brutal it's gonna be able to get this one in night blocks covers all checks time it's over no i think the tournament clock ended yeah it did 29 seconds in the tank in the end what a performance that's it it wasn't even close i think it was about a half hour ago i said he didn't even have to really play anymore he was at like 124. yeah that's that was a huge streak right there that did it for him right there okay final standings what do we have andrew tang taking first the guy from cloud nine grand master andrew tang arc of 52nd gray pair at third night king 96 fourth and min lee fifth and those are the payouts there your top five so let's see this performance rating 3123 yeah cruising 62 games played 69 win rate berserk rate 23 percent great event as usual let's have a look at the top top 100 i guess let's see page two sarn finished in seventh dropstone eighth dubov plenty of games against dubov um msb2 okay let's let's see the the top 100 here's your page two jagalko finishing in 20th well he had a rough stretch right there a lot of goose eggs tough competition 21st that's your top 50. normally finishes uh finished very i think he finished in page one national master jazugi page one on one of the bullet arenas recently okay that right there is your top 100 great event as usual as usually as usual we got to see some of the doctor's games but apparently he had enough of the uh playing on mobile while in a hot tub all right good games all you
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 43,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, world chess champion, magnus carlsen hot tub, andrew tang, titled arena, bullet titled arena, titled arena august 2021, chessnetwork, chess network, chess, bullet chess, speed chess
Id: JQ3xEfs7J8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 14sec (7394 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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