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come on it's still moving okay stop hey ready oh man that's getting hard to pull I hope not let's just keep going keep going Oh what up guys welcome back to another wonderful magnet fishing video I'm extremely excited we're here today don't know if you guys know where I'm at but check it out a lot of you are from around here you know where I'm at drop a comment down below I'm actually about an hour away from my home so me and Dad we're at a big public lake and look at these old docks this is why we came here boys because we have like five to six bold old docks like I've told you before our key to magnet fishing is to always fish the most popular oldest docks possible the older the dock the better the likelihood that someone dropped something off the side and we're gonna find it everything is it magnetic but we have been finding some wonderful treasure here lately welcome all you new subscribers that are new to the channel I welcome you all aboard check it out a lot of you been commenting saying hey man you need to tape the rope up so that not don't come undone so that's what I did I taped her up so I don't have to worry about it coming undone anymore oh look at this dad already caught up right when I got down here you know how he is so it's first to the dock that's old that's been in there a while all right we are ready to go I'm gonna start here out on the tip and work my way back see if I can beat dad to the punch here yeah he's already ahead man that water is green roof so I guess they have an issue with dad said they're having an issue with blue-green algae here right now I guess you're not even supposed to get in this water mmm looks like we got some line on there a line and I've extremely rusted away hook if you hear gunshots they have a gun range over here so don't be alarmed all right now it feels like I got something on there come on something on the bottom play a rock nope an old bolt and a Sam Adam Samuel Adams top say I'm Adam seasonal baby I dragged this whole thing see if we got something here oh look at that a battery battery not the usual find bottle caps and batteries it feels like I've got something on what is it now what do we got here dad look at that oh god that's a dog leash that wouldn't be a good deal that's kind of that's kind of the creepiest thing I think I may have ever found is a dog leash oh I can only imagine what might have happened there dad's got something well you got another catfish bill look at that that is the own it still works yeah that's like the fifth catfish bill that we found pretty awesome good find oh it's a chair look what dad got here I got it good look at you hold daddy's on the juice boys let me take it up here watch out you're gonna get nasty these chairs every time they are nasty and I mean nasty oh man look at that an old soccer chair there we go anybody here that needs a chair there you go brand-new beautiful ready to go old buddy over here has a little duck boat but uh here we go let's see I don't know what type of tab that is gonna get a little what do you got dad oh look at that Copenhagen can Oh doing it right yeah now you know we're doing it right we have some subscribers that know me how's it going man You Know Who I am don't ya I figured you had a duck boat and I'm like I bet how you doing got wet wet hands how you doing heck yeah around ya nice we're just out here doing some magnet videos thank you nice to meet you man my name is hunter hunter you from around here yeah about half a mile away from Chile Oh gotcha right on yeah I seen the duck boat oh my god they might know me yeah we're here this is the first time where we've ever made it out this far away so yeah we're just I'm trying to find some new docks you know yeah yeah you too man thanks for coming up and saying hi have a good one man you guys catch anything he's got a cook lunch well that was neat I wrote when I seen that duck boat pull up I'm like man I bet they know who I am sure enough here he comes that was neat so I love meeting you guys I know this is a magnificient video but most of you guys know that's been subscribed to the channel for a little while here the channel is primarily waterfowl hunting that's what I do primarily that's that's the main content here this is Magne fishing is just something that I picked up this last summer and I tried it once and I was like I love I love this this is something to do during the summer when the hunting isn't here so just like that that's that is so cool to meet a local subscriber he said I got into duck hunting because of you on YouTube so that uh that really means a lot what did you find there what is that if you guys have any idea what that is drop a comment down below and let us know got the old mud motor going look at them they got the proper way back there that's cool little thing scoots I was extremely neat meeting a local subscriber I knew it right when they pulled up I seen their duck boat with a little mud motor on it I'm like looks like two young uns I bet they know who I am and sure enough he came right up he was like Bobby nice to meet you so but nice to meet you hunter if you're watching this video drop a comment down below and I will point you out and everybody can say what's up hunter but thanks for coming up if you guys ever see me in public come up shake my hand first time somebody's ever wanted a picture with my ugly face so pretty neat oh oh yes long a little oldish and we got deep water around it we're good to go if the old eye beams on the bottom so cannot get these magnets stuck to those for sure dad got something heavy what is oh my lord you just holding up like a 200 pound object that is definitely the heaviest object we've ever pulled out forget that nope nope no it's a cinder block with a steel pull around it like from an old dock or something yeah let's not hey we don't need that too heavy we know it's there wow that's a I can't believe that magnet picked that up that's insane well 836 pounds they advertised it for it and it's no lie let me tell you alright I'm getting my magnet in here it's pretty head ain't a bad depth what six foot seven foot maybe well we got something here got something here don't think I got it nope no sir oh my yeah yeah it's full of metal look at that Wow keep giving her a whirl listen this is an old dock I I'm believing in her I have I have faith in this dock to produce some yummy treasure come on come up baby come up Oh what do we got here hey this look at that it's another pet leash it's another pet leash look at that that's two pet leashes this is an actual collar I think and then we got a huge bolt and then look at that we got a fishing lure baby oh yeah and then a ton of metal like usual I latched on to something yet again it's a little heavier what do we have here boys Oh dad oh look what I got come here oh I dropped it I got a Maglite look at that check that out I told you there was a bunch of metal look that is just literally a stack of washers on a bolt another bolt another bolt and a ton of metal but there is a Maglite down there and I'm gonna go get it alright I think I got it yes oh my god it fell again it's I think it's aluminium oh look at that dad we have been seriously he's been leaning over here I've been jigging up and down look finely yeah it's an aluminum one and like dad said dad was like the only thing that you're probably grabbing on to is the battery or inside of it that's probably the only thing that's really magnetic that's why it was so hard to get but look at that that's a beauty mag light baby first mag light we have ever found is neat it's a big one if you guys enjoyed that one show some appreciation and drop a big old thumbs up dad made it happen well that took about 15 straight minutes and dad pulled it up with the 800 pound that 800 pound does just as good as that 1150 I kind of feel bad about stealing your treasure no it feels like I got something oh look at that Harper got a new fishing pole and grab that it's gonna fall off if you don't grab it that's that strings hooked to something there we go yeah there we go heck yeah look at that is it broke looks like it's broke yeah look they tried taping it oh that's cute Harper Lee a little pull their little pink carpet in pole we'll still have to take it home to her well I'm just running down along the walkway here kind of where I found that fishing pool and you just have to go a little ways you have to make yourself stop even if you don't think you have anything you have to clean the metal off of it every time you pull this up you go four foot there's that much metal on it guaranteed know what you get you got something good look at that old rusty rusty pliers I don't know a piece of rope or something yeah it is old rope oh man there's something heavy right here oh look at that I got something oh yeah tree bass another tree bass caught yeah I don't know look at that it's a big tree bass caught some fishing line like usual what do we got here look at this it's an old rusty piece of chrome metal of some sort well we haven't caught anything here for a little bit well except for that what's there we got there a bunch of washers we've been finding a lot of this stuff this is what we haven't been showing you guys we've been catching nails a guy I think I was going deep-sea fish and had about a 2 pounder on there but we've just been finding tons of stuff like this look at that washer washers more nails so yeah this dock is loaded with this type of stuff the last dock it really slowed down we cut the fishing pole and the Maglite there but I just really slowed down all we were catching was just we're bunching our magnets up with all that loose metal but here we're at a new dock and check it out someone just left the fishing pole here brand-new pink fishing pole but here's our next dock it's small shouldn't take very long let's give her a whirl shall we well you got something on there that mold your this what is that well it looks like a screwdriver with growth around it like extremely old screwdriver or something being in there long you see that thing look at the hands I'm guessing that's the handle look at that that is old yep yep oh okay okay well that worked here we are and data Deb's always the first one to the dock he has to get the first catch all the time oh look somebody's here somebody's been sipping that blue moon here come on people pick up your stuff I got something uh-oh what in the heck is this look at this look at that tweezers look at that those are beautiful that's a little those are doctors plier tweezers - someone had them in here - get the hooks when they gut hook fish check that out those are nice those are sweet yeah those are definitely reusable wow those are nice well that was my first first throw out there and we're having look we got there stop throwing the batteries I know that's literally one of the most things we find fellas and gals is batteries of course hooks because people are going to lose hooks but batteries why so many batteries if you guys have any idea why there's so many batteries in the waters around these docks tell me I don't know if it's because of headlamps what are they throwing batteries in here for people Oh what do you got there dad he just pulled it out of the water sweet yeah - pliers in one Det look at that big old freakin treble hook that's rusted down but look at that nice those aren't too old to have the rubber on them still like that yeah yeah those are gonna clean up oh yeah underneath the dock underneath well as you guys can tell we were at our fifth dock right here it's another aluminum one the other aluminum one that we tried earlier was a no-go we absolutely found nothing but this one the water looks a little deeper out here which is good but we have literally just been dock hopping so much today I hope you guys enjoy it well let's give her a whirl boys this is our fifth doe it's real deep oh wow oh oh my it's a really really deep that's good deeper the better boys deeper the better I had something I had something watched on there dad get over here I got something extremely heavy and it's coming up I mean it's crazy heavy very very heavy you're gonna have to hit I mean I don't know what it is but if we can get it to the surface grab it before it falls off I mean it's heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy oh my goodness is still on there get ready get ready what is that what is that I caught a picnic table holy Toledo well let some okay here get it up here and let me grab ahold of it oh my it's an entire picnic table oh my oh boy oh boy it's too heavy to bring over the side we got to drag it yeah you got it it's heavy well guys huh I don't know if we can get this in I really don't know let me um yeah I know put it on its top just just flip it let go yeah just let it go let it go how'd it go oh boy okay well we're latched on to a picnic table Wow this 1,150 pound magnet don't mess around boys all right well I'm gonna try to get my rope up to the bank I'm gonna try to pull it I don't know if I'm gonna have any luck probably my magnet well oh no I'm dragging it oh yeah I'm dragging it we're good we're good all right I think so that's what we got going boys we got both ropes we're pretty sure we're attached to pull way up here get a lot of rope on it so you ready we're gonna start pulling at the same time see if we can get this picnic table out of here ready pull together just go steady come on yeah we're pulling it we're pulling it come on it's still moving okay stop hey ready oh man that's getting hard to pull I hope not let's just keep going keep going keep going keep going there we go come on baby get up here hopefully we can get it close enough to we can get out of the water there we go come on come on keep going oh yeah there it is oh man look at that boys and gals this is by far my biggest find ever oh my ready yeah oh it came off I had to get in there too you admit you want to put the magnets around it I guess if they want don't get dressed away so this is as far as we can get her out here it is that recycled plastic top and like I said it's extremely extremely heavy but I cannot believe that my magnet pulled it from there to here that water out there is over 12 foot deep easily but we're gonna wrap it up we have been to five docks today I hope you guys really enjoyed it let's see what all goodies that we found today like usual a couple batteries I do not understand why people keep throwing their batteries in the water another Bell I think this is like the fifth catfish bill that we found and then check it out a part of a chair probably and check it out first first full fishing pole that we have found it is a kids but you know what I think it'll clean up and my daughter can use it and look at this bad boy seriously that when I seen this it took me 15 minutes to get this in dad finally got it when I seen it come up and it fell off my magnet I was like oh my gosh that was a Maglite so that is awesome these are just little surgical tweezers that doctors use people get their hands on them because there is it they're extremely useful for removing hooks out of gut hooked fish so pretty sweet and then we did find a couple pair of rustic pliers and then the old picnic chair but it was a wonderful day I hope you guys enjoyed it yet again give me a big ol thumbs up subscribe if you have all you new viewers here that are magnet fishing fans I welcome you aboard to the community the Bobby got films community I'm loving what we're doing out here picnic table you know that's as far as I could get it I'm glad we found it someone literally just chucked it over the edge of that dock back there but thank you all for watching thank you Dad for being here and helping like usual we'll see you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: BobbyGuyFilms
Views: 980,242
Rating: 4.6962428 out of 5
Keywords: MAGNET FISHING DOCKS UNEXPECTED BIGGEST FIND YET!, best strongest magnet for fishing, how to magnet fish, magnet fishing tips, what magnet do I need, finding lost treasures with magnets, where to magnet fish, places to magnet fish, strongest neo magnets, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing popular docks, finding lost
Id: 2pryPn4LE-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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