Magnus Carlsen Just Hit Warp Speed 10

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by the way this is brilliant trap that Anish just fell into poor Anish giri always the brides made never the bride and currently in the path of the Juggernaut that is the Unstoppable kagus malson this one of the greatest tournaments of the Year something unprecedented happened all that to come plus a sneaky trap Magnus playing white here he kicks off with Pawn E4 E5 from giri this is over the board Blitz chess super bet rapid and Blitz love this tournament fasten your seat belts we get a Spanish game on the board started by Bishop to B5 and now what does giri do he plays one of the most drawish continuations with the Berlin defense is he looking to add this game to his most famous Memoir Magnus has the option now to Castle go into the burlin end game with the Queens off the board he's shaking desperate to go for it but he resists he goes Pawn D3 keeps the ladies on wipes the sweat from his brow and giri now develops to an active aggressive Square hang on can't you eliminate the Knight win a Pawn on E5 well no the queen comes streaming out to D4 double hit on the Knight and the checkmating F2 Square no good Magnus starts with Pawn C3 looking for expansion later on dominating this Knight we now get castles Magnus does the same both players do a fist bump for some King safety explode out of course top professionals do that and now D6 a very common move but Anish giri he plays the more expansive D5 for a high five he's threatening to take on e4 double pressured because the knight's here as well you can take this Pawn but Magnus develops defends his Center giri takes porn re captures and now once again do you know need to go say queen E7 cover your E Pawn in case of Bishop takes on C6 well no Pawn A5 played by giri what is this we have to show this line surely you take and you win a clean Pawn here well here's the trick rookie 8 is played pressuring here and here giving a second Pawn if white wants to take hit the queen with Tempo but then everything activates for black the knight's got very squares you come back to D4 this is how the line can go huge pressure on the E Pawn and no ability to play F3 due to this pin Black's going to win the pawn back restore material open board active pieces doing fine that's why it's not played this one takes here so instead we see Queen C2 from Magnus Queen E7 from giri covering his center now and A4 Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better sings Magnus in his best Broadway impression and now giri steps away for a light refreshment comes back to the board completely forgets which direction to move his pieces in luckily it's a good move unleashes the cawn now he can bring this one round to D7 Magnus goes H3 both players giving their King some lift handzo with these bunny ear moves rookie one played pouring Some Sugar on the center pawn and giri hits that open file that's where Rooks truly belong but Magnus wants to maneuver with his Knight that's why he's using the Rook to cover with the pawn first he starts with Bishop F1 does it with a whoosh as the top guys do now we see Knight bd7 and Knight C4 of course if the bishop St there then you'd be running into prawn to see ships trapped Bishop no good as it stands E5 is pressured this night plenty of retreat squares very fluid position giri goes B six building a kind of semi banana hammock is he preparing to Fe in ketto Bishop or Rook Rook B1 played by Magnus and Bishop B7 sanity prevails Center Under Fire Bishop D2 magnus's intentions clearly on the cards here and I love the next move from giri he sees it coming he goes Queen E6 giving some Retreat room activating the queen it's great chess from both players so far Magnus expands before before giri can do anything else and now giri makes a mistake what he should do here is Retreat this bishop here or say here and there's a trick to it it's easy to see why he didn't spot this because surely after white takes on A5 everything's collapsing we're in the backat cave analysis mode you can't capture there Bishop drops this is terrible for black right well no this is the trick hit the Knight on C4 twice with the queen as well only defended once you've got to do something you know Retreat and this is how the line can proceed what a pawn structure for black what a square for the KN everything like that interesting game not played Magnus wouldn't have had to take on A5 but okay that was the way to go immediate retreat but not played giri takes given the question mark porn raptures now again he should retreat but he plays Bishop D4 very questionable move almost as questionable as wearing a shirt like this to an England game later on today very suspicious clobber he's now giving up the bishop pair Magnus doesn't take straight away pushes A5 and we're really feeling now the pressure of those pawns he's got this outside passer possibility you'd love to go C5 support your Center that kind of thing but you're always in trouble opening up this BF for The Rook everything like that instead what we see here is Rook D to C played by giri but it just gets worse he x-rays the queen yes but now Magnus picks up the bishop pair does a kaching still allowed to be played these days frowned upon being reviewed by the global chess committee right now but playable still within the eut pawn recaptures an F3 supporting that Center Knight H5 giri looking at the dark squares Queen D3 from Magnus going after the pawn and how do you defend if C5 can capture the pawn can't take back the bishop drops the Knight could take then the pawn drops anyway what to do queen F6 runs into E5 so giri just carries on with his plan suddenly he loves Bishops why didn't he go after them sooner Magnus tapes with a gobble gobble now we see Knight takes on F1 Rook re captures C5 now played using some nice tactics because the Queen's Under Fire giri does a poker face hoping Magnus won't see it he takes porn recaptures still doing the poker face but Magnus spots it he's world number one in all three time formats the bishop Under Fire Bishop k6 played now hitting the Knight on C4 and this Rook defends also steps off the xray very uncomfortable and now giri I hate this move who plays this when you're playing the end game go you're down a porn I think is correct yes down a pawn he plays Bishop takes on C4 Queen recapture and takes the ladies off the board the audience start bleeding don't you know you're playing the end game Goat one guy even starts a ceremonial plow with his favorite goat this is horrendous you're playing Magnus Carlson king of endgame and he's got a pass Pawn here what to do giri blockades the a pawn we see Bishop C3 Knight Under Fire jumps in centrally Rook C4 Magnus decides to just pogo stick along the fourth rank now the Knight comes to F4 looking for a check maybe Magnus Bon clouds to cover Knight E6 back King E3 the march with the Monarch G5 secures a square but G3 Magna shuts it straight down giri brings The Rook to the a file here not really even threatening at anything he's just thrashing now F4 played look at that PR aedon they're marching Rook C6 back and F5 the Space Invaders making their way down the board the Knight hits C7 look look at the power of those pawns with the bishop complimenting each other so well it's like sage and onion Rook B6 now played and the engine wants to just take allow the pawn to recapture kick the Knight about is horrible either way giri goes for this one and it's such a bad move that you've actually just allowed Magnus Checkmate in three but guess what I'm bigging him up as the end game go the guy misses simply Rook B8 check even I'd have found it no I wouldn't but the king K moves here you know in this line you can also kamakazi the Knight and this is how you Checkmate you shut the Trap using the pawn Magnus completely misses it takes on A6 Knight recaptures here now he pushes on with E5 still ominous Rook C8 from gir now Rook A4 Magnus bouncing Rook d8 played Rook A2 and after Knight B4 he's got a pleasant Choice he can chop that one off then start running the a PA still a good game but he goes for Rook D2 an even stronger move Rook A8 of course again you can take the Knight plant a rook on D5 but Magnus goes Rook D6 and he's set giri up hookline and sinker to fall into the Trap of Rook takes on A5 giri does it low on time maybe even sees it and he's just like you know what I've had enough because Magnus slams The Rook down on the back Rank and we've got all the same themes as before by the way brilliant trap that Anish just fell into and he's resigned the game because after King H7 not played then you see por6 on the board and the Checkmate is coming completely unavoidable there's literally nothing black can do except go Knight D5 check just start kamakazi in pieces to stve off the mate but of course this is hopelessly lost this is how the game ended and what did Magnus do in this tournament the the unprecedented 10 in a row he adopted a super grandm field unheard of what a tournament what a game smash subscribe if you want to become a grandmas results May Vary and for another epic game of chess check out the video on screen cheers
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 39,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, carlsen, Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen, magnus carlsen, carlsen chess, ches, magnus, chess shock, cchess, chess shocking, shocking chess, superbet chess, rpaid chess, blitz chess, chess history, incredible chess, chess sac, chess goat, goat chess, carlsen goat, magnus goat, magnus chess, crazy chess, win chess, chess win
Id: YSC8rmocW4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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