MAGNET FISHING in SKETCHY City Park!!! (Cops Called?!?!)

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oh there he goes Oh what's going on flare fish BAM look at this guy oh-oh-oh should I keep it should I shave it let me know I've actually never grown this out before in my entire life if it looks terrible let me know if it looks good let me know but we're with bonds daddy himself and we're at a park that neither one of us have ever been to we found it on Google Maps and let's just say it's one of the sketchiest parks in this city it's right off a main road that's known for the most murders in this city it's always on the news well pop of the map here these are all the murders in the city and you guys can see the the road that we're on is it's pretty lined with them so the idea is to go try to find some some sketchy things I know that's a really popular thing right now all you guys want to see potential murder weapons cops called videos well we're gonna see what we can find today if we don't find anything we'll go to some fishing spots and see what lures and rods and reels and pliers or anything cool find any type of treasure while we are out magnet fishing but that's what we got going on right now got some two magnets we got there both eleven hundred and fifty-six pounds or something like over a thousand pounds each one we got a pug head we got gloves we're ready to rock and roll you guys stay tuned strapping up heavy today boys don't want to be leaving any fingerprints you know get anything crazy we're gonna have to call the cops make sure we don't tamper with any evidence or get you know shanked by a needle that's been God knows where one of the two we're ready to go though got the gloves we got we're the magnets these look at this this is the setup boys we got two of them we got the bucket well let's go see what we can find if you guys like this video let me know yes I don't know like this isn't super fishing bass but again we're probably to go to some lakes after this and try to look for some fishing stuff but we just wanted to see see what we could find out here my favorite thing what Magna fishing is you just never know what you're gonna find you never know pulling up to the first dock look at all those bugs there's got to be fish in here what do you think I mean if I were to throw a gun in the water I would chuck that sucker so I don't know if there's no I might just drop it right over here and just hope no one finds it first drop it goes nothing how deep are we well bad you got a nail let's see wow you guys are really enjoying these videos aren't you we're doing big things with our lives finding nails God what is down there trees and rice I'm stuck oh you know I'm swimming for this sucker oh dude I'm stuck this is not good I'm wedged in something oh god we might be swimming okay let me go to this other side son of a gun I spend like 80 dollars on a freaking Magnus second shock body gets toasted I will hook this thing up to my truck is it coming oh yeah all right did I catch anything no absolutely not all right dear God dude it's all magnetic and it's all like this is super weird the entire bottom of this pond is magnetic so like whatever is down there oh god I'm stuck again oh my god I'm stuck again what it I don't want to be around this thing anymore I'm gonna lose this sucker what is it yeah it must be rebar son of a biscuit folks this is botch boys probably I believe losing a hundred other magnet oh if I go win though I'm wearing flops I'm gonna actually get shanked by something I'm gonna have to go fold the Almighty on this sucker Oh magnet fishing is sick they said yeah well my dumbass just got that thing stuck and I really really really don't want to go in and get it not for the sink that I don't want to get in the water because I really don't care about its I'm telling you guys there's NASA I mean we're getting our stuff feels like it's just a nasty rebar but it's gonna be rusty and just gross but I'm gonna have to do it these magnets are not cheap and I need to make the video keep I need to keep the video alive basically I can't lose the magnet on the first spot so I'm gonna go in just like this I don't want my body exposed to any more than it has to be because if I get shanked by something probably get tetanus and die so I just I just really only got out fast so Austin's gonna stand up here and film me while I wade in the water fully clothed and in the middle of the park enjoy there's no way I'm gonna be able to get that thing there's no way hell yeah I'm doing I feel the needles and my feet already boys yeah hey tell me a story on how you got AIDS so what'd you do and you're youtuber you want to be a youtuber yeah yep yep no we're not got it all don't you don't move a muscle like that I got it it's all like rocks and three ball hurt so II just stuck under a rock then oh yeah let me just go scuba dive real quick for it oh I lost the shoe it's gone well I found it I found it I found it found it okay I got my shoe oh I never doubted you I got the magnet we're good to go all right leo and made to the next pot bombs away don't get stuck Oh God look at all those bubbles I'm turning some stuff up now first poll what do we get anything anything good no I suck got in the water for nothing didn't get anything uh well the sketchy potential murder weapon finding spot was a tan absolute bust and absolute just not happening type of deal so we're gonna move again we are we are still in someone not that not the safest area of this city and we're gonna try to find some more water some more public like this is its public but there's not a good walking pass around there's not really a lot of opportunity for people to lose items and stuff like that so we're gonna we're gonna make a move you guys just stay tuned oh wow this looks really good folks look at this well we drove downtown now we're really at the city park I don't think it's quite as sketch as the other one like the locations on a sketch yeah I mean there still could be some interesting items found oh dude there's fish there's fish in here oh look at this blue green water where's your shirt shoes crank you forget it dude little goldfish in there that's crazy I think there's a little blue yeah they're a little blue little blue gills and bass what we should have brought a rod all right first bridge I'll get this oh yeah there's got to be something down there all right bombs away ladies gentlemen all right we're gonna see what we get on the first poll I think I got something oh dude look at it look at look at look oh my goodness no freaking way look at that oh here we go we got unbox it we got to see what's inside what do we have in this sucker okay first bait we got the Bakker lures we got a little popper poppers really good for summer fishing that is that is key bait next we've got a duck an actual duck well you guys have seen I've actually been throwing this a little bit and a lot of guys don't usually happen and it has been absolutely Salang right there next we've got some big bite baits it's a little paddle tail swimmer throw this on the back of a swim jig chatter bass stuff like that you got a little square bill that's really really good for fall fishing you're really gonna want some cranks this coming fall I'm gonna make it making a tip video but you know square holes are good you got a nice cute little sticker right there some dibbles digest oh we got the prank look at that so this is a popper and a crankbait mix meaning if flows to the surface you can throw it kind of like a popper but you can also bring it down just a little different presentation it's kind of like a two-in-one deal and then we've got some rage tail menace grubs these are really good for trailers and like shakey had stuff like that and last but not least got a little wobble head this would actually work really well for that menace I've actually thrown that before but it's a it's a swingin jig head so that's nice and we got scratching win alright I better start scratching oh look at that I got free shipping heck yes well there you go that's my mystery tackle box for the month of August obviously if you guys could not tell that was a joke obviously that was not sitting in this river but want to say huge thanks to mr. tak box for helping me out with this video and if you guys don't know mr. talk about this I will link it down below you can use this promo code here to get $10 off your very first box all the links and all the codes that you will need will be linked down below they're helping me out so go help me out as well go pick some up it's a great way to discover new lures new fishing lures and like you saw they sent a lot of great bass for the fall you know stocking up for the fall I'm starting to do it right now I'm gonna be making some tip videos in September for you guys on what I do to you know prepare for the fall and attack the fall fishing fight but right here mystic box will help you you know acquire those bass have your arsenal ready to rock and roll come fall or any any of the season depending on when you get the box anyways it'll be linked down below really appreciate them hope now put it out now we're getting back to the serious magnificient don't get it stuck on the railing this bridge looks juicy forgot the gloves in truck I was not a Power Move oh it's shallow this should be easy oh I think I think I got something there maybe not mmm I don't know yet nope it's so muddy oh I got something what do I have here a bolt oh we got a bolt or screw some type of screw bolt not looking thing and we got a bottle cap Smirnoff someone got iced all right P well we're getting somewhere not quite a murder weapon but decent see you guys know I love giving you tips so here's a magnet fishing tip throw it down and then walk all the way back to where I'm at now now I'm dragging it parallel across the canal instead of bobbing it around not a bad idea right below the bridge but to cover some ground you throw it out there then you walk all the way down and now I'm just I'm literally just standing here pulling it's super easy to do and it's covering it's just sweeping across the entire thing and basically you throw it out throw it closer and you just comb this entire area you guys want a magnet I'll leave it in the description you guys can check it out I'll link the one that I've been using and you guys go try for yourself it's kind of fun find some weird items I guess I mean we haven't found a whole lot today other than mr. toggle box which was absolutely clutch but uh so far no murder weapons yet how does one get kicked out of a city park for magnet fishing you're about to find out how's it going not much magnet fishing magnet fishing fish fishing with a magnet whatever we can find why I mean it's just not something we let people do it's just like you can't fish off here it's not a fishing okay today jr. I can tell you why yeah if you have problem I call police [Applause] see you later 20 minutes lay down boat ramp closed due to high water what the hell all right now we're at a lake that I fish all the time had no idea the water was rid of this high and that it was actually close luckily we're not launching a boat and we are just gonna be magnificent off these docks it's a very popular Lake actually it's not a very popular Lake but I imagine there's gonna be people that drop some items maybe some value of some car keys some cellphone stuff like that off of this dock so we're gonna we're gonna basically Lake hop all the way home since apparently it is a legal two magnet fish in a city park I don't know I don't know buddy threat to call cops I just really didn't want to deal with the cops I probably should have fought it a little bit more but I just really didn't have the energy to to really to fight it so anyways we're gonna we're gonna start chucking around here see we find all right off the dock we go oh I guess something oh we got something Oh some more bolts bolts and screws and more screws and wow there we go really important things making money moves over here boys we're seconds later whoa we're now at a fishing dock this should be more interesting for you folks to watch because we probably find some fishing stuff maybe what maybe murder weapons but we're not really in the in the hood in a more necessarily that we're gonna see what we can find I imagine that we're gonna find some good stuff cuz this dock has been here forever for freaking many years alright first row here we go oh I got something boys what do we got is that a knife no well what is this it's like a crank what would that before coming down below what what type of crank would that be for that's that's what I'm assuming it is I got some type some type of crank down let me know what you guys think oh I got a jig teeny little jig first fishing lure making money moves pulling it up dude I got it it's something huge oh no let go of it dang it we might need a bow throw on it yeah see if you can get on it how'd you do that how'd you do that I'm on it now they must unscrewed magnificient magnet fishing throwing magnets and trying to catch like pliers and hooks and just cleaning just cleaning stuff up something big can't get it up though oh look at that oh I had a Jake hat I don't think that's what's been home just hard this entire time but his magnet got stuck on something down here we think it's a picnic table or a car something big I can barely barely inch it but his magnet somehow it got broken off so I've been trying to catch his magnet no luck we run a spin to see who's jumping in for the other magnet and to see what else that is oh yeah oh yeah I'm not doing it no way you said you agree to a bed back out of a bet three two one one done done there's no going back he just did odds I don't know you just lost odds you can't back up and I yeah yeah that's a good I thought I said what number wouldn't I say one okay I'm done Oh salty look at this dude a lot of likes oh we got an audience now so that's good no you'll be alright is that just a step yeah I can feel you kicking it is there any way that you can snorkel under there and get it a probably not you just follow the oh there he goes like the almighty like it ass no I kind of want to jump in and do it now that you're already in oh I feel like I feel like I might be able to snorkel my way down there and get that alright what do you think what are your thoughts what are your opinions on what that is it's something that's really big so I'm gonna guess it's a picnic table but like I can't really feel much with my feet besides it's a flat big object so you think it's a picnic table yeah and we can't get your magnet back no it's just a big like metal picnic table really that's that's a botch yeah alright folks last five the exhausted ourselves we're down to one magnet we're both soaking wet well I'm actually kind of dry Austin's now soaking wet knife to buy him lunch we're gonna try one last dock over here see if we can catch something or something so far our magnificient skills have been not the best Oh what do we get oh oh oh we got car keys dude yes I got a car key piece of car key I got a car key a key and a can look at that oh that a can some nails a treble hook and this is a that's a key right there that's crazy someone's car keys all right me to them a few moments later oh yeah look at that stance that's good stuff there [Music]
Channel: FLAIR
Views: 914,290
Rating: 4.4330707 out of 5
Keywords: bass, bass fishing, fishing, andrew flair, flair, afo, fishing with flair, outdoors, vlog, vlogging, travel, how to catch bass, bass fishing tips, bass fishing tips and techniques, magnet fishing, fishing with magnet, treasure hunting, finding treasure, googan baits, googan squad, epic, crazy, insane
Id: 2fqCLx9jipo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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