WEIRDEST day ever MAGNET FISHING (game warden called)

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[Music] ooh permitted F yeah yeah yeah don't go I don't think we can get through the other side [Music] holy crap y'all see that catfish right there that's a dead 12 pounder 10 pounder I don't know pen off at us well we'll say do y'all see that there is literally a basket full of crappie right there they're all dead someone left musta left in here overnight you'll see that let's let's fish first in case someone let's do this first in case someone comes back yeah if no one comes back on the way out y'all will get that and we'll take it with us because I know you can't just leave that junk here because it's not tagged yeah look at this y'all isn't this gorgeous and there's dead shat up here too yeah that crop you looked like it was still alive there's dead shad right here - all right guys first throw whoo when was threw it in it's not even that deep let's see if we got anything guys see if we got anything on our first drop a little little blade or something I feel like we got to try to get like directly under this thing to cuz say someone tries to put something in their pockets and they miss and it falls right through what in the world is on the bottom the flashlight look at that y'all we finally got something does it work no sorry sorry guys who don't work you found a phone holy crap I'm covered okay you found a phone y'all what there's stuff down there - what's all that stuff that's what I was saying you just you see all that stuff so we can either like call the warden or we can eat it look at this worm y'all I know they swell up a little bit in the water after time look at that yellow that is the biggest bass worm I've ever seen they got it - a little shaky head all right y'all this video is changing up a little bit we are doing a little bit of exploring right now there's some does this look like a deodorant stick to y'all yeah of course it was all dang there's a fish right there in the water - so you're talking about earlier look at y'all there's a basket just full of fish shame shame shame y'all shouldn't leave that stuff unattended shame how you some rope Danielle this is turning to like the start of exploring video another worm there's an old dry rotted tire yeah for real there's a whole sign you see the fat you see the fish go running out this oh say like a little blue girl where those baby catfish glass bottles look how much trash you can find just walking like walk-in the shoreline just they're not even doing anything like we're not turning over rocks or anything we're just walking looking for trash oh my gosh that's what that's what I'm thinking now it's here I feel like when the water comes up it's leaving trash on the shoreline yeah I didn't smash my camera I was just trying to keep my camera in there two pairs of pants on I guess it could have felt worse I feel like this thing that we pulled up someone's gonna come right but like why would you leave it here oh yeah about to call the wildlife and just see what they want us to do because this is is this an infraction I preach this is I think so because I'm almost 100% sure you cannot leave a basket full of fish unattended so far you move all you yeah you know there's someone over there taking a poop like right behind me like like right like right there I don't know if y'all can see it because this is a wide-angle lens but there's a dude I hope it gets a little bigger when I get home and put this on the big screen I'm gonna have to edit out like a lot of cuss words but what is wrong with people out here why are so many people just pulling over here to take poops I know I shouldn't be recording this yell I really know I shouldn't be oh dude I can see I can seem on the camera like legit legit alright guys so I my channel isn't usually weird with weird stuff but I just feel like so many weird things just happen and I I just have to share it this is like partly like my life now you know that's my channel name down below Daniel bones that's my real name and this is really things that are like I'm being exposed to forcibly like I'm in a parking lot over here I'm gonna step in a pile of human poop and then we're over here trying to film the video and then we turn around and and then and then there's a dude over there taking a poop in the parking lot pulled up and I know I shouldn't like record it I know I shouldn't laugh at people because there could be something really wrong with that guy but either way we just needed to recap for what y'all just saw and I just had to be a witness to I look over you I made eye contact with them okay could we just talk to you I don't know the NC wildlife violation people not Bush yeah hey is this officer young hey I just talked to the wildlife violation people and they gave me your number we're out here at Kerr Lake right now and we're we're magnet fishing off one of the bridges that you can fish off of and we when we approached the bridge there was a whole basket full of fish like 20 pounds of fish and it's unattended there's no one here we've been here for a few hours and we haven't seen anybody we're at the nut bush fishing area and there's like yes no there's a car but there's no one and we've been here for a long time and there's no one we had seen anybody yeah the side with the catwalk yeah yeah all right all right well thank you yeah we'll be here all right all right bye all right so looks like the officers coming down he knows it's a little suspicious a little fishy that's terrible I was terrified terrible Oh God all right but whatever we're gonna way from the officer to get down here and let's see what he has the safe word we found that down there and I don't know I reckon this way no one come back for it I mean I wanted to let him go but this crappie look kind of good and I just don't want to take it if it's if it's bad net you know what I mean this I didn't know know that that's the only reason we called Oh sharp knife I like the boots oh yeah I know ice I'm bet it look like it can we pick out that dead crappie they don't look like he's moving and his tails all bloodied up no no no I appreciate it man I really did what's the biggest catfish ever caught out here Deena what we're bored from Raleigh we was talking about that on the way out here the Virginia portion of the lake oh so I guess you were right yeah so if we get down here we got a question so we do like magnificient we literally just go around like picking trash out of waters in like public areas kind of kind of like this place if you looks like commonly fish and have a higher chance like dropping something not good recommend not here in Carolina this is the only place really in Carolina you're gonna get where you can get over the water where we get kicked out of boat ramps if we went to so we could we could physically be on the boat ramp or do we have to yeah I really appreciate that man yeah just anything with the dominant you need to be either Walter and retrieving a book to be there okay okay what day look at there you go what kind of rod is it we got the trailer strapped and we got the cranking port on nobody just found y'all I wonder if that was it I wonder if that's what weird there has to be more Scott why would that break off right why would that break all right guys okay guys look at that that's my fourth freakin shotgun shell this week another 20 gauge yeah heck yeah guys I'm telling you if y'all are ever out of these boat ramps start dragging these ledges I don't know if y'all can see that ledge right there on camera yeah I'm recording that little ledge right there at the same look at Jordan Lake where I literally just drag my magnet down this little like it's like a curb I'll just drag it down through there and that's the fourth shotgun shell I found doing it doing that that exactly it's stuck down there I don't think that's gonna come out yeah just driver just drop like right up hold on dude there's a lot of line it's not I don't think it's snapped I think it pulled loose it didn't feel like a pop dad and there might be something there because that's a lot of line careful not to get stuck on that pole you hook I don't think you'll get it oh you're making a lot of bubbles there is it on the pole dang is that a word I think she's a demon trick yo grab something and helpful get the rope you stay another rep woohoo that was actually kind of heavy how are my gloves alright guys so for those of you that like to call BS on these magnets actually being like really strong we are currently stuck to one of these metal pillars right here with a 1500 pound magnet and both of us together are not able to pull that off so we're gonna have to do we're gonna tie it to the trailer hitch on my Jeep and hopefully this line doesn't break and we can get this magnet out but I'm gonna set the camera up so y'all can see this alright guys let's try this out well like this that is the car oh yeah then I just thought okay let's see if this oh my gosh is it still connected alright so here's the first moment someone's zip right there alright you got enough dude it's gone it's gone it's telling no way we had to use the car to get my magnet back that's what a 1500 fun night it would be you don't think he's a real I'm telling you you think they're real these things are so strong we're gonna really had to use a car to get it back insane dude yeah that was a that's a first remedial I promise that's the first we got it back do you struggled a little bit just well I hope you all enjoyed that today it's just been the most different day ever I don't even think y'all gonna see a lot of like actual magnificient even though that was the purpose of this today was a weird day I feel like this exact video is over everything you know saying I'm done for the day if anything else happens to another video but I appreciate y'all for watching this is too much for me I want to have to literally call today for this exactly appreciate y'all for watching outdoors weekly go check his channel out if I mean if you're watching me you probably ready seen him before remember I have my magnets link link down in the description below if you want to go out get a thousand-pound magnet 1200 pound magnet most of those magnets link down below will take you to an Amazon affiliate link so when you buy one of those who help your boy Danny here eat food tonight so I won't eat some McDonald's tonight so when y'all go back magnet alright alright guys I'll see you next time [Music] the e-tail are getting close to Virginia [Music]
Channel: Daniel Bowens
Views: 1,873,660
Rating: 4.0284309 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, game warden, gone wrong, crazy day, magnet fishing 1000lb magnet, magnet fishing 1200lb magnet, brute magnetics, 1500lb magnet, outdoors weekly, daniel bowens, daniel bowens magnet fishing, fishing violation, crappie, crappie fishing, bass fishing, magnet fishing kerr lake, kerr lake, north carolina, magnet fishing north carolina, magnet fishing raleigh, magnet fishing america, magnet fishing usa
Id: yyJ863O0VV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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